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  • what happens when an heir doesn't cash their check?

    My sister is holding her heir check out and wont cash it. She is upset because she thought she would get more money and that I was survivor on the checking account and the courts didn't count that money. She is doing this to harass me as she has been ordering magazines in my name and giving out my personal information to request information to come to me.. I was getting calls all day and magazines in the mail along with huge bills. BUT she wont cash her check! what can I do, what will this cause? I am in Virginia.

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • I am a victim of Identity Theft, its my what?

    My sister is mad because mom left me in charge of her estate when she died. She is going around trying to say I did things behind her back. I did ban her from the house when things started coming up missing. But being an executor meant that I did whatever I felt was appropriate to close the estate. Well the estate is final and I have sent out the checks. She has continued to be harassing to the commonwealth attorneys office calling them 15 times in two weeks, hanging up on them.. then when my middle sister tried to reason with her she hung up on her too. She is upset cause I shared a joint bank account with my mother and it had survivorship. She has no knowledge of what I was going to do with the money, and at one time I considered sharing it when the other two. But she doesn't really need the money and my other sister does. Its my decision and what I talk about in the next paragraph is making that decision easier.

    WELL since then she has been signing me up for numerous magazine subscriptions and contacted wounded warriors in my name and told them that I had left them in my will and had added them to my estate. When I talked to the woman and told her that I had not sent that in and what i was suspecting, she volunteered to send me the request card. It has my sisters handwriting on it!! I would know her handwriting anywhere. She has also sent in requests for health care and life insurance. The magazine subscriptions were high dollar ones too! This is childish and I am getting tired of telling them I didn't do it. The local deputy said that I can go get a warrant for Identity theft... and that if it continues he will pay her a visit and have a good talk with her. Any suggestions? what happens if I do get the warrant? what will this cost me?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • My son has road rage,and is dangerous, what to do?

    my 19 year old son has bad road rage. his car is in his name, i feel that we cannot take the car away, but i fear for our safety when we ride with him. I am at the point that I no longer want to ride with him. What would you do? short of calling the cops...which i will do if this happens again!

    4 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • Sexless after hysterectomy?

    I had a total hysterectomy in 97. Eventually I refrained from sex with my husband because I have no desire and its painful. Its been quite a while and I still have no desire and I feel like I have fallen out of love with him. He constantly makes hurtful remarks about my weight. I am 5'2" and weight 155. we argue a lot and i just want to end the marriage. He is checking ads on craigslist and i have noticed some

    suspisous activity online. He even said I was forcing him to want to cheat. I will be frank. My kids have grown, I want to get a divorce.

    What should i do? I have no desire for a man anymore...nor a woman

    I just want to live my life on my own and be happy. I cannot be happy here anymore and in july we will be married 25 years. I just don't want to be with him anymore

    4 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Why does George and Cindy Anthony want immunity?

    Why does George and Cindy Anthony want immunity, they are asking for it before talking to authorities, sounds suspicious to me. AND they say that they do not plan to visit Casey in jail... hum.. and now the police are focusing on Lee, Caylees' uncle...sounds like someone knows more than they area saying.... anyone care to discuss?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Stormy relationships, how to build trust?

    My daughter is living with her fiance and lately they are having trouble.

    Money has been real tight and things aren't going the way he promised her. He promised her he'd pay for her college tuition,

    he told her she wouldn't have to work, and that he'd pay her bills.

    She went to work and ended up loosing her job, or well she is on

    call in basis only... not good. So she has NO money and is depending

    on him solely. He bought her a new cell phone, told her she had to activate it (knowing she doesn't have money) and then he

    told her that he cannot afford to pay her tuition, its $500. Then he

    goes out and buys nintendo wii for his nephews, and he bought them

    matching leather coats. Which was nice, but he also promised her a ring for christmas. She stayed out with some friends the night before, and wasn't home when he got up to go to work. (4am - he has a hour and half drive)...anyway she had told him where she was going and he said ok. Last night she calls me crying saying that he went out without her and that they had an argumment, and he told her he was going to the horse races and may go to a strip club afterwards. And that he may not come home because he might drink. Therefore he

    would have to get a room (more money) so theres really two questions can he spend all that money knowing they are strapped for cash, and how can they get through this? He is sending mixed signals and i tried to tell my daughter that they shouldn't be acting this way, that they are supposed to be working together. I want her to come home because I feel that the situation may lead to violence. This is a guy who is 9 years older than her and he told her that he was paying her bills and that he could do whatever he wanted, and that

    she had to do what he said.... any suggestions? and don't tell me to but out, I was brought into this by her and not on my own accord.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need information on a person?

    My daughter has taken up with this young man and I have been told that while in service in Quam he went to prision resulting from a car

    crash... I have heard a couple different versions and I am concerned for my daughter... how can I find out what happened, he won't talk about it...and I am worried

    2 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else see this? RE: Casey Anthony...what was she doing?

    Just seen this statement... and was wondering what good ole Grandma and Mom were up to?

    After the indictment, undercover officers followed Anthony as she traveled in her mother's SUV. The officers saw the SUV stop under a highway overpass, at which point Anthony got into another vehicle and drove off. Officers made the traffic stop after she entered the second vehicle

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Please help me get this information?

    I need to find information on an accident in marainaras island

    that involved a fatality, and one person being charged with

    involuntary manslaughter.... where can I get the information

    it is imperative that I get it ASAP

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a Wallet with no card holders ?

    My sons teacher wants a wallet with no credit card holders. However, every wallet I see has them. DOES anyone out there

    know where I can find a wallet that does NOT have the card

    slots? A nice leather wallet that may be has a car on it or

    can have initials on it...OR JUST PLAIN, it doesn't matter


    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • what kind of car?

    what kind of car would be best that has heated seats? I have back problems and need to get something other than my


    9 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • anyone have this?

    migrane headache, nausea, facial swelling - thought I was gonna die... still have the remanants of the headache, the dr

    gave me a shot and sent me home last night, BUT my vision is blurred to a degree... anyone else have this?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I can't get any rest/sleep here?

    I came home from work exhausted, and went to bed, therefore I went to sleep. My husband for whatever reason, comes into the bedroom and grabs my toes and wakes me up... then tells

    me that he is hungry and that our son is hungry...He's 48, our son is 18! IS it too much for me to get rest while I am sick? This has happened a LOT, he does this when ever I am sick, with headache, or whatever... If he isn't waking me up, my son comes into the bedroom and turns on the TV to the discover

    station or HIstory channel and every move that he makes, disturbs me... AND if he doesn't wake me up, my daughter (20)

    comes into the room and insists on talking to me...AUUGH...I may have to rent a hotel room just to sleep!!!!

    27 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • medicine reactions?

    I am taking ultram 200 mg once a day with 800 mg skelatin 1 a day, singular 20mg -and 300mg wellbutrin XL, nexium 20 mg, and asocal 2400mg a day, and I was also added onto prednisone 60mg a day and then a decongestant and an antibiotic. Whats bothering me is I am very hungry all the time, and the most annoying side effect is rapid heart beat. NOT TO mention that the pain med is not helping my injured back. The other meds are for asthma, allergies, sinus infection, and

    antidepressant. I am due to return to work from vacation on the 2nd, but I don't think its going to go to easy. I feel bloated, and nervious, and drugged.... not to mention I have a headache with all this..(must be the infection) can anyone tell me if its too much meds? can this be whats causing the

    dizziness, palpatations, etc? what would you do?

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Every christmas this happens...?

    my sister has a 14 yr old son who is aspergers & autistic. This christmas my mother witnessed him calling my sister

    the "B" name and telling them that they don't care for him, and

    he used the "F" word quite a bit. He also "TELLS" them when they can go, what they can do...etc.. all the while, my sister and her husband sit aside & lets this continue on. My mother told my sister that she had to do something about the boy, and sister replied, well the people that were supposed to be doing this quit on us. (These people have witnessed, that neither my sister or her husband are taking any responsibilty when it comes to the boy and his actions.) my sister feel that its societys job to deal with thier son, not thiers. AND she wonders why I avoid her, she won't control her son, and it causes a HUGE problem and its better to stay away, I am tired of her telling my family that we need to read on how to deal with this. When she don't even try herself! Could

    Dr Phil help? She wrote him!

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do I tell her? without hurting her feelings?

    My dear mother who is in her mid 60's smokes a lot. I have asthma that was a development from living at home for 22 years with both parents that smoked. My mother kept the house closed almost air tight. We lived in a 4 room house, so it was like being stuck in a smoke filled suitcase. There were 5 of us total. Well, my dear dad passed away about 10 years ago with emphysema and I have tried to talk mom into quiting smoking herself. BUT she won't. Says she enjoys it. WELL when you walk into her condo, you automatically get smothered with smoke. She doesn't smoke

    while we are there, but its like she has smoked 3 packs before

    we get there. My husband and my 2 kids and I have a time

    visiting, and when we come out of there, we smell like we smoked a carton. & anything you eat from there tastes like

    cigarettes. I love my mom, but don't want to hurt her feelings, as she takes things wrong most of the time. How do I tell her

    that hubby only visits 1 x bc of this?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • bean like cyst in bowel movement - doctors or nurses? please read?

    Okay, this sounds gross but theres no way to fix that.. My 19 year old daughter called me and told me that she had passed

    a bean like "cyst" in her bowel movement. I told her to collect

    it and save it. She collected it and unknown to me she

    broke it open, she said that it was filled with a mushy

    yellow substance. She flushed it down the toilet. So I

    don't know what it was or even have any idea. Anyone out

    there ever had this or know what this means? Thanks

    in advance

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Anyone here get shocked by thier TOSHIBA satellite A105 series?

    My daughters laptop shut down and won't power back up at all, and Toshiba wants me to send it back (its on its way) BUT her computer friend told her that I should call Toshiba and tell them about it shocking her and that they would replace it.

    I did tell them the first time that she was shocked and

    they disregarded it. ANYWAY, I was put on hold twice

    tonight over this..50 minutes the first time, and the next time

    one hour and 11 minutes and then they come up and tell

    me to leave my name and number - TOSHIBA is avoiding

    me, and I told them I was going to contact a lawyer if they

    continued to ignore me... anyone else having this type of


    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Any news on the bombing in Turkey?

    My daughters boyfriend who was born in Texas, but is Turkish

    went to visit his grandmother who lives in Turkey. Its been

    2 weeks and she has yet to hear from him. It was his intention

    to message her and keep in touch and he hasn't. They have

    been together for over a year and they can't hardly be without

    each other, so I don't think its intentional. Should we be worried with the bombing and his safety? He was going to

    bring her a gift back from Turkey and I am not sure which

    part he went to, and am worried that he may have been in the

    shopping district that was bombed? Who knows... then again

    he may be really enjoying himself and hasn't had the time to

    contact her. anywhere I can get "readable" news from Turkey

    as to the casualties, etc.? Thanks hes a cool guy and we are worried

    8 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • who gets brain atrophy?

    my husbands neurologist said this is common in everyone, as we get older this happens. My husband is 48. He is having

    trouble with memory, having trouble remembering what he wants to say and how to say it. He also has recently had

    vertigo. Which is getting better. But the reason my husband went to the neuro dr, is because it hurts to lay his head down, put ANY pressure on it at all. The MRI showed atrophy.

    dr gave him a cortozone shot today, and put him on

    loritab, and skelatin.

    please reply... thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago