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mari m
Can i use spermicides with the Nuvaring in?
i would feel more comfortable using other contraceptives with the birth control and obviously my preference would be spermicides. Would the spermicides change the effectiveness of the nuvaring? i've seen people say that its safe to take the nuvaring out during intercourse for up to 3 hours to use spermicides, is this true?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoCan I get piercings with Keloid Skin? or do a regular treatment to keep a piercing?
I have keloid skin and have been advised not to get piercings or tattoos. I really want to get my ears pierced again and i know that a keloid will form but I'm wondering if i were to put Contractubex Gel or Hexilak Gel on it regularly that it would keep it tame enough to keep the piercings. If not the gel some other treatment?
1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years agoHow do I ship crayons so they don't melt?
no i do not want to pay extra for priority mail or overnight shipping. so what can i do without paying to much extra to keep the crayons from melting?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years agoIs this my Bipolar Depression or could it be an onset of Schizophrenia?
im 18 and I've had this problem for a couple years now. I'm depressed but it comes and goes drastically throughout the day. sometimes the depressive states will last for a couple days straight. i have an irrational fear of the dark. if I'm in the dark and i cannot turn on a light i start to go into a panic attack. a lot of times i feel like theres someone watching me, even if I'm not alone. ill see things out of the corner of my eye and then they just disappear. a couple of times (its been a while since this has happened) I've seen an actual person, i couldn't make out any features but they were there and then gone. i have crazy realistic dreams, to the point where throughout the day i forget what was the dream and what is real. nothing extreme but simple things like where i placed something or if i ran out of something i need to go get. a lot of the time i can't describe my thoughts or feelings to the full amount i would like to. i get really self conscience and embarrassed easily to where i don't want to be around most people. sometimes i feel like I'm being irrational with my thoughts about people and what they think of me. etc etc etc.
i don't know whats going on.. i don't know if its a type of psychosis or maybe manic depressive disorder. i don't know..
7 AnswersMental Health9 years agoIs this schizophrenia?? PLEASE HELP ME?
I've always had anxiety and depression. but these past couple of years have been so confusing. I'm a christian and i believe in demons and I've seen them, I've felt them holding on to me and breathing in my face. but idk if thats even real. i don't know whats realistic anymore. everyone i talk to tells me different things and idk who to believe. my mom sounds like she tries to help me and tries to tell me how crazy other people are then the other persons side of the story is different. idk who to believe. its the same between her and my dad. i don't have much of friends. i have my boyfriend and one other person who cares about me. but i feel like people don't like me because of how i act, I'm awkward in public. i feel like my mom is trying to make me believe her so she has someone on her side. I DON'T KNOW WHATS REAL. I'm so confused with everything and i feel terrible everyday, tired, worn out, sick, depressed, confused, my memory has been terrible, i have nightmares every night... I'm a mess and i just wanna know whats wrong with me
5 AnswersMental Health10 years agoDo guys like to be sung to?? (GUYS ANSWER PLEASE)?
i know that girls melt when a guy sings them a song n_n love it. but do guys like that? what things do they like (something not involving sex)
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGeneral linear form?? HELP PLEASE.?
how do you write the equation if the point is (0,-2) and the slope is 3
show work please?
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoIm scared to tell him how i feel!!! D: HELP ME PLEASE. im so sad right now.?
so me and this guy told each other we liked each other about 4-5 months ago :P and he was too nervous to do anything about it so we kind of parted but we still talk. i still like him. a lot. and i don't know if i should tell him.. has it been too long?? or could he still like me?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agocalluses hurt after already playing guitar for a year :P HELP.?
so ive been playing guitar for about a year and a half but my calluses hurt like hell, especially when i play electric :P part of it is the strings or so thin it friggen feels like its slicing my skin. what do i do about them being sore??
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoI still like him and im scared to see if he still likes me?
so me and this guy like eachother at one point. we told eachother and we were really close to dating but he was so nervous to talk to me we kindof parted. but we're still friends and i still like him :P its been bout 3-4 months and i don't know what to do D: should i tell him? or has it been to long...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoso this TO ALL CHRISTIANS!!?
just watch this :) i cried. give me feedback on what you think. oh! and watch the entire thing
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade agothis is for everyone but specifically i would appreciate CHRISTIANS to read this?
may "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." -Numbers 6: 24-26
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoif anyone cares to listen to me venting.. here you go.?
first off. this isn't meant to insult anyone specifically. this isn't meant as anything but me reaching out for some sort of comfort or feeling that maybe someone cares.
im so f*****g sick of people. im so sick of people being so fake. if the world could have more patience and understanding it would be so much better!!!! i say one thing and they blow up on me as if it were so horrible. or say f*****g thank you for once. be more thankful for what you have you selfish b****.
and what is there for me to do about it? absolutely nothing. cause im young and stupid and no one gives a s**** about what i think.
5 AnswersMental Health1 decade agojustin bieber?? why do people love him so much?
seriously? why. just why. i don't get why hes so f*****g hot/talented?? whats the deal?
13 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoWhat are some good indie bands?????? help! my ipod is in pain.?
sooo i love indie music but specifically im looking for electronic type stuff (passion pit, biblio, baths.)
Baths and Biblio are probably some of my favorite. and if you wanna add the other genres of indie in there go for it :D thanks!!!!!!
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoArtists with good lyrics like Say Anything?
sooo i love say anything, specifically max's lyrics :D
any bands with similar quality??
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoWhat do you think of my cover? focus on the singing though :)?
so what do i need to work on.. oh and its the metro station one that you're looking at
1 AnswerSinging1 decade agothis guy is confusing and i really need some help here!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?
alright. so i like this guy and he seems to like me.. heres some examples of possibly why... i went up to our school office desk and he (kolby) was there and when he thought i wasn't looking (i was looking with peripheral vision) he was looking at me like i was a godess and looked me up and down then at my face then looked down smiling to himself :) and he always smiles nervously at me. but the thing is, is he seems to have trouble talking to me and when we make plans to hang he forgets and sleeps in late enough that we can't me he does sleep that late. D: i basically just suck at seeming interested so WHAT DO I DO. i don't want to seem desperate or slutty or annoying etc.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agosimple, beautiful acoustic songs?? ?HELP.?
alright so i play acoustic and i want a really pretty, indie song to play but something thats not too difficult. im good but im no jimmy hendrix
10 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoWhat are some good contemporary ukulele songs?
the only ones i know off the top of my head is nevershoutnever...any other ideas??
4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago