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  • Infant float for summer?

    Can anyone recommend a good infant float? My son is 6mo old and I live in Az, it's already getting hot and I want to take my son swimming. Wanted to know if any experienced parents could recommend a good sturdy reliable float. Something that he will be able to have good balance in. And add where you bought it or any links. Just thought I'd ask before I go out and buy one. Thanks...

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Infant float for summer?

    Can anyone recommend a good infant float? My son is 6mo old and I live in Az, it's already getting hot and I want to take my son swimming. Wanted to know if any experienced parents could recommend a good sturdy reliable float. And add where you bought it or any links. Thanks...

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 6 mo old and solids?

    How much on average should a six month old eat solid food in one sitting? I know every baby is different and everybody starts at different ages but I just want to get an idea of how much is too much or is there a thing of too much? Should I let my 6mo old son eat the baby food until he is full or should there be a limit? I'm asking this question because he just ate 2 tubs of 3.5oz gerber baby food! With a little oatmeal added. I usually just give him one but decided to let him keep eating because he wanted to. I'm a first time mom and I'm sure I'll end up figuring this out on my own but just wanted to get advise from experienced moms. And yes I'll eventually ask his doc but in the meantime any help will be appreciated......Thanks, also we started introducing at 4 mo but he really didn't get eager or get the hang of it until 5mo (I gave him a couple of weeks then tried again)

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to let baby nap in crib?

    My 5.5 mo old son used to take his naps in the living room,either in his bouncer,on a pillow on top of the couch or play gym. I got him taking naps in his crib. I'm just wondering if he now socializes his crib for nap time instead of bedtime? Because I've been having problems with him waking up at night and him refusing to go back to sleep in his crib.

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is there any home remedies for a cold?

    My son is 5mo old and got a little cold. His daddy has had one for the last week and he finally got it yesterday. As to my understanding there is really nothing you can do. I know to contact his doctor but this is something I'm not freaking out about. Just wanted to ask any experienced moms if there is anything they did that helped or any home remedies.

    I have used nasal saline drops for his nose and the bulb. Also using a humidifier at night, plus we have elevated his mattress so he is not laying flat......

    Thanks for any advise!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Will my son let me know when he's ready for solids?

    I have heard so many conflicting things when it comes to starting solids. My son is almost 5 mo old and I did start introducing foods to him when he was 4mo and he did good but I was never consistant with it because I couldn't make up my mind whether or not if he was ready and he was doing just fine with his formula alone. So I finally just stopped because I felt like he didn't rely on it and thought it was logical to wait a little longer. My son eats 7-8 oz of formula every 4 hours with a little cereal in some feedings and he sleeps through the night so no night feedings.

    I'm just wondering if he will let me know when the formula isn't cutting it for him. Or is this something I just have to keep trying until he gets used to it? I'm a first time mom as you can probably tell.....Thanks for any advise.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a website for mom groups?

    I'm trying to search for playgroups or mom groups locally. Not message boards. I'm having hard time finding anything. Wondering if anyone knew of a website where I can search locally. Thanks for any insight!!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone out there that is a first time SAHM?

    I'm a first time SAHM with my 4.5 mo old son. This last week was a hard one for me. Don't get me wrong I have a good baby but I just feel out of touch sometimes with my motherly instincts. I just find that I've been having a hard time lately and wanted to know if there is anyone I could chat with that's maybe in the same boat? Please don't tell me about PPD just want someone to talk to and maybe help me with what I'm going through......Too many details to list....Thanks for any support.

    How do I email if it says user does not allow email? There was a few people I was interested in talking to but I click on them and that's what it says.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone out there that is a first time SAHM?

    I'm a first time SAHM with my 4.5 mo old son. This last week was a hard one for me. Don't get me wrong I have a good baby but I just feel out of touch sometimes with my motherly instincts. I just find that I've been having a hard time lately and wanted to know if there is anyone I could chat with that's maybe in the same boat? Please don't tell me about PPD just want someone to talk to and maybe help me with what I'm going through......Too many details to list....Thanks for any support.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are you as parents both left handed?

    If so, did your child grow up to be a lefty or righty? My fiance and I are both left handed and we have a 4 and half mo old son. We realize that he could be either handed when he grows up but just curious as to what others have experienced. Thanks!

    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had a VBAC?

    If you have, do you wish you just had the c-section? Or was VBAC a better experience? I know people would probably think I'm crazy but I feel like I missed out on something not having a natural normal birth. I would like to try it with my second with my ok by the doctor and just wondering what other people's experiences were like and your thoughts. Thank you for any serious answers.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that your baby has ever seen a spirit or angel?

    My 4mo old son has always been fascinated with a certain corner of our living room. Above our front door we have a light hanging and there's a window up there. I thought he was just fascinated with the light but he even looks up there when it's off. Now that he's older he smiles up there and coos. Also ever since we moved him into his own room when he was 3 and a half months old, when I lay him on the changing table he looks up at something and smiles/coos. He only does these things in these two rooms. Has your baby ever done anything like this? And do you think it could be a spirit or angel? Something to that affect anyway......Thanks for any serious answers...

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is there any stay at home moms out there?

    I had my first child (son) 4 months ago. So this is all new to me and life is very different. How do you keep yourself sane? I feel so alone everyday with my fiance at work and feel like I'm surrounded with nothing but my house. Also how do you get the motivation when you feel so down and alone. This has nothing to do with mothering my son (if any SAHM no what I mean)and this is also hard for me to ask. Thanks for any serious answers.

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How can I deal with my fiance's parents when it comes to our son?

    This all started with them before my son was ever born. My fiance's mom always makes comments that irritate me when it comes to our son. Like for instance when we signed up for a gift registry for our baby shower she said our stroller looked cheap. I don't understand as to why these things even need to be said. We also got christmas pictures of him and she said she liked everything but the binky in his mouth. I won't go on an on here because there are many more things but my fiance says I take things too personally, am I? And also they will be coming here for a visit how can I deal with all this, should I keep my mouth shut if something bothers me or stand my ground a little bit?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago