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Boredom Busters Dog & Puppy Services provides private home tuition for you and your dog or puppy, as a short course or one off training sessions. We specialise in puppies and fixing recall problems (dogs who won’t come back when called). We also offer games & activities for you and your dog, socialisation walks, general advice, guidance and someone to answer your questions. Trainer Linda is experienced, kind, professional, uses modern reward based methods and is a member of the Kennel Club Accreditation Scheme for Instructors in Dog Training and Canine Behaviour.

  • How many walks should a dog walker do in a day?

    Do you think a professional dog walker should be able to do in a day?

    I'm not talking about number of dogs walked (I usually just walk between 3 and 5), just how many times they should go out and walk for an hour, or even half an hour?

    I'm asking because I'm getting exhausted on my busiest days (although actually I think it's the driving between the walks that's tiring me out) and am wondering if I'm just too much of a wimp for this job!? I also do home visits and cat sittting, so some days I can do 4 or even 6 x 30 minute home visits on top of the walking, plus maybe an one or two cat visits (30 mins each).

    I'll let you know how many I do when I've got some answers!?

    How many walks would you expect?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question about cashflow forecasts?

    I've been running my small business for 5 months now, and I've been doing my best to do a cashflow forecast a year in advance.

    As I'm catching up through the months to put in my actual takings, it's clear most of my forecasting has been too low. My question is do I redo my forecast to reflect my increased business, or do I leave it as it is and be impressed how busy I am (or how timid my forecast was!).

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How to search court records in UK?

    I have heard about a court case (not criminal) and I want to try to find out more details about it, does anyone know where I have to go to see if I can find them? I think it was in London, are there any central records? I know the names of both sides and the charge and the verdict, but need full details.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What have I done to my back?

    I was trying to lift something very heavy over a 10" step yesterday (stupid I know) and got annoyed because my son wasn't being any help so just grabbed it. I felt something in my back go, and then I was in agony.

    It's fading now, but still sore, but wondered what I'd actually done that is causing the pain.

    I've been taking strong paracetamol (can't take asprin) but wondered if I should be rubbing on some of that cream as well, or using a hot water bottle or something.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What do I do with a cat?

    I'm a dog walker and I've been asked to check in an a cat twice a day while the owner is on holiday.

    I know how to look after dogs, but cats I've only dealt with when friends own them and I've maybe had them sit on my lap for a bit.

    Before I say yes, what would I need to do? Obviously feed, water, clean tray (they are indoor cats) but not sure what else. How would I play with a cat? ec, any help appreciated! I don't want to say yes unless I know it's something I can do well.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why can't I send email anymore?

    I have been using BT internet for years, but suddenly none of my emails will send, although I am still getting emails in.

    I have not changed my settings nor done anything out of the ordinary. It's very frustrating as I can't see what's going wrong so that I can fix it.

    The error message I get says something like connecting to SMTP service failed because the server is unavailable or is refusing SMTP connections.

    I am doing everything I can to avoid ringing their call centre as I can never understand the accents and they never understand what the heck I'm talking about but never actually say so and the conversations go round and round at silly pence per minute.

    So please can someone help me? One night it was ok, then I got up the next morning and it stopped working!

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago