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  • I need help picking the right laptop.?

    I am trying to pick a new laptop but there are so many out there and I am far from a computer expert. I already own a Kindle Fire, a used Aspire 9410, and Toshiba Satellite that is about five years old. My laptops both work but are older, slower, and a pain to lug around. But I can I can burn cds and dvds and store all my music and movies on them so I want to keep them them around. My tablet is two years old and s slower than molasses and I can't do schoolwork on it very well.

    So, here is what I am looking for. Something small, fast, lightweight, durable and preferably under $200. I am also a student at an online University so I have to be able to write a lot of papers on this. I was originally going with the HP Stream but was worried about it being too slow and it seemed flimsy. So, was leaning towards a Samsung Exynos Chromebook or Dell Chromebook 11 but worried it won't funtion good enough for online school. Any advice would be appreciated. I am shopping online so it is really hard to pick something I have never seen in person.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • How long after bloody show did your labor start?

    Woke up at 6am with bad cramps, just like I was about to get my period. Went to the bathroom and having some pretty heavy spotting, even the water in the toilet was pink. Called my poor midwife 30 minutes later and she didn't sound concerned at all and said not to come in unless the spotting turned into a heavy flow like a period, if my water broke, or if I was having constant contractions.

    This is my second child and I never went through this with him. Was in labor for 49 hours but nothing preceded the labor like a mucus plug or bloody show. So I was just wondering, for those of you who have had children and had a bloody show before labor, how much longer did you wait before your labor started. Or how mush longer was it before your child was born.

    I realize every pregnancy is different but was just wondering what others had experienced in their pregnancies.

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Need help with picking baby by names.?

    I am 38 weeks pregnant and for a while thought I had my son's name picked out. Then a few weeks ago I was discussing it with my son's father and he doesn't even like the name. He just never said anything before. So we are racking our brains with some other ideas and I would love some input and some suggestions. By the way, last name is Davis.

    The original name that I like but my fiance doesn't is:

    Joshua Joseph (Joseph is my grandfather that passed away so the name is sentimental to me)

    Other ideas:

    Zayne Alexander

    Zander Joseph

    Zaiden Joseph or Zaiden Alexander

    9 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • ctrl 6 made my facebook page smaller.?

    I was messing around on facebook was making some faces on chat when I accidentally hit ctrl 6 and it made my fb page txt real small. I am have windows 7 and am using google chrome for a browser. My other web pages are ok but fb is still has small letters even if I open it in a new tab. I haven't been able to find any information on the internet about this. Can someone please tell me how to get my fb page back to it's normal txt size?

    3 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • I have win 7 security 2012 on my computer?

    I some how got win 7 security on my computer. It wouldn't let me open anything on my computer. I did some research and found out it was a scam. Tried following instructions to remove it without success. So, I discovered a registration code that worked and everything is running fine. I tricked it into thinking I bought he stupid thing. My question is now that I have this program and my computer is running normal, should I leave it on there or remove it. If I should remove it, how do I do so. I've tried several different programs that say they remove it and either don't work or I have to pay for it. When I go to my computer to uninstall programs it isn't''t even listed there...

    5 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • Migraines, Fatigue, Facial numbness. Dr can't find anyting wrong.?

    I have been having symptoms on and off for years now. I have endometriosis but I don't think that is the cause of all my symptoms. This past two months has been real bad.

    Here are my symptoms... I have headaches every day, migraines a few times a week. I had blurred vision with a migraine one day last month but usaully just have anxiety an facial numbness. I am always tired but can't fall asleep at night. Anxiety has been bad and have had trouble consentrated. For 3 weeks I had real bad brain fog. It was like being on drugs or something, but I don't do drugs. When I get bit by any kind of spider my teeth go numb and my tongue is like a cat's tongue, very bad cotton mouth. Same thing happens with some of my migraines, my front teeth go numb. Not sure if it matters but my migraines are the visual halo kind and my headaches are usually tension, probably from a pinched nerve in my neck. Also, I am 31 and not overweight.

    When this all started 4 years ago my endometriosis started and then I got bells palsy. I had an MRI to make sure it wasn't a stroke. Since then I have had surgery for endometriosis and my dr has done repeated blood work but finds nothing wrong.

    I wonder if my body has become toxic because everytime I get a chemical on my hand or get bit by something my front teeth immediately go numb. Plus I'm sensitive to smells and molds.

    If anyone has had any of these symptoms and has any clue what might be wrong with me I would so appreciate it. I have a little boy plus gong back to college soon. I need to be migraine free and get rid of the constant brain fog.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • how can get information about a pennsylvania adoption in 1923?

    My grandfather always wanted to know who his birth parents were. He was born Fen 1923 I think in Pennsylvania. He tried getting his records many years ago but was not able to. I'm wondering now that he is not alive if I would be able to access his sealed record. Is there a number to call or write to for more information?

    5 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How to find out the names of the protesters arrested in St. Paul?

    I have a friend that went to St. Paul and no one has heard from him all week. I'm wondering if he may have been one of those arrested in the protests. So, is there anyway to find out the names of those arrested there?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Why will Yahoo let me answer one question but not another?

    I was trying to answer a question and when I went to submit it I would be redirected to a page that said that Yahoo was on a coffee break! That was a new one for me. So I opened up a new tab and answered another question. It let me do it. The I went back to the previous question and tried to answer it again. Same response was given, Yahoo is on a coffee break, they are updating the site. This question was not deleted, so what is up, I wasn't rude and I didn't use any bad language.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Where is there genocide going on in the world today?

    Genocide is happening in Dafur and in Palestine. Are there any other places that this is happening right now in the world?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can I use advantage on my dog even though she may be pregnant?

    I think that my dog may be pregnant. Even though I tried my best to watch her while she was in heat there were many dogs roaming my neighborhood while she was ties up in the back yard. I noticed a couple fleas on her today but I was not sure if I could use the Advantage flea medication I have for her if she is pregnant. Any advise would help. I did wash her in natural dish soap but the fleas keep trying to come back.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you support FISA amendment Act?

    I am wondering who out there supports the FISA amendment Act. For those who are not sure what it is, well it is the bill that will allow for illegal wire tapping. It will make it so the phone companies involved in wire tapping Americans will be granted immunity.

    Before you answer, let me inform anyone who is unaware of this important fact. It is said that the wire tapping of Americans is important to help fight terrorism. Well, this wire tapping was going on for about a year before 9/11 even happened. So, if it didn't help then, why would it help us not.

    So, is there anyone in favor of this bill?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How to treat skin irritation caused by creosote?

    Trying to find a remedy to help with the pain and skin irritation of creosote exposure. This person was cutting wood posts that were treated with this chemical and then saw dust blew in his face. His face looks very red like it was sun burned and it is pretty painful. Does anyone know of anything that could be put on his skin?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Can you help advise this American how to avoid the North American Union?

    Although here in America we are told the North American Union is just a conspiracy theory, I honestly think it is real. Since every one else in the world is part of one of these unions I was wondering how Americans can prevent this from happening? Also, can you describe how your country and life has changed since joining in the union? Thank you.

    17 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What about the oil?

    Why are there thousands of questions on Yahoo Answers about the candidates and nothing about the out rage of high gas prices? We need to discuss this issue. We need to address congress. Tell your congressman that you want more energy choices. Tell them to make the car companies stop feeding the oil cartel and to make cars that accept things like methanol or even better, 100% electric cars.

    What are some of your ideas on how to fix this oil crisis?

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do I need a flash editing program?

    I'm building a website for the very first time from scratch. I have a host, a domain, a ftp server, and now a flash template. Now I need to edit the flash template but I don't really think I need to change anything about the way the template looks. I like the template. I mainly want to edit the text and pics, change the link names and stuff like that. Can I just use an html editor in my cpanel from my host or to just get some kind of site builder that will work with my flash template? The Host Gator people say I will need to get a flash editor program. They are kind of pricey considering I've already put a lot of money into starting up my site. Can any one give me some advice? Please remember I'm new at this and don't quite understand all the computer language yet. It's still Greek to me.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can a doctor release someone to go back to work after an injury without seeing them?

    My mom injured her back at work. She has received numerous calls from her works insurance company, who they have workmans' comp with, wanting her to return to work. The insurance lady faxed a release form to my mom's doctor and the doctor signed it. My mom was previously given a doctors note stating that should couldn't return to work before the 23rd and she has a doctors appointment with him on the 19th this month as well. Also, she hasn't been cleared from physical therapy yet. Well, the doctor has already signed off on this release stating that my mom, who is 60 and now has a back injury, can return to work for four hours a day and may lift up to twenty lb. That's a lot to lift! I didn't think that the doctor could release her to return to work when he already gave her paper work to not return until after the 23rd. On top of that didn't see my mom or speak to my mom before signing this paper. They want my mom back at work tonight.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • how do I put a website builder for my site?

    I have a web host but I am waiting forever for them to send me a website builder. All I have been given is a Cpanel and that's it. I know I can find a free one to download on the internet but how do I get the templates to my website. My host has left me completely in the dark. The thing that makes me mad is I paid a lot of money to use them as a host, yet a free host would have been so much easier to use. Why is that? You would think that when you pay someone for service that they would be more helpful than a free web host would be. Anyway, don't go with Host Gator. Use their affiliate program, it pays good but they have not been a good host to me. I'm still having billing issues with them as well.

    1 AnswerSearch Engine Optimization1 decade ago
  • How in the world do I use Host Gator?

    Just purchased the hatchling program from host gator. I have already had the hardest time with them. They tried to say that I never paid them when I had an email confirming that I did. Anyway, all that aside, I don't know where to start.

    Here's the deal, I purchased a domain from go daddy, another big mistake, so I can't access my site right now. But I need to know how to even start up my web site. I need like a step by step instruction manual or something. Please help me!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever been to Jamestown, TN?

    I am moving to Jamestown, Tennessee soon and I can't find much about the town. Looking for a house to rent and things to do. I enjoy hiking and other outdoor activities. I also have a 15 month old son. He just started walking this month. Are there any play areas for children too?

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago