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  • Is Pirates 4 supposed to be a sequel or prequel to the first three films?

    It kind of seems more like a prequel, to be honest. For starters, Barbossa has a peg leg. Also, a lot of the usual crew is gone, not just Bloom and Knightley. The guy with the parrot, the short guy, the guy with the glass eye, etc. If it was a sequel, why not include them? Barbossa also ends up wearing his custom hat at the very end, found below Blackbeard's ship, which he wears in all of the first three movies. I just thought if this was a sequel, there would have been more connections plot wise, but I don't think anything that's happened in the first three movies is mentioned at all in the fourth.

    I guess it really bugs me that it's not really clear if it's a prequel or sequel. The fourth movie felt really out of place, whereas the first three go together. Perhaps they're wanting to do a new trio set in the same world but not connected, I don't know. I'd rather continue the original story, personally, and see Will as the captain of the Flying Dutchman. Oh well.

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Jake Sully in Avatar?

    Okay, is it just me or did you think Jake was cute as a Na'vi too? Haha I know I'm crazy but I don't know something about him was attractive in a way. But Neytiri was pretty I thought also.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Hurt Locker vs Avatar?

    Big battle going on right now, right? lol So here's my question. I hear people saying 'Avatar should have won it was better' but then I hear people saying 'Avatar's plot has been done before.'

    But hasn't The Hurt Locker's plot been done before too? How is that movie any different from the thousand other war movies? I haven't seen it so I really don't know. What makes it so special?

    Even though one can argue that the plot has been done with Avatar, Cameron brought the movie experience to another level and for that he deserves recognition. And you can say what you want about the acting but I thought Zoe (who played Neytiri) was really good. Now that colonel guy..he has a bad actor. Very corny lines I thought from him.

    15 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • The Hurt Locker Won Best Motion Picture?

    Seriously?! It beat Avatar?!

    I've never even heard of The Hurt Locker lol. What's it even about?

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Girls, does this make you mad?

    Okay so earlier, my boyfriend was just irritating me. Poking me..putting his hand in my face, you know just trying to annoy me. And I was getting really angry after awhile because A, I was driving and B, I said stop like 10 times. So I park and we start sorta play fighting you know. And he keeps going after it, bugging me and giving me light taps in the face cause he knows I hate people touching my face. So I told him..I'm getting really angry and he needs to stop. Does he? No, he laughs.

    So then I grab this bag that has my dogs toys in it that I just got and swung it without looking. Drills him in the face lol. Then he's mad at me and won't talk to me now. Seriously! How come guys can smack you (not hard but not easy either) and drive you crazy and you tell them to stop and when you finally retaliate, they're mad! That drives me crazy, does that happen to any of you!

    And by the way, we've been together for 3 years so it's not a new thing haha.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Did you enjoy Harry Potter and Twilight more?

    This question is always asked yet I find the answers could be biased because they only read one series, or one book. And leave your judgements at the door please. I don't care about your opinions toward the authors, toward sparkly vampires, or wizards.

    I would prefer those who have read both to answer, therefore giving both equal chance without bias, but that's probably shooting for the stars. But don't answer if you only read one series and nothing from the other, that's stupid and not fair.

    So my question is this: Which series did you enjoy more? Not which was 'better written' or whatever, which did you enjoy reading more? And also, list which books you read from each series.

    I have read both series, all 7 HP and all 4 Twilight so I'm open and interested in your answers =). I'm curious to see how many people have actually read all the books from both and can give an honest answer without rudeness.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Favorite 'Almost' Harry Potter Ship?

    If you've read the HP series, you know how the couples end. What are some couples you wish would have gotten together?

    I think if it was weaved in early, maybe around year 4 or 5, that Draco and Hermione would have been far more interesting than Ron and Hermione =). Something about their characters and the whole forbidden love thing, could have worked. R/H bore me, and was too predictable.

    I also would have liked to have seen Neville and Luna. Both are odd, different, kinda outcasts at times. Would have been cute. =)

    Opinions? =)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Have you seen Half Blood Prince?

    And who the heck are those girl twins supposed to be? The ones in the slug club? No, they aren't the Patil's either, as they are in the film as well. I'm talking about the identical ones, the ones that never speak you just see them randomly lol.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you think Kristen Stewart is a bad Bella?

    Is it just me, or is she reallllly bad at being emotional? Everyone talks about this chemistry between Kristen and Rob..maybe I'm blind but I see him being passionate but I feel nothing for Kristen's character, Bella. Her voice sounds so fake when she tries to be passionate or caring it's almost laughable.

    Kristen seems like the type of actress who can do comedy, like a female Michael Cera, or even depressed and scared but not dramatic and emotional like Bella.

    Though I will admit, she did a little better in New Moon than Twilight. Perhaps the director told her to keep her hands away from her mouth and hair and to stop stuttering, I don't know lol.

    Why cast her, why?! It drives me crazy! lol What do you think?

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Twilight Saga: Eclipse movie?

    I know New Moon just came out so that's the big talk but I haven't heard anything about Eclipse lol. I guess they're done filming...but I haven't seen any pictures or anything! Has anyone heard anything or seen shots? Just curious =)

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What did you think of New Moon?

    I think Chris really nailed it, for the amount of money they had and the short time. No, movies will never be as good as the books but I think he did a great job. Finally no blue depressing lighting with the up close shots! lol

    *sighs* And yes, Kristen is still not good lol but she did better than she did in Twilight.

    Who was your favorite in the movie? As in who portrayed their characters best?

    I'd say Jacob and Aro were my favorites, as in who really stepped up to their character.

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • New Moon Wolf Pack Bodies?

    Why is everyone going on about the wolf pack bodies? They are skinny and Jared is flabby! lol. Yes, Taylor looks nice but still it's not where it should be. Am I the only one who thinks the wolf pack wasn't as big and bad as they should be? I was expecting like..the guys from 300 or something lol.

    And Robert, why is everyone going crazy without his shirt. I wanted to yell, 'put it back on!' lol. Sorry he's too skinny for my liking. Call me picky but they are supposed to be buff and THAT is not buff.

    What do you all think? Do you think they should have gotten bigger guys for the wolves?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you like the new One Tree Hill?

    I really don't care for the new character's they're trying to replace Peyton and Lucas. Alex is the most annoying character ever made on tv..all Quinn cries all the time. Clay is a fag, lol.

    Gosh I One Tree Hill without Lucas isn't even worth watching anymore! I miss the high school days..with Karen..and Whitey..=( Booo

    What do you guys think?

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Do you think Zuko and Katara should have gotten together?

    Okay so I really like Avatar lol. I'm on the last season now..last disc actually. I already know Katara and Aang end up together but does anyone else think she should have ended up with Zuko?

    To me, I love Aang but he's too young for her. And he's also too old. If that makes sense. Of course he's the main character so he's going to end up with the girl but still. I think it would have been cool since fire and water are opposites..opposites know lol. Plus Mai is sooo depressing how could anyone stand to be with her. Seriously..

    Why aren't they making a 4th season? I mean come on. Four elements, each season after an element but only making 3? It doesn't even make sense!

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Who would you cast in The Last Airbender?

    Okay I love the show, and yes it's crazy I'm 21 haha. But anyway, who would you cast for these characters:

    Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Mai, Toph, Ozai, Iro

    I think it would have been cool to use the actors that are the voices of the characters..but I don't know how told they are.

    I'll add my list in a minute. I need to figure mine out =)

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What's your least/favorite Harry Potter movie?

    Okay we're 6 in! What's your favorite and least favorite? And why =)

    Here's mine


    Goblet of Fire - They left out a lot, but I think it captured both the magic and the seriousness without being choppy. Though HBP was funny, it was too choppy for me. I hate when scenes jump too quickly.

    Least Favorite

    Order of the Pheonix - Way too choppy and too many scenes were cut. It was too serious and they left out so many funny parts from the book. The end was great, but the rest wasn't.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • A new Victoria for New Moon?

    Heard on the radio today that Bryce Dallas Howard is replacing Rachelle. What do you think about this?

    Apparently because of a scheduling issue? But I heard Catherine say Cam (James) had a busy schedule so they shot his shots first. Why wouldn't they do the same for Rachelle? I mean I think Bryce is a much better actress but still. They should replace Kristen instead! lol sorry I can't stand her voice or acting.

    I think Summit just has no idea how to run a popular film; Warner Bros. should have bought Twilight.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is this the real Volturi for New Moon?

    I saw this on a website, is this really them?

    I don't know how I feel about it yet..looks a little fake lol. But then again the Twilight staff has no idea what they're doing with make up. I swear with Jasper's new hobbit hair and poor Carlisle's face paint, it's sad. What do you all think?

    I think the eyes are too much; I prefer the red eyes in Twilight better.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Have you seen the movie Push?

    There were some things I didn't get.

    Why did Camilla Belle survive in injection at the beginning?

    What happens to Cassie's mom?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • If you're good with Photoshop Elements 7?

    I want to blend more than one picture together into one, if that makes sense. How do I do that? Thanks!

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago