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If you're reading this then I've either offended you or peaked our interest. Both of which are small victories for me! Anyway I is Alexis I is 22 I have good life. I am live with foster parents who are never here since my dad is an IPL I do MMA and do other martial arts independently. I like girls and bikes. I have spent the last few years looking for myself and for something. I've been all around the world and have studied with Imams, cardinals and rabbis. I'm also In the middle of trying to get a BA in psychology, food science and religious studies and then I'm going to go for something a bit more creative. Ummmm yeah that's it I think, Oh and I have 21 dogs which is a lot less than you might think. Ok anyway I'm gonna go smoke a bowl
Info on Yu-gi-oh?
So I was wondering if anyone could tell me or show me somewhere that has a list of all the anime/cartoons listed in order and seasons for each and could tell me the last or current series?
Also how or where would I learn to play the current card game? I used to love the original >_< Still have my original deck. Anyway thanks <3
3 AnswersComics & Animation6 years agoAny way to get Xbox 360 composite cable and HDMI at the same time (for capture card)?
So I got a capture card but I can't put the HDMI cable from the little box to my Xbox because the composite cable has a little plastic bit blocking the HDMI port on the Xbox. Is there any way I can get around this without breaking the plastic cover? Maybe a Composite cable without the little plastic bit? Thanks <3
1 AnswerXbox7 years agoHDMI and Input cord (Colored Ones) won't fit together on the 360?
So I recently got the AverMedia game capture HD II but when I try to plug the HDMI into my xbox (The slim one) It won't fit because of a little plastic tag on the input that blocks the HDMI port. What the flying f*ck am I supposed to do?
2 AnswersXbox7 years agoBest capture cards for PS4, 360 and XB1?
Hi! I need a capture card that will work with all my consoles but I need the best. It's been a while since I had or used one and the last I had was an elgato so something as good as or better would be awesome :) Thanks <3
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoIn the Christian faith would it be considered a sin to?
Stand naked in front of a mirror saying BOOOOOOBIIIEEEEESS for three hours?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat are your opinions on Ken Ham?
Bonus Question :D Would you go to the creation "museum"?
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoDoes god watch me masturbate?
If so can I sue or charge him for it?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoGenuine question for Christians.?
If God is real and you get to the pearly gates but it's full of extremist Christians, gay bashing homophobes and everyone who embodies the negatives of Christianity and not the good loving accepting Christians and is not at all what you expected, would you still want to go in?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat is the weirdest thing someone has ever said to you as an insult?
Mine would have to be that my autism is gods way of punishing me for choosing to be a lesbian >_<
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoOpinions on the "Vaccines cause Autism" Movement?
9 AnswersSpecial Education7 years agoChristians, Do you take creationists seriously?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoHow do you like your toast?
23 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years agoAsked not to stay in a social group because of how I look...?
Ok so a friend of mine invited me to join a social group for people with Aspergers syndrome between 20 and 25 and the first week was fine. We met twice a week and went out for food and to the cinema. There was only one other girl and myself and then 5 guys and 2 organizers one male and one female, On the second week one of the organizers pulled me aside and told me that she wasn't comfortable with me in the group and that "Someone like me who dresses like that" shouldn't come back. So I didn't go the next two weeks until the other organizer called me and asked if I would like to come to the next meet up and they missed having me around and Kim, the only other AS girl, missed having me there. I told him that I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable and he said I never did. So I'm kinda confused that Out of the two organizers there one would tell me not to go and the other would then come back. I told him, and my friend in the group about what she said and they both said "she'd never say something like that" So I really din't know if I should go back but last week I did anyway and she ignored me all night until when we were all saying goodbye she pulled me aside again and if I wanted to continue in this group I'd have to take out the piercings, cover my tattoos and start wearing more appropriate clothes. The most revealing thing I ever wore was shorts and a tank when it was boiling and that's more than I'd wear most days >_< I really don't know what her problem is :(
4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoTitanfall or Bound by flame?
Two completely different games in completely different genres but which should I get? I want both but Titanfall is said to be CoD with mechs and I really am bloody sick of CoD but Bound by Flame is supposedly like Witcher 2. And I didn't really like the combat in that. So which should I go for?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoWorried about KC cavalier?
Ok, my King Charles Cavalier is 5 years old, male, neutered a few years ago. Recently had a minor surgery to remove a small growth on his eye. Anyway for about 3 weeks to a month he has been a lot more lethargic and less playful. He can't jump and is very slow climbing stairs.
Every so often he will just wince, whinge or cry out. He's never liked being touched under his front paws and would wince when anyone tried to pick him up like that (even when he was a pup) There's nothing I can see or feel. What could be wrong? I'm bringing him to the vet in two days but in the meantime I'm really scared:(
1 AnswerDogs7 years agoI MUST AWAY TO A LAND OF SLUMBER?
Leave me offerings and tithes of whatever the hell you decide you want, or ignore this sh*t.
Before I go however, I must share with thee a secret so terrible and grandiose that it could topple civilization as we know it, or save it from it's path of self destruction
That secret is....
I sleep naked.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoHow would you react to this?
So some of my friends got into this childish daring contest and I somehow got roped in. I was thinking about getting one of them to put on a dinosaur onsie and carry a free hugs sign around the street for two hours on saturday. How will people react? I want him to be a little embarrassed but have to hug people. Could this work?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years agoWhy do kids nowadays rush to label their sexuality?
It seems to me that kids as young as 11 are saying they're bi or gay or whatever, When the hell did sexuality start to concern 11 year olds??? What is wrong with the world that children who should be out playing are inside online talking about their sexuality when they haven't even hit puberty? What the actual Fuzz?
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years ago