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Wood Uncut

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. . I'm just some bloke who thinks too much ...

  • Is this the difference between religious folk and atheists?

    The answers to this question (thanks Death) suggest that Christians can believe whatever they chose.;_ylt=AoMn1...

    Whereas I for one find it impossible to believe in something that makes no sense to me. If it doesn't fit my worldview then no amount of wishful thinking will convince me. Only sufficient evidence to make me reconsider my position can do that.

    So what do you all think? Are you capable of shifting your beliefs at will? Or are there limits to your credulity? All answers welcome.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My friends. What are you most appreciative of...?

    assuming you are, of course!

    The fact that you are alive to enjoy the good things in your life?

    The fact that you have a brain complex enough to analyze, remember and compare the world around you and hence know what you enjoy?

    The simple fact that there's something in life that you enjoy at all!?

    Or .. something else?

    (For me, I guess it starts with being alive at all. If I wasn't .. I wouldn't be able to ask this question, would I?)

    And as a 'bonus', what are you enjoying today?

    Good wishes to all.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians! What do you think?

    I still see people saying that atheists are here because they are searching for something (God presumably). That they are in 'rebellion' because they don't like to be told what to do. That they deny the truth.

    And yet I see atheists repeatedly saying that they do not choose their disbelief; just that God makes no sense. That they do not lack morals and behave according to society's norms so are demonstrably happy to do as told when necessary.

    So I wondered how many Christians (though anyone may answer) believe that we all seek to fill some 'God shaped hole'? That atheists are just rebellious kids and when the going gets tough they will see the truth?

    Tell me what you think please.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, how do I add My Profile as a tab on My Yahoo!?

    The new Yahoo! profile is disturbing my Zen-like calm and spiritual poise!. Like an obstinate koan, I cannot figure out how to add MyYahoo! as a tab, although oddly, if I had a Face Book profile it would be a mere click away.

    Who can enlighten me? Who can cut through the duality that is Yahoo! and put my mind at rest?

    Why here? Because everyone knows the sharpest of minds reside in R&S! Thank you.


    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I add My Profile as a tab on My Yahoo!?

    My Yahoo! has tabs. How do I make My Profile appear as one of them please?

    1 AnswerMy Yahoo1 decade ago
  • Foolishness? Or Wisdom? How do you tell?

    The Fool was once considered the wisest at the court of the King. Taoist sages are said to look like tramps, unconcerned with what people think of them. Hindu sadhus live in dirt.

    Several saints were said to be so close to God that they appeared mad to ordinary men. Tricksters are said to be essential to creativity and Mullah Nasruddin made a good teacher, albeit an odd one.

    But it is surely as easy for a fool to appear foolish as it is for a wise man?

    So how do you tell who is a 'Holy Fool', who will lead you to wisdom, and who is .. just an ordinary one?


    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are there any schools of philosophy that view humans as perfect as we are?

    All the religions and personal philosophies I am aware of see humans as flawed. Either through some concept such as 'sin' or in our perception of the world around us.

    All appear to believe that in order to live happy, fulfilling lives, the average person will need to make some changes, either in what we do or think.

    So I wondered whether there's anyone that has ever suggested that we're fine as we are?

    Dogs don't wonder if they would be more likable if their tail was a little longer. Cats don't fret about the colour of their fur. And elephants don't seem to consider that life would just be that bit better if they could only lose a few inches from around the waist line.

    Why not us?

    17 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else feel like this? That it's just of academic interest?

    Yes, it might be a bit ‘sacrilegious’, particularly here, but I don’t actually care how the Universe arose. Oh, it’s of intellectual interest, like any other scientific unknown. Just as I’ll be interested to see what the Large Hadron Collider comes up with when it starts working.

    The same for existence of God. While I don’t personally believe, for all I know we create our own reality and all those gods, goddesses, angels and whatever people believe in exist for them just as this computer exists for me.

    On a day to day basis, none of it really matters. What counts is the food on the table, whether it will rain when I walk to work and what time my wife and daughter can be expected to get home from school. The here and now. Stuff you can touch. Those are my little anchors on ‘reality’.

    And the rest? The sunny days, nice cups of coffee and meandering about R&S to see what my friends think of it all? The icing on the cake.

    Anyone else?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So what does lies beyond?

    The Taoist teacher Casey Kochmer wrote

    "Science is fact

    Religion is faith

    Magic is perception

    Know these boundaries to discover what lies beyond"

    What lies beyond?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you embrace the truth lightly?

    Casey Kochmer wrote "Embrace truth lightly to have the clearest view of the world" and I wondered whether this strikes a chord with any of my friends here?

    And how would you go about it?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My friends. Have you ever walked between the rain?

    There is so much space between the drops. Have you ever played in this way?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question for my Christian friends. Do you ‘get’ atheists yet?

    So how many Christians here understand that we atheists think differently? Maybe our brains are wired up differently, I don’t know. But we simply see the world from a different perspective from you. Within a different frame of reference. In three words, we lack faith.

    Consequently what you see as ‘proof’ of your God’s existence, we do not. When you look around and see evidence of God’s creation, we simply see … the world. A wonderful, extraordinary, beautiful world. But just a world none the less. No God, no miracles.

    So to say our minds are closed, we refuse to humble ourselves, we don’t want to believe, is just wrong. Cruel even. Would you tell a colour blind person they aren’t trying hard enough to see the blue blue sky? A deaf person that they are being obstinate in refusing to hear Beethoven? I hope not.

    Faith. You have it. We do not. How does that not make sense?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • YOUR Tax Dollars!? Spiritually speaking of course!?

    In the UK we have a State financed health system. That means my money goes to help people who are sick or worse off than myself. Personally I'm fine with this 'spreading the wealth'. I consider it to be a way of helping my fellow men.

    So why do I see in some recent broadcasts from the US people so against such a thing? Suggest public funded health care and some people start screaming "Socialism! Communism!" or whatever!

    I understand that there is a strong ethos of self reliance in the US. But some people seem to take it to extremes. On the one hand people call the US a Christian nation, on the other react indignantly to the idea that they should use their money to help those less fortunate than themselves.

    Anyone care to give their views?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you care to tell me about athames?

    For those of you that use one, I am curious to know where you obtained it, what you use it for, how you store it. Anything really.

    And does anyone use anything else instead? I read of some Discordians using a fork!

    Oh, and I know what one is, thanks. I just wanted to hear whatever you feel comfortable telling me concerning your personal use of one.

    Thank you.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How well do you live up to your beliefs?

    How well do you practise what your faith or beliefs 'preach'?

    Me? Not so well. My diet is all over the place, I often have very little balance in my life and all too often forget to be compassionate, simple or humble (the 'Three Treasures' of Taoism).

    How 'bout you?


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • WHAT is RELIG?? (Mostly for Fireball!)?

    If this isn't philosophy / psychology / history but RELIG, then what the heck is RELIG?

    Can I get more than a one line answer here please?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Black Iron Prison. Do you know anyone who has broken out?

    Or is it only bliss-bunnies out there? Just wondering.

    Someone once asked Tim Leary “And now what?” He said, simply, “find the others.”

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My friends. What setting is your 'thermostat of happiness' turned to?

    "There is the concept of a 'thermostat' of happiness - when a big event happens to you, whether it is positive or negative, the spring stretches, but returns back to its former state quite quickly"

    So my question is, do you consider yourself a naturally happy person, largely unruffled by life's ups and downs, or not?

    And for anyone that wants to play; how about a number on a scale? Let's say from 1 (miserable as Eyore on a wet day) to 10 (SO happy people just want to slap you!) Me? 7-8.

    Oh. My source article, for those that are interested:


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My friends (and anyone else)! Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

    Or is that just another 21Dec 2012 thing? What do you think?

    And for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, but still feel compelled to answer:

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago