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W4 form tax question?
Both my husband and I just got new jobs and we are confused as to what to claim I already put 3 but he has not filled his w4 out yet was claiming 3 a mistake and now what will my husband have to claim.
4 AnswersUnited States1 decade agowhat is minimum wage now?
9 AnswersEconomics1 decade agoA question about turrets syndrome?
My niece was recently diagnoised with touretts and general anxiety disorder. However, I 'm not sure that it's right, she only has the hand flapping and I'm not sure that she has a vocal tic except that when she wants something she will ask for it over and over again. She has social anxiety's and seems immature for her age. Does this diagnoise sound right to you? I'm not sure how my sister would react if I told her my concerns.
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoMy husband got his tooth pulled and now there seems to be part of the tooth left?
If you run your finger across the top of his gums where the tooth was you can feel a sharp shred of tooth has this happened to anyone else his denist is not open tomarow and it is hurting him
4 AnswersDental1 decade agohow hard is it to replace the tie rod ends on 1996 mercury sable I think it's the outer but not for sure.?
Also could you tell me if there are any special tools needed to be able to do the repair.
4 AnswersMercury1 decade agoAnyone else have a perforated eardrum and spinal fluid leakage?
My husband fell off a jet ski on Saturday and fell on his ear at the time his ear hurt but not too badly. Before the accident he already had a hole in his eardrum but today he had a severe headache and went to the emergency room, they said that the hole was pulsating and that the drainage from his ear could be spinal fluid leakage which could lead to brain infections. So he will need a CT scan which will be performed by a ear nose and throat specialist tommarow hopefully but has anyone had this happen to them and if so please tell me any information you might have thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoQuestion about getting child's tonsils removed?
She is 4 years old and suppose to get the new procedure done called colbation tonsil removal. I would love to hear from anyone about recovery time and just thier experience with this.
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoI accidentally swallowed a piece of gum earlier today about 7 hour ago,?
I know that if something is hard to digest like gum it can cause problems with your gallbladder and I have a bad gallbladder. Since it was 7 hours ago do you think that it would have already had time to affect me.
10 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoWhat could be the problem with my 97 ford Taurus?
There is bad shaking in the front of the car all the time but espically when stoping it needs to be aligined but this seems like more than that the tires are not that old.
5 AnswersFord1 decade agoTax Question?
My husband put 0 down on his w4's because his employer said that it would take more taxes out, but he is married and does have a child. When we fill our w2's can he still claim us and be eliagable for earned income, we were within the limits as far as how much he made this year, for the earned incom but will him claiming 0 change things.
4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago1997 Ford Taurus repair question?
It has an alarm on it it and we had a wreck that hit in the back on the left of the car we took it to get repaired and now every time we want to start the car we have to hit the alarm button on the remote or the car will not start. Also we are having problems with it not starting at all sometimes and it has to be jumped could this be related someone said the alternater but if this was so then how could it continue to run and start fine after. Could it be electrical problems
4 AnswersFord1 decade agorepair question on a 2000 ford ranger?
I think that there is a oil leak in the front or the rear seal. Does any one know how hard it would be to repair myself or about how much it would cost to get a mechanic repair it.
4 AnswersFord1 decade agoHurt my foot over a year ago and it still hurts?
I was running and all of the sudden I had a very intense pain around the long skinny bones underneath the pinkie toe and the toe beside that. I couldn't put any pressure on my foot for days finally I was able to walk on it. It still hurts sometimes more than others but what could this be if it was broken would it not have healed in a year.
2 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoCredit Report Question?
What could it mean if you requested your credit report and it was being held. They have also held my husbands.
1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago1997 Ford Taurus making popping sound when turning sharp?
21 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoTax Question?
I was planning to file taxes on line at But my question is will I be able to get better refund if I went to H R block, is there tricks they know that I would not my husband made very little this year I think 4,100. The only other income is my daughter's ssi disability benefits.
4 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoshould I get layers cut into my long hair or a spiral perm?
I have really long hair and it just seems flat and I wear it up most of the time because I just don't know what else to do with it. Would layers make a difference or would that be a mistake it is stright but it can be frizzy. Also I have always wanted a spiral perm but have been afraid my hair would never be the same does anyone know how much lengeth it takes away and how much mantaince a spiral perm would be
6 AnswersHair1 decade ago