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Lv 43,948 points

kristi p

Favorite Answers18%

I am 26. I have a wonderful, hard working, devoted and handsome husband. Together we have Emily Rose (picked the name way before the movie) who is 4 1/2, Maria (Mia) Noelle 2 1/2, and my sweet baby Isaac 10 months old. My life is busy but sweet. I love yahoo answers b/c I get much needed interaction with people that I miss being a stay at home mom!

  • Looking for a sexy backless top?

    I can't seem to find a backless top. I've looked online at forever 21, Express and Maurice's. Anyone seen one somewhere??

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Men who have been married for more than 5 you still lust after your wife?

    Or does it eventually just become part of the routine of marriage? I am just feeling in a bit of a slump with my husband. I remember when I used to be able to drive him crazy (in a very good way) and now I sometime feel that it is mundane. He enjoys himself. But I want him to chase after me....count the minutes til the kids go to bed and then rush me upstairs. In comparison to now how he watches tv til we go to bed and sometimes wants it. More often he will fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night and want it. Are these ideas just silly after being married for 8 years? I feel like my sex drive is kicked into high gear and I would have thought he would have loved it. He seems less interested though. What do I do??

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • can anyone set up a facebook page to raise money for a cause?

    And if so how do I go about doing that?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • My 2y/o was banging on the keyboard and now my screen is going side to side instead of up and down.?

    I have tried turning off the computer but it is still messed up. It looks like I am holding my screen on its side. Can anyone tell me how to fix this??

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Those of you who love Obama, if (when) all that conservatives are warning us about..?

    When all that conservative voices have warned us about actually comes true...will you still defend Obama's administration and just make more excuses or will you admit you were wrong.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • The insurance companies are the most regulated industry a nd can only raise rates with gov't

    so why do we keep hearing about how greedy and evil they are. Wouldn't that mean that our gov't approved of those price hikes. Hmmm...why hasn't Obama mentioned that???

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If this healthcare bill is so great, why does Obama have to bribe his own party to vote for it?

    The "cornhusker kickback", the "louisiana purchase" And all the other cutely named pork in this bill or in other words "Obama using MY money to bribe the democrats to vote for this".

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these ideas for signs at the next tea party?

    I am really excited for the next tea party on April 15th and I want to start on my signs. For mine, I was thinking a square like the periodic table with Baracks picture in it and Bo and then something like H2Bo "Hydrogen peroxide kills capitalism on contact" And by the way yes I did get that idea on here if some of you recognize it. My children will be going and I wanted to make a sign with them that they would think was fun to get them more into the day. So, I thought about letting them color a sign of Mr Crabs from Spongebob and put it on a sign that says Obama you barnacle, Stop spendin all me money!" Any other suggestions?

    And I already know what the liberals on here will think of my signs and the tea party so go ahead with the insults...Im ready.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Yanswers is a healthy addiction for the lonely and depressed?

    Because I think I am both. I am a stay at home mom with 4 young children. And going anywhere is so exhausting that I end up staying home all the time. I can waste so much time on here. But isn't that ok. Better than getting drunk right?....right?

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone else noticing people in this country finally opening their eyes to what Obama is doing to us.?

    Even my grandmother who has voted democrat her entire life and has always hated republicans with a sizzling red hot passion, she is completely disgusted with her party (specifically Obama) It seems to finally be sinking in.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Stay at home moms with several long do you go with out having alone time for yourself?

    I am pregnant with my 5th. My children are almost 7, 5, 3, and 15months. (and the "then why did you have so many kids" remarks are unnecessary) I love my kids they are wonderful as is my hubby (most of the time) But I am just in a place mentally where I can't muster the will to do house work b/c it seems completely useless. With only me doing any cleaning/laundry etc. It is just an unwinnable war. My hubby is the worst about picking up after himself and get so annoyed with me when I ask him to. Anyway I am feeling just ...BLUE! I just can't get this "why bother" feeling to go away. And I just can't seem to find any time to de-stress of decompress at all. I truly have gone 3+ months with out having at least 2 of my children with me and usually all 4 of them with me round the clock. And when they go to bed thats when my hubby feels he wants to get his time with me in. Anyways,,,I just feel overwhelmed in general I guess you could say. Even getting together with friends and their children doesn't seem appealing because I can hardly have a conversation when I am constantly having to deal with one thing or another with my 3 year old and 15 month old. Any moms in the same boat or who have been with some advise or encouragement would help.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • question about care for uncircumcised son?

    Ok this may sound weird. I'm in the US and most baby boys are circumcised here. So when we decided to not have my son done I feel like we have gotten conflicting advise on how to care it. My Dr told me to retract the forskin and wipe around it everytime I changed his diaper which just seemed to really irritate it. Then a friend of mine whose son isn't circumcised either said not to pull it back until he was several years older. Then when he was a few months old. He got a sebaceous cyst on his penis. Which the dr said was totally harmless and will go away as he gets bigger.. Anyway I am just not confident that I am caring for him the best way. I know in the UK most boys are not circ. so what is the norm there??

    22 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pregnant with a girl which name do you like?

    We have Emily Rose, Maria Noelle, Isaac Aaron and Olivia Jane. We are pregnant (for the last time) with a little girl. We are thinking Hannah or Zoe. Which do you like better? And what about a middle name? We were thinking maybe Claire?

    26 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • EBAY HELP-Should I buy this IPOD I know nothing about them.?

    I am wanting to buy a used IPOD on ebay. THis is the description of one that is up to 20.50.

    i got this ipod last year. i cleared it of all the songs. there some scratches on it. but its in good condition. the only thing is the top of the ipod fell off the white piece. the usb and the ihome pillow are also included. ihome pillow is really neat and has a little pocket for the cord. it is zippered up on the seam.

    Does it sound decent? I have never had and IPOD and I want one for when I run. what do you think??

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Just started running and have some questions..?

    Ok so I have decided that I want to run a 5k in the fall. I found a "couch potato to 5k" running program that I have been doinf faithfully for almost 4 weeks. Question 1: At some point will I be able to just go for a run and enjoy know just go and run for 35-40 minutes and not feel like I have to be pushing myself and forcing myself to keep going. I have this fantasy that I will be taking a jog and getting lost in all these deep thoughts. Right now I am like.."How long have I been running" And question 2: (this is a little silly but)...How long do you have to run to start seeing some real changes in your body. I am tall and thin but not muscly and I am hoping my butt will ....well...improve. How long before I see that happen?

    3 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Can you download audio books onto an ipod or mp3?

    I don't have either and am thinking of getting one. Can you download audio books on either??

    8 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Twilight Question...?

    Ok so I am on book three...LUV IT!!!! But I keep hearing that there is a 5 book out there this true? How many books are in this series? I went on and it confused me... so is there a 5th book? Or is there going to be??

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do you train your dog to "guard" your children?

    We are going to be getting a lab/german shepard mix puppy (9months old) The previous owner is a chicken farmer who says that the shepard in him has him constantly corralling the chickens which he can't get the dog to stop. My question is can I redirect this instinct in the dog to my children? For example. I have a 2 year old son who is a little escape artist. Know how to unlock windows and climb out even. We have been doing everything we can think of to keep him safe and secure. But I would love if he and this dog (and my other children of course) could form a deep bond and that the dog could learn to stay with Isaac. Is this wishfull dog dreaming?? How do you cultivate that kind of relationship with a dog? Or does this kind of thing happen on its own. Any advice would be appreciated.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How much exercise does a lab puppy need?

    We are getting a 9 month old lab/german shepard in a few days. How often and for how long should we exercise to keep him from being to "nuts" ... as labs can be. Would one 30 minute run/walk a day be enough plus a big back yard to play in during the day?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago