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  • What else should we tax?

    With a Scottish Doctor suggesting we should tax chocolate to pay for obesity, what else should we tax? Other than the traditional alcohol, cigarettes.

    Lycra - to stop those who shouldn't....

    Caffinated drinks - That's an addictive high first thing in the morning.

    Joy.... Why not?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is there a conspiracy on British Motorways?

    I travel into London daily on the M1, its not an easy journey and it definitely isn't a short one. On a couple of occasions in the last week traffic has been brought to a stand still by the electric signs, Normally it goes 'Queue Ahead', then the speed drops to '60' then '40' and then you hit the queue.

    Everyone of these queues that I have been caught in over the last week has immediately started moving again with free flowing traffic when it passes a sign saying end. No obstruction, no incident, no police nothing. The signs appear to slow the traffic creating the queue.

    Is this some new insidious conspiracy to make motorists burn more fuel so they have to buy more and the government maximises tax. Or am I being paranoid?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How can the government possibly claim that the banking industry has learnt it's lesson when this is happening?

    I'm incensed by this, my own Mother is having to sell her house because she has a mortgage with Northern Rock predating the existing troubles. They make no effort to help their clients that I can find but the government feels this will bring the staff greater unity and ease the pain of seeing colleagues lose their job.

    An absolute joke.

    The same problems before repackaged, giving out bonuses on the back of dodgy business practises. Personally if the government wants to motivate the staff (and I have had first hand experience of them) then they should be forced to move any and all personal debt into the bank. They contributed to their own downfall they should suffer not be rewarded.

    (Please excuse the rant the question at the top is valid though).

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How many times did James Bond get shot?

    In the older movies pre-Daniel Craig did Bond ever take a bullet. I know he dodged enough but did one ever find the mark, even a glancing blow would do?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • At work which is worse?

    Hitting the office toilet seat and finding it freezing cold


    Hitting the office toilet seat and finding it still warm from the previous occupier.

    30 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what the flashing lights are when I close my eyes?

    I close my eyes and I see flashes and patterns of light on the back of my eye lids. They don't change if I cover my eyes with my hand.

    Anyone know what these are, not worried just intrigued.

    6 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • How do you dodge out of a grim high five?

    I know someone who has a compulsion about the high five. Now this is fine and I am more than happy to go forth with the hand slap, as I was always taught you never leave a man hanging. But on a few occasion now I have crossed paths with individual X after they have exited the toilet. They have immediately put the hand out their.

    Some might say this don't seem too bad but there are a couple factors plaguing me. It's always the right hand and I know he is right handed. Plus I'm not certain there's more than a splash and dash done at the sink.

    Is there any way of dodging out of the High Five with out giving mortal offence?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I was listening on the radio last night, Gordan Ramsay was on the radio...?

    Does anyone else think he sounds like Tony Blair. Has that same broken way of speaking with way to much energy. Obviously this is between the swear words, I don't think TB ever swore in public.

    Is it just me?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the point of the CCTV smart cars the councils are employing?

    I live in the Lambeth council area of London. Every day for three months there was a smart car with a CCTV camera sitting at the end of the road. We are a very low crime area with a police station less than three right turns away. Yet this car sat there every morning with two guys in it. It faced a no entry sign to another road that could have been accessed as it joined in a T junction if not for the no entry sign. I have never seen a car ignore the sign so I am assuming it's not for that.

    The car left about a month ago and has been back a couple of times. It was present for another long spell at the start of the year.

    Does anyone know what the council use them for, it's normally gone after 8pm so its not there to record any criminal behaviour.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • A question from a cynic. Have we dodged a bullet?

    We draw to the close of the Bush administration and the world has not been wiped clean with the dishcloth of nuclear war. It is by no means in a better state than when he start, war in two foreign countries for what most perceive as 'resource development' (or hunting for oil). Most of the world is entering a recession and more than one institution the analysts would have said could never fall lies in ruin and rubble but we're here still.

    Would it be justified to say we may have dodged a bullet?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • The menace of Dihydrogen Monoxide, should it be banned?

    Following a recent item in the New Scientist I thought I would bring the cause of Banning Dihydrogen Monoxide to the attention of the Y/A community.

    For more information please review, but in brief Dihydrogen Monoxide has infiltrated every lake, water way and reservoir in the country and has even been detected in the Antarctic. Inhalation can be fatal. And quanitites have been discovered in test on living subjects from almost every known animal and vegetable grouping. Yet no government has made any effort to address it proliferation.

    So I ask you good folk of Y/A would you support the banning of Dihydrogen Monoxide?

    9 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Another excessively scripted question because I'm bored. Which would you chose?

    You walk in to a room so long that the far wall is hidden in shadow. The double doors lock with an echoing click as they close behind you. In what you assume is the centre of the room stands a man and three small stands. You go forward and stand before the stands. The middle one has a message that explains whats happening. The air in the room is laced with a neurotoxin and the man has the only key to the only door. On the two other stands one ball rests on each. One is red the other is blue.

    The man will decide your fate but will remain mute, he is also immune to the toxin. You must select a ball.

    Before you entered the room he chose which would be the coloured ball to give you freedom, but you have no way of know which it is. The room is sealed and you have a fifty fifty chance of success, what would you do?

    Red or Blue, and why? How would you escape?

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would the world be a better place if...?

    We separated off the celebrity people in to a special enclosure/environment not unlike the Trueman Show. There could even be a massive studio complex so that they could still make films and t.v shows. There could be thousands of secret hidden cameras and luxuries and stuff, and everyone could watch their every move.

    That way we the normal people could watch them at our leisure rather than have them thrust at us constantly instead of real news every time they fart. But then we could leave them alone and not be irritated by pointless attention grabbing antics that always ends with the 'celeb' claiming invasion of privacy.

    We would still be invading their privacy but they love it, why else would they play the media and people crave to be famous but at least it wouldn't be so obvious.

    Just wondered if this would make a better world?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Which are you more like?

    The immovable object or the unstoppable force?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Postman Pat gets a 21st Century revamp...?

    He gets a gyro-copter, blackberry phone and a motorbike with side car. But what gets me is that he's being compared to James Bond. Don't get me wrong I like action and adventure and I'm sure kids do to, but the most recent Bond movie was a little edgy for children surely. I don't think I could deal with a Postman Pat torture scene, with the nudity, the chair and the rope.

    That's not something I would like to have to put into context for the 18 month to 3 year olds of today.

    What say you?

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • You stand at the moment before life...?

    And God appears to you in the ether. He has two paths for you but wants to give you the choice (he's generous like that you see). On the one hand you can live a long unremarkable life and die in your bed happy but not quite content. The world will not mark your passing, you'll have a family and they will be by your side.

    On the other you could change the world, your foot steps will send echoes through history but your time will be short. People will build monuments to you and text books will chart your rise. Your life will be a testament to both the heights that can be achieved and the costs they bring.

    Which would be your choice?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • A Question about Smarties?

    Is the orange one the only smartie with a flavour? I can only taste the orange one the rest just taste of chocolate. And yet in the ingredients list there is Beetroot juice concentrate. Has anyone ever discovered the Beetroot Smartie?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who's on your hit by a bus list?

    Which no-list celebrities are on the list of those that you wouldn't be bothered about if they got hit by a bus?

    Mine are Jade Goody

    Amy Whinehouse

    All the other contestants from big brother/reality T.V

    To name a few.

    Am I alone in loathing some of those desperate media junkies who will do anything for attention, to the point that if it were announced they had departed from this world I could not care less? Is it just me?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What would you do.........?

    You are trapped in a room with no obvious means of entry or exit. The walls are stone and the floor and ceiling feel like concrete. Air is supplied by a row of ventilation holes at the bottom of the walls. Light is provided by two halogen strip lights at the join of the ceiling and the wall, they are covered in a metal grill.

    You have lying beside you:

    3Kg of Cheddar cheese in a hemp bag.

    One unlit match

    The complete works of Shakespeare with the commentary notes.

    A workshop metal file with a blunt end

    And the clothes you are wearing, all pockets and linings have obviously been searched and are empty.

    How would you escape?

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have we had the whole of the bible yet?

    All those answerer's that copy and paste sections of the bible into religious questions regardless of whether its relevant or not.

    I am wondering whether they have actually managed to get the whole of the bible on to Y/A yet. What do you reckon, the bible is long but not that long, some of those answers have been prodigious.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago