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Liberty against the NWO
I fight for freedom, liberty, justice, and educating We The People. I oppose ALL evil (including the New World Order and other criminals in the Bush administration like members of the CFR and Bilderburg) and with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ I will take down ALL evil in my path. If you want to debate me, ya better have your FACTS straight, because I research and present true evidence (not your normal New World Order media which unfortunatley most Americans are brainwashed on). My statements are not made lightly and you will be hard pressed to prove me wrong. I suggest that if you are not aware of how criminal elements of our government have been participating in acts of treason, that you vist these links and GET INFORMED!!!
Sony Xplod stereo not playing woofers with CD's?
I just installed a sony Xplod, with the radio everything works fine, front, back and woofers all work. But as soon as I put in a CD the woofers and rear speakers do nothing. Any ideas why it is doing this? Its very frustrating.
3 AnswersCar Audio1 decade agoWhat do you think the top things that can be etched and are cool to give (or recieve)...?
... as gifts for friends? I'm thinking beer mugs or wine glasses or something like that with their name on it. Anymore ideas? Thanks in advance.
2 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoDo you know who the real Terrorist are?
Memos Prove Rumsfeld Directed Psychological Terror Campaign
Cheney Orders Media To Sell Attack On Iran
Neo-Cons: Make Bush Dictator Of The World
History Channel Hit Piece: Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies & Journalistic Fraud
U.S. supported al-Qaeda cells during Balkan Wars
4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoWhen you stop and take a look at the star studded sky...?
or the trees, or the beautiful nature around you...what do you see? How do you feel?
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhy aren't alot of Americans questioning these things?
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi
Please dont offer your response without researching these topics on your own (instant responses will be ignored). I'm talking about our freedoms and this is serious folks! Trust me, I didn't want to believe this either...but the truth must be told. Thank you.
22 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoWhy were U.S. interceptors halted for 1 hour and 52 minutes on 9/11?
The White House removes shoot-down Authority from military field commanders on wayward aircraft over U.S. airspace (implemented on June 1, 2001), and in the 10 months prior to The White House directive, military interceptors were scrambled successfully on 67 different locations (Associated Press 8/12/2002).
16 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhy would you vote for anyone but Ron Paul?
If you think everything is fine, if you theink the American people are not being lied to by its own government....nevermind, go back to your football and American Idol, and worship your pleasures and yourself. The rest of us REAL AMERICANS are out there fighting the information war!!!
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoOpen Attack On American Middle Class?
Are you aware of our country's self destruction?
3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhy were the Browns arrested?
If you can not pay taxes and yet still vote as an American citizen (24th Amendment)...why were the Browns arrested?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhy is the majority of Americans asleep while...?
tyrants are running a muck? They've devalued our dollar, they've put AIDS and mercury in our vaccines, they've lowered the acceptable IQ of military men to 75 (retarded is 70), they put poisonous chemicals in our water and food, they are trying to remove our 1st and 2nd Amendments through gun control and corrupt police...the list goes on and on. Please dont take my word for's all documented and proven facts! Do some research and then tell me I am wrong.
9 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoEver notice how user boldtruth07 acts like a Nazi?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoCorporations have the same rights as Humans? How does that effect you?
If ya didn’t know….
After this law was illegally passed in 1886 (Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific R.R. Co.) it has been a plague on our Democracy. Corporations can claim any Amendment, such as the 14th Amendment for discrimination rights to stop local communities from protecting their small, local businesses and keep out predatory retailers or large corporations convicted of crimes elsewhere, or claim the 1st Amendment for the right to deceive people in it’s PR (like when “Big Tobacco” wouldn’t admit cigarettes are addictive and cause cancer, and the cover up with asbestos). Even worse in 1978 (Boston v. Bellotti) by one-vote majority decision corporations were decided to be “persons”, making it legal for them to give HUGE quantities of money to political causes through the right of free speech. Thereby making the average American citizen voter (i.e. We the People) have to compete with Corporations on unequal footing. Corporations are here to serve We the People not vice-versa.
5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhy are we allowing the Constitution to be trampled under the feet of feudalistic tyrants lusting for profits?
If you dont know about Corporate rights invading on human Constitutional rights please don't bother to respond. You wouldnt be informed enough to make an educated response.
6 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoAre you a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative?
Or are you just for the Constitution? I believe in We the People and the Constitution, period.
19 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoBedtime for Democracy?
How can we allow corporations to be mingled in any way with government interests? Its called fascism!
7 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy do Corporations have the same rights as Humans?
After this law was illegally passed in 1886, it has been a plague on our democracy. Corporations can claim any amendment right and keep vital information from the public as well as pay off politicians whom have their best interests in mind. Corporations never die, they just get bigger and gain more assets & power. These corporations have gotten so big they control most main media outlets, shut down local businesses with insane price undercutting, keep renewable energy from being a reality, buy politicians that will be their puppets, and will eventually control anyone who is not rich. Are you aware that this is only a few steps away from fascism/feudalism?
Only humans should have human rights. Corporations can have the right to keep trade secrets and that’s it! Thomas Jefferson must be turning in his grave.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHelp, Im locked in at my friends condo.?
The dang lock wont open. People outside and inside working on it. The lock is damaged or something. We removed the screws & knob and are trying to get the lock to unlock but are still locked in. Please Help!
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago