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  • Small claims case regarding band?

    I have a band and we play in bars and clubs. We are quite reasonable but the owner failed to pay us. I served her papers for small claims court and she issued a counter claim saying that I assaulted her and she is asking for damages of 950.00. I did no such thing and was in fact polite to the woman as I wanted to get paid so I could pay my band. What can I do. The claim I filed comes to court on the 23d of month. Can anyone help. Can I file a further suit against her? Her claims are hurting my business. I heard from other bands she has done this before.

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Haunted house? No joke. Has anyone ever heard of this?

    Lived here over four years. My wife and I are 62 and expect some physical problems, but were never seriously ill or had any serious problems before moving in. House is old, built 1892. Divided into 2 separate apartments at some point, probably the 70s. No lead paint or anything like that. I Live upstairs, full 2 bedroom apt. Not bad, clean. Family downstairs has been moved in a little before we did. Here's the problem. Everyone down there has become ill. Different things, serious back and joint problems with husband, psychotic episodes with wife. It's been one thing after another. They're young, 40, and nice people. The same type of stuff started occurring with wife and I two years ago. High blood pressure (230/120) for me when I finally checked it, high cholesterol. Several back pain. My wife started losing her vision and we found she had cataracts. Did the surgery and though her vision is good left eye still bothers her. She woke up one morning two years ago with sever pain in the shoulder. They did everything to her for months and nothing was found. She's never been overweight and has never used sugar or drank soft drinks. Eats a real healthy diet, but was diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol 2 weeks ago. The month before that I had to take her to emergency room for high heart beat (191) They fixed it with a special shot that re-regulates the heart. I developed kidney stones over the last several months, and three weeks ago woke up with a swollen knee. It's super painful and I can hardly walk, but I absolutely did not injure it. It was just there in the morning just as my wifes shoulder. Here's the point. A few months after we moved in I found myself looking at the stairway that leads down to the front door and thinking of a little girl. It sounds crazy but it seemed I could see or at least clearly imagine her. She's about eleven and sits at the bottom of the stairs. I think she does come up here but only at night. She didn't frighten me and until all this illness, that just keeps coming, I got no bad feelings. I mentioned to my neighbor and he said he was positive this place was haunted. Until last week I took none of it very seriously, however, my brother in law, who is a minister and who I haven't seen in ten years visited. He took one step in the door and looked at me and said, "Do you know this place is haunted?" He is a very honest and down to earth man. I answered I did and we didn't discuss beyond me saying I didn't feel it was anything bad. Strangely the woman who lived here before us died shortly after moving, as did the woman who lived downstairs before the current neighbors moved in. One other thing that was odd was my best friend visited one day two years ago. We had coffee and at some point he said he wasn't feeling well. He ended up in the hospital that night with a heartbeat of over two hundred and the same symptoms my wife subsequently suffered. My question is can places be bad? Has anyone ever heard of something like this associated with a house, or is this just my imagination from all these problems. I would appreciate any sincere comments. Thanks

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Serious question. Does anyone have a feeling of impending doom or is it just me.?

    I think we all feel a little odd at times, but this is different. And I'm not talking about something dealing with me individually or directly. It's a larger feeling, much, much larger. It won't go away and for several months now I've found it difficult to concentrate. Although politics and the economy are depressing, its not that. It's bigger, and in my mind I see the earth balanced on a fulcrum that could suddenly tip either way. I am normally not like this and never have been, but over the last week the feeling has become almost palpable, like its getting closer. Are there others feeling this out there? Psychologically I'm as normal as you can expect to be in this world. Although I don't know what this is, it could deal with a natural phenomenon. Just wondering. I'd sure like to shake the feeling.

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What do the stars next to my answers in my profile mean?

    Is that a rating by people who have read the answer and pushed the thumbs up?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Does 'spy ware' help your computer?

    I've been getting alerts that say my computer is infected. It's old and is running windows 98 but it works pretty good. It has slowed down a little and acts funny sometime. I use Firefox. I've seen free spy ware programs on the net that say they'll clean it up. Should I try them? Which is best? Any information will help. Thanks

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have erotic thoughts when they look at Sarah Palin?

    Serious question. Five different people have mentioned this to me. (4 men and 1 woman) All report being extremely attracted to her physically and think she is bright, and intelligent, but more than anything, sexy. All said they would drive 100 miles to see her, but none of them can imagine her in charge of the country if something were to happen to McCain. Two are republicans who have decided not to vote this election. What's going on.

    10 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • In calculating Social Secuirty Benefits, does military service count even though nothing was withheld?

    I was told it did. Does it increase your benefit? If so how much? 4 years of service with the army as an enlisted man, 1965 to 69. Most of it overseas (Asia)

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Would anyone out there support the nationalization of oil in the United States?

    It's obvious these people aren't going to put their profits back in renewable resources. It's simply not in their interest. They're oil companies, not the energy companies they should be. It seems clear that the profit being generated should be invested in the best interests of the country which is clearly alternative energy. With cartels like OPEC it's not a free market anyway. The oil executives couldn't be happier with the situation. They get to blame everything on the Arabs and are laughing all the way to the bank. Let's hear some ideas. This isn't going to fly for much longer.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I converted my words files to Open Office. How do I convert them back to word?

    I downloaded the open office program from the net. It's a good word processing program, but I think I prefer word for some applications. When I burn something to a CD, my other computers can't read it. Help!

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on how to find an old friend?

    I don't know her married name, and it's been a long, long time. She's not listed on any of the high school reunion sites. Just suggestions. (free ones)

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Patriot for Peace, are you out there?

    I wanted to answer your question on Eisenhower and the military industrial complex, but the question was removed. Did you do it?

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if President Bush and Condaleeza Rice are actually haveing an affair?

    Does the first lady suspect? Like Clinton, have these encounters happened in the Oval Office? Is there something stimulating about that place? What does the guy with the nuclear football do during this . . . pestering?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Departing Mexico in a small airplane, what are the reporting rules when arriving in the US?

    Flight is from San Felipe (Sea of Cortez) to Santa Monica. Do you have to go through some kind of Customs? All passengers are American citizens. Driving down and flying back in a small airplane. Going fishing for the weekend and was wondering.

    5 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Are the oil companies screwing us?

    If so how? Although domestic consumption is flat, and oil inventories are at records highs, prices are not tumbling. How can these companies post record profits while selling the same amount of fuel?

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Can an airline pilot legally marry people?

    Over international water. Anyone know anything about this? I thought ship captains could, but found on the net that they couldn't. Any information would help.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • The teddy bear the teacher named Mohammad?

    Would like to hear comments, especially from Muslims.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what kind of paper is used for publishing paperback books?

    I'm interested in finding out if I can run this type of paper through a laser printer. No one seems to know. My book is quite long and I need to use the lightest paper possible. What is it's weight and color and where do I get it?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How does a black hole exert gravitational force?

    If gravity is indeed mediated by a particle, how does this particle exert influence beyond the event horizon?

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Just wondering. Does anyone out there know anything about George Bush's love of hurting things?

    I recently read that one of the way's he occupied himself as a child was to blow up living things with fire crackers. Frogs appearently suffered the most. This is a serious question and I would like to know if its true.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • The rotational period for a cylinder with a 10 mile diameter?

    In order to experience earth like gravity (one G) on its inter- surface, what would the rotational period of a cylinder with a diameter of 10 miles (17 kilometers) be? The cylinder is 25 miles long (40 kilometers) and is rotating in space outside the influence of other gravatational influences. The cylindar has a mass of 18,247,680,000 metric tons. Would you notice coriolis forces while walking in such a cylindar?

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago