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  • Laptop powers on for a few seconds, then turns off...what's wrong and how can i fix it?

    when i press the power button, whether on AC power or battery, the lights turn on, but after 1 or 2 seconds it just goes off. the charging light is on when its plugged in, so its not completely dead. on a possibly (very) related note, my computer has been overheating lately, although it didn't recently (as in at least 3 days) have an overheating episode.

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Will previously unpaid parking tickets on a rental car prevent obtaining a visa in the us?

    my boyfriend and i got two parking tickets on a rental car in november. me (being a complete idiot), forgot to pay them and they went to court and now total $110. they will be paid a month before he comes back to the us, although he's worrying that he won't get through customs if they know about the previous problem. is this something to worry about?

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • How long do you have to leave the UK after staying 6 months on a visa, before you can come back?

    If you are allowed to stay in the UK for 6 months on a visa, but only for 6 months at a time, how long do you have to leave for before you can return for another 6 months?

    2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Who thinks that the America's Most Smartest Model finale was RIDICULOUS?

    VJ was the winner. But did he show any talent as a model during the show? The only skill he had was hocking products like soap and cars. He had no talent whatsoever as a photo model. I think him being the winner was the stupidest thing EVER.

    21 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Wisdom tooth pushing back molar sideways..does it need to be extracted?

    on the bottom left side of my gum, i have a wisdom tooth growing in. but today i noticed that my 12-year molar has been pushed to the right slightly, towards my tongue. also the flat part is tilting slightly to my tongue. will my wisdom tooth need to be removed? and how soon? it hasn't broken the gum yet. if i do end up having to get it removed, how much will it cost? i have no dental coverage =(

    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Legal issues selling customized merchandise..?

    Is is legal (not some sort of copyrighting or anything) to purchase brand name items in bulk and customize them, selling them at a higher price?

    i'm interested in designing my own lingerie, but do not have the time, skills or effort involved in learning to create my own from material. bras are extremely difficult to make by hand, not to mention pricey. i was wondering if i purchased a large amount of retail ready bras/panties, and "made them my own", and then sold them, would that somehow violate any laws?

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Do you think other states should follow California's example of fining car smokers?

    According to the news, California is set to start fining people $100 for smoking in a car with minors present. Do you think other states should do this too? What does everyone think about this?

    14 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is a DD bra cup the same as an E?

    This question applies to both the US and UK sizing. After a little bit of research I've come to the conclusion that they are the same this true? Please explain.

    I wear a 36DD, so would this be a 34/36E?

    12 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How did Harry know about Hufflepuff's Cup being a horcrux?

    As much as I've tried to remember..i can't recall him ever realizing that it was a horcrux, let alone in existence! all i know is that he talked to griphook at shell cottage and then they broke in looking for hufflepuff's cup. how did he know what it looked like and that it was in the vault? and did he ever tell the others that he thought is was a horcrux before they got there?

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • is this wrong?

    ok, my boyfriend of one year is coming to the US to visit ME (he's from the UK)...

    he's staying at a hotel near my town, and the plan all along was that i would stay with him. we are both consenting adults and


    however, my mom refuses to let me "shack up" with him and called me a sl*t.

    isn't it my choice? i am over 18 therefore an adult..i should think i'm capable of making that decision for myself..

    just wanting to hear people's opinions on this.. i honestly don't see any problem with it.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where are kidneys located and where would you feel kidney-related pain?

    I'm wondering where along the back they are..I've heard upper and lower...why I'm wondering is because I have a persistent ache just above the small of my back/curve of spine. Also, how close are they to the spine? are they far apart or set close?

    15 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • very dark urine with large particles?

    i've posted previous questions like this--but i've developed "new symptoms" and still have no idea what's wrong..

    for 3 weeks i've had abnormal urine, and from the second week to now having tons of tiny little particles floating around in it. this morning my urine was so dark it was orange/brown. and later i had urine with LARGE particles in it, in addition to the normal small ones. these large ones looked sort of like thin skin, only more flexible, and they were really white.

    also, i have abdominal pain that comes and goes, and today i've had lower back pain that comes and goes. i don't know if this is related, but i've also had terrible headaches for the last 3 days, and get hot/chills at night.

    however, i have no pain while urinating or intense urges. after voiding my bladder i do usually have the urge to go more, and "squeeze" out as much as i can once or twice. other than that, i don't wake up in the night or have sudden strong urges.

    please help me! =(

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Opaque Urine?

    Earlier this week, I posted a question asking about a UTI with no pain. I am still experiencing all the same symptoms (come and go abdominal pain, oddly colored/scented urine, cloudy urine etc.) and now I've just had "opaque urine". It was like pure gold colored, and you could not see through it..other times it's been cloudy, but I've never seen it so "dense". I also had the sensation of having to go again, as I'd had before in my previous UTI, but I have no burning pain whatsoever. I was thinking that maybe my supposed infection is higher up(?), and missed my ureathra, leading to no burning? But I don't really know. What really shocked me was the opaqueness of the urine and what that could possibly mean?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • UTI without pain?

    For the past couple weeks (2-3), i've had lower abdominal pain, usually after i urinate, but not always, and sometimes it just hurts, even without urination. my urine is usually very dark gold/yellow, although today it had a tangerine-ish tint, and itnalways has a ton of tiny particles floating around in it, with a weird sometimes sweetish scent. it seems thicker/heavier than i think it should be. there is no burning during or after, it's more of a pelvic ache. i have had a uti once, and i definitely know what that feels like! =( but i'm wondering if i could have another, without the intense pain?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • aries sign, not so aries qualities..?

    i'm an aries, born 11 april and i read a lot of astrology books. everything i've read describes aries as a headstrong, competitive "rampaging" person, and i do show this sometimes. but in matters of romance, i'm completely anti-aries. instead of being independent, i WANT someone to nurture/take care of me. i love being in a relationship--i've completely given into the love. my boyfriend is a cancer, and i've wondered if i've adopted some of his traits, but i dunno. does anyone know what sign is influencing me?

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • My Unlocked Palm Treo 650 can't receive international text

    I can send messages, but cannot receive any. My service provider is Unicel (if anyone has even heard of that).

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I want to get a watch for my boyfriend for his birthday...but he's allergic to nickel. Any Suggestions?

    Every watch I look at is stainless steel, which I believe has nickel in it. I would just risk getting it anyway, but he breaks out in a rash- not a very happy birthday, right? lol.

    8 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Crochet Pattern: dc in last ch, turn 19 ch-4 spaces, 20 dc...and this means?

    I've finished the row with the dc, but I have no idea what the "turn 19" part means. Help would be greatly appreciated. The pattern is the first row of the front of a scallop-edged cami.

    8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Will it damage my computer to replace my 420 watt power supply with a 450 watt one?

    I thought that my current power supply (which burned out) was 450, but after buying the new one found out it was 420. Will it hurt the rest of my computer to run it on a higher wattage?

    10 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago