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Little Bear

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  • London Tube Travel-help please?

    Hi, me and my partner are coming to London 17th-19th September, we will be stopping in Ruislip, was just wondering is there a 2 day unlimited tube travel pass we can buy as we're wanting to do a lot of sightseeing while we're there...thanks

    6 AnswersLondon9 years ago
  • Have R-Patz and K-Stew split up?

    ...heard they did but can't find an article....anyone help?

    6 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • What actually is the shiver that people refer to as 'someone walking over their grave'?

    I occasionally get these, not entirely sure I believe its someone walking over my grave, so what is it? And its not because I'm shivering because I'm cold, its just one big shiver.

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • Bedtime gone out of the window?

    My daughter who is fast approaching 3yo, used to be great at going to bed, you could put her into bed between 7-730pm and she would maybe chat to her toys for a while but by 8pm you could guarentee she would be asleep. Thanks to the long school holidays and our family holidays etc she now refuses to stay in her room at bedtime, in constantly in and out, meaning some nights it can be 9pm gone before she eventually stops fighting with us and going to sleep, which makes her very cranky the next morning when we have to be up at 7am,and out of the door at 8am.

    A friend suggested putting a stair gate on her bedroom & not shutting the bedroom door once we've done the going to bed routine of teeth, toilet and story and letting her have a tantrum while learning to stay in her bedroom, my OH says this would be worth a try, but I don't like the idea of 'locking' her in her bedroom, even though I know she is just messing us about!

    Advice/Ideas please??

    TIA. xx

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Feeling undervalued at work?

    I work for an ever-expanding company (bosses are my inlaws) and I work part-time, 3 days a week. I initally came on board because childcare was becoming an issue in my previous job. My duties are logging customers on the database, filing, general reception duties, basic SAGE work etc.

    Recently they have taken on a new office person full time (my brother, although others were interviewed) and I feel like I am being pushed to the bottom because he is getting all the training I never got, and I feel like I am just been left all the crap jobs, I know they need doing but I would like to feel equal. Especially as when my inlaws retire, it shall be myself & my OH that take over!!!

    I just feel rubbish and unmotivated, if I worked for someone else I would have no problem mentioning it but because its family I feel different.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Washing Machine smells?

    My washing machine smells really damp, and the seal round the door is dirty, anyone recommend a good cleaner to get rid of the smell?? Thanks

    12 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Employment Laws (UK)?

    Can you be 'let go' because of a high record of absence whether they were covered by a sick note or unauthorised?

    Thanks in advance for answers

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Cheap Package Holidays?

    Does anyone know of a website where I can find cheap package holidays for February next year? Its just for 2 adults, looking to go Mon-Fri somewhere with a bit of sunshine, ie Tenerife. Looking to pay £300 for the whole thing, not bothered about board type. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used the online holiday company On the Beach?

    ...their city break package is almost £200 cheaper than on the high street, but I'm worried it may be too good to be true....obviously I will book on a credit card so I'm covered, but just anyone opinions on them would be great.

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Weaning and quantities?

    Am taking my daughter off jars as she's now 12 months, at the moment she eats a full jar for one meal a day (other she has what we're having) but my question is this: she's just ate a quarter of a sandwich, how much is this in relation to a jar? More or less? She doesn't seem interested in eating anothing much more than picking at a couple of her baby 'crisps' and I'm going to give her a yoghurt in 5 mins or you think it sounds like she's had enough to eat??

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • stuck for ideas for lunch?

    do you thinkI could make my 12month old a sandwich for lunch with tuna or something, she has got 2 teeth, am trying to get her to feed herself a bit more, she's good with finger biscuits and stuff

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Help with estimation for child care?

    So relating back my my previous question :;_ylt=Ao...

    how much child care help would I be entitled to using the following information?

    My partner earns £315.20 per week after tax, so how much is that Apr 08-Apr 09?

    I would be looking to work 20hrs per week at roughly £5.52 per hour, so how much is that from Nov 08-Apr 09?

    I would need 20hrs child care at the cost of £22.75 for 6.5hrs so how much is that per week?

    2 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • Returning to work and help with the cost of childcare?

    Hi, I am thinking of returning to work, but since being made redundant days before I found out I was pregnant last February, I haven't got a job to return to. I realise I will have to put my daughter into nursery, but I am worried this will be expensive, the cheapest I've found is £29 per day, thus meaning I'd have to work 6hrs per day just to break even. My partner works full time, as do the grandparents meaning I haven't got anyone who would look after my daughter for cheap, or even free.

    My question is this, I have heard that Child Tax Credit cover so much of your child care costs, but how many hours do you have to be working anyways to be entitled to this? I have another daughter whose at school full time as well, so really I'm limited to the hours I can work during the day.

    Any help would be really appreciated as I really haven't got a clue about any of this!!

    Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Spreading the cost of Christmas?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a list of companies, like studio 24, that are advertised on the tv. I've seen a couple of adverts but can't for the life of me, remember what they're called!!


    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Time spent together?

    My mother in law thinks that because I chose to have children with her son, I should automatically want to spend every possible minute with him, and thinks because I go to a slimming class one night a week and go for a driving lesson another, this makes me the life and soul of the party! I very rarely go out on any other occasion, and she makes me feel bad for trying to have some 'me' time away from my other half and my kids, both whom I love dearly and we make a huge effort to spend one day of the weekend together. On the other hand, she thinks is perfectly acceptable for him to go out religiously one night a week with his friends to the pub.

    She says I can't be a mum and be a party girl at the same time, but she doesn't understand I'm not out every weekend, falling in and out of different pubs, I go to friends houses for coffee or something, and I don't think its healthy for couples to spend every possible minute together!

    My boyfriend and I don't disagree over this so why does she have a problem??

    I'm 21, my boyfriend's 27.

    Thanks in advance

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Thinking of going to Menorca in May??

    Hi, I'm booking our first holiday abroad and am wondering if anyone can give me any info on Menorca, especially a rough guide to the weather over there in May? Am taking my 6yr old and 1yr old so don't want to be too hot, around 24degrees would be fab!!

    2 AnswersIslas Baleares1 decade ago
  • 10 month teething and sleeping?

    Hi, my daughter is 10mos and is getting her 2nd tooth. While I understand it must be painful for her, she's fine during the day but when I put her down to bed she throws a right paddy!! I am a firm believer of letting her cry it out because I know she's clean/dry/fed/watered and I've just put bongela on her gums so I leave her for 10mins then go check/put her dodo back in etc and it carries on. Sometimes if we're really getting nowhere with her, I bring her back down onto the sofa and she falls asleep in minutes!

    Now shes started waking again through night, I give her a dodo back, rub some more bongela on her gums but then the paddys start when I leave her room, same as at bedtime but at 1, 3 or 5am I can't let her cry it out the same because I have other children and our house is terraced! So the same sofa routine starts again and again she's asleep in minutes, but having said that I don't want her to get in the habit of being picked up all the time, she's been so good at going to bed until now!!

    I am absolutely shattered and feel awful, my partner does try and help but I feel bad for him cos he works Mon-Fri and needs to be able to function.

    Also, I might add, she very rarely (as in three times a month max) naps for longer than 20mins twice a day. She's still eating and playing just the same, I just wish she'd sleep the same!!

    Sorry its so long, and my question is, does anyone have anything else I could try to ease her teething pain, I don't want to just dope her up on calpol all the time!

    Thanks for reading,


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Doctor's Appointments?

    Hi, was just wondering, when you go to the doctor's, if you have 2 medical complaints, would you spill them out in one appointment or would you make 2?


    8 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • 9 month old daughter not drinking milk?

    I use whole cow's milk to make her cereal with (following advice from my HV) but my daughter now won't touch her formula, I've tried everything from adding half a teaspoon of banana milkshake powder, to giving her the bottle at different time throughout her feed.

    She only has her milk for bedtime and breakfast time, and I understand how important it is for her to betting the right amount of calcium, and she is eating yoghurts and a small amount of cheese but what else can I do to try and get her milk into her?

    Also, I am aware they only advise you to give other drinks at mealtime, but how much should she be drinking really throughout the day? Sometimes I'm lucky to get 9oz of fluid into her during the day, but again, she's not interested in it, I have to give it to her in a bottle as the follow on cups, she won't take!!

    Sensible answers only please, thanks in advance

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Surprise or no surprise?

    I'm having a bit of a dilema, I ordered my boyfriend a new telly for our house because we could kind of do with a new one and its his birthday coming up, but I ordered it so early thinking it would take ages to arrive but its coming today and its not his birthday til 5th September. I have nowhere in our house I could hide it, and he has the car so I can't move it anywhere myself, my question is, at 27 almost, is he too old for wrapped up surprise presents and should I just set it up for him for when he comes home??

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago