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Lv 44,051 points

Hunter Alicia

Favorite Answers26%

STARTING UP AGAIN! I went through and deleted most of my old contacts, so If you used to be a contact of mine, and I erased you, it's just because I thought you were inactive. Feel free to add! I'm a vegetarian, teenage girl and my interests include music, astronomy, reading, writing, and above all, horses! I use Parelli Natural Horsemanship, but please don't harass me about it. Be nice to me, and I'll be nice to you. I'm home schooled and plan on going to college for radiology once I finish up school. I have, and always will have, an unhealthy obsession with Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. As for music, I love Muse, Radio Head, Queen, Keane, and Utada Hikaru. I hate Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga with a passion ^_^ My Pictures: "A Horseman should know neither fear, nor anger." - J. Rarey "A horse doesn't care how much you know, until he knows how

  • Attachment image

    What Morph Is This Ball Python?

    Hello! I'm wondering if someone could tell me what morph this little guy is? I know its extremely common, I just don't know what to call it.

    2 AnswersReptiles4 months ago
  • Is it normal for my new tragus piercing to bleed?

    I m asking just to be on the safe side. I got my trahus pierced earlier today. And to night I took so saline solution and a q-tip and tried gently cleaning it, aND it started bleeding considerably. Is this normal?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • What breed does she appear to be?

    So my grandparents were recently given a dog. I'm curious to know what kind she is, but nobody seems to know. She's only around six months old, and I'm pretty sure that she's a mix of some kind.

    By the way, I know that she's very skinny right now, but we're working to fix that haha.

    Anyway, I'm just curious ^.^

    If anyone has any idea of what she might be, that would be great.


    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • English saddle-Girth?

    So before I get yelled at for my ignorance, please keep in mind that I'm used to western saddles XD

    Besides the girth, is there anything else used to hold an english saddle in place?

    The english girths I've seen have buckles on the end of each side, but nothing else. I know that one side should be attached to the billets, but is there something else that should be used to attach the other side, or is that meant to connect directly to the billets as well?

    I ask because a 46-inch girth doesn't come up to meet the other side of the saddle on my horse, and online I can't find any larger then a 46-inch. Therefor, I'm assuming that I'm missing something.

    Stupid question, I know. But thanks in advance ^_^

    4 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • English Saddle Tree Size?

    So, I've been looking around at english saddles, and the places that I've looked at ask you for the seat size and color you want. There's no option for a tree size, like with western saddles. Is this normal? And if it is normal, what's the reason?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Maximum height a rider should be for a 14.2hh horse?

    I know there isn't exactly an official set limit, but what do you think the maximum height should be?

    I'm not talking for showing or eventing, but just for general riding?

    Opinions, thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Mare constantly spitting/drooling?

    So yeah, I went down to the barn this morning and Kandi was drooling. But then it went from drooling to saliva pouring out of her mouth. There's a lot of it, and It's a constant thing too...

    I tried to upload a video, but my stupid phone won't work with me -_-

    Anyway, I've never seen this kind of thing before and I'm wondering does anybody have any ideas as to what this is and why it's happening??

    Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Q: What books to read?

    Alright, I know I ask for book suggestions every few months but oh well....

    Books I like and how much I like them:

    (ten is best)

    The Hunger Games trilogy-10

    The Uglies "trilogy"-10

    The Percy Jackson series (including the TLH)-9

    The City of Ember series-6


    The Host-7

    The Red Pyramid-8


    Graceling (and Fire)-6

    Phantom Stallion series-5

    Books I don't like and/or will never read:

    Anything Stever King.

    Twilight series,

    Vampire Accadamy series,

    Harry Potter series,

    Thanks guys!


    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero...Mistake or am I just confused?

    Okay so I was re-reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, and I noticed that when Jason first finds the picture of Thalia with Luke and Annabeth, he describes Thalia and says she is about 15........But I was pretty sure that in the Percy Jackson series, it's stated that Thalia ran away when she was 10 (as well as found Luke and Annabeth) and reached CHB, therefor turning into a tree at the age 12. When she came back from...being a tree, she was 15 because she still aged as a tree, just VERY slowly, and at that point Luke had already left so the picture couldn't have been taken after her it just a mistake or am I missing something?

    Just wondering, and thanks in advance ^_^

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • My guinea pig doesn't squeak anymore?

    Okay, so I have a guinea pig and I've had him for....hmm. I's estimate around 4 years, and I got him when he was 6 months old. Every time he would hear a bag, he would think it was feeding time, get excited and start squeaking like crazy. He also does it when I go to refill his water, and when he smells he getting him fresh fruit or veggies.

    But in the past week he doesn't do it anymore, no matter what. He gets excited but he doesn't squeak.....Sometimes I'll hear him make an odd and very faint wheezing noise, but when I check on him he acts perfectly normal.

    Any idea why this has happened??

    9 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Hoof discoloration, clicking, and pain?

    Okay so a while back Kandi had a clicking in what sounded like her stifle joint, and she was limping. I asked some questions, looked up some stuff and ended up buying her a joint supplement. It worked. Eventually we ran out and I didn't buy her more because the clicking noise had gone away, she stopped limping, and well, let's face's expensive!

    A few months has passed and everything has been fine, but TODAY I go out to ride Kandi and I notice a bright pink spot on her hind hoof (the same leg that had been clicking). I've never seen this discoloration happen before. It almost looks like a bruise...

    I tried to take the best picture I could. Sorry for the quality but it was taken on my phone.

    Yeah, I know she is due for a trim :-/ But do you see that bright pink spot towards the bottom of her hoof?

    Anyway, when Kandi walks it's not quite a limp, but she takes gingerly steps like she's afraid of it hurting, AND the clicking started up again (same place).

    Anyhoo, I'm going to go ahead and buy more supplements for her joints, in hopes it might help, but does anybody have any ideas whats with the color, and/or what's causing this?

    Thanks in advance.

    Haha Yahoo suggestion fail...Health > Dental

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What happened to my icon?

    Okay as of three hours ago, my yahoo answers icon/avatar was of my horse...but now (without me doing anything) it changed to..this.

    <----- or wherever it is...what happened? I see a lot of people with this. What does it mean??

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I'm Baaaaack!!! (+ Legit)?

    Hey guys, it's been a while :(

    I was out of state for a month...a freakin MONTH! That's the longest I've ever been away from Kandi. How did she respond? She tried to bite me the day I ame back. She is..erm...very upset. So today I'm off to work with her. She does this every time I'm gone for more than four days lol.

    So yes. I'm back and that means more Y!A. Yay!

    Although it's been so long I'll prob never get my TC badge again haha.

    Okay so...erm..*thinks of a legit*

    Whens the longest you've even been away from your horse, and how did he/she respond?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What are these WEG's?

    Okay, I know this is going to make me sound like a troll, but what are the WEG's that everyone is talking about? I should probably youtube some stuff on it so I'm not left out xD I kind of want to tune in to watch but I don't have cable...Ugh.

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Book recommendations?

    Okay. I'm coming to an end of my book collection and I want something new to read. I'll list the books I loved to kind of give you an idea of what I''m looking for, but PLEASE no Twilight, Harry Potter or Vampire Academy.

    My favorite/liked books:

    The Uglies series

    The Hunger Games series,

    The Percy Jackson series,

    Graceling & Fire,

    The Host,

    The Kane Chronicles book 1,

    Shiver (currently reading),

    The Ember series.

    So what are some books you would recommend? Again, no Twilight series (I already read it), Harry Potter(got bored after book 4), or Vampire academy.

    Thanks in advance :)

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Who and what would you bring if you were stuck on an island?

    Okay so being away from Kandi this long is driving me crazy...I am trying to bury myself in Y!A xD

    So here is the fun question..

    You are about to be on an island for a month. It's 90 degree weather, but slowly cooling down due to the change of the season. There one else on the island except for you and your horse. You have a small shelter and there is plenty of food growing around. You have the option to bring 1 person and 5 items with you...What would you choose?

    I would actually, probably bring Darcy, my dog....I know it sounds odd, but I would love the solitude, and he would love it, and we wouldn't get sick of each other! As for 5 items...Hmm...

    1. Kandi's halter.

    2. Kandi's lead rope.

    3. Cell phone

    4. Pocket Knife (Always handy)

    5. Curry comb for Kandi xD

    Your turn!

    Oh, and for the poopers out there, who want legitimacy, what's your most recommended brand for english saddles?

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Jeez..why now?? (+ a legit)?

    I'm going out of state next week for around two weeks to see family. What's wrong with that? Kandi's stifle joint decided to act up again so she is currently limping. I bought her stuff for it, but going to my former "home" won't be fun, knowing that my horse is 7 hours away with freakin' health issues! Gah I'm so worried about her. She is all stiff and I don't want to leave her in a time of need, but this really isn't something I can cancel =( PLUS, this means that for at LEAST the next three weeks, I can't actually ride her...i guess that's not too bad because I can spend the next week with her on the ground, but still....

    Soo...yeah, not really a question, more like a rant..?

    Legit-Whats your opinion on Wintec? Any good?

    Haha! Yahoo fail: Business & Finance-Credit. Nice...

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Does THIS look like a decent saddle?

    I found an EquiRoyal Pro Am All Purpose saddle package within my price range...does anyone have any reviews on the saddle? Pros and Cons? If you don't know anything about it, please look it up and tell me what you think :D

    I'm getting desperate lol! I know it won't be the greatest sasdle, but I need a decent basic AP saddle, badly..


    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Yes...ANOTHER saddle question?

    Okay so, I know I've been harassing you guys about a saddle and I should really already have one by now, but it's my first time picking my own and I'm terrified of spending my money on a crappy saddle that won't last more than a year, and is uncomfortable on Kandi. So..yeah this time, I actually picked out my ideal combo and I want to know what you think. And this time, I'm actually on my computer instead of my phone so I can post links! Here we go...keep in mind, I want a very basic saddle for trails and just regular..riding.

    So I asked for you guys' opinions on this saddle- It got shot down quickly xD

    But, someone epically wonderful (Ehem.. ;D ) suggested a saddle that is even cheaper, and looks good to me. Here it is-

    AND I found a saddle pad in the color I want to go with it (Hunter Green)! Here IT is-

    So, whatcha think? Is it decent? It's my first English saddle so I honestly don't know much...I know it wont be the greatest saddle and pad, so I don't expect it to last forever, but for a basic saddle (and pad) is it okay?

    If not, post link to a better (and still cheap) saddle that ya know of...Or pad! Thanks guys /\_/\

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • C'mon guys...Help me find a saddle?

    Okay. Here is the deal:

    I asked a question about a Kincade saddle for $200.00 that I liked, but it got shot down fast xD

    I am currently saddle-less :/ I'm looking for an all purpose black english saddle for under $300. Used is fine. I just don't know where to get a decent cheap saddle! Can you guys help me? If you happen to find or know of a saddle, post the link please. Kandi is part Arabian so she is on the narrow side, and well, I'm not very big so I don't need a large saddle

    Anyway, I'm new to saddle buying, so any help is GREATLY appreciated! I've been looking, but I'm no good at spotting a good saddle. Thanks guys =)

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago