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Simply a person curious about the world around her and sifting for the truth. Some college, but most of what I have learned has been directly from life itself. I also tend to question everything.

  • Trump supporters:?

    A few easy questions, as you are such geniuses:

    1.) Why would you support a man who made sexually suggestive references to HIS OWN DAUGHTER??!

    2.) If he were so great why has the United Kingdom banned him from even entering their country???

    3.) What do you think an impulsive, foul-mouthed (Obama was a gentleman), megalomaniacal, vengeful,person (and I'm being generous by even referring to trump as a "person" could possibly do rational and diplomatically as the "leader: of the Free World?

    4.) Do you ACTUALLY believe a NYC BILLIONAIRE (who was born into most of his cash) would care about a small town trailer park, hardworking person such as yourselves??? Does he ever invite you to one of his fancy dinner parties, or even through you the leftover bones???

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • To Trump Supporters:?

    A few questions:

    1.) Specifically WHAT do you think he'll do SPECIFICALLY to "make America great again"???

    2.) What does a NYC billionaire have in common or cares about rural poor working class folks like you???

    3.) How could you respect a man who made rather suggestive remarks about dating his own daughter???

    4.) How can you respect a man who endangered the lives of people who he didn't agree w/by publishing their PRIVATE numbers and addresses???

    5.) How could you support a man who makes sick references to women's private parts as an insult and "comeback"???

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • For Trump Supporters:?

    Doesn't it kind of tell you something when the country of England offficially BANNED that :man" from their country, as he is seen as another hitler and madman???

    What about his sexually suggestive comments about his OWN DAUGHTER while she was sitting on his lap???

    What about the fact that even OTHER repubs detest him???

    Just wondering.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • For Trump Supporters:?

    Doesn t it kinda tell you something that many of trump s supporters are openly white nationalists, anti-semites and didn t mind his suggestive comments about his own daughter?

    Do you HONESTLY think a "man" like that could effectively rule a country, when even now his own cabinet candidates are fighting like brats over positions???

    Just wondering.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Arianna Grande Recently Revealed on Facebook That Ethnically?

    Her ancestry included some Greek and North African and she expressed some upset about this DNA tracing discovery, saying she felt "[Her] life was a lie!"

    Does this change how you feel about the girl?

    Why or why not?

    Singles & Dating5 years ago
  • Then What SHOULD He'd Of Bought Her Majesty?

    On a local radio call in show, even though the "blunder" (according to some people's opinion) occured better than 7 long years ago, some Obama haters brought up their feelings that the Ipod our President purchased for her during a State visit was cheap, tacky and un-befitting a Queen.

    1.) She SPECIFICALLY ASKED for it, and when this little inconvenient fact was brought out, the silence was so deafening that you could hear a fly fart a mile away

    2.) But, for the sake of argument, what COULD HE'd of afforded to buy someone like a queen that would befit her station?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism5 years ago
  • Instead of Either Hillary Or Nutcase Trump, Would You prefer to See Obama Given Special Exemption to head a 4th Term?

    Why or why not?

    This question welcomes even those who do not particularly care for him.

    12 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Hey Conservatives: What about King John Of the Middle Ages?

    You love to pick on Muslims, about Muhammed allegedly marrying a girl (even though his wife was 40 something), buut... NEVER EVER mention the fact about your Northern European idol and/or possibly even ancestor marrying a 12 year old...

    So... What the big difference?

    10 AnswersJokes & Riddles5 years ago
  • For the Conservative Christians:?

    Is divorce still a sin EVEN when the wife is getting abused daily?

    Explain what she should do instead to protect herself.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Who s Scarier: Trump of Those Who Could Actually Support Him?

    (Question intended obviously, for those who do NOT like this man)

    6 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Why IS It That Conservatives Say Poor women Are Lazy:?

    Moochers, regardless of their circumstances, but...

    RICH women who bribe... ooops! I meant "hire" poorer, often immigrant and Black women to do their housework and raise their kids as nannies are NOT considered lazy?!

    It's their house, their kids, they CHOSE to have why can't RICH women stop being lazy, as well???

    8 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Hey Cons, Since You Are Pro Marriage and Anti-Divorce:?

    How is it your hero trump could never seem to make any of HIS marriages work???

    Why couldn't he pray to God to make things work out w/ Ivanka the 1st time, as you cons always tell other Americans to do when contemplating divorce???

    15 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Hey Conservatives, Want to Be Non-Hypocrites?

    Why is is nearly ALL the neocon politicians who happen to be wealthy and speaking out against illegal immigrants, never the less...

    9 times out of 10 EMPLOY them in their OWN HOMES as nannies, housekeepers, etc., if they hate them so bad??!

    Why can't they employ you angry, fed-up AMERICANS to do the domestic work, since they claim to want to look out for you???

    11 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Hey, Cons, While You Guys Always?

    Accuse Obama of being "Narcisisstic", "arrogant", etc.

    Don't you have a lot of nerve when EVERYONE can point to your man, trump, and call HIM the same exact thing (whether you agree w/ him or not)???

    12 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Question Here for Gays and Lesbians In Gentrified Areas:?

    As a person of color, I have always understood you guys need for acceptance, but... what about this seeming accepting attitude of knowingly contributing to the displacement of those poorer than yourselves?

    Here in Harlem, it seems to be well-off gay white men who are moving into the luxury condos amidst the tenements and poverty the rest of us have to endure.

  • Question for My Fellow Progressives:?

    If you are currently in or thinking about moving into a gentrifying area, wouldn't this seriously compromise your position as a true progressives?

    I mean one would EXPECT the right to do things just because they can if they stand to benefit, but what excuse is there for someone on the Left to contribute to the displacement of those w/ NO where else to go but the actual streets or homeless shelter?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Charlie Sheen's Coming Forward:?

    A case of TMI, for the general public, being brave and trying to clean up the mess he's made for himself, or just plain idiotic?

    Isn't he opening himself for possible legal ramifications from scared/disgruntled ex-partners?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Dental Pain Question, for All Who Had Tooth Extractions:?

    Is it normal for a patient to STILL be in pain AFTER the dentist yanked the painful, hurting tooth, when you get home?

    Or did he do something wrong w/ his method?

    3 AnswersDental5 years ago
  • Hey Cons, Why Do You Want To Have Things Both ways?

    You guys say you detest hyphens, that we're all American, and that's all that should count...

    While I actually happen to be neutral on this point, since "We are all Americans, whoever we are", then:

    Why, oh WHY do you guys ALSO and ALWAYS love to spout subjectively interpreted data regarding which race is high IQ or low IQ, and "race differences" all the time???

    If we ARE all American, then WHY constantly obsess over who you believe is smarter (as though that in itself means everything, as there are plenty of diddled up "smart" people are plenty of nice, helpful "dumb people whether you know/admit this or not)???

    12 AnswersPolitics5 years ago