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  • Can exercise make you ill?

    Okay so Im 5"3" and weight about 143 pounds, I'm not "fat" but I could defiantly do with loosing some fat. So me and a couple of friends decided we would do it together. Yesterday afternoon I decided to start mine of and I don't 30 Minutes of cardio, after it I felt good as it involved stretching off at the end so my heart rate was normal and so was my breathing, I had a big glass of water and drank it at a steady pase, I wasn't hungry so I hardly ate my dinner then I started to experience stomach pains and went to the toilet a few times, last night I was violently sick and my body was cold and weak , why did this happen?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why can't I follow anyone on twitter?

    I have 1,741 followers and follow 1,691 but anytime I go to follow anyone even people that follow me it says they have blocked me but I was even tweeting some so that's impossible I'm so confused why can't I follow them

    2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • How do you find out the length of a minor arc?

    I need help with this question:

    The circumference of the circle is 40.8 cm and the angle in the centre (c) is 110 what is the length of the minor arc ab?

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Good rock/pop punk bands?

    I really love music and I have so many bands that I love but I'm trying to expand my group of bands

    I like:

    -my chemical romance

    -all time low

    -sleeping with sirens

    -Pearce the veil

    -bring me the horizon

    -a day to remember

    -panic at the disco

    -green day

    -fall out boy

    -the cab

    -you me at six

    And a few more

    What are any others?

    6 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What jobs involve maths and art?

    Me and my friend are getting ready to choose our higher's for 5th year and she doesn't know what job she wants to do. She's interested in a job involving numbers and maths and creative skills like art also she would need a job that wasn't the same all the time and involved talking to other people and different environments what jobs would fit this description and what higher's would be good for her to take? Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Best friend bound possible?

    Okay this is probably a stupid question but I don't care. I've known my best friend for 9 years now (we are 15 years old) and I want to know if some sort of "bound" can form between friends, we have the same tastes and stuff but we always go through fazes at the same time with ought discussing it, for about 3 years we liked the exact same music without knowing it because it wasn't something we discussed on a 9-12 year old mind there are more important things than music, we always say things at the same time and have the same goals I. Life for example we both want to live in America, we think the same things and do similar things and quite often people get us mixed up also my names Zoe and hers is Chloe so there's always something about that, we have the same humour and likes, we don't spend EVERY day together but we spend a lot of time together and in the 9 years we have only fell out twice both times as a result of other people's actions so yeah

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Dress trouble HELP its important?

    My mum has a wedding coming up and really needs a dress, she is a size 16 and is apple shaped, she's not comfortable about her body and I really want her to feel beautiful because she is, the dress has to have sleeves something like caps sleeves and not be tights sort of have a skaters skirt bottom if you get what I mean also it has to be knee length I have spent hours looking and I can't seem to find a good one please help

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Red patches over my arms that are very itchy?

    I got out my shower this morning about 20 mins ago and I've got random red rashes all over my arms that are holding some heat and are very itchy, my arms also feel very dry, on one arm my hole forearm is covered and on the other it's random patches right up to my shoulder,what could it be?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • For the adults out there?

    Adults always think that because your young you don't understand, you don't know what love is, you don't understand what it's like to be stressed well I'm sorry but I'm 14 and I understand more than you give credit for, love well for ever person love means something different and guess what I know what it's like to love, I have a family and friends I love them? And I know that's different from loving a partner but I'm not stupid that I can't understand it, stress, well I'm at the end of 4th year the big exam year, I have 8 exams to prepare for, with additional homework from every teacher including 7 essays to write from one teacher alone, I have college, a Saturday job and other private family illnesses and problems on top, stress caused by so called friends lying and being so immature, so don't talk to me about stress, I think I understand? And when adults don't tell you something because they don't think you could 'handle it' obviously if its bad news then were going to be upset but we deserve to know and can handle it in our own way better than many adults could and were going through a lot of changes and hormonal fluctuations, don't act like we don't understand things like that its so patronising a specially as a lot of it is happening to us right now. Obviously we don't have bills to pay and a family to feed but were not dumb dont treat us like we are, that is all :)

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Can you be in love at the age of 14 with someone you have never spoken too?

    Ok so there's this guy he's two years above me and I see him every day, for the past 9 months we've sort of noticed (I guess you could put it) each other and he occupies my every though, to me he's perfect. I don't know how he feels about me, once I did see him checking about for me at a stop in school we always see each other but I'm wondering what it going on? :( please help

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is it all in my head, what should i do?

    there's this guy two years above of me that i like (i think), to me hes the most beautiful boy ever, gorgeous smile, eyes, hair the list goes on :P, hes quite quite and mostly sticks with his friends in the library, he listens to rock music (like me) and is just... perfect, hes been in a few of my dreams hehe, for about 9 months now we have saw each other every where and always look at each other, i even caught him looking for me, the only problem is we have never really spoke, im i making it all up in my head? i don't know what to do, any time i see/think/anything to do with him i smile like a maniac, someone saw me smiling and said "your ether creepily happy or madly in love" PLEASE HELP :(

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • what should i do about this?

    i have a friend that after a month or so ends up causing trouble by telling lies and spreading rubbish then blaming it on everyone else, nothings ever her fault. I'm fed up of it and don't like her my blood boils when i see her. We have a similar friends group and my best friend falls out with her then talk again and theirs nothing wrong with that its her choice to forgive her but i just feel as if i have to do something but i don't know what?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Today I only eat 827 calories is that bad?

    I don't do that everyday I usually take in between 1700-2000

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Should I loose weight answer honestly?

    I am 5"3" and weight about 137 pounds I'm a size 8/10 I'm 14, 15 in 7 days

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is it my fault that me and my parents argue all the time?

    All my life I can remember arguing with my parents and yes of course I do things and get in trouble but sometimes I feel as if I'm not the one to blame: they never listen I tell them about important things like I smashed the screen of my phone a d they don't listen! My mum takes all her moods out on everyone, once I wasn't tiding up fast enough so she hit me, anything I do just isn't good enough for them and if I ever say that it's not all my fault or ask to listen they say I'm putting the 'poor me' act on, they talk over me anytime I try to explain and I get frustrated so I shout, one time last week there was chewing gum on the inside of my tunic, I told her and she went mental asked me how it happened I said I don't know and she shouted even more then my dad asked me some other question I answered and then got in trouble for not telling them earlier it reduced me to tears then they said why are you crying its not like anyone hit you, of course this is just my side of the story and I have don't things in the past like not keeping my room tidy or not coming in on time but I just want to know if I'm just being a brat or if there being unreasonable

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago