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I'm odd.

  • Rochester Minnesota Bed and Breakfast?

    Who has been to Rochester Minnesota and knows of a good bed and breakfast? The only ones I can find are in towns 40 miles away! Anniversary, but also visiting someone in the Mayo clinic. Let me know. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • What was the best wedding gift you received?

    I'm the Matron of Honor for my sister's wedding and wanted to know

    1. What you received from your Maid of Honor


    2. What the best gift was you received

    11 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • My husband wants to schedule our days.?

    My husband and I work weird schedules. But, when our times together DO line up, he wants us to have this schedule. Like, he wants us to get up at 9:00am and then eat breakfast. 10:00 do a study of some subject. 11:00 work on the house. 12:00 eat lunch 1:00 workout. 2:00 do something fun. 3:00 go to work.

    I told him I can't be boxed in to have a schedule whenever my "weekend" is. I have a lot to do on my days off. Today I'm doing laundry, going through files, paying bills, figuring out storm windows, going to chiropractor, picking up food at a friend's house, going to the bank, calling for dermetologist appt. Getting the gutters removed (by another party, but I'm stil involved) and glazing windows (if I can get around to it).

    He was angry that I wouldn't conform to this schedule. How do I convey this nicely? Does anyone else have this problem?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Soap Dish Broke--HELP?

    We were going to simply remove the ceramic soap dish and replace it with a non-destroyed one. However, when the soap dish came out, it there was all this weird ceramic "great stuff" like material holding it to the wall. There IS no wall behind the soap dish. I have nothing to attach it to! There is one stud on the right side of the square hole, but none of the other sides have anything to attach a piece of drywall to. And I don't know how we'd do it even if there WERE 4 studs surrounding the hole.

    We just moved into this house 2 months ago. The previous owners were retarted in home repair. We keep finding half-done jobs made to LOOK good, but not to hold up well. Any help would be appreciated.


    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever done that "We buy Problem Houses" thing?

    There are companies that say they'll buy your house fast. Anyone on here ever done this? What advice could you offer us? We have a cheap $40,000 house in York, NE. Only a two bedroom but it's a great little house and has two lots. We can't seem to sell it. We've had it "sold" twice and the people can't get approvals for their loans. Is this house thing a scam?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I want a bed that doesn't squeak when we...?

    Any suggestions? Made of a different material? Lower to the ground? Different brands? Different mattresses? You can find a billion things on Kama Sutra, but I haven't found any advice in this specific area of married life. I really don't want a squeaky bed when my husband and I start having children.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I want a bed that doesn't squeak when we...?

    Any suggestions? Made of a different material? Lower to the ground? Different brands? Different mattresses? You can find a billion things on Kama Sutra, but I haven't found any advice in this specific area of married life. I really don't want a squeaky bed when my husband and I start having children.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I want a bed that doesn't squeak when we...?

    Any suggestions? Made of a different material? Lower to the ground? Different brands? Different mattresses? You can find a billion things on Kama Sutra, but I haven't found any advice in this specific area of married life. I really don't want a squeaky bed when my husband and I start having children.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you ever wonder...?

    Ok, you know how they used to have lead water pipes in Rome (bad idea) or line tin cans in lead? You know how people used to play with mercury and eat it because it was believed it was medicine? Same with opium or cocaine? I wonder if sonograms are something similar. They do something to babies that may harm them, but it only affects some babies. We just haven't done enough testing to determine if it's bad or not. What do you think? Any similar thoughts on currently accepted baby/health practices?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Sinus infection gone bad?

    Hi. I've had congestion problems for about a week. My snot turned dark green. I had mucus coming out of my right eye and it's pink. I went to the doctor and she gave me antibiotic drops, which I fulfilled promptly, and antibiotics to fulfill in case it doesn't go away in a couple days. I'm takind decongestent and clariton. I woke up now (NOT a normal waking period) with a horrible pain in the back of my head. I can't blow my nose or my head feels like it's going to explode. SO much pressure. What should I be doing? Will this go away? Should I take the antibiotics? Go to emergency room? How do you get encephalitis?

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Pandemic is a great board game?

    It's all people playing against the board! You have to fight the disease before it infects all of Earth. Is there another board game like this? Where every player is on the same team and everyone can either win together or lose together?

    6 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Any Physical Therapists out there?

    My husband has a bachelor of arts in general studies. Now he's thinking about physical therapy. How much more schooling is that? And can he upgrade (there's a physical therapy tech position available he's thinking of trying)? Do you like your job? What's it like?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What does it take to be a nurse?

    My husband has given thought to nursing school. He's got a general studies bachelor's, and we don't know how much more schooling for nursing school. Also, he is worried about the chemistry portion and learning all the drugs. Can someone tell me how hard this is?

    7 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What kind of job fits this description?

    A job where you are active (not a desk job), get to speak with new people daily, and no real leadership necessary.

    The highest paying job/career that fits this description wins.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Where to buy fooseballs?

    Ok, I asked this question earlier, but said ping pong balls instead of fooseballs. Yes, I'm an idiot.

    BUt, my dad really wants a particular fooseball and can't find it. He bought one that's 1.25" and is made of cork, but it's lighter than the one he wants. It doesn't work well with the table. He wants a ball that's 1.25" and he thinks it's made of wood. I think it's made of a denser cork. How to tell? Where to look? Who to talk to? Any information is appreciated.

    1 AnswerToys1 decade ago
  • Different Ping Pong Balls?

    My Dad just bought a vintage 70's ping pong table. He can't find the balls he likes. There's a 1.25" ball made of cork but it's rather light. He wants the 1.25" ball that's denser. Doesn't know what it's made out of. He thought wood. I think it still feels and sounds like cork when bounced. Anyone know how to buy this more dense ball? Where do I look? Who do I talk to?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How to paint fake tile?

    We have this house built in the 1940's and there's this nasty fake plastic tile in our bathroom (and previously our kitchen). The tile will NOT come off so I'm wanting to paint over it. We only have one bathroom in the house and taking out walls is not something I want on the list of things to do. But I do want to paint the nasty light-green cracking plastic tiles to look like marble or something. Any suggestions? Good websites?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • All religions, which of these things are right or wrong?

    I'm just curious if most religions have similar findings in right and wrong. Let's just say you NEVER get caught on Earth for any of these circumstances. Be sure to say which religion you are.

    1. Murdering another person

    2. Killing another person (if you're fighting in a war)

    3. Lethal punishment for lethal crimes

    4. Abortion (3 months pregnant)

    5. Abortion (6 months pregnant)

    6. Abortion (9 months pregnant)

    7. Baby is born, let the child die

    8. Euthanasia for a chronically ill person who doesn't want to live

    9. Euthanasia for a suicidal person

    10. Suicide

    11. Stealing from a neighbor

    12. Stealing from a company

    13. Lying to a spouse

    14. Lying to a friend

    15. Lying to a stranger

    16. Not paying your debts

    17. Pirating DVDs

    18. Pirating Music


    20.Gay marriage

    21. Sex before marriage

    22. Divorce, (in general)

    23. Divorce, (with adultery involved)

    24. Killing an animal

    25. Torturing an animal

    26. Those Spain Bull Fights

    27. Eating animals

    28. Stealing time from your place of work

    29. Not working and living off government

    I think that about covers it for today.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does NSF=Seller is property disclosureexempt. "Addendums required and areattached on MLS" mean?

    I'm looking at houses to buy. I'm a noob. What does this mean?

    "NSF=Seller is property disclosureexempt. Addendums required and areattached on MLS. Please allow 48 hrs.minimum for acceptance. Pre-approvalor proof of funds required with alloffers. Cash sales require 10%earnest deposit. Seller’s choice of titleand escrow. Express Path is specialfinancing through PHH Mortgage. Seeflyers in home and in the addendumson MLS. Certified funs required on allearnest deposits."

    English, PLEASE!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What good laws do you believe Obama will approve in his presidency?

    I'm just wondering what laws people think he'll approve of that will benefit the country.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago