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  • What experiences have you had being vegetarian or vegan?

    I've had ALOT of bad, and i just wanted to reach out to other vegetarians and vegans and see how others have dealt with their bad experiences, it's really rough for me since i'm surrounded with non-vegans and not only that, very opinionated meat eaters. So who ever has the worse experience gets best answer :) Maybe my experiences won't seem so bad after hearing yours and it will help put it in perspective

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • How to announce going vegan (no more lame excuses about already ate)?

    It woulndnt be like a formal announcment or anything, it would just be us saying we can't eat their food Cuz we're vegan instead of saying we're not hungry or making an excuse. I wanna be a PROUD vegan and if people have a problem and make a big deal then I wanna tell them to back off and tell them how it is! I'm tired of feeling like a coward...but my boyfriends family is HORRIBLE and pretty much hanging us up on a cross and verbally crucify us...and embarass us, I don't want that kind of negative attention directed at me, especially since it's a family gathering and I'm out numbered. And I know that, that would be the only thing they would talk to us about. And it scares me but at the same time I've had enough being a coward...any advice on how to deal with them? And PLEASE include how you deal with ignorant family members that TRULY believe being vegan is unhealthy

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Dream about doctors and having breathing problems?

    I'm freaked out cuz I smoke and my boyfriends mom had scarring of the lungs needed that plastic thing that goes in your nose but you can take it out and it gives you oxygen. And I was in this building that was a hospital on one side a highschool for teenagers that were training to be doctors. And in my dream I had the plastic nose thing that gives you oxygen around my neck like a necklace thing and I didn't have it in my nose and my dream switches to my mom talking to me and she says "how's that quit smoking going, looks like you need more oxygen" and she smiles like she's being sarcastic but witty at the same time, and it shows the side of my face and I look pale and exhausted/out of breathe and my face was puggy looking (I have a thin and youthful face, I'm 19). So now I'm stressed out cuz was exactly EXACTLY how my boyfriends mom looked like during her last week of living.... Could it be his mom communicating with me??

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Why are the ghosts vanishing and leaving us alone?

    Read my past questions to understand the weird things that happened, it's a long story and i've typed it so many times, my fingers might cramp up...

    Anyways, there's no activity anymore, everything is calm and the interactive ouija board ONLINE said there were no spirits here and i asked it why there hasn't been any activity and it spelled out "conditions good" WHAT IS HAPPENING, i'm sooooooo depressed that this isn't turning out like i thought it was, or like you see on tv... i've been waiting for an experience like this for years and i thought i had that chance!

    Is the ghost, or two ghosts still around but just waiting cuz on "A haunting" they tend to be quiet for months then things go back to being crazy?? Were they just pranking us?? Any mediums that can help, PLZ do

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Had a evil plan to get back at really mean people by useing a ouija board? Any thoughts?

    I have two spirits following my boyfriend and first thought was to make a ouija board but changed to talking to mediums online, but then i thought about it again and BUT then thought about how much gossip and criticism would come our way if we had to get a psychic or medium to come get rid of the evil ghost that i would surely invite in, but then i thought about those people that are family of my boyfriend and how awful and rude they are and thought maybe a ouija board wouldn't be so bad, the evil ghost could terrorize them and i could get some sweet revenge, but wouldn't the ghost follow me if i was the one to summon it?? I was just a thought, lol, but am seriously wondering if it would work, and i'm wondering if any of you have any supernatural stories about getting revenge on gossipy and BRASH future in-laws

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Trying to find the records to a dead person that may be haunting my bf?

    Mac O'donnle is his name, i'm just trying to find out more about him so i can figure out why he's haunting my boyfriend, protecting him from another spirit that's trying to get his attention but is doing so in a dangerous way, making things catch on fire and overheat. Any websites?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • How to figure out this ghost that's trying to get our attention? Long details plz help?

    On mothers day my boyfriend, his sister and i went to visit their moms' grave and ever since we've had a few odd things happen to us, i'm very into ghosts and have sorta researched this type of thing and i can tell by what's been happening that it MAY not be actually trying to hurt us, only trying to get our attention but i'm not for sure, if it really wanted to hurt us it could have but at the same time, the ghost may not be strong enough to throw things around, they feed off of energy, or something like that, that sounds weird but i don't know what else could explain why this ghost is following us:

    My bf was making jiffy pop on his friends stove and he wanted to get the pop corn popping fast so he had it on high but two seconds after putting it on the stuff it caught on fire, we didn't think anything of it until we went to my boyfriends sisters house a couple days later and he put uncle Ben's rice in the microwave for 90 seconds and i wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, i just started noticing a VERY strong buttery smell and heard popping coming from the microwave and thought it was pop corn but the buttery smell was so strong i got worried about how long it was in there, so i walked pasted it and noticed he had put it on for like 25 minutes and i was like "WTF?? is he trying to burn the apartment down?!" so i go into the other room and he says it's fine and not to worry, but i get closer and i open it, it's uncle bens three cheese rice and steam comes POURING out and it's popping and crackling it's soooo hot, so i put it outside on the balcony (2nd floor apartment has a small little balcony thing) he told me he honestly only put it in there for 90 seconds and said that when i went into the room with him to tell him, he swore he heard beeping coming from the microwave and thought it was done, but when i went back it was still going at 24 minutes, so he thinks "something" changed it when i left to tell him about the smell.

    Then we went on the balcony to have a smoke and the balcony has wood railing type thing and it has a plastic covering over it, and we were sharing a blanket and cuddling close, not moving at all...we hear a loud thump on the plastic railing...and i get creeped out, so my bf re-enacts the sound with his fist and he had to punch it pretty hard to copy the sound, so it wasn't just something from a tree near by had bumped it, there had to be some force on purpose...and i can't see ghosts but i can sense them and i sometimes see them in my dreams. My issue is that i feel frustrated that after all the shows i've watched and all the books i've read, i feel like a rookie and don't know how to what the ghost wants. I just want answers and some help to get this ghost to show itself or tell us what it wants from us cuz it's confusing me when these things happen and will probably continue to happen but i can't do anything

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Criticism from non-vegetarian friends?

    At first it was playful and i was fine, now it's getting down right rude and inconsiderate. I have not once said anything about what they eat, yet every single time i buy something vegetarian and organic, i get rude comments and rude looks and it's starting to get under my skin. They have no respect for me and my choice, so now i'm considering distancing myself from them cuz i've let it simmer so long inside that now i'm boiling and i know i can't be calm with them. All i wanna do is say "i don't say crap about the way YOU eat, so leave me and my way of eating alone!! I'm tired of everytime i eat something that isn't dirt cheap and filled full of toxic crap, you feel the need to put me down!! I eat this way cuz it makes me feel good and i love animals and it's healthy, so leave me the F alone and get off my back!!!" but my bf is friends with them and they hang out everyday, but it's getting to the point that i don't wanna be around them anymore! i am fed up with them acting like they are better than me just because they're nasty *** food is CHEAPER. Just a half hour ago, she looks at me and says "Have you had a job and held it for a long time?" and i said "Yea, of course" and she had the nerve to say "Oh, i was just wondering cuz you don't seem to know the value of money" Not only is she being rude about my food, now she's attacking me personally, even though my choice of food is also personal, cuz choosing to not be a part of the killing of animals is a VERY personal choice. I'm not sure how much more i can deal with, and STILL i have not said what i really wanna say to her

    And she has the nerve to say that my organic food isn't "real"!!! ORGANIC IS THE DEFINITION OF REAL, organic means they don't add artificial colors or flavorings, or artificial sweeteners!!! I dont' know what her problem is, but i need some advice about what you would do, if some women was treating you this way, what would you say or do??

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • babysitting and almost done, worried about when the mom comes home tomorrow?

    I'm "helping" aka doing all the work pretty much, and i've been doing an AMAZING job, the problem is i believe in not spoiling the child and letting the kid know that the adult is the boss, not the child, but not obnoxiously like military or anything. But the mom is 21 and really party-party-girl not responsible at all and spoils her rotten all the time and gives in and lets her kid run the house cuz she's the only child and the mom is always gone and probably feels guilty about it...and if you say no to her when the mom's will regret it cuz she will yell and make it sound like you hit the kid or something. She lets her listen to bad songs that have lyrics like "cheater cheater where'd you meet that no good white trash hoe...and she can rot in hell and tell her i said so" and also, "if you ain't getting drunk, get the **** out the club, where are all my alcoholics at" and "she broke my heart in the trailer park, so i jack the keys to that ******* car and drove that piece of **** and walked away" the kid is 3 years old.

    I bought a cd with kid only songs and not letting her listen to those, and only letting her watch cartoons that aren't violent and that are ment for three year olds. And i don't let her run the house, when she doesn't listen, like when she was drawing on this mini whiteboard and i told her i had to get her dressed and she didn't stop but she was erasing what she drew so i waited but then she started drawing again and TOTALLY ignored that i was even there, i took the marker out of her hand and she automatically called for my friends name cuz she knows he'll let her get her way (i'm teaching him a thing or do, to be better at handling her) and i lifted her up gently and carried her to her room down the hall and she started bawling, but i didn't give in, i got her dressed and she was fake crying the whole time just trying to get my friend to give in and feel bad for her, but he backed me up and told her that she had to get dressed....

    the problem is, the mom will be PISSED at me for "telling her kid no" and i know that her kid is gonna spill about all the times i didn't let her get her way and actually made her listen (i don't spank or hit, it's sets a bad example), and plus i've been working so hard to reverse all that her moms done and taught her...all the bad habits, it's all gonna be over and she'll go back to being a big brat and throwing fights (for example: the other day, the grandparents, they are even WORSE then the mom, but not with the music or anything, they let her sleep in bed with them even though she's old enough to sleep alone, they NEVER tell her no, they feed her crap like fried chicken and stuff her full of macaroni and cheese, they don't feed her any veggies only the apple juice that she can't live without, when she cries they give in after not even a second, it's just sickening how in control that little girl is, and how they are sooooo STUPID and don't even see how skrewed up it is, and get mad when someone actually tells her to stop and starts taking control back, anyways, the other day they were driving and she saw the big boy resturant and would NOT stop throwing a hissy fit till they took her there, and they gave in) and when mom finds out, no more babysitting that involves me, only the uncle that i'm helping.

    what should i do?? i don't want the mom mad at me, but at the same time i don't feel guilty or bad about how i was with her, i played with her ALL the time, watched cartoons the whole day, made HEALTHY home made dinner instead of mcdonalds like they do, i took her to the playground, and she has a rash with alot of little bumps and i always made sure i put lotion on it everyday, i told her how much i loved her and kissed her, and treated her REALLY good. So i don't feel i should be in trouble, but since the moms so frickin dumb from all the brain cells she lost while getting wasted four nights in a row so many times (she's at the grandparents house when she goes out on the weekends and binges) What should i say when her mom tells me i should've let her get her way and not made her follow the rules i made (which were fair and very simple:

    No back talk to adults, no fake crying or any crying for a silly reason like getting the marker taken away for not listening or crying to get attention, no tantrums when she doesn't get her way, when the adults are talking she has to wait her turn, very little junk food or sweets and she had to sleep in her own bed like a big girl does, and when we say no we mean no

    Nothing "horrible" or "illegal"...what do i tell her when she gets mad

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Now that i'm pregnant, now i'm feeling the pressure from family?

    I'm 19 and 13 weeks pregnant, and i'm having issues with my family after i ran into an old childhood flame but they say he's a bad influence and he's no good but i'm not 11 years old this time! And after hanging with him, it seems i have no privacy and it's getting under my skin BIG TIME... I hang with him and literally ten minutes later, half my family know, and i hang with the baby daddy for a few hours cuz i still wanna remain close and then all of a sudden the old flames grandma (who btw, I DON'T EVEN KNOW OR TALK TO) is telling the old flame that i'm dating the baby daddy cuz my grandma told barb and she heard it from my mom!!! And when i leave the house at night cuz i'm hardly at the house that much cuz my mom is getting under my nerves, she frickin calls up a storm of people LOOKING FOR ME even though i'm nineteen, and half the family is calling the old flame and my cousin (cuz they've been friends since diapers) and it seems all this drama is starting from the fact that i'm pregnant and i'm living a crazy and "S-H-I-T-T-Y" life since he came back in my life. Some how, they think it's okay to talk about my life and try to control me as if i'm 11 yrs old! I'm gonna be devoting my whole life and energy to this baby when it's born, it would be nice to just hang with my friends and have fun without getting the third degree and having everyone use my baby as some kind of example, as if i suddenly FORGOT that i'm pregnant, dee dee dee! I dont' do drugs, or drink, and i lightly smoke, THAT'S IT, i stay up really really late but i learned my lesson after four days going to bed at the wee hours of the morning, i'm finally feeling it and feel like i can't function properly. And i understand her point about her other younger kids being around him, but he's NEVER EVER EVER around the house, i always meet him in town, so that's complete bull s-h-i-t when she says that, and she says it's a bad influence on them when i'm spending the night at different guys houses, but it's only three guys and i've known them for years! And i almost lost it when she started naming off how many guys i've had sex with, hinting that she thinks i'm a slut and i was dead serious about moving out after that big fight...but i cooled down and now i'm thinking that the fast lane is getting a little old after two weeks, i kinda miss my mellow normal, boring life and i'm exhausted from fighting with my mom, we use to be close...So what do i do about the family gossip and not having any privacy, i suck at sitting my mom down and having serious talks, cuz i get nervous and my adrenaline pumps, and i know i'll mess up my words and there'll be a fight so that makes my adrenaline pump even worse, so even before i say anything, i'm a big ball of stress and end up avoiding the talk, any advice?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Starting to have second thoughts?? Not sure if i'm selffish or not?

    I'm 19 and i just found i'm pregnant last week, i'm six weeks....and i was looking at some of my friends pic and they were getting drunk and smoking, and having all this fun on the beach, and i started to think that maybe i'm throwing away my youth, i don't wanna miss out on the best years of my life, i wanna have fun and goof off, and act my age... so now i'm considering wasn't until i saw those pics that i had second thoughts, maybe it's just a phase but i feel bad cuz i feel like i'm being selfish, and when see that baby after it's born, i might change my mind, and i'm just sooo confused. there's all these girls my age and a lil younger (maybe a year or two) and they had kids and they're happy that they kept the baby, but i just don't wanna make a mistake....

    If you're not in this situation, please don't leave a comment, i want sincere and educated answers, so don't even bother cuz i won't choose you as best answer

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Recently found out i'm pregnant? I'm 19 yrs old?

    I'm kinda wishy washy about it, cuz i'm 5 weeks along and i'm keeping it and i'm 19, my bf/my father is 22 and he's been very unsupporitve and i understand this is a big change for him too but when i said i was keeping it, he was scared crap-less and was shaking SO hard cuz i had assured him that i'd abort it if that ever did happen...but the problem with him being angry at himself, and crying and being very emotional, is that it rubs off on me and now i'm scared crap less too!!! And i was actually hopeing i'd get pregnant!! But after seeing him behave that way, i'm sooo scared and i just feel overwhelmed, and just resting my hands on my slightly bloated round belly freaks me out, and i dont know why other than my boyfriends' moods are rubbing off on me, and my mom agrees i should abort, and said that she's ashamed that i'm pregnant. I just don't feel supported and comforted like i should and it's causing me alot of stress that's bad for the embryo...what should i do? I'm not gonna abort, i just mean how do i stop stressing and just be happy that i created life??

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Raising a future vegan child (not pregnant yet) ? Having a little trouble with the boyfriend?

    Hey, i REALLY need help. I read this book titled "The vegetarian doctor speaks out" and it said that young children get allergic reactions to milk and can cause asthma, eczama and pnemonia, and i'm really worried for my future childrens life (i'm a planner, i plan ahead) and i tried telling my bf about it, but he truly... does NOT believe milk is as horrible as i say. Can someone PLZ help me prove it, someone who has been told by a doctor to not consume dairy, a website from a legitament and creditable doctor?? I feel very strongly, i just need to convince him

    If you're NOT vegetarian or vegan do not answer, you will not get best answer, so there's no point in even trying. I'm asking them not you

    18 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What are some good books about living around omnivores?

    I have nothing against omnivores, but the ones that argue about being vegetarian without being provoked are the ones i don't like and i'm usually not an angry person, but i actually have my adrenaline pumping when they harass me for no reason, and all i say is "I'm vegetarian" and it's not like i'm rude, i say it with a smile and it's just so they know so if they wanna go out to eat, they won't pick a bad place and then feel awkward when they find out i'm vegetarian, so that's the only reason i say it, but anyways, i found a book at the library "The Vegetarian Survival Guide: Living with meat eaters" and it's really good, but i'm trying to find books that will help me stay calm under pressure and not give veg's a bad name. Cuz i ALSO don't like preachy vegetarians that think all meat eaters are the same and they over react and are just as bad as the angry meat eaters, cuz then they think all vegetarians are like that. So what books would you recommend to help me defuse a debate/ argument. And it's not the fact that they eat meat, it's when they lecture me with all these myths and things that aren't true and they act like they are hot S h i t and like they know better than me and i'm clueless. And i'm not bias, i know some veg's are REALLY outspoken and in peoples' when they don't act the way the veg thinks is right. We have our own way of living, some are worse then others, but to not kiss a person or date someone just cuz they aren't vegetarian is pushing it. So i completely understand those meat eaters that have been nagged and preached at, but they should know that not all veg's are like that, and i actually want omnivores to message me and be friends, and just let them know that our intentions are good. It's not that we're saying you're wrong, it's just that there are actual studies that prove that HEALTHY vegetarian diets are better, but it's still not our place to nag you. If you still wanna eat meat after knowing that, then that's your choice and i'm perfectly okay with that. And i'm sorry this doesn't have to do with the question, but i just really wanna reach out to meat eaters and let them know that i'm and other veg's aren't mean and hateful. And i just want everybody to get along. So please don't report this or anything, cuz i do need suggestions about books, but i just wanted to add on to that and let you know that my heart is open and i'd love to make some friends that don't neccisarly have to be vegetarian. So yea, any help with books, and message me so we can chat and get to know each other, we're not so different after all =)

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Help with being less brash about the benefits of vegetarianism?

    i've been vegetarian for 5 months and have done all my research about the things i have to be careful about and vegetarianism is extremely health if you do it right and i have, i don't live off of french fries and coke and i eat lots of veggies fruits and i've even looked in the phone book at the restaurant guide and found all these places i can eat out at and highlighted the food that i can order, i've planned it out very well, and all i'm looking for is some thumbs up and "good job" even if the person doesn't believe in it, i just am tired of ppl being mean when they know nothing about being vegetarian, my new bf's mom wasn't in my face like my last bf, but she looked troubled and said "Oh honey, you're gonna be really ill if you eat like that" she's an older woman and just the fact that she said that tells me she knows nothing about what i'm doing cuz if she did she wouldn't have said that, i didn't say anything, i learned my lesson last time with my ex's parents, but it's just troubling that people aren't very well informed about the health benefits of being vegetarism...i'm the vegetarian that does it for the health, not the murder of animals, i know that sounds horrible and i love animals, but i don't wanna be all stressed out cuz i'm worried about every little piece of food i put in my mouth, ya know...and i'm writing this in a calm tone btw...i'm really looking for some help, i get really bothered that people will tell me i'm gonna be sick and i won't get the nutrition from a vegetarian diet when they know nothing about it. If they had at least looked it up and saw some benefits. and it's not even the fact that they aren't vegetarians, because i know that's personal choice and i don't wanna intrude on that, but when i do all my research and am aware of the pros and CONS of vegetarianism (B12 and calcium and iron defiancy, solution: drink soy milk or eat cheese, ether eat lots of veggies with iron or if you're anemic take a supplement, and drink/eat foods that are fortified with B12, problem solved, vegetarianism can be healthy if you do it right) But when i'm proud of myself for being healthy and they start firing off these myths that aren't true and talk to me like i don't know what i'm talking about, i get mad and i have a temper when ignorant ppl treat me that way without a reason or logic, and i blow up, but i'm trying to work on my people skills cuz i don't want people to think that's how all vegetarians are like, we are nice people but it hurts my feelings and irritates me when i know what i'm talking about and it's not like i'm bias, i looked at the Cons of doing this, but there's so much negativity, and i just want some tips from both vegs and non vegs, like for example, i'm open and willing to learn what really bugs you about vegetarians, i want to learn so i don't do that, and veg's tell me how you over came this struggle. i'm being very calm and i just really wanna learn so i don't alilenate myself, thank you

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • i lost my omnivore critics and now i lost my drive to research?

    When i first became vegetarian/strict vegetarian, i had all these ppl talking down to me and telling me what i'm doing is stupid and wrong, so i had this drive and passion to prove them wrong, i put my whole energy into researching vegetarianism and i checked out at least a dozen books making sure i was doing it right, but then it got to be too stressful and i started getting too acid produced in my stomach, which i read about and learned i could get stress ulcers, so i broke up with my bf and his stupid ominore family, and i now that i don't have my critics giving me that push to learn more and be a passionate vegetarian (i'm vegetarian it's just not so "thrilling" and i don't have that enthusiam anymore) i feel kinda, blah...i use to spend all my time at the book store and library's, now i don't go very often...what can i do to get back into being a passionate vegetarian??

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • how to gain weight but still be vegetarian? Help?

    i'm naturally thin and before i went vegetarian i was already 118 and i have a small frame and i'm 5'4" and since me and my bf have been vegetarian (3 months ago) i've lost more weight and my mom says i look anorexic. But i feel fine, and the reason is...i'm the only one with a job and i hardly work and wen i do, it's only for a few hours, so i might get 70 bucks, but this week it looks for like maybe 30 or 40, and i'm having problems with my bf's dad cuz he says i'm starving him, which is so not true! HE gets the majority of the food, i only get like a little rice or mashed potatoes and a glass of soy milk, or half a pint of soy or tofu ice cream, but other than that i usually give most of the food to my bf so he doesn't feel deprived and his dad will shut up (he doesn't, he's still harassing me about him starving) so how can i gain weight and still keep my bf well fed? i've eaten two donuts, which i usually don't eat cuz then it's only fair if my bf has one and he's actually trying to lose weight, and plus it's not healthy...but my bf understands i need to eat more so he's fine right now...but i can't just binge on donuts, what else can i do!?

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • vegetarian and frustrated with ignrorant non-vegetarians?

    i have all my facts, all my resources, i eat a balanced meal and don't cause any trouble, so why do i still get criticized for being a vegetarian!? If other ppl want to be non-vegetarian that's their own business but why do they thinks it's okay to bully me when i'm right and their wrong, i just don't get's SCIENTIFICALLY proven that vegetarians are healthier but some ppl, especially the folks i live with, are narrow minded and don't believe it's possible to not STARVE and be veg.

    what to say to shut them up??

    14 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • how to defend being vegetarian?

    i live with my bf and his parents, and his parents are totally ignorant and stupid about being vegatarian! they are constantly saying i'm starving him and say he's not getting enough protein, and even when we read how much protein beans and nuts and whole grains had, he didn't believe us! He's a frickin' red neck dumb *** and his always calling to make sure i'm not starving him, and they say it's too expensive, which i really don't TOTALLY care about, it does suck but i'm not gonna eat crap just cuz it's "cheaper" how do i get them to shut up, cuz i one time i flipped out and told his dad to shut the **** up, and i almost got kicked out, and don't say that i don't have to defend my lifestyle, cuz i honestly do, i want them to see how healthy i'm feeding their son, and that they should be THANKING me for making it so he won't frickin die from cancer or heart disease and he won't have to take five different medications cuz of all the complications and illnesses that come with eating that crap, not criticizing me and making me sound like a monster! and like i'm not feeding him enough... i just don't know what to say to make him leave us alone!!! i'm at my wits end!!

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago