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? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

Help with being less brash about the benefits of vegetarianism?

i've been vegetarian for 5 months and have done all my research about the things i have to be careful about and vegetarianism is extremely health if you do it right and i have, i don't live off of french fries and coke and i eat lots of veggies fruits and i've even looked in the phone book at the restaurant guide and found all these places i can eat out at and highlighted the food that i can order, i've planned it out very well, and all i'm looking for is some thumbs up and "good job" even if the person doesn't believe in it, i just am tired of ppl being mean when they know nothing about being vegetarian, my new bf's mom wasn't in my face like my last bf, but she looked troubled and said "Oh honey, you're gonna be really ill if you eat like that" she's an older woman and just the fact that she said that tells me she knows nothing about what i'm doing cuz if she did she wouldn't have said that, i didn't say anything, i learned my lesson last time with my ex's parents, but it's just troubling that people aren't very well informed about the health benefits of being vegetarism...i'm the vegetarian that does it for the health, not the murder of animals, i know that sounds horrible and i love animals, but i don't wanna be all stressed out cuz i'm worried about every little piece of food i put in my mouth, ya know...and i'm writing this in a calm tone btw...i'm really looking for some help, i get really bothered that people will tell me i'm gonna be sick and i won't get the nutrition from a vegetarian diet when they know nothing about it. If they had at least looked it up and saw some benefits. and it's not even the fact that they aren't vegetarians, because i know that's personal choice and i don't wanna intrude on that, but when i do all my research and am aware of the pros and CONS of vegetarianism (B12 and calcium and iron defiancy, solution: drink soy milk or eat cheese, ether eat lots of veggies with iron or if you're anemic take a supplement, and drink/eat foods that are fortified with B12, problem solved, vegetarianism can be healthy if you do it right) But when i'm proud of myself for being healthy and they start firing off these myths that aren't true and talk to me like i don't know what i'm talking about, i get mad and i have a temper when ignorant ppl treat me that way without a reason or logic, and i blow up, but i'm trying to work on my people skills cuz i don't want people to think that's how all vegetarians are like, we are nice people but it hurts my feelings and irritates me when i know what i'm talking about and it's not like i'm bias, i looked at the Cons of doing this, but there's so much negativity, and i just want some tips from both vegs and non vegs, like for example, i'm open and willing to learn what really bugs you about vegetarians, i want to learn so i don't do that, and veg's tell me how you over came this struggle. i'm being very calm and i just really wanna learn so i don't alilenate myself, thank you

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well it depends who is doing the asking.

    In the case of a bf's mom, when she says "oh honey you're gonna get sick," just say you take multivitamins. That's not someone I'd argue the point with or someone where it's appropriate to teach her something about nutrition.

    In the case of a friend or a peer though, just rattle off some facts about vegetarianism they wouldn't know. You can say it in a nice way if you really want like, "well actually you can get more than enough B12 with _____" or "I get my iron from _______"

    If the friend or peer keeps pressing the point beyond that, then it's worth getting into an argument about if you really want to...but in that case they'd be the ones who antagonized YOU, not the other way around.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can shrug it off, or very calmly say "actually (fill in the truth about whatever misconseption they just said" Dont go into a lecture, just make it short, brief, and to the point and then go back on to what you were doing before.

    Thats pretty much what I do. Sometimes people will leave it at that, some will ask questions that im more then happy to answer (as long as they are sincere questions (trying to be a smart*ss questions get smart*ss responses), some want to debate it (and I''ll either debate it or just say "whatever believe what you want" because some people just arnt worth it. Especially when they start spouting stuff that dosnt even make sense (you wither point out the lack of logic, sense and embaresses them (which may lead to them yelling at you and calling you something) or get them to shut up.

    Whatever it is try your hardest to remain calm at all times!

  • 5 years ago

    J.R. hit it spot on. The professionals incorporate: You could have a dramatically curb danger for plenty of sicknesses adding diabetes, osteoporosis, and lots of cancers. You will likely be drinking some distance much less saturated fats and ldl cholesterol. You will definitely develop your intake of complete grains and veggies. You might not be contributing to the enormous environmental harm triggered by means of the beef industries. Last however no longer least, you'll not be financing the torture and slaughter of different sentient beings. The cons are: You might not be capable to discover choices at precise eating places. You ought to manage the wondering/insults of persons who're at first-rate tolerant and at worst belligerently adversarial. That's all I can feel of.

  • Kalla
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You really are doing great! I bet you feel energized and good with out all the sugar and grease in your body. I got made fun of all the time, at church (they just talk bad about vegetarian, so I've never said anything to my church, not like its a sin), my family and friends, but I'm doing it for me!

  • 1 decade ago

    Just keep your dietary choices to yourself.

    Source(s): 54yo vegetarian who used to own a "meat is murder" tea shirt back in the 70's
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