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Its a Secret lol I like my rock music.... and ya :)

  • what is the difference between endosymbiosis and Cooperativity?

    I really would love the answer to this question, and also why are they important?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • If earthquakes shorten the day ,does that mean a day used to be longer? If so how much longer? Say from a you?

    What I would love to hear is say due to earthquakes we have lost 2-4 hours after the original days in a hour? Is the day they are speaking of(scientist) the american (modern) day idea of a day? Or are they saying earthquakes alter the time in the day compared to the time of the day that has been here for 10 thousand years - to whatever billion years they say the earth is.

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • What page is the Chapter "Smart cookie" From the book "House on mango street"?

    I don't own the book and I need it for a quote help please :)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Please help me find a interesting Peer Reviewed Biology themed experiment ?

    Scientists communicate the results of their experiments

    in many different ways. One of those ways is through

    published reports in journals that are managed, edited,

    and reviewed by their peers. These types of articles are

    called primary literature. While scientific journals have

    many different types of articles in addition to the

    primary literature (reviews, editorials, news, etc.), it is

    often easy to spot a primary literature article by simply

    scanning it to find a Methods section. The methods

    section is the part of the report in which the scientists

    describe how they did their experiments.

    Your goal in this assignment is to find an article that is primary literature in the field of

    biology. Once you find your article, print or Xerox a clean, complete, and legible copy of

    it to turn in with your assignment. Then, read the article and answer the questions below.

    Do not be intimated by the level of writing in the article – I will explain anything

    you don’t understand! Simply bring the article to my office hours so that we can

    talk about it.

    What must be turned in:

    1 – A complete and legible copy of the article

    2 – Your answers to the questions below typed on a separate sheet of paper


    1. What is the title of the article? (2 pt)

    2. In 2 or 3 sentences, what is the question/problem/issue being addressed in the

    article? Answer in your own words – do not copy from the article. (10 pt)

    3. List the experiments done in the article. (8 pt)

    4. How is the data displayed in the articles (photographs, tables, graphs, etc)? (5 pt)

    5. Choose one figure in the article and answer the following questions:

    a. What is the title of the figure? (2 pt)

    b. Describe the figure in your own words in 2 or 3 sentences. (8 pt)

    6. Find the Conclusion or Discussion section of the paper and answer the following


    a. What is the conclusion of the article (in your own words)? (10 pt)

    b. Find where the authors hint at or describe what experiments should be

    done next and highlight that text in the article. (5 pt)

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • My Timing Belt is Broken, should I worry about bent Valves?

    So I was making a turn on a street, when I lost power and my car stopped, after inspection I saw cracks on my timing belt, but it still looked intact, The mechanic says it might of bent the Valves, but I wasn't going fast I was just making a turn onto a street when it happened, What are the odds that it bent the Valves? I drive a 1999 Ford Escort ZX2

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • what tools do I need to remove the Mass air flow sensor on a1999 ford escort?

    If im correct its right on top /by the air filter? I want to go to pick a part but want to know what tools I will need..

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My Girl friend says i'am coming off insecure how can I change that?

    Id love to hear some advice that helped you :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I want to Study to be a EMT but 5-6 years ago I got a DUI can I still be a EMT?

    From what Ive heard there are two Different types of EMT one thats a Driver and one that takes care of patients?? I don't want to spend the money for the program and find out its worthless cause of my past... I haven't even been drunk in like 5 years!.. help?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • on myspace people who use for there profiles don't show?

    Well they show but its all messed up! I only see like the text but the flash part doesn't show? but on other computers it does and on Firefox it does.. but not on internet explorer?

    are there any add ons? or updates or setting changes I can get to fix this? ?

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • why do people call the ak-47 a pea shooter?

    No insults please just give me a answer and you might get 10 points :D

    20 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Can we use wind to power a Car?

    I was just thinking the craziest thoughts... imagine instead of freeways giant surface Tunnels and in the tunnels,

    high current wind rushing through them powered by a Giant powerful fan.

    Now imagine Cars with Sails!.... not your regular run of the mill ocean sails but like a Metal sail maybe? anyways the sail is connected to the roof and frame of the car and controlled by the steering wheel, so you could actually maneuver and of course Drive.

    anyways.. I know that the Fan its self would also have to be powered some way but this would over all will cut our dependency on Gas by 75% ..(in theory)...

    maybe we could also have a way for the car to store electricity while driving, maybe have a fan in front of the sail , that would spin at enormous speeds and would store electricity in batteries? ...

    and with that you could use it to get around in your city?... hmm or also have a small 2 gallon gas tank or some other kind of alternative fuel of your choice in case of emergencies?

    anyways tell me what you think of my idea I know it sounds A BIT CRAZY.. but it just kind of came to my mind.. I haven't heard of such a thing, anywhere how about you?

    10 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a Ruger PC4 40 S&W Police carbine?or something like it?

    ... I really like that Rifle it fits my hand like a glove, but from what I hear they don't make it anymore?... anyone know anything similar to this gun design for a reasonable price?

    heres a picture

    4 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • what does it mean when you ask for a girls number and she says"how about you give me your number"?

    what does it mean when you ask for a girls number and she says"how about you give me your number"

    so ya?

    im guessing it means, she doens't like you like that im I right?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I hide band bulletins on myspace without having to delete them from my friends list?

    just curious , I'm a bit tired of having my bulletin list swamped by bands bulletin's

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • Anyone here this preached before the Gospel before lol?

    "Without Bad news you can't have good news right?" like if a Doctor came to your door with a bottle of medicine saying this is the cure ! I sold my house for this here! ... it wouldn't make sense. but if he came to your house and examined you and explained all your symptoms to your Disease and even showed you a x-ray of what it looks like and then told you about the cure that cost him his ,house and Life you would be very grateful right? well i'm that Doctor and her is your examination and symptoms pointed out.

    You're a human and like all of us you have Sinned ,You heard of the Ten Commandments? Thou shalt not lie,Thou shalt not steal etc.

    think through your life? all the times you have lied, stolen, hated people, cussed people out, taken Gods name in vain, lusted after a guy b/f included ,

    Jesus said if you hate anyone or cuss a person out even though you haven't killed anyone with your hands you are a Murderer at heart by your thoughts and words.

    and with stealing esh this one got me good... downloading music,stealing a answer off a test,slacking off at work,stealing something no matter the value ..esh if you steal your a thief and if you lie your a liar and yes white lies are still lies..

    Jesus also said do not commit adultery (cheat on your husband or wife)

    but Jesus said if you have ever lusted(sexual desire)after a guy other then your husband , that you are a Adulterer of heart by your thoughts even if your not married .

    also if you taken Gods name in Vain (o my G**,saying Jesus Christ with out meaning it etc) careless use of Gods name that your a Blasphemer

    which the bible says, All liars, Thieves, Murderers,Fornicators(sex outside or before marriage)blasphemers,adulterers, will have there part in the lake of fire...(Eternal hell,flames,worm never dies etc.)

    <B>So ya this is bad news ... </B> God if hes just must send you to hell if Hes just, just as a Judge on earth must punish the child molesters, and rapist

    and if a Judge didn't he would be evil, so would God be evil if he doesn't... judge the evil = you and me..

    so ya... I pretty much put together a case point by point that would dam the world to hell... we are truly sinners ,Evil,Nasty, Dirty ,foul,wretched creatures..

    anyways...So what Did God do to save you from your sins?

    lol this is the appetizer toward the gospel :D

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • ... They have my Tax check!?

    soo Im going through some drama where my aunt got ahold of my Tax check and won't give it to me unless I pay her a 100 dollars.. yes my family is crazy.. anyways is there anyway to cancel that check and have it sent to my house ? and avoid all this drama? help?


    first one to actually give me the right link gets 10pts:D

    8 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • why do people idolize Sid vicious?

    It just doesn't make sense lol?

    any one know why they idolize him?

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • It drives me Crazy when I have lent on my clothes.. Is that OCD>?

    So ya I wear a lot of black lol and I have cats lol... and ya when im in class or something it drives me crazy when I have like cat hair or lent on my clothes and I pick it off lol..

    but lets say I'm at home it doesn't bug me cause no one is there but me?..

    ... so anyways I have like 4 or so lent brushes... ha

    ... Ive always brushed it off as a Pete peve..

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • So Lets say I ask this girl I like to be my Valentines What happens after lol?

    Like... usually from your experience ? ... im still thinking if I should or not?

    Cause I would hate to lose her as a Friend, but I really like her?

    ... so anyways lets say I ask her to be my Valentines and get her something then what? lol..

    any ideas? What next? Start going out? Go out to eat that day? ...

    and then the dreaded threat of looking like a idiot and hereing those famous words” You know where just Friends right?”

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago