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I'm a nurse who lives in north Florida. I love small furry creatures, especially cats and ferrets. I am also particularly fond of raptors like hawks and eagles. Checking out nature is my favorite pastime. I like watching Jaguars and Gators football, sewing, reading, gardening, hiking, canoeing, freshwater fishing, canning and baking. Most of all I love to laugh. Especially at myself and I give myself plenty of opportunities for that though not usually on purpose!

  • It occurs to me that one should never reuse a suction cannister, however...?

    However, in a home health situation, with an obtunded patient who requires frequent suctioning, it seems reasonable, with proper clean technique and disinfection between uses that a collection cannister should be used for no more than one month. I've been with this patient a year and am concerned that the equipment has only been replaced three times. Searches online and queries to the company that provides the equipment have elicited no information regarding replacemment/reuse parameters. Yakaurs and soft suctions are being replaced every week, but tubing and collection cannisters are not.

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • how did your pet get it's name?

    I had a ferret and found another I absolutely had to take home with me. Had trouble figuring out a name for the newbie. I had Taz (of course) and nothing seemed to fit the new little critter. One day while they were out romping and going crazy as ferrets do, dashing and bouncing around, going in reverse, doing their flips and clandestine attacks, I said, laughing, to the new one "Alright you crazy Spaz!", and there was his name. Spaz and Taz. How perfect?

    I also have a cat that came to live with me as a very young kitten. He was (and still is) quite the biter. Even as a baby he thought himself the "tough guy". I couldn't figure out a name for him either, as he was like no other cat I had ever had personality-wise. I mentioned to a friend my dilemma, describing the little one as a fighter who wouldn't back down and didn't care how big the adversary was, only focused on winning the battle. My friend said "Like a mongoose? Like Ricky Tikki Tavi?" and there it was, his name became Ricky Tikki Tabby! So tell me the story of your pet's naming!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do your friends and family do that annoys you?

    or anyone for that matter.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have any pets?

    If so, what kind?

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is your kitty, (puppy, bird, lizard etc) begging for your attention right now?

    Seems every time I sit down here kitty wants my undivided attention. gets all over the keyboard, blocks the screen, lies on the mouse, even though I have made him his own perch right next to me!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: How many of us need to go to sleep but just can't stop answering questions?

    eyes are getting heavy, can barely keep them open. But just one more answer, Well, oh, I can just answer this one more. OH, I didn't see that one, I can help...........???????????

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do RTS, RPG and platform mean in regards to games?

    I found a really cool site with very simple free games on it but don't understand all the lingo. I'm kinda figuring platform means levels, like the old Mario Bros. ?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Between the listed, what is your favorite old time video game?

    Break (-ing bricks)


    Mario Brothers


    Pac Man



    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have a family member that just ticks you off?

    Brother who is too "keeping up with the Joneses"? Sister who is hell bent on misery, no matter what the family does for her? Child who refuses to let her 14 year old son get a job because it would mess up her - crap - what is it called, living on the public dole?

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do the cars similar to your exes make your heart flutter?

    An ex-boyfriend sent me a song a few weeks ago called 'The Jeep Song' by the Dresden dolls. Now, we broke up a year and a half ago. And since I have a Jeep Cherokee it occurred to me that maybe he was being bothered by seeing vehicles like mine from time to time (poor baby, there are a LOT of them in this town. I have walked up to the wrong one more than once in a parking lot!). I used to look for his,,,, unsuccessfully. 1994 Red Chevy Blazers aren't very common. But I still get the flutters when I see even a red Jeep. So, am I the only one?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I want to make you a pie, but...

    I only have 1 cup of milk and need 1 3/4 cups. Can I use table cream as a "rich" substitute? (it's canned), Or should I dilute it? Is sweetened condensed milk reconstituted okay? Is the reconstitution the same as evaporated milk (50/50)?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • remember me asking all ya savvy texters what tyng meant?

    seems it actually means thank you nature other handle, LOL! So by the way, what does 77 stand for?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • For all you savvy texters out there - tyng?

    I know ty is thank you. ng - ? And any reference to a site where I can look this stuff up myself would be appreciated!

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • 1 part fruit, 1 part sugar, 2 parts water, how much yeast? (Home made wine)?

    All recipes I have found call for gallons of fruit. Mega crop of blackberries in the acres. I get a gallon in two days if persistent about picking, but don't want to deprive the birds, turtles, bugs, etc. of their bounty. Pulled a bunch of recipes off the internet. Some say use yeast, some don't. In measuring things out noticed the above mentioned ratio. So I decided to put up a couple of bottles of strawberry up and would like to try blueberry. But how to cut the yeast amount, and is it necessary at all? Thanks to all for simple info, not buying a lot of equipment for this, just fruit, sugar, water, yeast (if nec.), and really pretty bottles my bartender friends save for me (Yes, I sterilize them). And balloons to keep the bugs and dirt out but allowing for the gas processing involved with the yeast. Hey, the fruit is free, will mix with grape juice if needed at the end.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Can a bad starter drain a battery?

    it cranked slower and slower, then the other day nothing when I tried to start it. I put a new battery in, but it's cranking slower and slower again. Will take it to the shop tomorrow (monday), but should I disconnect the battery to keep it safe in the meantime? And if the starter is bad, can it still be jump-started? Thanks, gang!

    7 AnswersJeep1 decade ago
  • anybody know anything about Chantix quit smoking Rx?

    Heard about it from some friends it worked for. Heard it had some potentially scary side effects (graphic nightmares, severe nausea). Also heard it had been taken off the market due to increased suicides. Ordered it anyway. Any input greatly appreciated.

    9 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can only be seen by the eyes of the blind?

    Blind faith. What is blind faith?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Bachelorette party-any ideas?

    I'm in charge of party favors for a friend's bachelorette party. We're going out to dinner then to two bars. Have dicky rings and straws, bachelorette challenge coupons, bachelorette trivia cards we can make our own penalties for, party buttons that say "single", "B****", "Sl**", "tease", etc, bugs for gently letting people know when they need to cool it a little (we're nurses and people talk, not always nicely), wood puzzles I will have everybody try before they drink and then again before they go home so we can tell who needs a ride-- designated drivers already in place). but this seems so mundane. What would you do?

    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else having problems with slow service at McDonald's?

    I've just about boycotted them. Not that I go very often, but when in a hurry (and I do love the double cheeseburgers), I stop in maybe once a month. The last 7 or 8 times I have gone I have waited what seems like FOREVER. I'm not talking about 5 or 10 minutes that seem longer because I am in a hurry, I timed them the last two times, 22 minutes once and 30 minutes the next time (5 different McDonald's). I get waited on faster at Outback!

    12 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • My friends hurt my feelings. They included me then kicked me to the side. Is it me?

    Found out 2 days ago someone connected to my local hang-out group has cancer, so a bunch of us got together and decided to have a charity function (poker run for you motorcycle fans) to raise money he needs for treatment. During the conversation, the need for flyers came up, and I volunteered to produce them. I got a couple of "which-one-do-you-like" examples together, and brought them to the area we meet. Via phone, one of the gals said "We've already got what we need." This really hurt my feelings. Though I have already donated food for this event (and I'm not rich-just happened to have stopped by on the way home from the grocery store and had a ham and large turkey breast in the car), I was looking forward to putting in my time and effort to help this guy and his family. And they said "yes, you can take care of that", then side-swiped me off to the side of the road. Could it be that my feelings aren't as important to them as theirs are to me?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago