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How common are rape scenes in Game of Thrones?
I'm interested in watching this TV series but so far I've been reluctant due to some people saying that rape is pervasive throughout the series. I have PTSD from having been raped multiple times during my childhood, so I have a hard time watching it on TV or in movies. If it's pervasive throughout the entire series then I don't really want to watch it, but if it's spread out here and there I wouldn't mind watching Game of Thrones. Thanks.
3 AnswersOther - Television5 years agoI need help navigating neutral density filters.?
I own a Canon Rebel T4i EOS equipped with a 18mm-135mm EF-S f3.5-5.6 IS STM telephoto lens with a thread diameter of 67mm.
I am mostly into landscape photography with some macro here and there. I own a tripod, lens hood, and have a Hoya UV(C) HMC filter nearly always attached. I also own a Polaroid polarizing filter.
I want to start playing around with longer exposure times and it seems that a neutral density filter would be a necessity for this. My problem is that I do not have a gigantic budget (I am a forensic chemistry student; photography is merely a hobby of mine) and there are A LOT of manufacturers that make neutral density filters in all price ranges to the point that I can t tell what is good and what is not as good.
The maximum that I would spend on a variable neutral density filter (or set of "straight" neutral density filters) at this point in time is $150CAD. I can t figure out if I should get a variable neutral density filter, or if it s better to get a set of many "straight" neutral density filters. I also have no idea if it s better to get "full" ones or "gradient" ones or both. And finally, I have no idea which brands are worth it in the $150CAD or less price range.
1 AnswerPhotography5 years agoTonsillectomy as an adult?
I'm scheduled for a tonsillectomy in January on the very first day of 2nd semester classes. I'm in my final year of a very exigent program (forensic chemistry) and I cannot afford to miss a week of classes. I'll need to miss one day for the surgery itself but the very next day I would need to make my way to class. I've waited 3 years for this surgery so I can't reschedule. Will it be physically possible for me to go to class, or is this an unrealistic expectation?
The purpose of the surgery is "cure" tonsil stones by removing the tonsils. My tonsils have been swollen for 3 years with the only other symptoms being tonsil stones and the occasional sore throat. The specialist did not give me any option other than getting them removed. If there are other proven options out there, I would certainly be willing to cancel my appointment and try but at this time I am not aware of any (and nor are any of the medical professionals that I have talked to).
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years agoWhere do people get their piano sheet music nowadays?
I visited a music store and their shelves were barren. They told me that they stopped buying new stock "because of the internet" and I felt really disappointed.
I know about Amazon, but surely there is somewhere better? I don't mind buying digital, but from what I've seen it's more expensive to buy digital than to buy a physical copy from Amazon or something.
8 AnswersClassical6 years agoHow do I revoke my Christianity?
I'm Canadian and I was baptized without my consent when I was an infant, and then I was forced to go through confirmation when I was 10 or 11 years old (which is clearly too young to give consent). I wish to revoke my status as a "Christian" because I do not believe in any of it.
My main concern is that after my death the church will override my testament and give me a Christian burial when in fact I wish to be cremated and not buried, without any kind of funeral.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoWhat is this aromatic molecule called?
I solved an IR and HNMR spectra for an unknown compound and found the following molecule. However, I have not learned how to name aromatic molecules in any of my organic chemistry courses except for briefly touching on ortho, para and metal designations (I know that they don't apply to monosubstituted benzene rings).
I need to somehow refer to it in my lab report but in order to do that I need to know what it's called, and how to name these types of molecules in the future.
Thanks for your help.
1 AnswerChemistry7 years agoWhy is love so complicated?
I've been dating my boyfriend for over 2 years now, and after a little over a year he lost his job and moved over 800km from me to find work. I have no doubt in my mind that I love him, but I was not able to move with him and since I am in the process of completing a B. Sc. in Forensic Science and Chemistry, I can only see him about 3 times a year for 1-2 weeks each (I have 3 years left). So that makes 21-42 days out of 365.25 that I actually get to spend with my boyfriend, and it's been extremely hard for me.
I get so incredibly lonely and depressed being separated from him.. I text him almost every day, sometimes we talk on the phone, but it's really not the same. And for some reason my friend ALWAYS knows when I am particularly lonely, even when I don't see or hear from him for months because he is as busy with work as I am with school.. It's no secret that he has a huge crush on me, and I like him a lot as well but he also knows that I love my boyfriend deeply. We always end up cuddling while watching movies, and then he puts his arm around me - I not only let him, but after 5-6 months without physical contact from anyone, I start kissing him and sometimes we even have sex..
My best friend says that this is normal, and the exact same thing happened to her as well when she was separated from her lover.. She assures me that I'm not a lousy human being even though I feel like it. I don't even know what solution there is to this, and I feel like I will forever live in pain.
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoDo enzymatic reactions follow Le Chatelier's principle?
An interesting question came up while I'm on summer break between semesters, and I can't really ask my professors until the Fall.
Suppose we have a simple enzymatic reaction:
substrate + enzyme <--> product where keq >> 1
If we add product so that [product] >> [substrate], does the reverse reaction become favored or does the presence of enzyme simply slow the reaction to the point that no additional product is being made? If the latter is true, does that mean that enzymatic reactions do not follow Le Chatelier's principle?
1 AnswerChemistry7 years agoCan you replace the internal hard drive on a laptop?
Can you replace the internal hard drive on a laptop with a different one of the same dimensions provided that the connection is the same?
I have a 750GB Hitachi hts547575a9e384 SATA hard drive in my HP Pavilion dv6 laptop that is failing. It is 2.5"W, 3.9"D, and 0.4"H and I think it's manufactured by Western Digital since they bought Hitachi.
I saw a 1TB Western Digital WDBMYH0010BNC-N SATA hard drive at the store for the same price as my old one. It is 2.5"W, 3.9"D, and 0.4"H.
Do I need to exchange for the exact same model or will this other, better hard drive work as well? Thanks.
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoHow can I overcome my extrasystole (premature ventricular contraction)?
I did 2 Holter monitors because I experience a lot of heart palpitations every day, and they told me that at the times I reported palpitations and unpleasant feelings (nausea, mostly) I was having an extra heartbeat. They said that my heart clears blood perfectly normally, and that the extra heartbeat is nothing to worry about as it won't damage my heart in the long run, but they didn't tell me what I can do to make the unpleasant feelings go away.
I do know that certain things make it a lot worse, like caffeine, and I avoid them like the plague but even when I am lying down to sleep I get unpleasant feelings. I try to ignore it and eventually fall asleep, but I would like to know if there are any ways to make those unpleasant feelings stop?
They told me that most people don't even feel their extra heartbeat but that doesn't help me since I obviously do feel it, and it makes me feel very sick when I do. Anxiety also makes it 10x worse, and when I have an anxiety attack my heart beats extremely fast with extrasystoles and it makes me extremely sick with nausea, light-headedness, shortness of breath and chest pains. When that happens it literally feels like a fluttering in my chest, kind of like a bird in a cage.
I'm 19 years old, and I also suffer from arthritis which makes exercising very difficult for me.
2 AnswersOther - Health7 years agoI need a good book on Chemical Thermodynamics?
I'm not new to Chemical Thermodynamics, in fact, I failed Physical Chemistry 1 and have to re-take it in the Fall as it is a requirement for my program. I was having a hard time understanding the material in Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula (9th edition) as there were not enough examples in my opinion, and lots of derivation of formulas - which is what my professor spent 90% of his time doing. The book is excellent at showing you how to make your own formulas from "base" formulas, and so was my professor, but I have a hard time deciding which formula is best for the task at hand.
When I realized that I was struggling, he suggested to me Chemical Thermodynamics by Peter A. Rock. The same day, I rented it out from the school library. It's a very good book, but I was wondering if there is something even better? I'm planning on buying a book to supplement the course this Summer so that I can study for the Fall.
1 AnswerChemistry7 years agoIs it okay for my boyfriend of over 2 years to flirt publicly with women, even in front of me?
I've been dating him for over 2 years now, and he is bisexual but "in the closet." Ever since we started dating he has been flirting with women in front of me, especially waitresses.. Or when he is in the company of a woman that he thinks is "striking" in some way he will post a Facebook status saying that he is "blessed" to have been in the presence of such a "hot" woman. I'm not okay with any of this because I don't ever flirt with other guys in front of him. But during our first year I started gawking at guys in front of him like he does at the girls just to try to make a point but he started teasing me for it and I stopped..
When I ask him to stop he tells me that "[he] needs to maintain an image of 'being straight' for his friends and family, and that [I] shouldn't worry about it." I find this extremely unfair; how can he tell the world that he thinks a woman is "hot" or "beautiful" when he will NEVER tell the world that I am? It's making me extremely depressed, and whenever he does it, it puts a damper on my day for 1-2 days until I manage to forget it happened.. But it keeps happening and I don't know what to do at this point. It makes me feel like he is not satisfied with what he has, and this is even harder because after over a year of dating he moved more than 800km from me and rarely get to see him.. I end up spending over $1000 a year to see him and feel like he is taking me for granted sometimes and I just don't know what to do.
Thanks for reading..
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoHow do I respond when people tell me that I need to cut my hair?
I'm a 19 year old male and my hair is down to my belly button.. I've been growing it out for 6-7 years now and I get extremely insulted when people try to tell me that I need to cut it off.. Especially my father.
Every time I try to talk seriously about employment with my parents my father starts his tyrannical rant saying "The reason employers don't hire you is because girls have long hair and guys have short hair. It's part of the dress code, blah blah blah."
I NEVER swear at my parents and that really is the only thing that pisses me off to the point that I start swearing at them and leave. I know this isn't the appropriate response but I actually don't know what to do when they start putting me down like that.
I have a hard time believing that employers refuse to hire me because of the length of my hair. I'm 19 years old and I'm already overqualified for most jobs because I'm now a 3rd-year Forensic Science and Chemistry student at my local university. In the lab, it doesn't matter the length of my hair as long as I tie it and tuck it underneath my lab coat.. So why should employers refuse to hire my simply because I have long hair? I actually look like a girl but that's not my own choice, it has to do with the shape of my face.. When I had short hair I looked like a freak and I was ALWAYS called ugly every single day at school to the point that I wanted to kill myself. Now people actually tell me that I'm beautiful.
What should I be replying to oppressive comments?
8 AnswersHair7 years agoWhat is a good juice to mix high-quality vodka with?
I have stomach acid problems and so I can't have any pop, or any orange juice or even tomato juice. This also means that I can't drink it straight, even though I used to be the champion at drinking hard liquor straight in my early teenage years. Now, not so much..
I read that cranberry juice is good, but are there any other suggestions? I've been drinking it in my Aloe Vera juice for a little while now (yum!) and want something different.
4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years agoWhat is Kik and/or WhatsApp and why do only perverts ask me to add them on it?
I don't understand - what is so special about these applications? Why are perverts constantly pestering me for them? I'm not even down.. I just want to know why the most vile creatures flock to these applications and never my actual friends?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years agoWhy does Histidine produce clear peaks in the titration curve?
Every other amino acid species produces more "elongated" peaks in their titration curve while all the Histidine peaks are "sharp". Why is this so?
I was asked to answer this question in a lab report and I have been looking everywhere that I have access to for an answer to this question.. It's not in my Biochemistry textbook, nor in my Biochemistry lab manual, and a preliminary Google search does not reveal anything specific to the question.
Is there anywhere that I could go for further reading on this subject? Thanks.
1 AnswerChemistry7 years agoI need help treating a rash on my hands?
Every Monday when I have my lab for Introduction to Quantitative Analysis I come out with very big, and very painful rashes on the entirety of the palm of my hands, and I have no idea how to make it go away.
I don't spill things on myself, and I have been having Chemistry labs for 2 years and this issue only started for this specific course - none of my 2 other Chemistry labs cause the rash. I have an Olive Oil hand lotion which helps but it still resurfaces all week long until I have my lab again and it gets aggravated.
The lab technician said we are not allowed to wear gloves during the lab because it would interfere with the analytical balances through electrostatic interactions....
The only things that are constant in all of my labs are acids and bases (HCl, NaOH, KOH, H2SO4) and everything else varies by week, so I can't pinpoint exactly what is causing it....
1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years agoI need help with a problem on thermodynamics and density changes at fusion points. It's due in two hours?
I desperately need help with my physics assignment.. It's due in two hours?
Here is an analogue to my question, where the digits have been swapped for practicing, and where the final answer is -334 J. I get a ridiculously large negative value with the formula Q=mcT and the question does talk about density so I am really lost as to what I'm supposed to do ..
The density of solid copper at 20°C is d = 8.94 g/cm^3. When it is liquid at 1085°C the density of the liquid state is decreased: 8.02 g/cm^3. How much work does a block of copper of mass 257 kg do if it is heated at p = 1.0 atm from 20°C to 1085°C?
The specific heat of copper is 387J/g°C.
How do I arrive at the final answer? I have tried and tried again for roughly three hours now.... I want to go to sleep some day after I finish this damned problem.
It's funny that they ask this question in a textbook that does not even bother with showing you how to solve any of the analytical problems .. It is called "Physics for the Life Sciences", first listed author being "Zinke Allmang." I do NOT recommend the purchase of this book. It is better off in a trash bin.
1 AnswerPhysics9 years agoI desperately need help with my physics assignment.. It's due in three hours?
Here is my question, where the answer is -334 J. I get a ridiculously large value with the formula Q=mcT and the question does talk about density ..
The density of solid copper at 20°C is d = 8.94 g/cm^3. When it is liquid at 1085°C the density of the liquid state is decreased: 8.02 g/cm^3. How much work does a block of copper of mass 257 kg do if it is heated at p = 1.0 atm from 20°C to 1085°C?
How do I arrive at the final answer? Thanks.
1 AnswerPhysics9 years agoI desperately need help with my physics assignment.. It's due in three hours?
Two objects are connected by a massless string, as shown in the figure below. The pulley is massless and rotates without friction. The object of smaller mass
m = 1.6 kg
slides without friction on an inclined plane that makes an angle of
θ = 39°
with the horizontal. The mass of the larger object is given as
M = 2.8 kg
and it hangs on the string. If the two objects are released from rest with the string taut, what is their total kinetic energy when the object of mass M has fallen 27 cm?
Below is a rough ASCII sketch of the problem's diagram. It may not be the nicest, but it is a visual representation nonetheless.
3 AnswersPhysics9 years ago