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Buy diatomaceous earth?
Where can I buy food grade diatomaceous earth in mid-Indiana? I need to treat my apartment for bed bugs, but I'm having trouble locating a retailer that sells the food grade version so as not to harm my pets.
5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoBuy diatomaceous earth?
Where can I buy food grade diatomaceous earth in mid-Indiana? I need to treat my apartment for bed bugs, but I'm having trouble locating a retailer that sells the food grade version so as not to harm my pets.
1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade agoEffective morning sickness help?
A friend of mine is about two months pregnant and having pretty bad morning sickness. She works early in the mornings so she needs some help! The website offers lots of "remedies", but I'd like to ask all of you what you've found to actually be effective, where you bought it, and how well it worked. Thank you!
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat are some non-chemical ways to deal with a yeast infection?
After spending a summer as a camp counselor, constantly in a damp swimsuit, recurrent yeast infections have been a problem. I've tried the anti-fungal stuff from the pharmacies but it only seems to provide temporary relief and just offset the balance worse in the long run.
Plain yogurt and talc powder seem to have helped a LOT but I wondered what some other ways people deal with this problem are?
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoA violent flash game?
What's the name of the game where you toss around a ragdoll-like character in gears and drop blocks on them? One of the characters looks like Hello Kitty and another is Pedobear. Can anyone identify it?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoThis is hamster advice.?
This isn't a question, its more advice for all those who are complaining about their hamsters.
First, dwarf hamsters are naturally more aggressive than the other breeds, so try looking into getting a teddy bear or similar species.
Second, if your hamster is biting, is it scared? Think about what its like for a hamster, to have someone's gigantic hand enter their home and try to grab them.
Third. Treat train! The key to winning the trust of a small animal is always treats. But, be sure to use healthy treats such as bits of carrot or sunflower seeds. Lots of dried fruit can give your pet a sugar overload.
Fourth, you should ALWAYS ask to handle the hamsters at the pet store. The employee may know how to grab aggressive ones, but you won't find out until you get home.
Last, while hamsters are common pets, can I suggest gerbils instead? They're also nearly odor free, don't have hairless tails (they have cute little tufts on the ends!), and are very sociable towards people with just a little training. They also come in a wide variety of colors. Unlike hamsters though, make sure you buy two, because they are very sociable and will get sick if kept alone.
1 AnswerRodents1 decade agoDegu wheezing, help please!?
My 6 year old female degu has been mouth-breathing and sneezing occasionally for about the past 48 hours. I can tell her nose is stuffy, and she keeps wiping at it. I thoroughly cleaned their cage, food, water, etc. as soon as I noticed the issue but symptoms have not cleared up any.
She is trying to be active as normal but running in her wheel wears her out because of the breathing difficulty. There is no discharge from the nose or eyes. I figure it's probably a respiratory infection but might not be able to get her to the vet for another 48 hours. Any ideas on how to help her breathe a little easier in the meantime?
1 AnswerRodents1 decade agoMath story problem help?
I can't figure out the proper way to set up an equation for this. Don't solve it for me! I just need an equation set up, because that's where I'm getting stuck o_0
Suppose that you want to blend two teas in order to obtain 10 pounds of the new blend that sells for $3.50 per pound. Tea A sells for $4.00 per pound and Tea B sells for $2.75 per pound. Assuming that there will be no difference in revenue from selling the new blend versus selling the tea separately, determine the number of pounds of each tea that will be required in the blend.
Also, when you set up the equation, please use the variables A, and B so I know what you're talking about :P
Thank you!
3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoAll the good music is from Europe?
I am writing a paper (argument format, but opinion-based) about why and how I think all the good music originates in Europe. I'm having a difficult time coming up with enough reasons I believe this to fill a 3 page paper.
I have already noted that the lyrics sound more inspired, and that the Beatles changed the face of music in the U.S. but I would like some other reasons.
If you have any examples of music being better in/from Europe, I'd love to hear them!
4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoWhat are some home remedies for a UTI?
What are some good things to do at home to help cure or relieve a UTI (urinary tract infection)? I've heard that drinking tons of water and cranberry juice to acidify your urine and wash out the bacteria helps. Are there any other home remedies?
(note: I do believe in taking antibiotics, just looking for other things that'll help)
5 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoNeed relief from urethral burning after sex!?
Past couple times I've had sex there has been a persistent but short-lived burning sensation and urge to urinate afterwards. It also hurts to pee, like a strong tingling/burning feeling. This past time though, I was rather dry and I think got very irritated down there. Now I have an intense burning and urge to urinate!!! Its very troublesome, as I keep running to the bathroom and don't even want to move because the rubbing hurts. Does anyone know how I can obtain relief?
5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoI downloaded a video as a torrent and now don't know how to play it!?
I've tried to unzip it in winrar but it just extracts it as the same torrent file I've already got. In bittorrent, the status says "seeding". How do I play my video?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAny good dirty dancing songs out there?
I love dancing to Rihanna's new song, "Disturbia". Anyone have some similar songs I can dance to?
2 AnswersDancing1 decade agoContemplating getting an industrial bar?
I've wanted to get an industrial bar in my ear for a while, but have heard there are complications so I want the opinion of some people who have had that piercing done. So the things I need an answer to are:
1) How long does it take to heal?
2) Whats the best way to care for it during healing?
3) How badly does it hurt to get done?
4) Any long-term complications result?
5) Anything else I should know before getting this done?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agohow to turn down a guy?
What is a good way to turn a guy down when you're single but not interested in a relationship? I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I don't want him to think I'm odd either because I'm turning him down even though I'm not in a relationship and don't want to be.
I've had three guys tel me they like me recently, help!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agohelp with ingrown hair on legs?
I always shave with the grain of the hair and use lotion after shaving so usually this isn't an issue. But recently I got an ingrown hair on my inner thigh that won't go away! I "popped" it but now it's turned into a slightly hard sore red bump. What's the best way to make this go away and prevent it from happening again?
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoHow do I change a setting on YIM so my real name isn't visible to my contacts?
For some of my contacts, they see my yahoo nickname, but others have alerted me that they can see my real name. How do I change this so that nobody on messenger sees my real name in their YIM screen?
1 AnswerPreferences and Settings1 decade agopeircings on girls? what do you think?
what, if any, peircings look good on a girl? I know that I find gauged ears and off-center lip rings attractive on guys, but what do guys think about girls?
8 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agofirst year of college, job help?
is it a good idea to get a job during my first year of college? I'm living on campus and my parents say I'll be too busy. Should I try to get a job on the campus or try to get one in the surrounding city?
6 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago