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Is there a polite way to tell someone you don't like being greeted with a question?
I have a coworker who always greets me with a question like "What's Up?" "How you doing?" or "What's happening?" He does this even if we ran into each other 5 minutes ago. I don't know why this annoys me so much, but it does. I simply answer with "Hi" or "Hello," but he always follows with a question. Is there a polite way to make it stop? I think I grimace or scowl when I see him now, even though that's not my intention.
5 AnswersEtiquette7 years agoWhat is the best way to hold skin together and prevent infection with a dog cut?
My dog got into a scrap with a neighbor's dog yesterday. I cleaned him up and thought he looked OK. Today I see that he is slashed on the side of his throat. The neighbor must have done it while the dogs were out of my site. In any case it is not bleeding, but there is a nasty "incision" about 3 inches long. I put triple antibiotic on it and think I will go get some liquid bandage to try to keep it together. Any other suggestions?
Listen, I don't want or need any moralizing from the peanut gallery with whatever theories or opinions you may have. This was an awful thing that happened, and I wish I could afford to take him to the emergency vet, but I can't. Many times when I was a child, I should have been taken to the emergency room, but my parents couldn't afford it. You do the best you can with what you have.
Thanks very much for any help.
2 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhat was the cartoon character that had an ear that grew out and slithered around corners like a snake?
I have been looking for a picture to illustrate a nosy coworker.
1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years agoWhat is the best way to play music from my computer on the "big" stereo?
I know I'm old and don't know these things like I should, but is there a good, inexpensive way to do this?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years agoIf there is a ditch on the side of the road, is that ditch owned by the homeowner with the adjacent yard?
I think it is probably owned by the town or city? Is there a standard space from the side of the road to where the property owner's yard begins, or does the property owner own all the way to the pavement?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoIs it possible for a dog to learn reverse sneezing?
I got a new rescue dog, Lula, a couple of days ago. She has reverse sneezing attacks when she gets excited. One of my other dogs, Kevin, has never done this before, but he started it yesterday. Is it possible this is a sign of some contagious bug, or is Kevin seeking attention or practicing what he just learned?
1 AnswerDogs7 years agoshould i worry if my dog doesn't wag his tail much?
He's 1/2 pit and 1/2 redbone coonhound. My brother got him from the Wal Mart parking lot & couldn't keep him. Not that it would have made any difference, but I had no idea what kind of dog he was at the time & that he would get to be 100# + . My other pit bull wags his tail all the time. The big boy only wags his tail a little when I come home, then when we are out on walks. I know he enjoys walking, and we do it often...but I know he would like to be outside more. Unfortunately, I live in the city and don't have a fenced in yard. He gets good food, treats, toys & has a buddy to play with while I'm at work. Am I being neurotic? He is very lovey and snuggly, just seems kind of sad.
2 AnswersDogs7 years agowhat size square will a 330' roll of fence wire enclose?
Also, if anyone knows how many posts I would need, that would be most helpful.
8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years agoHow do I remove the Other Inbox setting?
I installed this a while back and hate it, but I can't figure out how to make it go away.
1 AnswerPreferences and Settings7 years agoWhat is the best way to clean out itunes? I have an ex who downloaded a bunch of stuff, and I want it gone.?
Even if I delete the files, there is still an entry on itunes. There are all kinds of duplicates and stuff. I wish I could just start over!
2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoWhy do some dogs wait until you com home to eat?
My most beloved dogs have always had food to eat whenever they want, but they have chosen to wait until I get home from work to eat. Why do you think that is?
5 AnswersDogs8 years agoWas this appropriate?
My ex-wife and I have been separated for over 2.5 years. We have two children, ages 7 and 9. She has attempted to limit my visitation with them as much as possible, because of her assumption that she is a much better parent than myself. Through a co-parenting therapist, we finally agreed on every other weekend. This weekend was to be my first, so I planned a beach getaway. Yesterday I received a message that my 9-year-old wanted to attend his friend's birthday party instead. His mother had him call me and ask if that was OK. I told him of course it was OK, but that we would miss him, and he was welcome to come if he changed his mind. The mother wrote back that my son was in tears after that call and wondered how supportive I could have been to have left him in tears. My thought is that his mother put him in that situation by not saying something like "it's your weekend with your father, and you guys have a beach trip planned. I'm sure your friend will understand, and there will be lots more birthdays. What do you guys think? Leaving the decision to a 9-year-old who doesn't realize he probably won't remember most birthday parties, but will likely remember many more vacations doesn't seem fair.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat would be good, cheap food to serve at a military-themed party?
I'm already making SOS, which my Dad used to make all the time. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoTrying to figure out the name of a movie....Japanese Horror?
Anyone know the name of the movie where it starts with a woman going up to a hotel room and ODing on pills? I think it was a Japanese remake - horror
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoWhich is the correct sentence?
a. I feel bad about myself.
b. I feel badly about myself.
I can't remember the rules about adverbs and adjectives when it comes to feelings, but I think b is correct. Any grammar whizzes out there?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoIf my dog has a prostate tumor, would prednisone be an appropriate med?
My 13 year old mixed breed dog began losing weight a couple of months ago & became very weak in his hind legs. Because I have been laid off from my job, I have very little money I can spend on his treatment. However, I have taken him to the vet 3 times. His urine concentration was low, so the vet prescribed Septra. After doing this for 2 weeks & feeding him as much dry food and 2 cans of wet food a day, I took him back to the vet. During that time, he gained 2 pounds (34 to 36 #). The vet gave another round of Septra and drew blood. The bloodwork came back OK, but the urine showed abnormally high red blood cells. I then got an x-ray that shows he has a tumor on the prostate. The vet said to diagnose whether it was cancerous would cost $1,000. She said she could neuter him, but because of his age, he might not make it through the surgery. She then said to give him aspirin 2x a day and Prednisone 5 mg 2x/day. The Prednisone did not seem to help, and his abdomen has become very swollen, so I stopped giving this to him in less than a week. I'm still giving him the Septra and the 2 aspirin a day. I have to carry him up and down stairs, and he drags his back feet while walking. He still seems to be enjoying life, but I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing with the aspirin and septra. I can't afford any more major expenses, but boy do I love the little guy.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDo dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die?
I have a 13 year old mixed breed dog who I believe has prostate problems. We have an appointment with the vet on Friday.
I recently lost a 16 year old cat who got very thin, despite eating and drinking much more than usual in the weeks before he died. My dog has lost weight, but is eating and drinking ravenously - much more than ever.
Is this common behavior for animals who are nearing death?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat can I do about a partner who has an addiction to internet pornography/personals?
I believe he is committed to me, and he claims to only seek some kind of attention he did not get during his childhood. I do not think he follows through on anything, but it still makes me feel angry and mistrustful.
7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoIs the sentence "You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model." gramatically correct?
I would think it should be "You're still in the running to become America's Next Top Model."
11 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago