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The Burninator
What dog breeds have less oil in their fur?
I'm looking into getting a dog soon and I need help deciding a breed. I hate when you pet a dog and your hand feels gross afterward because the dogs coat is oily. I know that some breeds, like labs and other water dogs, have more oily coats, and I want to know what dogs are less likely to give me that nasty feeling on my hands after I've pet him. If a dog gives me that feeling, I won't even want to pet him, so I'd like to have a dog I'm comfortable petting. I also realize that a dog might just be oily because he's been bathed too much or too little, but some breeds I've noticed I don't like petting. Labs and german shepherds I can only stand to pet for a little while. But my mom has a jack russel terrier and I've never had a problem petting him.
Ultimately, my question is: what breeds of dog are the least oily?
5 AnswersDogs4 years agoTank size for a dinosaur bichir?
I saw some bichirs at the store the other day and absolutely fell in love. I d really like to keep one or maybe both, but I want to make sure they d be happy in my tank. The tank 36x18" and it s 24" high. 67.3 gallons exactly. Would this be okay for one or both at full size?
Also, if I get one I d like to keep it in a 10g until it gets bigger. Is this an acceptable thing to do?
1 AnswerFish5 years agoWater suddenly tastes bad?
I woke up and started gulping down water, and after the second giant gulp I stopped and realized that it tasted really bad. For a second I wasn t sure if it really was water, but I looked in the cup and it was definitely water. Obviously I was confused because I ve never disliked the taste of water. So I ran to the sink and had some of that, but that tasted bad too. And then I actually had some water from a filter and that was the same too. I just had bottled water and didn t like that either. What the hell is going on? I ve looked at other people having similar problems, and it seemed like they were either sick or pregnant. I m not feeling sick, and I certainly hope I m not pregnant. Does anyone know what s wrong?
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years agoMouse has hair loss and eye issue?
My mouse has a few areas where her hair is thinning, and today I noticed that one eye seems to be sticking out further than the other. I can't tell if this is because one is popping out, or if one is swollen a little. Any ideas on what could be wrong?
1 AnswerRodents5 years agoHow many pounds would you lose in 1 week if you starved yourself?
8 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoUpgrading my pc's video card?
It seems that whenever I look into buying a new game, my computer won't be able to handle playing it. Looking at requirements, it's usually my dedicated video ram that is the issue. I want to upgrade my video card so that I can play newer games. For the latest game that I've wanted to play, 2GB of ram was recommended, so I would like to find a card with at least that much ram. I do not have any experience with building or upgrading computers at all, and trying to find a video card is like learning a whole new language for me. If you can suggest a cheap video card that will suit my needs, I would be greatly appreciative. Any other advice you have regarding upgrading a video card would be great. Thank you!
3 AnswersDesktops6 years agoWhy did my guinea pig bite me?
I just got these two guinea pigs on Monday. It's an 11 month old and her baby that was born in April. The baby is very friendly, and will usually just stand still and let me pet her. So I was petting her like this, and she was being really cute. after i was petting her for a bit, she plopped down so i could keep petting her. and after a bit more she turned her head around and tried to sniff my hand, so i held it out so she could smell. and for a little bit, she just kind of sniffed at my fingers, licked them a few times, and did those little nip things that rodents tend to do. and i was just letting her do her little guinea pig thing. and then all of a sudden she bit down harder than usual. I pulled my hand back and said ow really loud, and she got startled and scurried away. She actually drew blood, so I went and cleaned it and put a bandage on it. why did she bite down so hard? i don't think she was doing it to try and hurt me or anything, but i would really rather she not do that again lol. I'm thinking that it's because i had some mac n cheese a little bit before i started petting her and hadn't washed my hands in between. although i didn't make direct contact with the food, could she have smelled it on my hands and could that be why she bit? this isn't the first time she's been a little rough on my hands after i ate food and didn't wash my hands, but this is the first time she's drawn blood. thank you for your answers!
1 AnswerRodents7 years agosuppose (3x^-1y^-1)-(2x^-1)+(2y^-1)=1?
Suppose (3x^-1y^-1)-(2x^-1)+(2y^-1)=1
Solve for y.
1 AnswerHomework Help7 years agowhat's a pet that will sit on my shoulder?
I want a pet that I can train to sit on my shoulder for a little while, or even just chill in my lap while I watch tv or something like that. Obviously I'd do other things with it and take care of it, but I really want something that will sit and chill with me. I used to have a hairless rat that would sit on my shoulder and she was just totally cool there. She would climb down when she had to use the bathroom, and I loved her so much, but she died so soon, so I really don't want to get more rats. Also, I'd prefer it if the pet didn't have sharp claws, 'cause you know.... yeah.... haha, any perfect pets come to mind? I thought of ferrets, but I don't know if they'd sit there very long...
8 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoAndroid phone, Broken power button, doesn't respond to being plugged in?
My android phones power button has been useless for a while now. I've been getting around it by turning my phone on by plugging it in, but now it doesn't even respond to being plugged in. I can't recharge it, so it's going to die at some point. and i could use my brothers battery and then recharge mine in his phone, but then i'd have no way to turn my phone back on when I take my battery out. Somebody wants me to buy a new phone :/ is there a way to get around this? make a different button the power button or something?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agoLaptop won't connect to the internet?
My laptop has a built in wireless adapter and it is on. I've already tried restarting the computer.
What it's doing is, it will start out showing all of the networks it can connect to, like it normally would. Then it will try to connect to one, and suddenly it won't connect, and it will say there are no connections available. Then the list of networks it can connect to will show again, like it's working normally, and the cycle starts over again. I have no idea what the problem is, all I can think of is that something is wrong with the wireless adapter built into the laptop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(I am of course using a different computer to ask this question before you ask)
3 AnswersComputer Networking8 years agoShould I get a hairless rat from petsmart?
A couple years back I bought a hairless and a standard rat from petsmart. They both lived full, happy lives, and I adored my hairless rat so I wanted to get another, but the petsmart I bought my previous rats from stopped carrying hairless rats, so I had a hairless rat brought into a pets plus so i could pick her up and bring her home (I had planned on having her live on two furry rats I already had, don't worry), but from day one she just seemed like she was sick, so she never got to live with the two furry rats. I only had her for a month or two before she passed away. So, I have read that hairless rats have health issues, and Boo's early passing seemed to reinforce the idea, but Daisy always seemed healthy. So I'm not sure if Boo was unhealthy because she was hairless, which many rat breeders would have me believe, or if it was because she came from a pet store that isnt as concerned with health as petsmart.... ultimately my question is this:
Should I have a hairless rat shipped into petsmart, or will i just have my heart broken again?
4 AnswersRodents8 years agocotx=5, 0≤x<2π how would you solve this?
1 AnswerMathematics8 years agosinx=0.3, 0≤x<2π how would you solve?
2 AnswersMathematics8 years agotrig question, help please?
Suppose that a movie theater has a movie screen that is 28 feet tall. When you sit down, the bottom of the screen is 6 feet above your eye level. The angle formed by drawing a line from your eye to the bottom of the screen and your eye to the top of the screen is called the viewing angle. Suppose that you sit x feet from the screen. The viewing angle is given by the function:
If there is 5 feet between the screen and the first row of seats, and there is 3 feet between each row, which row results in the optimal viewing angle?
2 AnswersMathematics8 years agoPC games don't have sound?
I was playing skyrim earlier today, but then I needed to figure something out. So I completely exited out of steam, looked at a page or two on the internet, then went back onto skyrim to find that no sound would play at all, not even that little sound it plays in the intro when you first open skyrim. I've opened up WoW and minecraft and they don't play sound now either. My computer still plays youtube videos and games in browsers with sound just fine. any idea what the problem is? :/
1 AnswerDesktops9 years agoBaby mice won't eat kitten formula?
I found a 3 baby mice in my shed and looked around for the mother, but she was gone. I've been trying to feed them kitten formula with a syringe, a paint brush, my fingers, but they won't eat. They're eyes aren't open and they have fur. Any suggestions? PLEASE don't tell me to just flush them or something, I wouldn't be asking what to do if i was making that an option.
4 AnswersRodents9 years agoWhat do you do when you like your best friend and she's oblivious of it? (drama alert)?
Well, if you're reading this I'm assuming your ready for a story, so here you go. :3
So, me and this girl Hannah have been best friends for years. We've been through so much together.... including her telling me about her bi-curiosity and me telling her that I'm a lesbian.
Now, this next part of the story happened before I even realized I was a lesbian, but I think it might be helpful for you to read about, so I actually got a boyfriend before she did. Chad and I started out as any other 14 year old couple would I suppose, but after a while, things changed. While we were dating, Hannah told me that she was bi-curious. That just blew my mind, because I'd never really thought about the possibility of anyone I knew ever being homosexual. Of course, afterwards, I thought about it and realized that I had never even liked guys. I didn't want to tell Chad right away, I wasn't even sure about this feeling I had, so I just kind of kept it quiet for a while. Not long after I realized I was gay, I also realized something else.... I was crushing on Hannah. It made me feel horrible, dating Chad, telling him I loved him, and thinking about Hannah constantly. So I broke it off with Chad... only to have Hannah tell me that she had liked Chad since before I had ever broke up with him. Literally the same night I had broken up with Chad, Hannah was asking him out.
Shortly after I broke up with Chad, he started dating Hannah, and Chad stopped hanging out with our group of friends. Hannah was still attached to him though, so she didn't think anything of it, wondering what he was doing while he ignored us. After a month or two of this, he finally broke up with her.
Now this is where it got interesting. Over that summer I had been struggling to tell Hannah my secret, but by the start of september I'd finally told her, along with Mark, the newest part of the "gang", that I'm gay. It wasn't a big deal, and shortly after, I vented to Mark that I liked Hannah. Now, Mark was a great friend. He told me I should just come out and tell her, so that's exactly what I did. I took her some place we could be alone, and told her... she told me she liked me too! You have no idea how happy I was when she said that... and what a buzz kill it was when she started dating our friend Greg two days later. I'm still scarred about that, but I think we can skip to modern day now.
Today, we're all 16, Mark's moved on to a different group of friends, Hannah's dating Dan, (I don't like Dan, he's weird) and I still like Hannah. Hannah's driven me crazy for the last two years, I took a break from hanging out with her because she did so much more harm than good, but recently came back because I just couldn't live without her. She's told me how miserable she was without me, but it's just not enough. The other night I was talking with her, and she told me that she's thought we could have dated, but she's glad we didn't because then there'd be drama between us, and she didn't want that because I'm such a good friend apparently.
*sigh* I don't know what I should do, or if I should do anything to be honest. I'm just crazy for her, and she doesn't seem to care about me nearly as much as I care for her. Thanks for listening to my life story, if anyone even reads this.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agowhat are some good rat games to play along with some other questions?
I have two rats and their older than 2 years old now. I never got around to training them to do anything, not even use the litter box or react to their names, but i was hoping i could start doing that. What are some good places to find how to train them, and what r good treats? also, i never really played many games with them other than just tickling them and little things like that. If you have any fun games you play with your rat I'd love to hear them :o Thanks in advance! :]
2 AnswersRodents9 years agoSkunk music..... :P ?
i have to make a video for adaptations and i need music. the videos about skunks, so any ideas?
3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago