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  • Should yahoo keep the right to remove posts without consultation to the user?

    Recently I've been reading and answering and at times I highly suspect that certain posts have been removed from my list, perhaps we should request a better numbering system by yahoo since they are not living up to FCC rules and regulations if they attempt to alter any information, at least that was the impression I was under. Right or wrong

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Large Hadron Collider, to be fired up today?

    Scientists are not sure of what is going to happen, they say they may create a black hole, it's impending doom, start up at full cycle at Cern TODAY and in regards to this I would like to know where did our government officials sleep last night?, Way down yonder in your underground bunkers is what I'm thinking, the uncertainty of what might occur is too real and that's why they prefer to save themselves and let we the little people deal with the consequences of our mad scientists.

    If I'm wrong I'd like to know the whereabouts of all our Presidents and Ministers this morning. Congress is on vacation and they didn't bother making a decision on unemployment how heartless or rather what was the use if they expect us all dead once it has been fired up.

    Are you going to allow your government to do such a thing to you?. I say we're treated like dogs kept in our little dog houses while they have full fledge security in their underground bases, hope they perish there too.

    May God keep us safe, or send a bird once again to detract them from what they are about to do to humaninty.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • "Should Obama and Ahmadinejad meet"?

    This question was asked on another website and decided to post it here and see what the response would be. Now those with the sole intention of crying about the fact him saying he wants Israel wiped off the Planet, you have been fed false information, he said that the REGIME that occupies Jerusalem and NOT Israel.

    Perhaps a little understanding of who is Ahmadinejad, he is married and has 3 children, two boys and a daughter, he lives modestly and is a simple man. He wanted to continue living in the same house in Tehran, his family had been living in, until his security advisors insisted that he move. He had the antique carpets in the Presidential Palace sent to a carpet museum. He refused a V.I.P. seat on the Presidential plane and he eventually replaced it with a cargo plane. He also goes to work daily, he is a teacher at one of Tehran's Universities.

    He was NOT part of the siege of the US Embassy This claim has been denied by the Iranian government, the Iranian opposition as well as a CIA investigation on the matter.

    He spoke of an extended program using trade to improve foreign relations, and called for greater ties with Iran's neighbours and ending visa requirements between states in the region, saying that "people should visit anywhere they wish freely. Is this a man who wants war when he’s ready to open the borders?

    He has repeatedly emphasized that building a nuclear bomb is not the policy of his government. He has said that such a policy is "illegal and against our religion."

    Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the September 11 attacks on the United States a "big fabrication" that was used to justify the U.S. war on terrorism, the official IRNA news agency reported.

    Additionally he knows first hand what Mossad and the CIA are capable of.

    Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

    "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

    I'm sure there is more that I can add but I think it is sufficient to say that Obama would hugely benefit sitting down with this gentleman and discuss their issues. I know the US is a SuperPower country but eventually your wars will have to end and by peaceful negotiation and peaceful talks will you be able to bring peace to the WORLD.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Prediction for Chile comes true...Is it time to repent and follow her instructions?

    These are instructions given to Pedro Regis from Brazil, they predicted great suffering to Chile. This message was given on January 16th 2010, I believe its time we do start prayer, there is too much earth activity to remain blind to what's happening to our beloved Earth. Read the prediction about California. It's listed date of 02/02/2010. Here's the link for you to read through and see what she says about Cali.

    Message 3267 from Our Lady, Queen of peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 16/01/2010

    Dear Sons and Daughters, open your hearts to The God of salvation and peace. Belong only to The Lord and let Him transform you. Don´t live away from the path that I have pointed out during these years. Bend your knees in prayer. I don´t want to force you, but what I say should be taken seriously. I am your Mom and I suffer because of your suffering. Behold the difficult times for humanity. Great suffering will come for the inhabitants of Chile. Similar suffering also will come for those who dwell in Lisbon. Pray. Pray. Pray. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    The messages are written in Portuguese first and then they are translated to english, The messages are given every two days, that's what I've seen so far. If you click on the link named "messagens" and then translate it from Portuguese to English you'll have the recent message posted. Right now it's not showing on the english link.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Once war has ended, what happens to all those men coming home?

    As far as I can see right now, those returning from the war, injured and mentally unstable are not being given the proper care at this time, so what will happen when they all return? They will return to a jobless country, a country that is now heavily indebted how do you think that will weigh on the moral of returning troops? How many of them will lose their homes or have lost their homes.

    The government is far from focusing on creating jobs, too much emphasis is on spending money, which in my opinion is becoming quite useless in today's society. People are tired of working their butts off and seeing their hard earned dollars go to wealthy banksters and government.

    Do a google search and look at the amount of foreclosures on homes. People will need to start thinking of how to get out of this mess, government is far from being able to help them now.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Clinton says Iran become a military dictatorship, do you agree?

    In my opinion, Clinton is just labelling this country with her own presumptuous attitude towards Iran, Iran has defied the US in all their orders they've issued against this country, they should be allowed to have nuclear weapons just like Israel does. Why not ask to visit Israels and check out their arsenal of weapons and confirm once and for all that they carry nuclear weapons. You've allowed Israel expect to be defied by Iran. You can't play favorites if you plan on setting up peaceful talks. Clinton always shows favoritism, watch and see how she'll side with Israel once again.

    Every message coming from US is always with negativity and then they plan on being able to hold open talks with Iran, barloney. Clinton says that she wonders why the talks with Israel/Palestinians have not progressed further, my take on that one, there will never be peace, US is always favoring Israel, and Israel can do no wrong in the eyes of the US.

    The US is now showing that Iran is now a humanitarian issue, I believe this one issue created by US alone, once again, stop spreading such hideous lies against this country and perhaps you'll have the respect and be able to communicate with these people. Who MADE YOU GOD? constantly imposing your whims upon other countries.

    14 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Will the US win the war in Afghanistan? they do not want God in their war?

    Apparently the US has been buying rifle scopes that have sights that have biblical inscriptions on them, from a company called Trijicon of South Africa.

    The US has burned bibles in Afghanistan because they don't want to be accused of proselytising (means to convert). If anyone from Afghanistan leaves their religion of Islam, it carries a death sentenced.

    I say the US has shunned God too often to stand a chance at winning this war. You've taken God out of your schools and out of your families. So now your left with what?

    At least the Afghans have the decency of fighting for their religious beliefs and they do have God within their hearts.

    I say without God your nothing.

    A high ranking military officer says that the US does not promote any religion, this is like saying I'm invincible. Great! let's see how far this will go.

    Do they stand a chance of winning without God on their side?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does EARTH actually rotate? A must read....?

    I've been reading this article written by Sharon Jorgenson and she says that the earth does NOT rotate. And I have this gut feeling that she might be right. Some will use the argument of gravity. Have our scientists been lying to us? We've disproved them with the Global Warming, why not this too?

    PLEASE read and then give me your arguments that would disprove what she is saying.

    I propose that mankind’s final “collapse” will be a paradigm one. My best candidate is the Copernican worldview: the belief that the Earth revolves daily on an axis and orbits the sun annually. All real (i.e. physical/observational) evidence over 400 years of scientific experimenting proves that the Earth is not moving. Current accepted wisdom of a “solar system” and enormous expanding universe is based on mathematical (abstract) formula's. How is this possible?! Simply, we have been living in a blindfolded consciousness and have arrogantly assumed that our scientific advancements have led us to the truth of reality. From his deathbed (from food poisoning) Tycho Brahe pleaded with Johannes Kepler to not use his decades of painstaking observations of planetary movements to support the heliocentric hypothesis. On page 42 of The Earth is Not Moving by Marshall Hall we learn “Though the whole world ultimately abandoned the Centred model which Brahe championed, it is essential today, Vern, that everyone realize that Tycho Brahe’s model has not been disproven. In fact, though scarcely anyone knows it, Brahe’s non-moving Earth model is used today in all the applied sciences including practical astronomy, space travel and eclipse predictions!” Also every missile and space shuttle that is launched I might add. When you jump on an air plane for travel ALL calculations to determine its navigation over 1000s of miles are based on a non-moving Earth. The Earth does not move!! We have been blind and blinded. No one has ever seen the Earth move, felt it move or PROVEN that it moves. In fact, numerous assumptions must be made to assert that it moves despite contrary empirical evidence (see Then why was an Earth centric belief system rejected? Because at the time Heliocentrism was coming on the world scene (7th Day of the National Cycle) its competing view was not Brahe’s, but an outdated Ptolemaic understanding of the movements of the sun, stars and planets. Galileo did not prove that the Earth moved when he noticed moons circling Jupiter, but because it was erroneously believed that all heavenly bodies revolved solely around the Earth in perfect circles (not ellipses) in God’s creation the reality of a fixed Earth suffered a fatal blow. Coupled with Kepler’s appropriation of Brahe’s work prevented an accurate understanding of solar, stellar and planetary movement from challenging the new, unproven heliocentric view. Truth is beautiful and from an Earth centred view the path of the planets form lovely flower patterns, but a view from say Mars shows chaotic movements of the other planets (except Earth as the path is a mirror image) see . The loop de loops you see at this web page are the apparent retrograde motions of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Tycho Brahe was right.

    Sharon L. Jorgenson

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Catacombes de Paris: A qui pourrais-je m'adresser pour avoir plus d'information sur ce sujet?

    Pour etre plus spécifique je cherche de l'information sure le Chef Indien Donnacona.J'ai lu que ces ossatures se trouverais dans les Catacombes. Y aurait-il un lieu spécifique?, Les Églises doivent avoir de l'information a ce sujet aussi, a qui je pourrais m'adresser?

    Une adresse ou je pourrais écrire ou même une personne qui serait connaissant a ce sujet.

    4 AnswersAnthropologie1 decade ago
  • Comment peut-on entrer en communication avec le President Sarkozy, de la France?

    Je cherche a y faire parvenir un couriel, j'le sais que je m'illusionne sur le fait que peut-etre il en feras la lecture, lol.

    7 AnswersGouvernement1 decade ago
  • Chief Donnacona, would you have information about him?

    Jacques Cartier came to Canada before Columbus and met with the Indians, he kidnapped the chief's sons and then came back the following year to kidnap the Chief himself, the Chief died while in France, would anyone know the whereabouts of his burial site. All related information can be found on Wikipedia by typing in Jacques Cartier or the name of the Chief himself

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Our faith will be tested? ‘The Tomb of Jesus’ will we survive?

    On Sunday March 4th 2007 they will be broadcasting the long awaited controversial subject/find of “The Tomb of Jesus”.

    Let’s set ALL arguments aside for now and let’s watch and try and find any discrepancies that might arise from this film. Let’s not JUDGE lest we be judged, Let’s allow ourselves the pleasure of watching this film. Should be entertaining.

    I need ALL CHRISTIAN’S help here. For some reason, some time ago a friend showed me a prayer and when she showed it to me it was as if I needed IT in my possession and my friend said that I had to give it back, so what I did I transcribed it on a piece of paper and kept it in my possession over the years, not knowing that eventually this prayer needed to come to LIGHT. Following is the prayer that I copied word for word without changes.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • SMOKING! Allow me to decide. Right or Wrong?

    U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks said the businesses must post "no smoking" signs and remove ashtrays and other smoking accoutrements. However, the OWNER can no longer be held liable for not taking additional steps if patrons continue to smoke.

    Please note: This makes ALL smoking bans ILLEGAL unless your State or town wants to train you, supply liability insurance, sign you on as police AND make it a law that anyone they want must be forced into police duty. Your 16 year old son washing dishes in a restaurant would have to go to the police academy because he may have to uphold the smoking ban law. Remove these un-enforceable laws from your books NOW to avoid law suits. Every worker has the right to sue you when hurt, your ban opens you up for liability.

    18 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • To ALL CHRISTIANS, our faith will be tested, right?

    On Sunday March 4th 2007 they will be broadcasting the long awaited controversial subject/find of “The Tomb of Jesus”. Let’s set ALL arguments aside for now and let’s watch and try and find any discrepancies that might arise from this film. Let’s not JUDGE lest we be judged, Let’s allow ourselves the pleasure of watching this film. Should be entertaining. I have this beautiful picture I wish I could have posted it here, I don't khow to do that, I've seen others be able to do it. It was a Tunnel in which at the end of the Tunnel we saw a cross, it's an awesome picture, and it was titled "There is light at the end of the tunnel". Interesting enough, this picture when I first viewed it, brought about anger and I proceeded to post a response and had it all written out but FORTUNATELY wasn’t allowed to post it as it was NOT acceptable for that site, NO it wasn't this site.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Thinking a form of Protest, don't pay your income tax?

    I'm seeing and reading more and more news articles were they refer to so many people against the war in Iraq. So that brought about this thought, tax time of the year is here, why not protest and not pay your taxes owing this year. Just a crazy thought, lol.

    5 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Stephane Dion was a winner today, with the Kyoto deal? Thanks, Mega thanks Mr. Dion?

    I don't care which government signed into it, WE SIGNED, and I don't know about anybody else, but when I sign on that dotted line I set my commitment to it? and now have present government try and renege on the deal, was a very pathetic deal, I'm glad that someone had the sense to fight for my right as a Canadian Citizen to allow my signature to remain one of "respect".

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Deal with North Korean's in it Bush says 950,000 tonnes in aid? what kind of aid?

    Perhaps i'm dense and not understanding, but energy I understand, but aid, what is that going to entail, how much will it cost in workforce, so many other things can be considered as "aid", hmm CooAid aid? please help me understand, that tons worry me.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I've sent a letter to Iran, asking them to sit down and talk, with America? no violation please!!?

    I've already posted this once before hoping to reach a mature audience on global affairs.

    I've been keeping in touch with Iranian news and have access to this web site, unfortunately this site cannot be posted on Yahoo otherwise I'd be commiting a violation. And through that web site was able to send an email to President Ahmedinejab to live up to what he wrote in his letter to the people of America. Do you Agree? I'd like some help from people who are willing to write and tell him he must live up to his letter! He stated in his letter that his people wanted the same as Americans did, well I believe Americans want peace, we're tired of seeing the THREATS of a global war in our headlines. We're tired of seeing our young die for an aimless war. He's been asked by the government of America to sit down and discuss important issues, he made that same request in his letter.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I've sent a letter to Iran, asking them to sit down and talk, with America? no violation please!!?

    I've been keeping in touch with Iranian news and have access to this web site, unfortunately this site cannot be posted on Yahoo otherwise I be commiting a violation again I tried a posting and it didn't work. And through that web site was able to send an email to President Ahmedinejab to live up to what he wrote in his letter to the people of America. Do you Agree?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I'd like to issue a dance contest for our young people, can I show you my music first?

    I'm a grandmother that looks back and listens to old time music, but HEY I've kept in tune with the present music and I think if given the power I can outdance any of you young people out there, based upon age and stamina. lol

    haven't determined how this would even start just having fun!!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago