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I am 14,have been home schooled all my school years so far,and will be till 12 grade.I LOVE reading,history,and writing,and hope to be an author when I grow up.I also want to make sure that people are informed about home schooling,not just guessing from horrer movies.Oh yeah,and I'm a christian.

  • How do you get videos to make Youtube fanvids?

    I see people using clips(ex. Star Wars) to make a fanvid with music, but how do you exactly get those clips? Do you get them from somewhere on the Internet or is there a way to get it from your own dvds? I would love to make those sort of videos, but I have no idea how. Thanks for any help you guys can offer!

    4 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Is updating a WordPress blog really worth it?

    Okay, I have two blogs that are on WordPress and they stopped working correctly, and everyone says to update it. Well, you have to completely MANUALLY install the update. I am not a computer geek so all this is like a foreign language to me. Backing up everything, downloading, deleting certain files but not others, checking everything, etc, etc, etc. I am SO not wanting to do this, but I have to.

    So, do any of you really think that it is worth going to all this trouble or should I just shut down my blogs altogether?

    Neither of them have anything to do with my business and are pretty much just for fun. It has been 3 months since I last updated, and I have not really been missing them. Please, please, ADVICE?

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about Ritalin?

    I will not tell anyone out there how I feel right now, but I just want to know what you guys think of the drug Ritalin and ADHD. Tell me if you use it and why, if you do not believe in it and why, and just your thoughts. Thanks.

    14 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • What if I don't go to college?

    I don't plan on going to college, and no, you can't change my mind, but I was wondering what people think of people not going to college. I want to be a writer as a carrer, but I am starting my own buisnesss to make money untill I become a famous writer (hopefully!), so I have all the financial making money parts covered, and I don't think that going to college would help my writing, since I already have a writing style and have started writing boks already, but what do you all think, and whats your opinion on peole not going to college? (I'm 14 and home schooled)

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Whats with people thinking public schools are so great?

    Why do people think that public schools are preparing kids for the 'real world'?The real world does not consist of people stuck in crowded rooms with other people the same age for 8 hours a day,nor does it consist of people getting beatup after work for wearing glasses.this is not the real world.Also,whats wrong with home schooling?okay,so public school kids get to sit around with other kids the same age,without being allowed to talk to eachother,for the majority of the day. oh wow.Home schoolers can actually interact to different people,instead of just teachers, principals, and bulleys.Now,being beat up doesen't help kids prepeare for the real world either.Whoever thinks that is oviously never been bulleyed,or is a bulley.Do you think that geeks(kids with huge glasses and retaners)are going to look back at they're school years with fondness, and be able to tell they're kids how nice public school is? no.Kids who get picked on get they're spirits crushed and beaten.

    22 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • What does your school day consist of? for home schoolers?

    My school day begins with studying something that has to do with either science,geograghy,or history(like reading or writing reports).then I do two lessons of language arts on the computer(using switched on schoolhouse).Then I do two lessons of Saxon math on the computer also.Then I do bible study,and finally I write one page of anything I want to write about to practise grammer and penmenship.It all takes about 2 to 2 and a half hours.So,I was wondering how school days go for other home schoolers,and what they have to do and how long it takes.just curious.

    7 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • How do home schoolers socialize?

    I am 14 and home schooled.I go to art class once a week,and I have a best friend,so we have sleepovers about 2 times a month,and I was wondering how other home schoolers socialize,like sports,activities,next door neighbors,etc.I just want to prove that we home schoolers do socialize with real people.thanks!

    20 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Why are people mean to home schoolers?

    Why are people so judgemental to us home schoolers.Studies show that home schoolers are actually better at socializing then public or private students,and we get better scores on SATs then public/private students.I'm 14,and have been home schooled my entire school life,and will be untill 12 grade,and I can only think of pros to homeschooling.I also have friends,both my age and adult,so,why do people not like us?

    21 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago