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Lv 31,192 points


Favorite Answers28%
  • Did the American Indians' religious beliefs contribute to their eventual defeat?

    I am currently involved in a discussion in an Early American history class. It's really just between me and one other student, so this is not for a grade or essay. I've taken the position that the American Indians were defeated by the British colonists because they lacked the technology needed to wage a successful defense. I believe that the Indians, who were a spiritual people, failed to develop any recognizable modernization due to the fact they were so "religious" or spiritual. If they had spent the, say, 1000 years before the British arrived advancing in a similar fashion to the Europeans, I believe they would have been better prepared to defend their land. They may not have been able to recognize, treat and or cure the different diseases that the Europeans brought with them, but they would have been able to possibly organize themselves better, through better communication, better transportation systems and better weaponry.

    In other words, I believe the American Indians were defeated due to their lack of technology, which was a result of their religion or spirituality.

    What do you think? If you agree, let me know! If you can offer any evidence of this "theory," help me out! If you think I'm crazy, tell me! Personally, I feel religion has led to the downfall of virtually every civilization since the dawn of man... but we're talking American Indians right now... thanks for the feedback!

    4 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever used this Horse Product?

    I found this product online and was wondering if any of you have heard of it or used it? It looks like a good idea, just wondering if anyone has anything to say about it?

    8 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • When was HIGH TIMES Magazine First Published?

    Help settle a debate between friends...

    When was HIGH TIMES Magazine FIRST Published?

    4 AnswersMagazines1 decade ago
  • I need help finding a WEB page! Can you help?

    I've been trying to find a web page for a business and I can't find it anywhere...

    It's a restaurant called, "Cookout"

    It's a drive through only fast food burger joint that specializes in "tastes like grilled out" burgers and shakes.

    I know they are a regional chain (specifically in the south east - there are at least 10 in North Carolina).

    I've been trying to find their website for franchise questions.

    I've searched everywhere... I've typyed in everything...


    Cookout Restaurant

    Cookout franchise

    Cook out

    Cook Out Restaurant

    and at least 20 other searches on booth google and yahoo...

    I'm STILL looking.

    Impress me...

    10 pts to first person to find it!


    WANTED -


    and no... it's NOT

    Good Luck!

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago