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  • What kind of job can I get that doesn't require me to lift anything or bend down?

    I recently had a severe back injury. I am still able to walk. The fact is I need a job because I need to go back to school next semester and I need to have a job by the middle of October so I can start saving up. Are there any jobs for someone with a high school education that do not require one to bend down or lift anything because I need work, but my back wouldn't be able to take certain tasks.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I am losing my self-motivation to try.?

    I am getting to the point of "Why should I even try anymore, I'm going to wind up on academic probation anyway. School costs too much and any money I get won't be enough and books are too expensive now". I am losing self-motivation. The motivation to try that I had as a freshman in college is almost gone. I'm scared now because I just turned 22 and I getting nowhere. I feel old and scared. Any motivation I had to try and get a job and stay in school at the same time is dwindling. I am at the point where I could be evicted from student housing for almost any reason(I am working that out somehow). I feel like "What is the point in trying anymore. It's going to get too hot outside to walk to work, I don't even feel like going anywhere anymore. I was told college is suppose to be the greatest time in one's life. Well, why am I having such a miserable time? Any booksmarts I have won't help anymore. I need some kind of solution. Does anyone have any solution

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is there a law regarding printing a picture of a license plate found online just for decoration?

    I want to know if it is illegal to print out a picture of a license plate(that isn't being used on a car) just for decoration.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I am dealing with resentment and hurt towards someone who I thought was my friend.?

    am currently dealing with some anger towards a person who I considered to be a very good friend for a while. I thought me and this person were very good friends and then somehow I felt like we were drifting apart. I confronted her about it and I was told I was "clingy". Suddenly, I became upset, not so much that she told me that I was "clingy", but that I felt like I was living a lie. I thought we were good friends and that she enjoyed my company. Now I look back and I think that I have been living a lie. Furthermore, the message that I received was that I was just a "needy loser". I don't consider myself a needy loser, just someone who values his friends and friendship. On one hand I am so upset I feel inclined never to talk to here ever again. On the other hand, part of me doesn't want to hate her and wants to get over it and possible repair what is left. Anyone have any good answers?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I haven't been eating meat. Why am I getting fatter?

    I haven't been eating meat since early February and for some reason I seem to be storing "more" fat. How is it that a vegetarian diet can make one store fat?

    17 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How much has New Bedford,MA changed since the 1970's? Just curious.?

    I have been on the internet researching about the 1960's and 1970's and one subject that can't be avoided so easily are the race riots. I wasn't surprised to hear about rioting in New, Chicago, or Detroit. However, there was a bit of surprise when I found smaller places, in particular, New Bedford, MA had a riot as well. I would never know because it isn't in the history books and my own impression about this town is mainly that of a seaside town known for whaling,and shipbuilding. How much has New Bedford changed since the 1970's?

    2 AnswersBoston1 decade ago
  • I would like to here your input on this situation because to me it seems shocking to here about Minneapolis.?

    I went online to do some research about Minneapolis(as well as other cities) for considering a place to live after college. I was shocked to find that Minneapolis has such a high poverty rate among blacks(close to 45%), given the fact that Minneapolis isn't exactly a Rust-Belt type of place. It shocks me because I have always imagined Mpls as a lovely place to live if you are a student or recent college grad.(I thought this way as a teenager and to a certain extent I still feel like Mpls can be a good place to live.). I would like to here some insight on this from other because I don't live there, so I may be missing something. I happen to know there alot of blacks from the Rust Belt are moving to the Twin Cities for jobs and sadly that some of the criminals have followed as well, as what happens in migrations of people. Good people follow and so do the bad. I would like to here some input on this issue.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is it that almost every woman between ages 18-23 seems to have a boyfriend?

    I live in the Southeast USA and I am finding that almost every other woman between the age of 18-23 seems to have a boyfriend and in many cases I see the guy and think "what a dummy, she could have an intelligent person like me". I don't know if this is a southern thing because this seems very prevalent in the south. What is your perspective(by the way, I have never let it be known in person that I thought that way about the guy that they date unless they have broken up with him.)?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am considering living in Alaska?

    I know Alaska has a high cost of living in comparison with other states and there are other issues like the winters, but I have read about Alaska from books about its beauty of nature, so much to do, and individualism(as far as socially concerned), because where I live groupthink is the rule. I was surprised to hear many Alaskans didn't want people from other states moving to Alaska, and dissapointed. I know there have been some criminal elements who have made caused problems in Alaska,but what I would like to know is if Alaska would be more welcoming to someone like myself: doesn't think with the group but rather independantly, looking for a good place with friendly people, someone who would like to be there after college in fields such as accounting or weather, who loves the snow(and willing to face temperatures below zero to enjoy it.)?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Anyone who has traveled to the Siberian cities(Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok , Vladivostok, etc.)?

    I am thinking about going to Russia for a trip and in particular I want to see the Siberian cities. How would I go about getting the visa, invitation and other paperwork? I also have concerns about safety as well.

    1 AnswerRussia1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much resistance against extend MARTA rail to include the outer areas of metro Atlanta?

    I live in the suburbs of metro Atlanta and MARTA rail does not extend to Cobb County(or to the other counties for that matter). The local buses are not reliable and it would be better if the MARTA trains went out into the suburbs. Crowded highways wouldn't be as crowded and those persons without cars could get around easier. It makes so much sense, too much sense.

    1 AnswerCommuting1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much resistance towards short men?

    I have noticed something very harsh: the shorter the man, the harder it is for him to get a girlfriend. What I would like to know is why is it that even women who are under 5'3" would rather date men who are 5'11" and up.? Not all women are like that,but most of the short women I have seen would rather date men who are at least 5'11" or taller.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you think would happen if at least 95% of motorists use every fuel out there other than gasoline?

    I would like to hear real answers, educated answers about what would happen if gasoline usage dropped my 95% and the use of the alternative fuels became a standard everyday thing?

    1 AnswerEnvironment1 decade ago
  • I am doing a USA History report on Milwaukee race riot of 1967. Anyone know about the riot?

    I need a perspective from people who lived through the riot or people who know about that riot. I would like to know more about the cause and effects of the riot for my report.

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • I know the answer, but I want to see what people out there know:Northernmost major city in contiguous USA?

    Name the northernmost located "major city" in the contiguous USA?

    6 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Controversy in interracial marriages?

    I am a believer that interracial marriages can and do work out. It happens each day. What I also know is that interracial marriages, even today are often viewed with hatred. With that said, this is also more baffling: Interracial marriages between many different people are often viewed with hateful controversy, but in particular, interracial marriages between a black man and a white female are viewed with particular spite and hatred. Why is this?

    12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • If it can be done, why aren't we using alternative fuels such as biodiesel like we use fossil fuels?

    This the USA. We have the technology to further the industry of alternative fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. It can be done. Why are we not making it available to the general public the way fossil fuels are? What does politics have to do with it?

    Websites about these fuels:

    15 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between the South and the rest of the nation?

    I don't like rioting and violence occuring, especially when it has to do with race. I am curious to why whenever racially influenced police brutality occurs in some of the northen and western cities cities(Detroit, Benton Harbor, Los Angeles, etc.) it becomes like war, but when it happens in places in the south(Atlanta in particular), nothing happens other than protesting? I am curious because I am living in the Atlanta area and the police force has committed some police brutality recently and there are some previous cases. People are upset, but you never here of anything like a riot happening.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What is it like to live in Racine,WI?

    I am curious to what it is like to live in Racine,WI. I am thinking about moving there as well as a few other places I have read about. I am wondering about its good and bad qualities because I can't seem to find them to easily in other sources and I need the perspective from someone who as lived there or has traveled to that location.

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between racism in the North and racism in the South?

    What is the difference between racism in the North and racism in the South and which region is worse or if both are the same. I have spent some time in the North but not enough to get a full idea.

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago