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  • need help, cant watch video i imported from camera?

    i have imported pics. and video from my digital camera, but i have not been able to watch the videos. i am running windows xp with windows media player.

    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • would you work with out a pay?

    i have been working as a home health aide for a place about 2 months now. upon being hired i was told that they would send my time sheets to me via mail when i needed them. at that time i was given some time sheets and things were going well. but as i got closer to needing time sheets i called and asked that they send me more. three weeks have gone by and still no time sheets, thus no pay check. i got mad and called and spoke with the boss. she told the person that is responsible of sending these out, to send them out to me a.s.a.p. well they arrived, and guess what, wrong time sheets. now im getting ready to begin another week and still don't have time sheets and still no pay check. the clients home is 40 miles from me. i also run errands for him.and im suppose to be reimbursed my miles for running such errands. guess what? no reimbursement for that. my question is,would you work for them another day, knowing you will not be getting paid for it for another week?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • am i preggers pos. and neg. results?

    i have taken 3 in home pregnancy test, 2 have said negative and one said, what are the chances i could be pregnant?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • my friend is allowing her teen daughter to sleep with an 18 year old boy?

    i have a neighbor that i have known for over 10 years. she has 3 teens two boys ans one girl. she has been under investigation for neglect and she has also been charged for knowingly allowing her daughter to spend time alone with someone that molested a child. ok now her teen daughter 13 has a boyfriend that is 18. she allows this boy to spend the night at her home with her daughter. this boys parents thinks the girl is 16. should i tell the boys parents the truth? also should i tell this boys parents about her being under investigation. the 18 year old boy knows that this lady is under investigation. but he says he loves this girl. this lady knows that she may lose her kids already. why would she make more problems for her self? she lets them all smoke and provides them with beer.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • sick of my ex girlfriend?

    i have posted other questions in regards to this matter. but now i have another issue. my sons dad and his girlfriend picked my son up yesterday. i told him that after today he need to provide a car seat because im sick of him taking mine. she of course had to put her 2 cents in. and said that i needed to stop my sh**. i said nothing. well today he informed me that she was bringing my son home, i told him that he had better be with her. he said he couldnt because he is at work. well thats not my problem, he is the one that wanted these days and time. and was told by the judge that our son was to be spending the time with him not his girlfriend. so when she showed up, i told her that from now on she is not welcome to my home unless he is with her. she had the nerve to tell me that she will be coming to get my son until the court order says she cant come to my house.and sped off. then a few min. ago, my mom went to the store and there was my ex his girlfriend. again he was driving ( with out a license) this bi*** had the nerve to give my mom the finger. my mother has said nothing to this girl. i did talk to a lawyer and was told that i dont have to let her pick up my son. also my mom has had it. she said that if this girl shows up again to pick the baby up. she is going to call the police and ask that they tell her not to come here. what do you think ? would i be going to far asking that she not be here unless she is with my ex. i think she is trying to make me mad enough to hit her. but i wont give her the satisfaction.

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • babies daddys girlfriend?

    my ex has visitation of our son. he is suppose to pick him up at times set by the court order. most of the time his girlfriend picks the baby up.and someone all together drops him off. i told my ex that it is his job to pick up our son and drop him off. he just laughs at me. well today i went for a walk and i seen my ex and his girlfriend,he was driving ( with out a license) my son was not in the car with him. so i called his cell and asked where my son was, he insisted the baby was in the car. i know he wasn't. he hung up on me. i called back and his girlfriend answered and told me to stop calling. i told her that i wanted to talk to my son. she hung up on me. i called again this time she was calling me names and told me that she did not have to let me talk to my son. then they called the police on me saying i threatened her. the cops called me and told me that they have the right to not allow me to talk to my son. im so pi*** what right does she have about any of this? i have allowed my ex to change weekends so that him and his girlfriend can spend time alone with out kids. (she has 2) i have allowed her to pick up my son, when it should be his dad. should i stop giving into him and make him stick with the court order, and when he does not show up on time, not let his son go with him.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • strange things have been going on in my house, what do you think?

    as of late we have been hearing footsteps in the house, in the middle of the night, also last night a chair in the kitchen was moved and know one was in there, my son also said he felt someone tug at his hair. what do you think could be going on.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • im 17 weeks?

    what does this come out to be month wise. everyone has told me something different.

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • computer problem?

    i need some help here. i dont know what happend but all of a sudden none of the numbers on my key board are working. not the ones on the top or at the side. any ideas on how to fix it? need help asap. thanks

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • do you get annoyed??

    when people ask a question on here and when you click on it there are no details? like you are suppose to guess at what the problem is. why dont these people that ask a question learn that they wont get answers if they dont tell whats going on? DAH!!

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • i turned on my computer and??

    when i logged on to the internet all of my browser bars are gone, the only thing that comes up is the yahoo page. my clock is even gone along with my buttons for options etc. can someone help.

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • can someone please help me!!?

    all my life i have been thin, but do to an illness and medications that i was on i put on a great deal of weight. i have been off this medication for some time and i still continue to gain. i spoke with my doctor about this, and she offers no help. { you know doctors. } is there anyone that tell me a way of shedding these unwanted pounds. i would like to add that i dont eat junk food, as a matter of fact i hardly eat. please dont be mean, i need good advise. when i was younger i had a eating disorder and lost more than i should have, i dont want that to happen again,i was very ill and had to be placed in the hospital, to make me gain weight.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • please help!!?

    i know i have posted this kind of question before. but please if you can not be nice then dont bother, this guy that i use to date a long time ago, contacted me again, he came to see me and plans on coming again this weekend. he lives in another state. but here is the problem, he and i know this girl, and he does not want her to know that we are even talking. she to knows his ex, all he says is he does not want her to know because she has a big mouth. so what! right? why would he care if she told his ex. or anyone else for that matter. he has the right to have a life.or do you think it is because he still wants to be with his ex. she cheated on him and thats why they are not together.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i think i took care of my problem, what do you think?

    i posted question in regards to my friend [female] telling me that she is in love with me and the problems she was causing at work with this guy that i said i was attracted too. well she said she was going to come clean with him today. well, she didnt, so i took the advise of some of the people on here and i ditched her. i informed her as of today i longer think of her as a friend and that i will not be speaking to her again. this way she can say and do what she wants with this guy. the things is she has already told me she is just playing head games with him. but i relize now that there is more to that than she has said. so do you think i made the right move? i work with her and go to school with her at night. the thing also is she lives with a guy, has for 15 years. i on the other hand have not been in a relationship for 7. and because she has a thing for me, she wants to make sure the guy that i might like even a little cant stand me.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • stuck foot in mouth?

    a few weeks ago someone that i was very much in love with, contacted me after 11 years, we talked everyday and i invited him to come and spend the weekend with me. well we had a wonderful time. {if ya know what i mean} he went back home and i can now count on one hand how many times we have, last night i wrote him a nasty e-mail saying that, and that he made me feel used. well after sending him this e-mail i checked on my yahoo im and found out that he has tried talking to me, but i was not on at the time. so this morning i checked my e-mail and he is very upset with me and said that maybe the next time we talk i will be in a better mood. so what do i say to him now? i feel offel that i wrote that, but at the same time it is true that we have only spoken a couple times since he left. i dont expect any kind of commit from him, but i do feel that we should still be able to talk. like we did before he came here.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what to do with my kid??

    i have a 13 year old son, and at the beginning of the school year he said that he wanted to join football. that was fine with me. well he plays both offense and defense. he mist a couple of practices and we thought for sure he would have lost his position, well he didnt. as a matter of fact he just made captain! well, now he is asking if he can miss practice, { he has a girl friend now } was i wrong to tell him that he cant miss? he is really good otherwise he would not be captain. and i dont want him to be a quiter. am i wrong?

    13 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • does he love me?

    i was with this man 11 years ago. he recently looked me up and we began talking.he came and spent the weekend with me and that was wonderful. well, when he left he made no mention of when or if we will talk or see each other again. i truly believe he is my soul mate.

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • can i sue for harassment?

    well, i have tried to get a restaining order, but part of the problem is that until she is charged by the police i cant get one. i have even gone to a judge with a lawyer and asked for one, but the answer was no.she is only 15years old thats part of the problem. but they had no problem arresting my daughter 16 for defending herself against this girl when the girl hit her.they charged my daughter with assault. and tried her as an adult. and yes a restaining order was placed against my daughter. so now when ever this girl wants to she can call the police and say that my daughter did or said something to her and my daughter gets arrested. this has happened 2x now. so my daughter is now being charged with felonies. and looking at at a jail sentence of 1-4 years in jail. now mind you this girl has never had a singal witness that my daughter did any of this. the police only go by what this girl says. i on the other hand do have witnesses but at no time have they been allowed to give a statem

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago