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I am interested in taking methadone for my chronic pain...possibly fibromyalgia.?
To be very honest, I do have an addictive personality, and have had issues in the past with opiates. in specific, Vicodin, ...However, i am truly in allot of pain now and am aware that methadone lasted all day without re-dosing, and I functioned much better
5 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years agoWill you send me one dollar?
I am just trying to see if I can get enough money to get some Christmas presents for my kids, and I thought of this idea, so if you will send me a dollar in the mail, my mailing address is
A. Pena
6425 Linden St
Ludington, MI 49431
This is not a joke, and I would be very grateful, and may it come back to you tenfold for your thoughtfulness and help. Peace, and Merry Christmas.
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoAm I all alone, or do you miss Michael Jackson too?
It has been almost six months since he died, and I am still so depressed and saddened by his death. I think about him day and night. Can anyone give me some words of encouragement to help me through this?
19 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoCan opiates be used to treat depression?
I feell very good when I take high doses of opiates, but I feel depressed and without any energy all the rest of the time. Why do Doctors not use opiates as antidepressants? They make you feel good.
17 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agowhy does methadone give me energy?
If I take a higher dose than usual, of methadone or another opiate, I get energized, why does this happen?
Other - Health1 decade agoIs there a website where I can put in the names of my medications...?
and it would let me know if there are any drug interactions between them, and the side effects of them?
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoI don't want the "Yahoo! Messenger Insider" page to come up when I log into messenger.... ?
How do I get it to not come up when I log in, and why do I have to sign out of messenger and into my mail when it is the same account?
2 AnswersPreferences and Settings1 decade agotoothache and pregnant...please help!!?
ok, i am 8 months pregnant, and i am not supposed to be taking ibuprofen, but tylenol does nothing at all. I have taken so much ibuprofen the last few days that i am afraid for the baby, but the pain is so bad! I went to the ER last night and all they could do for me was inject lidocaine, which lasted for 6 hours, and the pain is back. Also, my mouth is so dry all the time, what can i do for this pain and dry mouth??
4 AnswersDental1 decade agoElectric or gas?
I want to k now if it is cheaper to run an electric dryer or a gas dryer? My propane bill is so high, I am looking for a way to reduce the cost. I also need a new water heater, and am looking for something better, and economic. I need to soften my water, which is why I need a new one in the first place. The water heater got so full of lime buildup that the water pressure blew out the pressure valve, and will keep on blowing it until I resolve the problem of the lime. Should I go tankless for water heater? Any suggestions would be great!
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoSo, here is what happened...PLEASE read it all and then give me some insight?!?
I walked in the door after coming home from working 3rd shift. We have a cat that we need to take to a shelter because we cannot care for it is sick and has seizures daily and bleeds all over. When I came home, I let the cat in, and it went back to the back of the house to eat...nobody saw the cat go in. I noticed that there was some cleaner out on the counter and things had been moved around as well, so I asked my daughter what happened. She told me that the cat had peed on the counter (this has happened before). Then she told me that my long term,live in boyfriend, who was getting the kids ready for school, had told her that the cat was not allowed to come back in the house ever. I told her that I had just let the cat in, as she began to tell me what he said, he grabbed the cat by the neck and yelled at my daughter and threw the cat out the door!Will she hate him 4ever? What effectsis this goingto have on their relationship,and on her emotionally?was he right?
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoAfter a detailed ultrasound, the doctor found that everything was normal except?
where one of the ureters meets the kidney, it is dilated. He said that this could cause reflux of the urine back into the kidney...he will keep a watch on this and if needed the baby may require treatment at birth. Is there a name for this? Is it common? Is it associated with down syndrome or any other disorder? Please just give me some more information about what may be going on?
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIrritable, fatigued, swollen feeet, constipated, and 5 months pregnant?
Shouldn't I be feeling pretty good at this time, with all those good pregnancy hormones in me? I am so tired all the time, and constipated really bad, also feel like I am falling back into my depression state, and I really don't want to go there. Please help??
4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoEdema?? Swollen feet andpregnancy?
I am 5 months pregnant and both of my ankles are so swollen, it is like 2+ pitting edema...when i take of my socks, i have little tiny ankles, then above it is all fat and swollen. It looks so wierd, why am i so swollen??
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoAFP read 1 in 306 for Down Syndrome?? I am 27 years old.?
I go for a special ultrasound on the 26th Sept. I am so scared! I have two children with no disabilities, this is my third and I am 19 weeks pregnant...different father though. I guess I am looking for some solace...someone to tell me that it will be fine? I know I have to wait for my ultrasound to know for sure, but are these results accurate, and what does it really mean? Does my baby already have signs/symptoms of Downs, and that is why the AFP was abnormal??
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoOur hamster got lost somewhere a couple of weeks ago and now I have a very strong smell of dead animal...?
I cannot smell exactly where it is coming from though! Sometimes, I believe it to be coming from the heating vents, that is where the smell seems to be most prominent. My husband says that he cannot open it up and find it because of the way the heating system is connected, he thinks the smell will go away soon without any intervention. He also does not have a very good "sniffer", he dosent smell it in the same places that I do! It is driving me nuts that he wont take care of it! It stinks so bad, and I am pregnant, so this smell is nauseating to me! Please help me, what should I do to find it and eliminate the odor ASAP??!!
5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoSafe mode...Now my stuff is different? The power went out so I clicked on the safe mode to work online,?
now my top and bottom frames on the screen are ugly gray color, and i want them back to what they were, how can I change it back??
2 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoProfit and loss write off??
What does this mean if it is on a credit report for a secured loan? Does it mean they just forget the debt, or are they going to continue with collection efforts? Can they take away the collateral such as a house or car that secures the loan?
7 AnswersCredit1 decade agoWhy is my partner so mad at me?? He says I am not doing anything around the house.?
The thing he dosent understand is that I am 3 months pregnant, and have been extremely tired and very nauseated. I admit to sleeping alot lately, but my body is telling me to sleep. I am not lazy, just tired. Also I am a germaphobe, I hate dirty, yucky things, and he says " you need to just bite the bullet and clean those things that grosss you out", well it makes me ill, and i cant stand things that smell funny. Is he right to keep yelling and criticizing me because of my nonproductivity lately(just since becoming pregnant), or should he give me a break? Please help me by giving me any suggestions you can...our relationship is falling apart because of this.
17 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhy do I get offers asking me to "please help" because their husband died and left a lot of money and they
need me to help them get it then I can have 3 million dollars, or however much they say? Also I get "You won the UK Internatiomal lottery...just send the courier fee of $400.00, and then they will send me my millions? They all want ALL of my personal info...and banking info! Do they really think I am that stupid? They are all different by who or where it comes from, but always the same kind of offer. Some even want me to go to London or Nigeria to get the money!! Why do I get like 20 of these in my inbox every single day, and how can I stop this??
11 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago