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Lv 55,841 points

Texas Tiger

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My areas of experience are.. Photographer Criminal Justice Kids (boys and girls) Magic Martial Arts Teaching Swimming Banking Relationships and more

  • 2009 Mazda 6 .. anyone else have issues with the shield?

    I have a 2009 Mazda 6 and it is currently in the shop to have a shield replaced (one of the underside shields). I hit water.. thats it. This is the second time that it is in the shop for the same issue. The interesting part is that they have to order the part because no one in town has it. The last time it was in town, now with all this rain they dont have it. I know for a fact that I did not hit anything else.

    So have you had this problem?

    Is there a way to see if this is happening a lot to other people? Im told it is not, but I am suspicious.

    1 AnswerMazda1 decade ago
  • Unix/Linux scripting question?

    Im trying to write a script and I am stuck on one part. If I create the script while logged in as root, will it run as root if it is run from the crontab? Im using fedora.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • LGB... In the closet?

    Ok.. REALLY stupid question...I just answered a question with a phrase that then got me thinking so here goes...

    Why is it called "In the closet" or "coming out of the closet"

    I know what the terms MEAN, but not why they are called that.

  • Why should any class have the right to force their sexuality on someone else?

    All last month (June) I was accosted by people I hardly know wanting me to know their sexual desires. Because it was national GLBT (I think I got that right) month I had to be told by these strangers (There are over 3000 people where I work so I dont know everyone) telling me what they like to do in the (hopefully) privacy of their own homes.

    The interesting thing is if I come in and want someone to know MY desires I get fired for it because we have 0 (zero) tolerance for that kind of thing here.

    I understand the desire to have the same benefits. But there is NO reason why you should tell me what your orientation is.

    Now they are (again) trying to repeal "Dont ask Dont tell". I dont think the should remove it, I think they should UPDATE it.

    I think the country should be Dont ask Dont tell. I dont want to know your sexual desires and I have no intention of telling you mine. I think you should get into just as much trouble telling me about your desires as I would be for telling you mine.

    Let me be a bit more specific.

    If you are male and you tell me nothing, then I think nothing.

    If you are female and you tell me nothing, then I think nothing.

    If you are male and you tell me you are gay... then that instantly tells me what you do sexualy. Being "gay" is not a lifestyle so much as it is a sex style.

    Seriously look at your own arguments.... you say other than who you want to be with there is nothing different about you. I agree with that.. EXCEPT, not everyone wants to shout out their sexual desires from the top of the roof.

    So to those of you wondering, yes, the 300 + people that went around wearing buttons, ribbons, shirts, hats, etc etc etc telling me their sexual preference, should all be fired. I dont wear a "baby maker" button etc to work. And the last guy that did as a joke costume for halloween was FIRED for it. The worst of it was, his wife was pregnant which is why he was given the shirt as they had been trying to get pregnant for 2 years.

    Should he have been fired, yes. Why, because he was at work talking about his sexuality.

    So what is your take on it. IS there a reason why I should have to have all these strangers telling me their sexual desires? What makes them so special as to be able/allowed to do that while others are not?

    For what it is worth. I have 3 friends that are gay. 1 guy and 2 girls (ok 4 girls if you count theirs). They come over for dinner at least once a month and my family (even my kids) go to their places as well. With exception to what they do behind closed doors, there is nothing different. My daughter has even told me.. ***** Doesnt have a daddy, she has 2 mommys.

    So is it a.... Gay Pride ... thing or a weird form or exhibitionism?

  • Door sticks at different places at different times... Help?!?

    A bit over a year ago we had a door installed. We replaced our slideing glass door with a french door assemply that had only one working side.. . our security company and I both agreed it was too easy to get into french doors no matter what locks you use.. anyway.. for the past 2 weeks it has been sticking or not closeing.. or both lol.

    When I let my dogs back in tonight the door would not close all the way BUT would stick in the upper left corner (it opens from the left to the right coming into the house). The door will not close enough to latch the handle.

    I am in San Antonio Texas and we have had little to no rain for almost 2 months now. I have already tried the ."Water your house". idea and I have met with little luck. The door can not be shaved (its not wood).

    I am also worried about doing anything.. permament as that would mean when it (whatever IT is) alters again I will have made the door to be unuseable.

    So any ideas how to get it to work.. the frame is wood and yes I have watered that as well.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does this suprise anyone?

    This is about a cop and a fire fighter trying to live accross the street from Evander Holyfield....

    WHY would these public servents even THINK they could afford that.

    This is a perfect example of why we have this mortgage problem right now.

    1. they could not afford the payments so they got an interest only ARM.. VERY stupid

    2. they did not read the contract... it was a 3 year ARM not a 5 year.

    3. Why would a family of 4 need a 7 bedroom home in the first place?

    4. they have OTHER HOMES!!!! that they could not find renters for.. but they are getting help to stay in their home so it doesnt get foreclosed.

    This is why people like me who have made their payments, living in a smaller than I want house because I CAN afford the payments, HATE letting all these people skate on their mortgage payments... they had no business getting into that type of house, and the idiots who bailed them out had no business doing that since they have "vacant rental properties"

    OK so who thinks all this bailout is a good idea? Now that you can see how it is being abused, do you still agree with it?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is the country song that ....?

    What is the country song that has a highschool girl with cancer and the boy shows up to take her to the prom and he had shaved his head?

    10 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Is it to much to ask?!?!?!?

    OK... My Daughter has taken a few classes..... so here are my questions..

    1. Karate... Is it too much to ask that they teach DEFENSE and not just how to hit?

    2. Swimming... Is it to much to ask that they sort the class by abilities and teach at the level for each student.. ie.. my daughter can swim short distances so she does not need to learn how to blow bubbles. (there are 4 teachers for 9 students all with parents with them as in IN the water.. 5 kids are as good or better than my daughter 3 were a bit hesitant to blow bubbles, 1 was SCARED and wanted to get out of the pool.. all 4 teachers stopped everything for that one child..

    3. Soccer.. Is it too much to ask that since it is an INDOOR soccer area that they have lights on in the bathrooms? Is it too much to ask that they either have the door unlocked, or a sign showing us which door to use, or have even told us last week since they were changing the door? The new door was around the side of the building, not a right or left choice but a completly different side of the building. The OWNER didnt even know how to turn the lights on... there was no switch in or near the bathrooms for our use, there was a internal switch, one you need a key for, outside the restrooms but the OWNER didnt even go near the bathrooms, she shouted accross the way that the breaker was on..when I told her that the lights were still not on she went to talk to her husband, the other owner.. who got mad and said that I was delaying his class... so THEY think lights in the bathrooms is too much for my 5 year old little girl.

    So am I asking to much or should these people, who "I PAY" to teach these classes, step up and do things right?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Mafia Wars on Facebook.. friends?

    Ok. I want to add friends so I can have them on Mafia Wars BUT I want to delete these same people as I dont want to see all their updates. Is that possible? I dont want to have to edit them as they put remarks up, I dont want to see them on my friends area.

    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Larry Curly and Moe = Sean Penn, Jim Carrey and Benicio del Toro?

    Here is the link

    For those of you who know about he original Three Stooges, what do you think about this? I dont think they have a good crew considering all things. They have termed it.. dumb, dumber, and dumbest, but I dont consider those to be even close to the comedic genius that brought the stooges world acclaim. Sean will hit everyone, jim will fart a lot and who the heck is benicio anyway?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Charlies Angels Full Throtle Unrated edition..Stupid question?

    Ok. A friend of mine says that in the scene where the are snuck abord the ship in a fake wall thing.. when they break out you can see them naked. I personaly think he is full of it, but before I reply to his email I was wondering what anyone else thought or saw in it.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What was your scariest dream.. and why was it scary?

    Ok.. just a survey of sorts...

    What dream did you have that scared you the most

    What about it scared you.

    Mine is more than a bit on the weird side.. and yet still gives me chills to think about it.

    In my dream I am at church with my wife and 2 kids. We are being chased by a bear, not just us but everyone there. We hide in a room in the church talking about how we are safer hideing inside than out in the open where he can see us. I watch thru windows as he comes up the other hall way towards our room and pushes his head into each room smelling for us (my family or just anyone.. dont know.. but thats not the point). I go out the window of the room we are in and climb in the window of the room next to ours and wait for the bear. I am beside the door so when he sticks his head in I reach around his neck to hold on (in case he stands up) and I shove my finger thru his eye and once my finger is all the way in I wiggle it around killing the bear...

    What scared me the most is not the dream itself.. but what happend OUTSIDE the dream.. in real life.. I woke up with my arm around my wifes pillow and my hand shoved into it the same way it was with the bear.. same position... Had I not been sleeping alone when I had that dream, would I have grabbed my wife and done that to her??? Ok that is NOT a question to you.. that is just the thought that scares me about the dream..

    So, what is your scariest dream and what about it scares you?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How common is this in pregnancy?

    While pregnant with both of our kids my wife became VERY aroused. Along the lines of enough is never enough. She often joked about asking our friends to help her out.

    I know there are different degrees to everything but how many of you are going thru or have gone thru that and to what degree? What if anything did you do about it?

    NO details please.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • lets talk about SEXT baby.......?

    Ok.. now that I have your attention check this out

    If you read the article it talks about ways to stop this and how at a loss everyone is. One person stated to check the cell phone all the time, but most said they have no idea.

    Why should a teenager NEED to be able to send text and or photos?

    When my children (dau and son) get old enough for a cell phone it will probably have a camera on it, but I will not allow them to send texts or images with it. Texting goes on too much in the classroom and is a distraction. Sending nude or partial nude images is what that story is all about.

    So here is my question to you..

    Do your kids have cell phones... if yes or if they will, what will you do about keeping them from sexting?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Wii Fit... What is the weight limit?

    I will be getting a Wii system soon and I am also looking at getting the Wii Fit to go with it. I am wondering what the weight limit is on it, also can it be used on carpet?

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • What are your top 5 new?

    What are your top 5 new years resolutions?

    What were last years?

    Did you keep your resolutions from last year?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Wouldnt this make more sense?

    Ok. We all remember the little checks we got back in Juneish, something like 600 per person or such. Pretty much we all put that towards our debt. I know we put our 1800 on one of our credit cards to pay it off.

    Now Obama is talking about taking less out of our paychecks.. which personaly I like, but that doesnt really help those that have lost their jobs, so what is he going to do about them?

    So here is my question to you... two of them really..

    Should we have gotten the checks (600 dollar ones) in Mid November to stimulate the economy? I mean I came into 200 dollars extra and I spent 250 more on Christmas than I has planned. So wouldnt that have been a better way to boost the economy?

    Second question. What do YOU think needs to be done to stimulate the economy?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Monitor dissposal methods?

    What is the proper way to throw away a LCD monitor? Mine quit working and I got a new one. I know there are regulations about it but I am not sure what they are.

    For those wondering the screen would come on then freeze in place and do a slow fade out, then not come on at all. I have had the monitor for 4 years and it has gotten a LOT of use, sometimes being left on for weeks at a time. I am in no way upset with the monitor for going out as I have gotten my money's worth out of it.

    Just want to know the proper way to throw it away.... personaly I am thinking an underhand toss straight into the air and watching it fall into pieces, then picking it up and taking it... where?

    3 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • From street walker to laborer joke?

    A young blonde was trying to earn money the legal way after being arrested so many times for doing it the other way. Not having any education she was looking for something easy to do. Her probation officer sent her over to a toy company.

    Her new boss set her up on the production line for the Tickle Me Elmo dolls.

    She started the next day. Two hours into her shift the shift leader came to the boss.... You have got to get rid of that girl, we are so far behind we will never catch up.

    The boss figured he was exagerating and decided to see for himself. When he got there he found her on the floor with a bag of marbles and a bolt of red cloth, needle and thread. He immediatly started to laugh so hard he fell to his knees.

    Finally when he regained his control he approached the woman.. No no.. I said give each one two test tickles

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Would you believe it?

    I am constantly suprised by the little things people say or do that proves their utter lack of brains.

    For example...

    No matter how many people are waitting for an elevator, someone new walks up and always pushes the button, as if the rest of us had not thought of that already.

    But what is REALLY werid are these two ...

    When a co worker found out I was dating a Canadian (Im USA) she asked... Oh, do you speak Canadian?

    Another co worker later found out that Canadian Thanksgiving is in October. She then asked... So when do they have Christmas?

    So what ones have you heard/seen. What little things suprise you about people and their behaviours that makes you wonder how they function in every day society?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago