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Lv 44,958 points

lauren london.

Favorite Answers11%

I'm not the real Lauren London but I wish I was. I mean, hello. She hooked up with Lil 'Wayne and quite frankly, I am jealous. He is sexy. XOXO, Amanda.

  • How do you say "why did you learn Spanish?" in Spanish?

    or "what's the reason you learned spanish?"

    I thought it would be "¿por qué aprendiste hablar en español?" but apparently that's wrong, so what's the correct way to ask this question?

    2 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Which laptop is the better option, as far as specs go?

    My laptop is ******, for a lack of a better word, and I need to get a new one. I'm clueless about computers, though. So comparing laptops, which is the better option between these two:

    Or neither? Are there cheaper options? I'm not using them for business/work, I just need them for school.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can someone who knows Korean type this out for me?

    I have to type whatever it says in that blue box but I obviously can't do that because I don't know Korean so I don't even know what it says. Someone help? I'm desperate, lol. thanks.

    1 AnswerKorea6 years ago
  • If an elementary school teacher wanted to teach high school, would they need another bachelors degree?

    This might be a dumb question, sorry. I really want to teach someday but I'm not sure if I want to be an elementary school teacher or a high school teacher. So if I became a elementary school teacher first (and ended up not liking it), would I have to go back to school for another four years to become a high school History teacher? Or is there some kind of bridge program for elementary school teachers to become certified for secondary education? Thanks.

    If it helps, I'm in Florida.

  • If an elementary school teacher wanted to teach high school, would they need another bachelors degree?

    This might be a dumb question, sorry. I really want to teach someday but I'm not sure if I want to be an elementary school teacher or a high school teacher. So if I became a elementary school teacher first (and ended up not liking it), would I have to go back to school for another four years to become a high school History teacher? Or is there some kind of bridge program for elementary school teachers to become certified for secondary education? Thanks.

    If it helps, I'm in Florida.

    7 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • If you give your baby up for adoption, can you get it back later on?

    This might be a dumb question, sorry.

    Anyways, say you were pregnant, but you just didn't feel like you were ready to have a child and you also didn't feel comfortable giving it up to complete strangers, so you and the father give up parental rights and the baby goes to someone in your family (like a grandmother). Could you get the baby back later on, if you wanted it? And the family member was willing to give it back?

    6 AnswersAdoption7 years ago
  • How do you go about getting a masters degree?

    I want to be a RN (registered nurse) and you need an associates degree, which I plan to get in community college. After I get an associates degree and decide I'd like to go back to school and get a masters degree, would it add on to the associates? Like, would my associates degree turn into a bachelors after 2 years and a master after 4 years? Or would I need to start from scratch and do 6 years to get a masters degree? Please help me, thank you :)

  • How long does it take to become a teacher?

    I'm interested in becoming an English teacher in high school, or possibly middle school. I read all you need is a bachelors degree, is that true? I'd like to know how many years in total it'd take (after I'm out of high school) before I can apply for the job and get my own classroom. Also, are middle/high school teachers allowed to choose the subject they'd like to teach? I'm only interested in English.

    3 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Can you get two degrees in College?

    I have always wanted to be a teacher, but lately, I'm interested in becoming a nurse midwife. I don't want to double major, I want to get a degree in education first (because it'd be a bachelors) and then go back to school for nursing (masters degree). Can I do that? And if I do go back to school, would I have to do six whole years to get a masters or would I just do two years since I'd already have a bachelors? Or should I just double major while I'm in school? How do degrees work? I'm a senior in high school atm.

  • What do people drink when they are depressed?

    At home, I mean. Not at the bar. If you don't know, what do YOU drink? Something besides beer, maybe? Thank you. And for the record, I don't drink and this is not for me. This is for writing purposes.

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Do you HAVE to change your nose ring?

    ok so i got my nose pierced last summer, literally a year ago. i have corkscrew kind of piercing thing in, and i've bought jewelry to change the ring but i never did bc i didn't know how and the internet wasn't helpful and my piercer was kind of a ***** so i never really went back to them for help. i've kept it clean, it's never been infected or anything (except i had hypertrophic scarring at one point but it's gone now). is it REQUIRED for you to change the ring? i mean, i never did. like at all. when i got it pierced, they put this one in and i've never taken it out at all (except once, my piercer took it to show me how to clean it).

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • When you buy a car, do you have to pay for it at once or do you pay gradually?

    Can someone explain? I want to buy a car (not now though, maybe in 3-4 years) but I want to save money first. When you buy a car, are you supposed to pay for the entire thing or do you pay monthly? I mean, that's what I assume because on every commercial, they're always stating: $(price)/MO for # (of) months. Could I pay it all up front if I had the money? And if I did that, would it be a one time payment or would I still have to pay monthly for the car?

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Can you major in two things at once in college?

    I want to major in Elementary Education, but I also want to major in Counseling Psychology (I'm almost certain that becoming a Counseling Psychologist takes a lot longer than it would take to become a teacher).

    So, my question here is, would I be able to do both or can I only have one major at a time?

  • How long does it take to get a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology?

    I'm looking into becoming a Counseling Psychologist and I've been told that you'll need a doctoral degree for that, which apparently "generally requires 5 to 7 years of graduate study."

    Can someone explain to me what graduate study is? Or just how long it'll take to get a doctoral altogether? And excuse me if I sound dumb, I'm still in high school. :*

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Do you have to pay mortgage for a RENTED home?

    This is a bit of a dumb question, I know, but I was just wondering. I'm still particularly young so I suppose I shouldn't be worrying about this but I'd still like to know if you have to pay mortgage for a home you're renting, or if you only pay for a home you're purchasing/have purchased. And can someone explain what mortgage is, anyways?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • How can I get my nose stud out if it's stuck?

    I got my nose pierced like two weeks ago and I was having problems because it kept sinking into the hole but it stopped until this morning I noticed it was sinking again but I left it alone like I'd been doing and now I just got home and it's all the way inside, you can't even see it anymore!!! It looks like my nose isn't pierced, I think the hole is closing and clear liquid and a bit of blood is coming from the top though it doesn't hurt. I've tried pushing the stud out, didn't work. Tried pulling out but that didn't work. My parents are telling me to leave it over night so we can go to the piercer tomorrow but I don't wanna :/ Help!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Will CPS (Child Protection Services) take me away from my dad?

    Alright, so I'm sixteen years old and I live with my father. Recently, two nights ago, we got into a really big fight because I'm always on the computer late. The first night, he told me to get off bit I wasn't tired so I didn't. It led to yelling. He smacked me a few times, broke a few of my stuff and said some REALLY insulting and hurtful things that made me feel broken, to be quite honest. I told him that it's better for me to be on the computer than going out and getting high/drunk/pregnant etc. The second night, he kicked me, punched me, slapped me, dragged me out of the house, and caused me some slight bruising, some pain in my thumb area and a busted lip. Today, while in school, I couldn't help but to break down and tell the principal. Then I was made to tell the guidance counselor, who called in a social worker. I had to tell her too, as well as my advisory teacher and the other guidance counselor. The reported the incident with my father to ACS (NYC Administration for Children's Services) and now my dad has a letter from one of their children protection specialists stating that it is important that he calls him back immediately, regarding the case.

    I literally have no one else but my dad. My mom is a drug user and lost custody of me. I have NO other relatives in which I could go to live with and now I regret saying anything to my guidance counselor, or the principal. I just did it because I needed to vent to someone. Now I'm scared they're going to take me away. My dad apologized and promised to never do it again (this is the first time he's punished me THIS drastically for something so stupid), but he's asking me to twist the story and lie and say that I made it up. I don't wanna lie because it'll make me look bad, but I don't wanna restate the truth because I'm afraid they'll arrest him and take me away or something. :l What are they going to do? >_> This is the first time they've ever been involved in my life, so.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Why won't my dog eat from her bowl?

    So I have a Shih-tzu who is around 2 years old, I got her almost two months ago and I've noticed she stopped eating out of her bowl, I thought it was the food and she doesn't like kibble so I went and bought her new food and even mixed it with canned food to encourage her to eat. I even bought her a new bowl but nothing. I waited like 30 min to an 1 hour but she didn't want to eat so I sat down and started giving her the food by hand and that worked, the problem is... I want her to eat alone, not me giving it to her.


    I also noticed that she wouldn't even go near her food bowl, she will run like she is scared, but she'll go to her water bowl. Any help? :|

    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Which celebrities do you find the most attractive?

    I think Lauren London is by far the prettiest female celebrity out there, with and without makeup.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Is prank calling illegal?

    I know you're not allowed to call 911 and other emergency services and you're not allowed to say things that are obscene. But if I did something like Ownage Pranks, would I get in trouble for it?

    I kind of want to call Blockbuster and ask for information on fake movies. Or call a Chinese place and ask if they sell American food.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago