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Lv 44,288 points

iggy rocks

Favorite Answers8%

Hey There...I am a fun Aussie chick with a lovely lil man named Iggy he is 1yr!!! Hope you are all having an awesome day!!! Take care x

  • What is Labour day...why do we get a day off?

    We have a  long weekend next weekend for Labour day?

    What is it exactly??

    BTW its AUSTRALIAN Labour day........can anyone tell me what it is?

    4 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Why are atheists constantly asked why we are here?

    Why do people assume this forum is for Christians to discuss god and jesus?

    What about buddhism??? most buddhist are atheists!

    Why is there constant questions on here asking why we are here?

    We like to discuss topics on Religion and Spirituality!! Simple as that!!

    Oh and we also like to lighten things up around here, so all you report monkeys...lighten up!!! Stop getting your knickers in a knot!

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have any Christians watched the movie Zeitgeist?

    I just watched it yesterday and i am curious what Christians think of it? And what does everybody else think?

    I didnt get to watch the last part about the American banks...I think thats what it was about?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you look like your avatar?

    I mean, obviously you dont look cartoonish and some of you have individule ones( which I will one day get around to doing), but do you look anything lke your avatar?

    I kinda do! except the funky fringe is growing out and i wear contacts all day adn my hair is getting blonder every week!!!

    and why would someone make their avatar ugly???

    u can create whatever avater you want!!! if your avatar is ugly does that mean you are also ugly?

    This is in R&S cos all my people are here!!

    40 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who, What and where are you?

    do you have a religion??

    where are you from??

    what time is it??

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can you think heaven will be good?

    According to Christians, all you have to do to get into heaven is repent and believe in jesus!!!

    So if murderers and rapists and truly bad people repent then although they are very sorry for there actions they are still murderers and rapists!!! So Hilter and all these disgusting people will be hanging out in heaven!!! Would you be comfortable spending time with people that have killed or raped?

    Just because someone is sorry for what they have done, doesnt mean they are automatically a good person!!

    I personally don't think there is any heaven and hell, but i know a lot of people do and i am wondering if u are comfortable with speanding eternity with the likes of Hitler?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Non-Americans, who would be a better president for America?

    I am just wondering what the rest of the world thinks??? Many don't really care, but I am curious who you think would be the better(not necessarily the best) President?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is the price of petrol/gas where you live?

    I am just curious??? please tell me what country and state/area you live??

    I paid $1.59 a litre today in Newport, Sydney, Australia.

    THANK YOU : )

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist slayer said Australia was next to Germany!?

    he said it was somewhere in Europe......this just amplifies the amount of ignorance this person has!!!Australia..........south of can one not know this?????DO you know where my Awesome Country is????

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do aliens only ever abduct Americans from small farm towns?

    Why are they so selective?

    Is the American asss especially complex that it needs constant probing??

    Help me out here....I find it amazing that in this massive world we live in, Americans are the only ones to be getting picked up by aliens!!!

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Can you help me understand Wicca? ?

    I would like to know a little bit more about it!! are there any Wiccan's out there that can tell me a couple of interesting things about being Wiccan?? and also when did you become Wiccan!!

    I really like that you guys are into nature and I would like to understand a little more!! Thank you in advance!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • someone told me my body was for my husband!!!?

    This person was telling me off because i went streaking tonight! he said

    'The only thing you have that is yours and is your most precious gift to your husband is your body. Shame is self-guilt. You should be ashamed, but first you have to see what you have done.'

    do all Religious people feel this way? Are women's bodies purely for their husbands.......cos my body is rockin and its because i work my ass off(literally) and its not for him....well it is a little bit cos we get to do fun stuff, but its not purely for my husbands use!!!

    I want a healthy hot body for myself first!!! then my husband can get some if he is being a good little husband!!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how do I forward text messages on my iphone?

    I cannot work out how to forward a text message I have in my inbox....does anyone know how to do it.....I am very drunk and it seems to be affecting my ability to work shiit out!!!

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • My 15moths old cannot deal with the word NO!!?

    My little man is generally a very well behaved little dude!! he doesnt cry a lot and plays very happily most of the day!!!

    BUT..... this lovely little man of mine has a serious issue with us saying NO!!!

    I try to divert his attention to other things and remove him from whatever naughty thing he is doing, but he is so persistent and will keep coming back to the naughty stuff

    we of coarse remove whatever we can that we dont want him touching but sometimes we have to say no....he just cries and drops the lip and I have to turn my back sometimes cos I accidently laugh cos i think its pretty funny...I know i shouldn't but i cant help it sometime!!

    anyway, I am wondering if there is any other way to soften the fall out from saying NO????

    Thank you!

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Who do you guys love here?

    I know, i know I keep asking this, but i asked when it was like 4 in the morning in the States so i didn't get heaps of answers!!!

    so who do you think gives awesome answers, and who really drives you crazy??? and why??

    I have so many favourites...'Happy Human' is my chick!!! 'please dont lick me' has some awesome questions!!! 'Insanity' comes out with some pretty sweet ass stuff, and well all of my contacts are just fricken awesome!! i luv you keeps me entertained!!!

    'Tiger' your ignorance makes me vomit sometimes!!! 'pastor winthropIII'...ummmmm yeahhhh...your trolling skills suck!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is your favourite/s here?

    I just tried to ask this question but it didn't go through!!

    anyway...who is your favourite here in R&S and who is your least favourite and why??

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, How do you determine who goes to "hell"?

    I hear Christians on here saying that only "god" can decide, which is fine, but many seem to know exactly who is going and who is not!!!

    I personally don't believe in i know you all think I am going, but why would someone like me that was never raised to be religious and only to have an open mind and treat others well and do the right thing bla bla, go to "hell" yet a murderer who "repents" gets a one way ticket to see teh big man??

    What exactly do you have to do to get to heaven?

    Because I don't think any person that rapes a 10 year old girl then murders her should be aloud into your "heaven" just because he says whoops my bad, Jesus is my homeboy and i love him!!!

    ps....I am just wanting to know your thoughts on who you think can get in, I am not actually wanting to convert!!

    I am truely happy with being an atheist!

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So when this Jesus fellow comes back?

    How on earth would you know its actually him???

    Seriously, if some dude was walking around claiming to be Jesus, Most would think he is just some other nut job!!

    How exactly will you know?

    I don't want any bible versus, i want to know how YOU will know!!!

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians,please help me understand something?

    Ok I am not trying to offend I just wanna know what you think?

    So when you are on your death bed, if you are aware you are about to die, do you guys get really excited cos you are off to see the big man upstairs???

    or are you shitting your pants cos you may not really know what may happen???

    I am going to be sad cos I wont see anyone again!

    But i am just wondering, why do Christians cry when they are about to die??? I though you would be hi fiving everyone in the room cos its time to party up in heaven?

    Shed a little light if you could?

    Thank you!

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can the Sarah Palin questions please stop?

    Seriously...for the past 2 days all i see are bloody questions about Sarah Palin!! A couple are ok, but c'mon people. keep religion out of your government! it shouldn't matter what religion she is or isn't!

    We just had a woman elected Governor General for the first time in Australian History and you don't see any Aussie's on he cry about How bad/good of a Christian she ma or may not be!!

    If you really have a hard on for Sarah Palin go and ask in the Politics section.....soooooo over seeing her bloody name!!!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago