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I'm here to teach the people of the West about Islam,those who say that Islam is evil are ignorant,brainwashed by media,anti-muslims,I have studied the Quran and the Hadiths for 3 years and there is nothing evil in Islam.
I have saved 3000 dollars?
I'm 17 and I have saved 3000 dollars,I want to increase it and become rich as fast as possible
9 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years agoI want to learn Spanish?
From what should I first, is Spanish difficult than French and is there any difference between Spanish spoken in Spain and Latin America
4 AnswersLanguages5 years agoWhat are the entry requirements for the University of Kyoto for international students?
I have dream to study and live in Japan, I'm taking IGCSE program and in 11th grade I will get certificate for secondary education, I want to study IT or software engineering in Japan.
3 AnswersStudying Abroad5 years agoI want study and work in China?
I m in 10th grade and I will be giving my IGCSE exams next summer,I want to study computer science or IT in China and maybe work there after I finish the university. I want to know what are the requirements for admission to a Chinese university
2 AnswersStudying Abroad6 years agoWhich country is best for international students?
Affordable,easy and good
United States
United Kindom
South Korea
1 AnswerStudying Abroad6 years agoI don't know what to do with my future?
I'm 16 years old boy from Azerbaijan,I'm a 9th grader attending a private school.Next year I'm going to take IGCSE exams and in 1-2 years I will finish school.I still don't know where and in which university to study and what profession to choose.I'm generally good at history,literature,geography and English but I really suck at math.I really want to study in USA and work there and become a US citizen or in UK.I heard you need to take TOEFL or SAT to apply to US colleges and A Level for UK Colleges.I want to know which exam is hard and which country is good for living and studying
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 years agoDoes this happen to all non-native speakers of english ?
I am non-native speaker of english and I have studied english for about 9 years.When I watch a movies or TV series I only understand 95% of the conversations.I just feel irritated because I have studied english for a long time and I speak fluently but I have to use subtitles to understand everything
5 AnswersLanguages6 years agoWhat are you planning to do in the year 2015?
What do you want to do or will do in the next year
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture6 years agoWhat do you think of this quote?
"The only time you are humiliated is when you let your desires control you and the only time you rise is when you control your desires."
1 AnswerQuotations6 years agoHow to start learning Arabic for reading Quran?
I want to start learning Arabic to read and understand Quran and islam.My native language is Azerbaijani.Is it hard to learn Arabic,I heard it is the hardest language in the world
6 AnswersLanguages7 years agois there a good FREE screen recorder that I can use?
I want to download a best FREE screen recorder to my PC so that I can make videos and upload them to youtube.I want a one with HD quality,ability to edit videos and NO watermarks
1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs7 years agoI'm a muslim and I can't grow beard?
Salam,I'm a muslim and I want to grow beard but parents don't let me,today my dad shaved my beard.I tell them all the time that's its sunnah to grow beard but they ignore me.My parents are kind of moderate and secular Muslims they think that I have become an extrimist and it's not only the beard,my mother doesn't want me to do salah and go to the masjids,she says I will not study if I start to worship
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoI have pain around the back or top of my eye?
I started to have it yesterday,I usually feel it when I move my head fast or rapidly and it stops when I don't move
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years agoquestion about salah in islam ?
is it obligatory(fard) to recite salawat and then durud after tashahhud in salah
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoCan you combine Dhuhur and Asr prayer?
I want to start salah,but I have a problem,I can't perform Dhuhur prayer because I'm in school from 9 to 16:00 and I can't pray in school
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoAm I allowed to fast in Ramadan?
In our country Ramadan starts on 29 of June. Tomorrow I'm going to my hometown and I'm going to stay there for several days and then I will visit my relatives and stay in their house for couple of days,as far as I know travelers are not allowed to fast but I really want to fast
3 AnswersRamadan7 years agoHow to get my dad stop smoking?
He is 59 years old and he started to smoke and drink alcohol in his 30 when is mother passed away,I managed stop him consuming alcoholic drinks but I can't stop him from smoking,he smoke like every 40 and 60 minutes,I'm afraid something can happen to his lungs or heart
3 AnswersMen's Health7 years agoWhy do I have fat in my body if my weight is normal?
My height is 181 cm and my weight is 66 kg (NOTE:I only know the IS system I don't know what is the measuring unit for height and weight in America) so doctors say that I have normal height and weight but there are fats in certain parts of my body,I got small amount in my chest and belly and a large amount in my thigh
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago