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What career in business should I go into?
I'm a highschool senior trying to figure out my path in life. I'm the type of person that's pretty smart, but not the smartest. Good at numbers, but not the best. Good at speaking and writing, but not the best. I'm good at pretty much anything you throw at me but i'm not REALLY good at anything. What really interests me is business, so I want to go into that, but I have no clue what I should do or what I would be good at. It would help a lot if I had some ideas
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years agoI've lost all motivation....someone tell me what to do?
So i'm a junior in high school and last year I was an excellent athlete in track. And this year something just changed in me and i'm just letting myself go. I hate it but I don't have any motivation to do anything about it. I don't even have a weights class this year. I hate it and I really need to figure something out before track starts or i'm just going to be one of those athletes that let themselves go. If anyone can help motivate me I would really appreciate it. Thanks
4 AnswersOther - Sports7 years agoWhat are some epic stunts I can do for fun?
I don't know if you've ever seen what devinsupertramp/Devin graham does, but that's the kind of stuff I would like to do. Like zip lining and slip n slides. Just stuff like that. I need ideas people!!!! So any ideas for stunts would be perfect. Thanks!
Other - Entertainment7 years agoHave I peaked in High Jump?
Im a male. I just turned 16 and im a sophomore beggining track again. In 7th grade i jumped 5'0" and then 8th grade i jumped 5'6". Quite a difference. But my freshman year i only jumped 5'6" with no improvement (just more consistancy). And this year, my sophomore year, our first track meet is in a couple days and i havent improved my normal practice height at all . Im just wondering if ive peaked and there is no way to change it? Or if there is something to do?
Note: im in a weightlifting class every day in school in the morning and i do the running workouts for track. My vertical has increased every year (but thats off of 2 feet) but just not high jump.
If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Sports7 years agoCan my girlfriend get pregnant?
So i didnt have a condom at the time so i pulled out. She has ovarisn cysts so she apparently takes birth control (i dont know if that is actually what it is or if she just said that). I just am scared bc i dont know how big of a chance it is that she can get pregnant from pre-*** under those conditions. Someone help please. Thanks
2 AnswersPregnancy7 years agoWhat to do about strict parents?
First off i live in a small town of about 3,000. And I'm 15 and the oldest and not a trouble child, even with almost a 4.0 GPA. Oh and I'm a sophomore.
My parents always sit around talking about how they got drunk and stuff at like 15 and 16. And like i can't even go out and drive to a place to hang out with friends because they wont let me even if they know where I'm going and what I'm doing. This is getting real old and they are so strict, they are the type of parents that have all of my passwords and check my texts every day. But for some reason they are thinking that I'm going to go out and get arrested somehow. Right now they pull the you aren't old enough to drive and next year i will be, but next year they are going to pull the " you don't have a car, those are our cars" saying. Its just so hard and i can't do anything.
Someone just please help me and tell me how to deal with these type of parents, so i can go out and at least do something with friends.
3 AnswersFriends7 years agoWhat to do about super strict parents?
First off i live in a small town of about 3,000. And I'm 15 and the oldest and not a trouble child, even with almost a 4.0 GPA. Oh and I'm a sophomore.
My parents always sit around talking about how they got drunk and stuff at like 15 and 16. And like i can't even go out and drive to a place to hang out with friends because they wont let me even if they know where I'm going and what I'm doing. This is getting real old and they are so strict, they are the type of parents that have all of my passwords and check my texts every day. But for some reason they are thinking that I'm going to go out and get arrested somehow. Right now they pull the you aren't old enough to drive and next year i will be, but next year they are going to pull the " you don't have a car, those are our cars" saying. Its just so hard and i can't do anything.
Someone just please help me and tell me how to deal with these type of parents, so i can go out and at least do something with friends.
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships7 years agoLife Advice Needed Please?
Im at the point where I'm sorta talking to a girl, but we just grew apart after hanging out a couple of times and i really want a relationship that lasts but i can't seems to find a good girl. And everything is boring right now, like nothing is hard at all. Not even school, i've got a 4.0 GPA and theres nothing that is even a challenge any more. I'm doing cross country and it can be fun at times, but really it gets kinda stupid. Just like everything else. And all i want to do is sleep and stay away from all the stupid people in life that annoy me and show a ton of disrespect, even to adults! Im just tired of everything, but for some reason i still want a relationship. Ive got everything figured out on style and social, and all this stuff. This website isn't really a place to be giving my problems to but i don't know what i should do any more. Some one please help me.
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agoA really cool way to ask someone to a dance.?
So there are two foreign exchange student girls in my high school. One from Sweden and one from Germany. My plan is to ask one of them, doesn't matter which one, to the snowball dance coming up soon. Now the cool part is i want to ask them in their own language, but... They are really hard to learn. So this would be the Sweden one (i really want to ask her)- Tove kommer du att gå till snöboll dansa med mig?
This is the German one- Paulina führt Sie zu den Schneeball Tanz mit mir gehen?
They are both going to be hard to learn so I'm asking people which one. So any feedback would be great!
1 AnswerEtiquette8 years agoFun outside games to play with friends?
I need some ideas to have with like 20 people like fugitive or flashlight tag or capture the flag. We play those but we need some more ideas.
7 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years agoI dont know what to do with my life anymore. Im just a kid and i just dont know.?
Im 15 right now and all through out my childhood me and my parents have had huge fights where we scream and hold eachother down (just my dad holding me down) and me getting in huge trouble. These happen probably 5 times every year. Now ive grown to where mom cant hold me down any more. Which means thqt i could hurt her if i wanted. And now. The past week both my parents would yell alot and be really angry and grumpy, for no reason that i know of, and ive been planning a trip for about 2 weeks now and my parents said that i wasnt going and it is 3 days from now. So i have to tell my friends to call it off because of me. And we got in a big argument. Then my dad took me down until i calmed down. Then i csme back downstairs and started arguing with them again. Then they took me down again and i got SO angry and i ran upstsirs and punched a hole right through my door in a rage. Then they chased me and took me down again and made me feel terrible and they feel terrible that they have a bad kid that disrespects their property. Ive never been a bad kid around other people and im actually pretty quiet and i have good grades. Im just saying that im not a troublemaker. I have to buy another door now. And i just dont know what to do. I only argue with them and i just dont know why. Do i need sychological help? NO. We tried that once, it only worked for a while. Im just saying, my pardnts are major stressed out and so am i. I really need help and i just dont know what to do. Somebody please help me by giving me ideas or something. Ill be really thankful for any help.
3 AnswersFamily8 years agoWhich would help me jump higher? Running vs. Lifting?
This summer i want to increase my vertical for high jump and basketball next year. I might do cross country which starts at the beginning of the summer and has a morning practice and an afternoon practice (You can choose which one you go to). At the same time in the morning there is a weight lifting session. I can alternate between weight lifting and cross country practices during the week if I want, and both are Monday-Friday. I don't know which ones i should go to or how often. Does running or lifting earn a higher vertical? If anyone could answer this, I'd really appreciate it.
P.S. I am a freshman now.
2 AnswersRunning8 years agoDo i need an amp for my subs?
I am going to buy a 10" sub from kicker. I
The RMS is 250. Will i need to buy an amp for it or will i be fine. If so, what kind of amp. And if i get 2 subs then what? Plz help
1 AnswerCar Audio8 years agoWhat should i do about this problem 10 points?
I started talking to me ex girlfriend again and tonight she said that she has been banging one of my good friends. What should i do? Im done with her but what about the friend. Im in highschool.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoIs a 27" vertical good? 10 points!!!?
I am a freshman boy and my reach is 7'3". And i just wondered if my vertical will get bigger when i get older, like a junior. Like are my muscles not all the way developed yet?
P.S. another question is that I had about a 32" vertical at the beginning of the year, and i think we had christmas break and then after that, i tested my vertical and i had lost about 5 inches. Is there any good reason that would happen. And I didn't change my diet or anything. Any help would be great.
2 AnswersBasketball8 years ago!!HELP!! My vertical jump is 4 inches lower than it was?
I had a 30" vertical jump during football now it is 26". I run more now than we did in football and now I lift weights and I didn't during football. I need help to get it back. If anyone could help me I'd appreciate it.
P.S. I do plyometrics too.
2 AnswersBasketball8 years ago