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My cat named Golden

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  • How to help my cat cope after being spayed?

    Just got Whitney (6 mnths) spayed today. In the past, its our vet who looked after our cats for 5 days after a spay. However this time we choose to look after Whitney ourselves. But it really makes our heart bleed! Though I had followed the vet's advise and tips but i need more! From your experience, how long a female cat will feel drowsy/sleeps after a spay (whitney had been sleeping for 7 hours after after we brought her home from vet). I put her in the cage...on soft seems that she moves sometimes to adjust position. She wriggles in order to move position. Sometimes she opened her eyes a bit, then goes to sleep again. She didn't complaint anything (not meowing). I was wondering is she in pain? Or still drowsy? Any tips? Tq in advance!

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Can i change student visa to tourist visa in Kazakhstan?

    I will study in a university in kazakhstan under a student exchange program. when my student visa ends , i would like to apply for a tourist visa and stay there for another 10 days. Is this possible? The reason is, the date of my return flight is 10 days after my student visa expired...therefore i don't want to stay there illegally...tq in advance..

    1 AnswerImmigration7 years ago
  • Should I spend more hours in Macau or Hong Kong?

    I will visit Macau soon. But I only have one and a half day to see around. Do you think it is worth it if I spend half day visiting places of interest in Macau and one whole day visiting Hong Kong? The accomodation will be in Macau.

    1 AnswerChina8 years ago
  • We would like to take her in, but my three cats dont like her!?

    There's a stray, pregnant mommycat outside which we called Joy. She is happy being outside and neighbours are kind enough, many give her food and provide boxes for her outside their houses. Taking her to shelter is not a good idea because i m sure this free happy-go-lucky cat will be miserable. Now that she is almost due, and I would like to take her in and let her give birth in my house, look after her and her kittens until the kittens are ready for new homes, and then i'll take Joy to my vet for a spay. But my three cats seem not to agree with this idea, as they always chased Joy away when she came in. Any idea on to help Joy makes friends with my cats?

    3 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Golden is to give him his antibiotic because he hates it!?

    My cat Golden was ill 5 hours ago (he vomitted 5 times and the saliva came out from his mouth). we rushed him to a vet - the vet found that he had temperature and had infection, so Golden was given a jab and antibiotic to take for 4 days. He hated injection and it was a 'little fight' before the vet managed to jab him. Then he slept for 3 hours. I was wondering if it is ok for him to eat now.. and was thinking how to give him his antibiotic, because he will refuse! any idea?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • does my cat know we are leaving her?

    we will go abroad next month and will stay there six months for an attachment. we have 4 cats and now we are busy finding new homes for them. i hate and sad to think about leaving my cats behind but we have no choice. my sis will take care of Golden, a friend will take Lucky Orange. Still finding a place for Mommy Cat and her kitty Patches. (all cats are neutered/spayed). these few days Mommy Cat seems different. She came to me and jumped on my lap, then sat and slept on my hand, or my leg /feet - as long as she can feel my skin. this is unusual because Mommy Cat is a shy and scarcy cat, and always kept a distance with us. does she know we are leaving her? she must be so sad then! She is almost 3 yrs, whereas the others are not yet 12 months old.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why a family who adopt our kittens declined to give any news about them?

    Two weeks ago, two families took our kittens after we advertised them for adoption. While a family updated us news about the kittens, the other did not. They didn't answer messages and emails, whereas before taking the kittens, they were very excited to have them. Are they being nasty to the kittens, or are they simply not interested to develop friendship with us? We love the kittens so much but we already have 7 so we have to give some of them to good people.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how to help my cat cope after being neutered?

    Golden (7++ mths) had just neutered 8 hours ago. we took him home and put him in the big cage, with his litter box, food and water inside. he looks so tired, unhappy and poorly. he tried to drink but it seems as it makes him in pain. but he ate his food. he urinated once in the litter box. didn't poop yet. sometimes he tried to stand up, but then lie down again. his eyes didn't glitter as usual. every time i came to the cage, he lifted his head, looking at me sadly, made me feel so guilty. i said to him, 'i m so sorry.. take good rest okay, everything will be okay soon'. do anyone know how to help my cat cope and feel comfortable after the neuter? anything else i could do?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • help! Golden fell down from level one of our house!?

    our cat Golden, 7 mths, 3.5 kg, was at the window sill as usual. i was in the same room at that time and i saw him in trouble to turn his body around to get back in, and i saw him slipped in front of my eyes while i was trying to catch him! we rushed down outside the house. he was meowing in pain, frightened and looked traumatic. we rushed him in, examining his body. there was a little blood from his nose, a little blood on his chin. his right hand seems hurt as he is limping. he is growling if we want to touch him. he is now hiding at the corner of the wall, behind the table. he still can walk, limping. i cant rush him to the vet, it is closed today. i've to wait till tomorrow. what best i can do to help him? or we better let him rest and get the trauma over? It happened about 15 minutes ago. oh, it looks as he is going to sleep. is he okay?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how to stop the cats from scratching the sofa?

    my 5 kittens will usually run out and about playing and jump and scratch the sofa, leaving hundreds of scratch marks. if i am at home i'll spray them with water and it will stop them for a while. but they'll do it again minutes after. i've bought a special trunk from the pet shop for them to stratch. yes they use it but still enjoy stratching the sofa too! any advise??

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • spayed mommy cat still feed her kittens!?

    i thought the mommy cat will stop calling and breastfeeding her 3 months-old kittens after being spayed. unexpectedly, when we arrived home from the vet she immediately called her kittens, licked them and fed them. Its already one week over and she still care and feed them. I called my vet to confirm if she still produces milk? my vet said no, it is just her pleasure and mommy instinct & love. and the kittens act like feeding but actually there is no milk, and they do that for comfort! i pity the mommy cat and tried to separate them, but it seemed as I was too cruel to both, and the mommy cat protested it. so I let them as they like. what do you think?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • will my mommy cat get that flabby, firm thing at her lower belly after the spay?

    mommy cat is due to spay next week (her appointment is 23 february). i've just read a post from one of us about the flabby, firm thing at the lower belly of her cat - and i wonder if all cats will have that after the spay - as one of our community answered/suggested. any idea? i am worried about that. so far the mommy cat has no such thing. pls advise.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • kittens have rashes all over the body even after a treatment, any traditional remedies?

    my kittens (2.5 mths old, 5 kittens) have rashes on their tummy and legs, and were taken to vet. vet said it was fungal infection and all were given Itrafungol 10mg/ml for 14 days (0.5 ml, once daily). finished medicine today. at day 7-12 rashes faded of, less itchy it seemed, and looked better. but since yesterday rashes reddened again and all kittens suffer itchiness. vet clinic will be closed till next monday because of chinese new year, and furthermore treatment is expensive. anyone know any traditional remedies to help my poor kittens?

    Cats1 decade ago
  • will the mommy cat forget her kittens after being spayed?

    the mommy cat is ready to be spayed next week. her kittens (5 kittens) are now 2 1/2 months old. will she be meowing madly when separated from the kittens? she'll stay 5 days in the vet clinic. when she'll be back home, will she ignore the kittens? doesn't love and lick them any more? will she forget her kittens?

    i just can't bare the thought of the mommy cat meowing for her kittens at the vet clinic! :(

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • is raw food good for my cat?

    which are good for my cat Golden, raw or cooked food? most of the time Golden eats Iams or Webmaster (dried cat food, suggested by my vet & pet shop). but he favors raw or cooked food better. he will meowing madly whenever i came home from the fish market, or whenever i cooked fish. therefore I usually give him some. some friends said fish (raw or cooked) may cause him to get worm. any advise?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • what type of grass should i plant for my cat?

    i keep a cat and i stay in an apartment. i cannot take him to the garden because he likes to run away. i know cats need to eat grass / leaves for their health. (my mom said cats eat grasses when they feel unhealty, grass is their traditional medicine). this means that i have to plant grass in my apartment. can you suggest what type of grass good for them?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • where should my 16 y/o child study in leeds uk?

    i'll be staying in leeds for 6 mths this coming october for a training course. i'll bring my 16 yr old child along. what is best for her to do during the stay? i want her to obtain something valuable so that our stay there will be worthwile. i learnt that in the UK those at age 16 have finished schooling and go to college. (fyi, now in my country, she is still in upper secondary school)

    1 AnswerStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • how to stop my kitten from bullying a mommy cat?

    One and half month ago we rescued a kitten whose mom had been disposed by their owner. The kitten, Golden, is now almost 3 mths old. A fews day ago we rescued a mommy cat with five newborn kittens from being disposed. The mommy cat looks contend with her new home. But my problem is Golden. He bullies mommy cat as soon as he wakes up. He jumps on her, bites, punches mommy cat - looks like if he treated her as his friend more than an enemy or a competitor. Mommycat looks annoyed even though she does not punch back. Golden also found to be interested to the kittens and we are worried if he jumps inside the kittens' shelter (just a box). Golden sucks our earlobes as he missed his mom, and we are wondering if he might feed from mommycat's. Today we separated them in two different room, but I don't like the idea as I prefer them both to be free in the house. FYI, Golden is a hyperactive kitten, even my vet said that he is a naughty cat. Any advise please??

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • my poor kitten sucks our earlobes?

    We found a kitten at our backyard. Apparently he had lost his mom. (His mom was our neighbor's cat, i thought they had disposed her :( . he was meowing sadly at our backyard and we decided to adopt him. he was about 4 weeks. he's now 8 weeks old. on the second day it was living with us until now, the kitten (Golden) looks for our earlobes and sucks it. we felt tickled but let him until he's satisfied. This is because we thought he misses his mom. Do you know when this habit will last? We bought him a kitten bottle and he enjoys being feed with it. but he still looks for our earlobes after he finishes. he is very playful and treats us as his siblings. he bites, pounces and chases us all day long except when he's asleep. Another weird trait of him is that he sometimes wipes his bottom on our carpet. if we see him pooing, we will wait for him to be done and then wipes his butt. how can we get over this problem?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how to travel from zone 4 or 5 to London School of Economics?

    Hello, i will stay in zone 4 or 5 and commute daily to LSE for one month study visit to LSE. can anybody tell me the buses or trains should i take, and the name of stations, travelling duration, etc.. i can study the map and prepare myself mentally and physically before I go. thanks.

    1 AnswerLondon1 decade ago