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Lv 58,755 points

Catherine Rose

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Best friends are everything.

  • Does my dream reflect reality?

    Apart of my dream last night was that one of my best friends (eg Jade) text me to inform me that a girl (complete stranger in my dream) had been talking about me in a nasty way to our group of friends and telling the boys not to be friends with me and stay away.

    In waking life/reality, about two months ago a different best friend told me other people had been talking bad about me and that he'd told the best friend in the dream (Jade) and asked whether she should tell me, she said no, but eventually I found out through him and now I no longer speak to him because Jade informed me it was all lies.

    I'm not sure whether this makes much sense, but what could my dream mean and could it be linked to waking life? Rekindling my friendship with this boy has been on my mind quite a bit and I've tried pushing him away, so I don't know whether the dream is a sign or something?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Still experiencing pain one week after sex?

    I had 'rough' sex (unprotected) on Saturday night and I am still in pain now, almost a week later.

    It was not my first time and I have never experienced this before, should it be something to worry about, or is it likely to be a small cut inside? It's painful to sit down, walk and urinate. But I came on my period yesterday and it is also painful for me to wear tampons (sorry about detail :S )

    Don't know what to do??! Anyone have any ideas?

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Had a terrible dream, any ideas?

    Had a terrible dream, any ideas?

    I was in my house with a few family members and we were playing a game that supposedly unleashed a demon, like a Ouija board, we thought it was a joke so went to bed. I woke up and my dog was on my pillow shaking and I was unable to breath, there was a force on my body as though someone was lying on me preventing me from being able to move or breath. It went and I got out of bed in my pajamas ran down my road and into the main road at the end of my road; there was loads of cars, and hundreds of people but no one saw me and no one stopped. I then started climbing on the wall and screaming, while continuing to run away, eventually someone a boy stopped me and told me I needed to go back to the demon and confront it because I had become possessed, so he dragged me back to my house and took me upstairs to my laundry room where my family were waiting. The demon had taken the form of someone who I knew in my dream, as he was only a sole and needed to use someone else's body. 

    There was only one way for me to become unpossessed and that was for him to rape me. Which he did. 

    It was a very odd dream and I'm wondering what it means?

    I'm 17. It just seems very disturbing and confusing, any ideas? 

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Riding in the North West UK?

    I would like to go on a beach ride or day trek somewhere in the North West.

    Does anyone know of any good places you would recommend. I intend to go with a riding school or livery considering I do not own my own horse. But I am a confident rider and so am looking for somewhere to enjoy a hobby not far from home.

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    Our neighbour text my sister today when we were still in school to tell her that our dog was outside, so I said okay ask her if she'll take her in and I'll get her when we go home.

    The thing is, Fern always slips out the house if the front door is open, and just sits on our path, she doesn't go any further then our gate, but often we don't realise she's gone out until we notice she isn't hovering around our feet; so in this case we thought maybe someone had opened the front door and she'd got out (we have quite a few people coming in and out of our house).

    Well, it turns out that in actual fact, Fern had run off from the dog walker, and come home. We live right across the road from the park BUT there is a main road, VERY busy, between us and the park, so god knows how she managed to cross it. She has never before run off from the dog walker, however if anyone who isn't me or my mum walks her, she runs home. Is there anything that we can do?? I don't want her to be restricted to the lead every time someone walks her because she is a HIGH energy dog. what would you do???

    Herbie was the same, and we told her not to walk him in that park because he would always run home, and she stopped, but I take it she must of started walking them there again. Should I say something to her?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What would you do if this was your best friend?

    got with= snogged/kissed with tongues

    If you found out, that your best friend got with a boy in a bathroom, who then fingered her, and this happened for about half an hour, then 5 more boys came into the bathroom and she got with 3 of them as well as being fingered by them, and those who weren't doing stuff to her were just watching.

    Then she walked to a woods with 9 boys, played spin the bottle and got with at least 4 of them.

    Then went back to the house, and on the way started getting with a different boy, who fingered her numerous times on the way back to the house, then made out with her on the couch when someone else was in the room, so took her to the kitchen, where she gave him several w****, and he licked her out, continued to finger her and then had sex with her. She was naked and in the middle of it, when 3 boys walked in.

    This all happened at a house party, but the girl stayed over with just 4 boys.

    If this was your best friend how would you react?

    11 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why do I get these emotions?

    I have a problem with babies. 

    Yesterday I went to see my friends 4 month old baby sister, (wasn't planned just ended up going round) and all my other friends were picking her up, cooing her and cuddling with her. I was sitting next to one of my friends who, at that time had the baby, her phone started ringing so I thought she was going to pass me the baby, and my heart started racing and I backed away. A bit later, my other friend asked if I wanted to hold her and the same thing happened again; butterflies and fear. 

    In the Summer, I was flying to France with my sister, and the lady next toy sister had a baby, at one point she ha to get something from the over head locker so gave my sister the baby, I backed into the window, and just stared at my sister with fear, and kept telling her to watch the baby and don't hurt her. 

    After visiting with the baby last night, my best friend and I went for a drink, I was telling her about what had happened and then the time on the airplane and as I was telling her I started to get very emotional, and ha to stop myself from crying, I found it hard to talk about 'babies' and so changed the topic. 

    I used to love babies, and would hold them, play with them, change them etc all the time. I've never had a bad experience with babies or children, so why all of a sudden have I got this emotional 'fear'?? It's horrible, and stupid. 

    By the way I'm 17, if that makes any difference?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • DS- When was the last time you were proud of your dog?

    For me, it was today!

    I needed to get out of my house and just walk, so I walked to the water, it's quite far. Anyway, I sat there for about an hour- the whole time Herbie did not leave my side, not even to go and say hey to another dog. But, because I was out for so long, and walked for so long, I really needed the toilet! -haha- so I went into the train station; there was no where to tie him up so I just said 'stay' and he was off lead- I came out, and he'd stayed there, but he'd spotted a cat, so once I praised him he ran for the cat- I shouted 'Herbie' and he stopped and came back- I was just so pleased that he didn't run for the cat while I was in the station!!!

    He made me so happy today, he even brought me a ball to play with- something he has NEVER done before.

    So go on, your turn to brag!

    If you can't think of recent events, then your favourite will be just as fun to read!

    26 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Eeek what have I done?

    I apologise in advance, for this could be quite long.

    I've been speaking with this boy since April, but only over the past few weeks started talking a lot- as in 4 hours every night.

    He then started picking me up places and taking me home, which confused me a little, as I thought we were 'just' good friends. Anyway I wasn't sure, so the Friday just gone, I got drunk and asked his best friend, who told me that I was all he ever spoke about and that he really likes me a lot! Due to the fact I was drunk, It resulted in me kissing his best friend.

    I don't know if the boy who likes me knows I got with his best friend though.

    Anyway.. I like the boy, but not enough to want to date him, but I feel as though I'm leading him on, so what can I do? I don't want to continue talking with him and letting him pick me up if he likes me, as I want to stay friends- nothing more, but I can't just start blanking him???


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Childish question-...... ?

    I feel like a little kid asking this!

    I've been talking with this boy now for a while. We've known each other for about 2 years, but only started talking around April? Anyway, we talk on facebook everyday and in the summer we'd talk until the early hours of the morning, now that we're back in school, we talk till about 12am.

    I know that he used to 'fancy' me, as he would tell my best friend (who he goes to school with) that he did. However, I don't know if he still does.

    He came and picked me up from my dog training classes the other day, he didn't have to but he text me and said he would, despite the fact he doesn't live close to the training or my house.

    But I don't understand, does he like me, or are we just friends?

    I see it purely as a friendship, but a friend said to me the other day that no boy would make that much effort to talk with a girl if they didn't like her?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • DS- erm... no idea what to call the question...?

    Okayyy I know I'm going mad with the questions today, but hey I just love the DS! Plus, I won't be around so much soon :)

    I made a video of my dog and I- it's a mix of pictures and videos- I thought I'd show you-

    Feel free to add any of your own videos!


    What are your views on these wolf like dogs

    ie. Sarloos Wolfhound and Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • So come on, fess up, what has the DS taught you?

    Honestly, before coming here I knew nothing about where to purchase a dog from.

    I will admit, I was tempted by puppies in Pet Shops- thankfully they're now closed down. We were also going to get a..... urgh.... 'Labradoodle' I know, I know.. but I just didn't know any of this.

    The DS has taught me loads about the right breeders and the bad breeders- thanks guys!!

    .......... I made this facebook page, feel free to 'like' and share it around. If you can think of anything else to add, please let me know!

    I sent requests round to some of you guys already!

    33 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Happy Wednesday dog section!!!?

    Hey DS!! I'm bored... and so thought I'd say hi... so hey!

    How is every ones day going?

    It's quite hot today... okay for England it is! Got my skirt on! That is a rare for English weather :)

    So thought I'd throw out some random questions to y'all;

    1. ...... out of curiosity when you see someone who has the same breed as you, only in puppy form, do you talk to them and offer them advice? I stopped to chat with a Springer owner today, he was taking his 14 week old Springer on his first walk awww!! He'd already let the pup off lead and had no problem with recall and the dog had jumped into the lake! He told me he was going to use the dog for the gun, and I told him Fern was going to be worked this season, so I told him a great place, in my city, to take the pup to get him hunting. I just love talking to other Springer owners!!

    2. Does your dog have other doggy friends?

    Herbie has loads! But his favourite to run and play with is, and American Pit Bull Terrier, beautiful dog, and they run and play everyday in the park!!

    3. What is your favourite song right now?

    4. Do you have any photos of you and your dog(s)?


    27 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog breed quiz and general questions!!?

    Heyy guys!

    So the summer is nearly over, next Friday for me! And well hopefully the trolls be off on their ways, but so will some of us who will all be headed back to the good ol' school! So how has everyone's summers been? Holidayed anywhere nice? Done anything interesting with your 4 legged pals? Or just got any funny/interesting summer stories you want to share?!

    Anyways, I gotcha's a dog breed quiz, it's an easy one, no worries!!! Oh they're all pure-breds, not necessarily registered but ye, hm I think they are anyway... just threw one in to put the cat amongst the pigeons!!









    Okay... no for some random questions;

    1. What collar do you use for your dog?

    2. Where does your dog sleep?

    3. Have you walked your dog yet today?

    4. Do you have a preferred colour in dogs?

    5. Does your dog react when you sing?

    Also, I thought this picture was cute!


    p.s if anyone is really bored, I made this video a while back, it's quite long tho!-

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • DS- Doing what is best for a dog?

    Have you ever purchased a dog, and then later realised that in fact this dog would be much happier doing something else, and so have rehomed the dog?

    I know, that this is why people research the breed before getting one, but say you chose a breed which fits your lifestyle and you have had in the past, but this individual turns out to be different to what you had expected, and even tho the dog is happy with you, you know that it would be much happier in a different environment?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Figures of 2009 regarding dogs in rescue?

    Can somebody please tell me the figures of how many dogs went into rescue homes and how many dogs had to be PTS- because they did not get re-homed- in 2009. I can't seem to be able to find a general figure, just ones relevant to certain rescue organisations.


    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Questions for those who work their dogs?

    Just a few questions for those who work their dogs...

    1. What work do you do with your dog?

    2. How many breeds do you work and what breeds are they?

    3. How did you get into it?

    4. Do you think you will continue to work dogs, or stop at some point- why?

    5. Do you work them because you have to, or for fun, or for trials etc?

    6. Kennelled or house dog?

    7. Do you have a picture of your working dog- I love seeing working dogs?

    There'll probably be more questions....

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Designer Dogs- Educating the average person?

    Okay, first off I apologise for the 100millionth question on this topic!

    But we need to educate people on this topic but how?

    I will admit, that before I joined Y!A and before I got Fern, we were considering getting a 'Labradoodle' because someone had told us about them.... yes I know, shoot me now, but I just didn't see the negative to it.

    I mean, if the breeder is health checking both parents, and the puppies are raised in a genuine way, weaned, vet checked vaccinated all of that before leaving, then what is bad about it?

    We really need to let people know, but we need genuine reasons, that the average un-doggy person will understand- I mean, my very intelligent brother didn't even get it??

    I will make a facebook page, but would like some input on why Designer breeds are so bad.


    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How would you deal with this puppy?

    In puppy classes today, we had a lady who had a 4-5 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback. The dog was big, for a pup anyway, and was nipping at her legs when she walked, it also wrapped it's leg around her leg and probably would of mounted her if she hadn't pulled him off- to me, this is showing signs of dominance. How would you approach this dog, before it got out of control?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Getting a third cat, good or bad idea?

    Our family are considering getting another cat, and we all want one BUT there is a problem.

    We have always only had 2 cats at a time, never three, and right now we have two, however one of our cats isn't very friendly. She likes her space and so doesn't like people touching her, but she does like sitting with people, our other cat is her daughter and so they get on fine, but we just don't know how she would take to another cat in the family.

    When we got a another dog a few years ago, she sulked in the attic for 3 weeks, but then got over it. Do you think she would adjust to anther cat or not? We're considering either a Maine Coon or a Bengal, and does anyone have an suggestion on gender? Plus, both female cats are neutered. And if we got another cat, that would be getting neutered too.

    Thanks, any help will be grateful

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago