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Who am I? I am an 20 year old empath and hybrid vampire (or vampyre depending on preference). I have been this way for as long as I can remember. I have had experience with spirits and paranormal phenomenon. I love to write dark poetry and stories (some based on experiences). I also listen to music such as Disturbed, A Perfect Circle, Alesana, Three Days Grace, etc. I was also first chair flute/piccolo in the Symphony Band at high school. I am currently going for prevet med at a local community college in my home town. I also love to read as well as watch House and Ghost Hunters. ***I allow any questions, but if you are just going to pity me do not bother to contact.*** -Blessings to the open-minded and the naturally curious.

  • What should I do for my rabbit?? HELP!?

    My rabbit for some reason has quit eating just today and has runny poop... He is acting very different. I brought him into my animal science class and we took his temp and it was around 93 degrees F. I know it is supposed to be over 100 degrees. On the site I went on it said to wrap him up in a blanket so right now he is wrapped up with a hot water bottle next to him to hopefully bring his temperature up.

    What else should I possibly be doing?? If anyone has any suggestions it would be a major help...

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Having problems trying to decide what to do with rabbit?

    My family and I decided to get a rabbit back in April/May and lately we are having problems figuring out how to train it/where to keep it. The rabbit has been giving us all a hard time being unruly and nothing things out of his cage along with figuring out ways to pee the floor through the cage, chewing on the walls (made out of wood).

    I really dont want to give up my rabbit as he is mostly mine. My parents think we should put him outside, but i would feel horrible without it. If we gave him back to where we got him from in the first place he would just end up in the cage for the rest of his life to be sold for meat...

    I am looking for any advice in what to do with this rabbit hopefully in calming him down more or at least where he isn't so destructive... Thanks to anyone who has any ideas as well...

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Anyone know how to get in touch with your spirit guide? I haven't found mine yet and really need the guidance

    I have no idea how to do this, but I would really like to get in contact with my spirit guide... If you know how or have any sites that can tell me how to do this it would be very helpful.... Thanx again!

    11 AnswersParapsychology1 decade ago
  • Untitled Poetry **Please tell me what you think** xxoxoxx?

    Behind this mask

    is where I hide,

    Where all emotions

    rest inside,

    Hiding from

    the light of day,

    Longing for

    somewhere to stray,

    Looking through

    these broken walls,

    Hoping for

    that lonesome call,

    Feeling all

    the words unknown,

    Wondering why

    it never shows,

    Wishing for

    someone to see,


    inside of me,

    Asking if

    this curse will last,

    Staring through

    the flawless glass,

    Lost and dazed

    is where I am,

    Condemned by all

    in lucid lands,

    Now we wait

    in constant strife,

    Praying to

    some distant life....

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Where can I find up to date info on Japan's Religion?

    Hi. I am doing a paper on the comparisons and contrasts of the US and Japan. I need to have information that is up to date from 2007 to the present. If anyone could send me a link it would be very helpful. I need to find out what the major religion is in Japan, but I need the link to go with it for a bibliography. I hope that you guys can help me with this. xx

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Some writing for you.... Comments please...?

    His Word

    Nothing is going to be easy for we are fighting the true demons of the world.... Nothing happens without a purpose though... It’s just a big circle from where we started…

    We were meant to be the prime servants of God in his master plan.... Here to protect and defend what we believe in. In him we can do everything and anything and diminish any walls that are blocking our path.... If we have faith in him he will help us to overcome all obstacles... It is through his love that we do all of this.... It is through our love that we were meant to live....

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Some writing for you... Comments please....?

    His word

    Nothing is going to be easy for we are fighting the true demons of the world.... Nothing happens without a purpose though... It’s just a big circle from where we started…

    We were meant to be the prime servants of God in his master plan.... Here to protect and defend what we believe in. In him we can do everything and anything and diminish any walls that are blocking our path.... If we have faith in him he will help us to overcome all obstacles... It is through his love that we do all of this.... It is through our love that we were meant to live....

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Writing a horror screenplay... I need a few ideas though...?

    Hey everyone. I am writing a horror screenplay that I am calling Lucid. It is about a group of teens that end up falling into this lucid dream and cannot get out until they face their fears and nightmares. This where the posing questions come in.

    What is you biggest fear?

    What is the worst way to die?

    Any creepy reoccurring dreams?

    If you can answer these it would be so ever helpful in this screenwrite. Thanx again! xxoxoxx

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hey everyone any good tours to take in Egypt? Anything you would suggest doing?

    I am doing a project on my favorite country of all Egypt and I have to do a travel package for it. I would someday actually like to go the Egypt for I am just in love with the culture and the pyramids.

    ***So can anyone help me? It would be very much appreciated.

    5 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago
  • I need to think of a pen name for my stories that I want to post.....?

    Any ideas of how to come up with some? Tell me some ideas.... If possible....

    ****Any ideas are appreciated....

    7 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • What is the most akward place you have gone for a date?

    Hey people I am writing a short story about two college kids and I need some ideas for dates that I want them to go on..... They can romantic, but a little out of the ordinary.... I just have no idea how I want to write this and would like some ideas if this is possible.....

    Any answers are well appreciated.....

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any Ideas for a Backstabbing ex?!?!?!?! *Revenge?!?!?

    Ok here's the story...

    I was at this film festival for the school cuz I was taking the pictures for it... My ex was in the movie so of course I knew that he would be there.... When he came to me he told me that him and his girlfriend broke up and I was really out of it due to other reasons.... He was telling me that he missed me and he loved me and I was telling him that I loved him too..... We went up the the balcony at the moment and I didn't really know what was going on, but then we started making out.... It was forced and I didn't know what to do... The next thing I knew he was shoving his tongue down my throat! I didn't know what to think of it.... When we were done he didn't talk to me anymore.... He left me completely alone and my friends chewed him out and all he could say was that he did it on a whim.... I just don't know what I am going to do.... This is the worse thing that has ever happened to me and I just can't believe that he did what he did.....

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Protective Prayers to say to ward evil spirits away while investigating?

    Hey to all the paranormal investigators on this site. I was wondering if you could share some of your best protective prayers you have used before an investigation... I plan on taking some pictures with my digital camera around 3 am my time and would like to say a few protective prayers that will protect me and my family that will be sleeping inside. I have a pet cemetary in the back of my house and have had activity around it so I plan on taking these pictures to see if I can find anything....

    ***Thank you so much if you reply to this. It is very much appreciated.***

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • To all the veterinarians out there... Would someone please let me interview them through email?

    It isn't for anything like a newspaper and it wouldn't go farther than just for a class that I have to take... I tried to email a vet in my area but no one has replied and I was hoping if there is anyone here who would be available to answer a few questions for me through an emailed interview...

    *Please someone help me.. I need to get this done by this Friday.... Thanx in advance if you can.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Sometimes...... (I know this is poetry... It is more like blank verse...)?

    I know that this isn't really poetry, but I wrote this a while back to show people how I feel lately and I just wanted some comments on what people think about it...

    *All comments appreciated....

    Sometimes there are times to share. Other times its better to keep it all to yourself. Memories so painful, thoughts that hurt when thought of. Never for anyone else to feel. Locked up and reserved in the memory, kept away from the light of day. Memories that sting you with emotion when remembered. Some say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That can be true. It can also be false. Continuously losing control is not a sign of strength. Strength is measured in ability to handle tasks. It depends on how you handle it. Falling apart gets you nowhere. Life is always pushing us forward everyday, yet we wonder why we are meant to suffer.

    Sometimes pain needs to be felt. Refreshing the senses. Feeling it shows us how strong we truely are. Nomatter when or where, we feel it, we must deal with it. The curse that continuously haunts us. Memories, thoughts, pain......

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Please read this. I dont consider it much of a poem but I think its pretty good. How about you?

    How would you feel if you were trampled, beaten down, forgotten, and ignored? I have been there and done that. It’s not worth all the fuss. I have lost everything… Everything but your love… Without that I cease to exist. For all that I am is focused into that one energy. The love I carry with me keeps me going. I cannot survive without it. It scares me to think of losing you. I do not know what would come of me. Without you I couldn’t be stopped. There would be nothing worth living for. Destiny calls upon all of us though. It’s what links us together in that divine way. It remains to give us our life goals and predestines us for greatness. It cannot be ignored for that is the curse that hangs over us until the day we die. That is why I to defy destiny. Without destiny nothing could keep me away from you… Nothing…

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the kind of painting techniques artists used during the Renaissance? I need this for tomorrow!?

    Do youknwo what kind of paints they used during the Renaissance? My history teacher likes to assign people odd questions like this. He wants me to figure this out by tomorrow and all I really need is like a detailed answer. SO does anyone have the answer for me?

    *Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!! Thanx so much!!!!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any famous people that came from the country Demark?

    I need to find some famous people that I can look up so I can make a power point about Denmark. I will be looking them up so I can find out more about them. Can you please just list some I can look up that are pretty interesting? Any help will be appreciated.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I just went to a Renaissance Festival and I didn't want to leave. What do think about the Renaissance?

    I think that the time period would be a blast to live in. I wish there was a place where the Renaissance was still going on and I would live there for the rest of my days. Everyone had a surtain energy. I think that we should go back.

    Ok. Now please tell me what you think about the Renaissance. I am really sad that the festival only comes around once every year.


    ~ Salene

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • In Remembrance (Dedicated to the people lost and their families 6 years ago.) Comments?

    Six years ago to this very day

    So many died in the United States,

    Attacks carried out and carefully planned

    Shock took over this very land,

    Early in the morning we went to work

    Our schedules were left unchanged,

    Little did we know our schedules and lives

    Would soon be rearranged,

    Deperate were they to escape

    The burning flames of Hell,

    Evil caused us all this pain

    What coverup could we tell,

    Many firemen sacrificed

    What they could to save the day,

    They leave their families behind

    Thoughts that never would go away,

    Those terrorists, they got us good

    And now it's time to fight back,

    We won't let them see our fear

    To now we trust our faith,

    We'll stand strong, hold our ground

    And show them what it takes,

    For we remember all we lost

    Six years ago today...

    14 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago