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Favorite Answers33%
  • Can someone recommend a pop-rock male act with an uplifting song?

    For a project with friends, I am looking for:

    - a male act (solo or band)

    - relatively recent (past 5-7 years or so?)

    - pop, rock, or light punk (no disco, club, dance, hip-hope etc).

    - an uplifting, empowering, motivational song about hope, powering through, finding beauty in the world etc.

    I prefer lesser known artists, I guess I am trying to tap into your library of "I have this great song that makes me feel good all the time by an artist I recently discovered".

    Both tips for artists or songs are very much appreciated, thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersRock and Pop3 years ago
  • Bleeding from ear after syringing?

    I had a plug of impacted wax in my left ear. I used drops as prescribed for 5 days to soften it, then had the ear syringed by an ENT. This was 4 days ago. I was left with a very slight sensation of a drop of fluid in the ear after syringing, but assumed it was leftover water that would drain on its own.

    However, for the past two days it has become apparent that it is blood (or at least a bloody discharge, otherwise clear). It pools in the ear without trickling out, but comes out if i tilt my head and collect the fluid into a piece of toilet paper (that s how i saw the blood) or at night - i wake up with some dry blood in the ear. I don t have any other symptoms - no pain, no fever, no cold or nose/throat issues.

    I understand that I should see a doctor but I am currently on holiday in and unable to see one for at least another week. Should I worry? Can it be a ruptured eardrum? What else can it be? What precautions can I take?

    Thank you all in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 years ago
  • Best mp3 player with FOLDER NAVIGATION?

    I do not care about any other features, such as screen, radio, mic, internet etc.

    I just want an mp3 player with 8GB and reasonable battery life (10-15h), supporting folder browsing instead of metadata and automatic ordering of songs.

    I just want a device where I can transfer my music AS I HAVE IT ORGANISED ON MY COMPUTER, and play it into headphones. That s all.

    I understand Sansa Sandisk supports folder browsing, can someone confirm?

    Also, can you let me know which one to go for, between Clip, Clip Zip, Sport or Fuze?

    Thanks in advance. I do not have, nor want a smartphone, just a way to listen to music on long bus rides with folder navigation.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players6 years ago
  • What to wear at a job interview?

    I am a female interviewing for a senior position, and I have 10 years of work experience to leverage. I am a confident person, I know my stuff, and am not nervous about the interview per se.

    I am unsure what to wear because I would like to avoid the typical "business pantsuit", of which I have a number. I am pretty sure other candidates will wear the same.

    Equally, I am not sure if an in-between formula (navy blue jeans with a white shirt and black suit coat, for instance) would not be perceived as "too casual".

    Also, any colour advice? Black and beige and grey are kind of drab, but I am afraid that moire daring colours would look circus-like.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Pete Burns / Dead or Alive video of You Spin Me Round - can't find it!?

    I love the video of this remix version of the song:

    However, it now says that it is unavailable in my country.

    Does anyone have any idea of another website where I can find this video? Or does anyone have an mp4 version they can email me?

    Many thanks to all in advance!

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Diagnosed simultaneously with Group B Strep and Chlamydia - what to do?

    After a visit to the gyno, I tested positive for both Group B Strep and Chlamydia - what are the odds... Anyway, I have had the same steady sexual partner since before my last gyno test, so I doubt any of this was transmitted from him.

    My questions:

    - What exactly do I need to warn him about - the Chlamydia, the Group B Strep, or both? What does he need to do, see a urologist just in case? How not to freak him out that I'm, you know, "diseased"?

    - I was given treatment for chlamydia, but also antibiotics for the Strep, and I read in a number of places that a course of antibiotics can actually CAUSE Chlamydia... how do I deal with this? Won't the antibiotic treatment for the Strep encourage the flourishing of Chlamydia?

    Any other thoughts on the matter above are greatly welcome. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerSTDs7 years ago
  • Recurrent low fever and slight throat ache?

    I am a 32 year old female, who eats a bit of greens, does a bit of sport, and is an occasional smoker.

    All through last year I had these symptoms coming back every month basically: low fever, between 98.6 - 99.5 Fahrenheit (or 37-37.5 Celsius), accompanied by a slight throat ache, the kind you get at the very beginning of a cold.

    My normal body temperature has always been 97.7 (or 36.5), so even the increase is not that much, I completely feel it - I feel feverish, tired, dizzy, plus the throat ache, sometimes a light cough.

    This year I only had it twice - once in January, once now. I thought it could be ovulation-related, but it is not every month, and not always in the same moment in relation to my period (and I'm on the pill, so I should be fairly regular).

    I asked my physician about it, she said don't worry, sounds like nothing, and was surprised I was feeling it all together. Fact is, I do feel it, every single time my body temperature starts reaching 98.6 (37), I feel like crap, and I am very concerned about the recurrence.

    The Internet just gives me scary answers, like AIDS, cancer, malaria, typhoid and the like. Any ideas out there? I don't have any other symptoms, except the recurrent low fever and slight throat ache. My general blood work came out OK, and I also got checked for breast and armpit nodes.

    Many thanks in advance community, please only answer if you are qualified.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Cleanse skin at night if I don't wear makeup?

    Save for very rare situations (big parties, weddings and the like), I only wear mascara and sometimes eye pencil. So no foundation, bronzer, powder, concealer or anything else on my skin. With all fashion mags and beauty tips making a golden rule out of cleansing your skin at night, I just want to ask if it is just as much of a must if one doesn't use makeup. I realise that cleaning is always good for sweat, dust etc, but is it a disaster if sometimes I just crash without doing it, when I am not wearing anything on my skin? Many thanks!

    2 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • Best contraception if smoking and over 35?

    We all know that women who smoke and take the combined pill have a higher risk of elevated blood pressure, blood clots, cardiovascular afflictions and heart disease, especially after the age of 35. But while the Internet if full of articles about it, it says NOWHERE what form of contraception should smoking women use instead. I am 31, light smoker (under 5 a day) and on the combined pill for 12 years now. I just want to read up on this a bit before consulting my ob/gyn. Any links or info appreciated, thanks.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Is it labial herpes? If not, what?

    I am 30 and have never had herpes before.

    This week, my lips were painful, dry and chapped for a few days due to a normal cold - this has happened to me before. Then this sore appeared literally overnight on my upper lip. No previous small blisters or anything, just overall dry chaffing lips, and overnight a sore the size of a pinky-toe nail.

    Hurts, kind of a burning, throbbing sensation. Not a pustule, no liquid inside. From the first day it was covered in a thin whitish film, which peels off on its own every time I shower, exposing kind of raw skin. Then white film comes back till the next shower. No crust though.

    I am now in my fourth day and it hurts significantly less, and it just looks like a small patch of raw skin healing. Have been putting zinc on it twice a day.

    Could this be labial herpes? I am confused by descriptions I find online. If not, any other ideas?

    Thanks all in advance!

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Mesa Sou (Stavento) - English version?

    Am pathologically hooked on this Stavento song. Could any ultra-kind Greek speaker with a lot of time on his/her hands post an English translation of the lyrics? I can pay back in translations from Romanian and Portuguese songs! :)

    Many, many thanks in advance , ευχαριστώ!

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago