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i am 24 married with 2 daugters and a german shepered and live in the sacramento area

  • Which term is defined as transmission that occurs through contact with blood and other body fluids that are co?

    Which term is defined as transmission that occurs through contact with blood and other body fluids that are contaminated with blood such as but not limited to saliva? Involving contact of blood or blood contaminated saliva to non-intact skin such as a cut, abrasion or open wound. It also includes parenteral transmission, a puncture wound through the skin or mucous membranes by a needle stick, sharp instrument or human bite.

    a) Cross-Contamination

    b) Bloodborne Transmission

    c) Airborne Transmission

    d) Bloodborne Contact

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • how long is recovery for a Ganglion cyst on my left wrist?

    I plan on having it surgical removal next month by my orthopedic dr, but i am a massage theripist so i wanted to know what the recovery time is like before i will be able to go back to work.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • how much does hr block or other tax com panys charge to prepare taxes we are married with 2 kids,?

    both employed at the same job for the entire yr and we just bought a house in may. i have done my own taxes the last 5 yrs and have been happy with the price and result but i dont understand all of the tax benefits of owning a house such as what is and isnt deductible like my supplimental propery taxes and so on

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • which option is better/ can she use. disability insurance or unempoyment?

    My mom was recently let go from her job because of an alchol addiction/problem she has been batting for several years now. they sent her to rehab just about 1 year ago but that didnt help so now it is what comes next they said she wasent fired she was just let go. and they didnt drug test her so they have no proof she was under the influnce only suspition. so can she get the benefits of disability or umemployment. she worked at her job for over 3 years and she was with a union thru safeway. thank you for helping and your answers in advance

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • I am looking for parent suggestions. i have a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old and i want to create a chore chart?

    I am trying to give the girls more to do to keep them busy while i am cooking dinner, doing dishes. so i want to buy a poster board and happy face sticker but not sure with their ages what i should put as assignments on the chart.. any ideas would be great. what have you done to help keep your child busy? idea's that work and also one that were a loss cause...

    thanks for helping

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • how does capital one credit steps work?

    I recieved a card for people with fair credit got a 300.00 limit when i recieved my first statement they sent me a credit steps letter saying if the account was in good standing they would increase it to $500.00 in only 3 months now i have had the card over a year and cant get an increase i called and spoke with someone in antother country but she said the accounts get automatically reviewed and i could not request an increase due to their policy, does any one have a cap one card with a similar situation? have you gotten any increases from capital one? how does the credit steps program work?

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • "how often does household card increase your limit"?

    we have had a card with them for about almost a yr they increased it once about 6 months ago only $200.00 to a 500.00 limit but does any one know how often hsbc reviews their credit account for increases

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • what would you do???

    I just purchased my first home in a great neighborhood, and as i am getting to know my new neighbors. one comes over as i am outside with the kids playing ages 7 and 2 . and tells me there is a guy that live several house down that thinks child molestaion is ok. can find any info on the internet as to who lives there, for how long, owner/ renter, ect. it is like no one lives there. what would you do. cant move, dont want to. just want to know other options of the situation....Her comment was he stated " if a 16 yr old could have sex, child molestion is ok. and i checked megans law but he is not on there. but just because you havent got caught doesnt mean you've never commited the crime. thank you in advance

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • backyard bug question?

    I have a landscaped back yard with alot of small rocks around the fencing from the old owner, but as i am cleaning it i have noticed there are alot of small bugs coming out from one of the tree stumps and eating one of my peachtrees in the yard. what can i do to elimate they pesky bugs from my new backyard. i dont know what kind of bug they are. (they look like a cross from an ant to a spider)Is there a safe way to elimate them without harmful cemicals. i have a dog and 2 small kids to look out for

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • when will 1st morgage payment be due?

    If we close close escrow on the 1 or 2nd of the month (meaning the day the recording of deeds is done) when is the first morgage payment due

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever closed escrow on time? without delays....?

    I have known so many people buy a house and escrow didnt close when it was suppose to, so it delayed their move,. has anyone had a GOOD experience with closing escrow and everything going smooth. or is that just wishfull thinking !!!

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Standard deduction verus Itemizing Deductions with owning a home?

    ok so i guess the rule of thumb is to itemize your deduction when you own a home for the intrest, taxes and pmi. but on a tax website i read you should only itemize if the deduction is over the standard deduction of 10,000?? for married filing joint. so i guess what i dont understand is how itemizing is better. am i going to pay more than 10,000 in intrest and taxes to deduct...please help with any advise if you have owned a home and how to handle taxes and deductions, i am LOST

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • vacation dog question??

    So, I have a diellma. our family is taking our first vacation in 7 years, but the problem is what do we do with blitz (our GSD). what do most people do when the go on vacations.

    boarding is really not an option, the trip is very low key and on a strict budget, plus he is not kennel trained

    i am juggling the idea of having close friends and family come over to feed him, but he sleeps inside every night. would that cause a problem if he had to stay outside. he tends to bark alot when he is outside in the dark, but that only happens when i am home alone, never when my husband is home on the weekend.(he works graveyard) so we plan to leave on a thursday evening and return monday midday.

    my neighbors are not really a good idea either he is the only dog on the street and most of them are intimdated by him.

    has anyone let there dog go stay with other people?? how does/did that work out? would it be as expensive as boarding.

    so sorry for going on, i am just stuck . i REALLY need this vacation not having to worry about leaving my dog behind

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Custody issues with brother please help?

    Lost story short my mom lost custody of her son/ my brother about 10 years ago, now she is back on her feet doing very well and she wants to get some sort of custody back. the father currently has custody and uses it agaist her all the time she can take him for more then 2-3 hrs she doesnt get to spend any time with him on the holidays, and when she does see him she has to deal with his bs since he is an acohalic.

    if she wants to file for custody, does she do it in the city she lives in. or the city he live in. ?

    how long does it take to get a court date?

    if she live in a senior mobile home comunity, is there a chance she will get overnight privledges.

    any other suggestion/ advise is welcome

    thanks you

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My daughter is almost 3 and i cannot get her potty trained?

    I have tried everything sticker charts, rewards, juice, lots of water but when i sit her on the potty chair she says " i no like" she is almost 3 and the diaper are almost too small for her to continue to wear. what can i do to get her to like the potty. i have even gone with her and had her 5 yr old sister do the same3. i have been at this for 6 months now with no progress. she wont even sit on the big girl potty since she thinks she will fall in.

    any advise or suggestions is greatly appriated

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago