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I own three Dogs, four Guinea Pigs and one Cat.

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    Guess what kind of Dog this is?

    He's 2 years old, 8 pounds and 30 cm tall.

    2 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Should a Dog`s ears smell?

    My 9 year old Pomeranian Brandy is pretty much ``prone`` to ear infections, she`s had at least three or four of them. We got her from a lady who was giving her away for free and never treated her health issues before she gave her away, one was a nasty ear infection that was left far too long until we got her. She got one about a week or two ago, so my mom was using old ear medicine from the vet that was used to treat an infection about 3-4 years ago. When that was gone she started using polysporn.

    At first, my mom thought it was gone, but she`s acting like she`s almost deaf and I can see the pink on her back paw still from when she digs in it, I saw her digging in her ear about two days ago but haven`t seen her do it since. Then today I checked to see if her ears looked dirty and they both had a smell to them.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Does my Pomeranian mix have bulging eyes?

    Someone said that my Pom mix has bulging eyes... Do they look bulging to you?

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
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    Guess what kind of Dog this is?

    Just for fun :)

    8 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Guess the Breed of this Dog?

    Just for fun :)

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Dog Section: Have you ever had someone ask you if your adult Dog is fully grown?

    People are always asking me if my two male, 8 pound Pomeranians are fully grown, even after I tell them they`re 2 years old and 7 years old!

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Have you ever had anyone insist that they knew what Breed your Dog is?

    I was once out in town with two of my Dogs, one which is a 2 year old 8 pound black mismark Pomeranian mix named Barry, when a lady walked up and asked if my Barry was a Schipperke. I told her I had no clue since I adopted him from the SPCA. She told me that he looks just like one and when on and on about Schipperkes and how he looks like one, she then told me to look them up on google and see how much they look like him. People are constantly calling him a Schipperke, I only had one man insist that he was a pure bred Pomeranian an totally did not agree with me calling him a mix. Personally my Barry is too small to me to be Schipperke!

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Should I only open my Hamster`s cage when needed at first?

    When I go to open Toretto`s (my Dwarf Hamster) cage to get a few pics (which I`ve only done twice) he stops what he`s doing and runs around the cage and stands on his hind legs. Am I scaring him? Should I only open the cage when needed at first? I`ve only had him for a day and not even a full night yet.

    3 AnswersRodents7 years ago
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    I have a few Hamster questions?

    I just got a new Hamster today!

    1. The pet store said my Hamster is a Russian Dwarf if he is, is there any big differences between them and Syrians?

    2. How often shall I check on him on the fist day? I feel like I`m checking n him too much.

    3. How long should I wait before I start handling him?

    4. He hasn`t been in his hut yet, he was walking around the cage very curious, but now he`s behind his wheel grooming himself. Should I move the hut somewhere else or will he eventually use it?

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
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    Does anyone know of some inexpensive ways to help grow out a Pomeranian`s coat?

    So I`m wanting to grow out Barry, my 2 year old Pom mix`s coat. He has been getting clipped since he was 1 years old all year around because he was very hard to brush and got dirty and tangled easily. But now at 2 years old he`s calmed down a bit. His guard coat already seems to be growing in nicely. But yes, I am aware that his coat may or may not grow in like it used to.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Is it okay to keep giving my Pomeranian mix food until he`s no longer hungry?

    So I got a 2 year old Pomeranian mix who was never into food, some days he`d eat some of his food, half of his food and others none of his food. He very rarely ate all of his food. But one day his bowl didn`t get washed so I gave him my other Pom`s food bowl because I wasn`t sure if he`d eat the food out of a deep bowl. And he ate all of his food! I now give him that bowl and he always eats all of his food, sometimes he`ll still seem like he`s hungry so I`ll give him a few small handfuls of food until he walks away. Is that bad? I can still feel his ribs and a bit of his spine.

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Is this leg injury just minor (9 year old Pomeranian)?

    So yesterday she was outside with my younger male Dogs (I was in the house) chasing my brothers. When she came into the house she was walking on three legs, I pointed it out to my mom and she just said ``Oh she probably has sprained her leg or something.`` and just ignored it. She has been limping since then (around 4-500 pm) yesterday and still today. She won`t put any pressure on to her leg. But I can touch her leg. Brandy still tries to move around, goes up and down the stairs but won`t put pressure on to her leg. She still wags her tail but won`t do her spinning and jumping up like usual, and she`s sitting and lying down more then usual.

    When my mom came home I was watching my Pom outside and she still was on three legs and fell down due to the excitement on seeing my mom, and didn`t get back up right away. My mom looked at me, daring me to point out anything or even suggest a vet when se said ``She`s fine, her leg`s not broken. She probably just sprained it.`` then made jokes about it like ``Brandy suffers the broken wars!``

    Brandy didn`t go into the house and I saw her walking on three legs around the back yard when no one was around.

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Why do people say it`s better to use Dog dyes on a Dog and not human dye?

    My aunt was telling us that her friend dyed her Dog with human dye and someone in her salon said that it`s bad to use human dye on Dogs. And my aunt just said that`s ridiculous and hat they just want you to spend more money on dye used for Dogs if you`re going to dye your Dog, and that human dye is no different than dye used for Dogs.l Is this true?

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    Do your Dogs have a certain kind of movie they like to ``watch``?

    I don`t know why but my 7 year old Pomeranian Charlie has always seemed to like Marvel movies, especially The Avengers. He always gets all perked up and will stare at the screen when I flick one on. My friend and I watched a marathon of Fast And Furious movies and my 2 year old Pom mix Barry was all alert and staring at the screen while Charlie slept. Barry was never interested in a movie or TV show before.

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Does 4H do shows for Hamsters?

    I`, just curious because every time I go to our Fall fair, the animals that are in some kind of show that I`m guessing have to do with 4H are only animals like rabbits, ginny pigs (sorry, don`t know how to sell them) and farm animals.

    1 AnswerRodents7 years ago
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    How can I get my Pom mix to jump over an agility hurtle?

    So I want to eventually do agility with my 2 year old Pom mix Barry. He loves to run and jump up and down but he won`t jump over things. He won`t even step over a broom stick or rod that`s lying on the ground. My dad made jumps but he only went over once ad refused to jump over them any other time. he only Dog that I can get to jump over them is my 7 year old Pom who did agility when he was 4-5 years old (classes, not real competitions). But I think he`s not athletic enough and is more of a lap Dog, he didn`t seem to like it too much, but he didn`t mind the jumps. So the only Dog I got is my 2 year old, he learns quickly and knows sit, stay, come and down. My grandma says that I should put a harness on him and force him to do it but that doesn`t seem like the best idea.

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
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    How often do YOU see Pomeranians that look like this?

    People keep telling me that my Pomeranian mix is pure bred (which I do not believe, he was rescued from a hoarder who had 60 Dogs), and say that they see Poms like him all the time. I barley seen Pomeranians that look just like him, especially with his long legs.

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago