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Lv 42,504 points

The Chronicler

Favorite Answers28%
  • Was Gene Rodenberry's ashes scattered in space?

    So we heard this thing awhile back that Rodenbarry's ashes were scattered in space.

    But then we heard that, no, that was denied.

    Considering the effect Star Trek has had on the generations and tech, he'd deserved it.

    Does anyone know if that happened or not?

    Many thanks.

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Who do you call to report a phone call?

    We have been receiving phone calls at all hours of night, continously from "CMTN GRDN CA." 2am, 3am, 6pm... you name the time, they've called then. There is no voice on the other end of the line, no message, no heavy breathing, there's nothing.

    And there's a charge to block a phone number. And we're on the do not contact list.

    Anyone know who we call to report them?

    The police?

    Phone company?

    Better Bussiness?

    Any suggestion you might have would be ugles helpful.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do you think about budwieser being advertised on Neopets?

    Neopets is a site for kids (though a lot of us adults do use it too) taken over just recently by Nickelodeon.

    In the past they have been so paranoid about protecting kids that you couldn't even *** out a word in a private neomail between adults on the site.

    But, surprise, yesterday it was covered in beer ads.



    For kids?

    Am I the only one that sees something wrong here?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where does the word "god" come from?

    This is not a religious question.

    This is a language question.

    The actual word "god".... does anyone know where the word itself came from? What is the history of the word?

    What culture/language did the word god come from?

    I understand there are several versions &/or translations of the name of God, such as Alla which, I believe, translates to The God.

    And there are older Books and religions than the Bible.

    Did the word god develop prior to Christ? Abraham?

    A student of both languages and religions, this is a curiosity for me. Any Information you might have would be very much appreciated.

    What culture/language did the word god come from?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can you recomend a good free Clean PC sort of download?

    I'm afraid my Norton is a bit ancient and my laptop has slowed down to a micro crawl.

    I was looking at some of these free, online PC cleaners, but they seem a bit too good to be true sort of deals. And there are a few posts out there that say, in the very least, is a hoax.

    Does anyone have suggestions on a good, trust worthy (or at least as trust worthy as you can get online and for free) cleaner uppers, preferably that goes after any viruses too?

    I know I will have to buy something here soon, but I just don't have spare cash. Can anyone recommend a good, inexpensive one?

    I tried Panda and that was a waste of time and money. Norton seems to do well as long as you can afford to keep it registered, which, I generally can't.

    Thanks for any input you all can offer.

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is there anything that can be done...?

    I reported an Answer to one of my questions.

    Then the Question was deleted because it was reported.

    There was nothing offensive about the question. No foul language, not even half starred out words. Might have rubbed the bad guy wrong who tried to steal a K-9 cop car, but, other than that, I can't think of anything that anyone would have had a problem with. It didn't receive any thumbs down and had only that one bad Answer.

    Fact be it had some thumbs up nd giggles, and a couple of people have emailed me wondering what had happened.

    Was this retaliation for reporting that Answer?

    And, if so, is there something I can do about it?

    Or is it just one of the ugly facts of life on Yahoo! Answers?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • A theme of my Annual Halloween Fright Wright?

    So, every year I host a fanfiction writing contest for Halloween called the Fright Wright.

    Last year's theme was twisting and modernizing (if needed) a classic children's rhyme to fit their fandom.

    What do you think the theme should be this year?

    I was thinking classic horror movies, like the original Frankenstein, Count Dracula, whatever that was from the Black Lagoon...

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does it seems like we're voting for the better Trash Talker, the better Mud Slinger?

    Seems more and more of late we don't vote on the politician that has the same beliefs and ideas that we do, or has done great things, or, even intends on doing great things. Any more, we don't even know what the guy we voted for is gonna do once in office.

    After all, he spent his entire campaign talking about the other guy!

    It seems like I don't here any sort of "I" statements anymore from those running. It's all "He did this, he didn't do that, he cheated here, he's wearing a bad hair piece..."

    I don't understand why they spend so much time and effort pounding the other guy down. The media is pretty good in doing that all on their own, they really don't need any help.

    What is needed is some of those "I" statements. "I have a plan," "I am going to do this!" "I am the wo/man for the job because I have done this..."

    Personally I think mud slinging should be banned from the election process.

    Let the media get down and dirty. That's why they're there.

    Get the man at the podium to tell us about himself.

    We should be voting for the best wo/man!

    Not the better trash talker!

    Do you think mud slinging should be banned?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What would you say to this?

    My father sent me this, supposed to be true. A sister of a Marien, I can tell you it is most plausable.

    But, not really caring if it's true or not, what do you think about it?

    Good teacher?

    Good Marien?

    Good God?

    Just a darn good story?

    If you don't know GOD, don't make stupid remarks!!!!!!

    A United States Marine was taking some college courses

    between assignments. He had completed 20 missions in Iraq

    and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who

    was an avowed atheist, and a member of the ACLU.

    One day the professor shocked the class when he came in.

    He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "GOD, if you are real, then

    I want you to knock me off this platform... I'll give you exactly 15 min."

    The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes

    went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am GOD, I'm still waiting."

    It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got

    out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-****** him;

    knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

    The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently.

    The other students were shocked and stunned, and sat there

    looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to,

    noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked,

    "What in the world is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

    The Marine calmly replied,

    "GOD was too busy today protecting America 's

    soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid

    stuff and act like an idiot. So He sent me."

    The classroom erupted in cheers!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do people behind you say about God? Would you speak up?

    Right now I am sitting in McDonald's, trying to enjoy lunch and a coffee (not good coffee BTW). Behind me are two men pointing to people around them (including me) and discussing loudly why that person isn't saved. Their reasons include, yet not limited to, race, religion, location, what their eating... Apparently anyone who can not drive to his church, hear his word, (his meaning this priest's, not His as in God's) is doomed.

    I must admit, I'm having a hard time not cracking up.

    I have a theory that most zealots, like these guys, say the same thing, no matter what religion they flag wave. Maybe different words, but generally "I'm right and the millions of other people not listening to me are doomed!"

    Is it true?

    Do you hear the same thing from the zealots behind you?

    Do you bite your toung?

    Try not to laugh?

    Try not to fear for your soul?

    Just ignore it no matter how loud & intrusive they get?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What happened to Dog the Bounty Hunter's nephew Justin's leg?

    I saw recently in an episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter that Justin, his nephew, had a false leg. Now, I'd have betted that, way back when Dog the Bounty Hunter first came out, Justin was running around on his own two, given at birth legs (i could be wrong, there).





    Is that why the kid left the show for so long?

    I thought he left because of a fight with the family.

    Or is that why he came back to the family?

    What was the family's response? Did they rush to support him? How did he make the recovery to running after bad guys once again?

    Any answers out there?

    4 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Do you know the "Yellow Boy" rifle?

    I heard about a rifle when I was a little girl from an old western bookI think it was a JT Edeson book about the Floating Outfit. The gun was used by the Yesbel? Kid.

    Now I'm gathering info on rifles to use in future stories and I'd like to add the same rifle, but, for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.

    I remember they described it as an "Ol' Yellow Boy" due to the goldish color of its plate (copper?). It was toward &/or just after the Civil War. It was used by the sharp shooter of the gang who made a point of long shots.

    I'm almost guessing that it was either a Winchester or a Sharps.

    Winchesters were pretty popular back then and everyone's favorite in books, but the Sharps were known as "Old Reliables" for their strength and accuracy.

    If you have any ideas, I'd be much thankful.

    12 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Mental Effects of a Brain Tumor?

    Brain Tumors:

    On TV, a victim of a brain tumor suffers delusions, black outs, violent impulses, memory loss….

    What are the mental symptoms of a brain tumor?

    If a child, 9-12 years old, suffered a terminal brain tumor, what symptoms may she show?

    Could she be more prone to imaginary friends, worlds, delusions?

    I recently found a diary of a small child terminally ill with some sort of brain tumor. Though her story seemed mostly about watching her parents’ reactions while she fights and, eventually, dies (she writes right up to the morning she dies), the story is laced with dragons and fairies and dream clouds and Elvin friends and goblins…

    The fantasy is so intertwined with the reality of what is going on, sometimes, as I read, it is hard to tell which is which.

    The question is is this a symptom of her age or her illness?

    If it is her age and her fantastic imagination, what effect would/could/did the brain tumor have on it? Did it make her imagination more real?

    If it is her illness, what effect did her age/imagination have on it? Did her imagination use the delusions to create an escape from reality?

    Any information or sources of info you might supply is very much appreciated.

    ~~The Chronicler

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Army Medals of Honor?

    From TV, in reference to the Marines, we hear a lot about the Silver Cross.

    Is the Silver Cross just for Marines? Or is it Army too?

    Is the Purple Heart strictly for one group or for all military?

    What are the awards/medals and their ranking for Army

    bravery, honor, above and beyond, giving one's life, exceptional character...

    And are there civilian medals for action in battle? I've heard stories of reports and aid workers coming to soldiers' rescue a time or two. Is there a military award acknowledging civilian contribution?

    Thank you for whatever help you might give me.

    ~~The Chronicler

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Where are you from and what's your normal day?

    A challenge from my writing group was to write a day in the life of.... It's meant to get us to look at other cultures and see how different and how similar they are.

    So, where are you from?

    How old?

    What's your usual breakfast?





    Local news?



    What's life like in an ordinary day for you?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does "At Will" Employment really mean the employee has not protection?

    HR has made it clear that "At Will Employment" means they can fire me for no reason what so ever.

    Is this true?

    Could they just decide they don't like my dark hair, or, hey, they didn't get their coffee that morning so out I go? Doesn't that practically eliminate any protection against wrongful dismissal for race/religion/gender...?

    I lost my last job when, after I raised profits for the store and won rewards, the new DM came in and said "You're doing a great job. Oh, but we don't need you any more." He never gave me a reason, even said "No reason" when I asked for one. It was a big problem when I was hunting for a new job. Everyone gave me that "Yea, right, what'd you do wrong?" look. Some interviewers even said it was very suspicious and they didn't want to take that chance at this time.

    And now it can happen again.

    Is there really no protection for every day employees? Are we really at the mercies/whims of the bosses that are throwing tantrums every other day because of the weather/parking/politics/whatever?

    17 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can HR change your work schedule and not tell you?

    We've been having loads of problems with our schedules at work since the new store manager took over months ago. The biggest and, honestly, most troubling problem is that they will post the schedule on Friday, it starts on Sunday, and along comes Tuesday, Wednesday, and we discover the changed the schedule on our day off and didn't tell us.

    First time this happened, it happened to all of us on a large scale and when we went to the store manager about it, she told us basically oh well, that we need to check the schedule every day for any changes. But we can only access the updated schedules from the computer at work. And if we made appointments based on our assumed days off, it would be a mark against us if we missed work, even if we called in.

    If we dare to call in, then they warned us that they will assume we don't need as many hours and will schedule us to wok less. Which is a killer in this economy!

    Last time, I had Monday and Tuesday off. They changed the schedule on Monday, showing I work on Tuesday, never called my, and now I have a mark against me because I was a "no call/no show" for work. When I complained to HR, she told me that she can't be sure I'm not lying about not getting a phone call and then reminded me that this was an "At will employment" which means they don't need a reason to fire me.

    What should I do?

    What can I do?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • PETA’s use of First Lady in advertisement ticks anyone else off?

    "PETA’s use of First Lady in advertisement angers White House"

    Read the article expecting to come out on PETA's side.

    Hey, I'm generally a PETA fan. All for not wearing fur. I have furry pets that are all for not wearing fur.

    But, this just seemed underhanded and abusive to me. I have to wonder if they would abuse the First Lady like that, ignore her objects at using her image, just what other underhanded, unethical junk are they pulling?

    And, even if this is "technically" legal (I don't know if it is or not), soon as lady Obama said nadda, it became unethical.

    Just because she said she doesn't wear fur, doesn't mean she's a flag waving, all cotton briefs, PETA follower.

    What do you think about it?

    PETA bad?

    PETA good?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • For SAMCRO: What are the rules about girls?

    So, was asked to write a new story about a Motorcycle club, based on Sons of Anarchy TV show.

    (Yes, I've been asked to write a SAMCRO Fanfic)

    But, being known for my strong female characters, suddenly not sure where one would fit in here.

    I know many MC are known for treating women like property &/or even currency.

    On the other hand, there are some that treat their women like queens of the road, they are the lioness to their lion.

    SAMCRO seems more of the latter than the former.

    Yet my characters have always been warriors.

    How do you think the Sons of Anarchy would handle a bike riding, fist throwing, beer downing, as tough and mean as they are, female prospect?

    Are there actual rules against a female taking a seat at "Church?"

    Or has it simply never been put to them?

    Would a daughter of Anarchy be accepted?

    Would she have to fight for acceptance?

    How much would she have to fight?

    And, in the end, if she isn't allowed a seat at the table, or at least a chance at it, could she still hang as family, someone ready to back the boys up, or get them in trouble as the story allows?

    I do try to be as true to the original characters and story line as possible, so any info/opinions would be mondo appreciated.


    The Chronicler

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What do you know about the coming restrictions on pets?

    If you're adorable, beloved pet didn't originate in these dear United States, then you just might have to give him up.

    There's a new law in the works here in California to protect the native species by outlawing all non-native species as pets. So, the cockatiel (I have two), many popular reptiles, Austrian Shepherds, even common pets owned by generations of American kids like hamsters and aquarium fish are under the gun, all in the name of protecting America from "invasive non-native species."

    Or, so I understand it.

    Does anyone know different?

    And/or what are your views on this?

    Is it Good or Bad?

    The bill, HR 669, was heard in committee on Wednesday, April 23

    http://www.stop669./ org/

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago