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Lv 43,496 points

Shannon A

Favorite Answers10%

I'm a 22 year old college student. Right now I am majoring in general education at a community college, however hope to transfer to a 4yr. school and major in French. French is my passion in life, and one day I want to attend school at The Sorbonne. I also enjoy making beaded jewelry and other crafts as well as music. Favorite TV show: The Girls Next Door and The Soup. Favorite book: Notre-Dame de Paris. Favorite color: Green. Favorite musical: Notre-Dame De Paris. Favorite sing: Garou, Celine Dion, Alice Cooper and Sir Elton John. Favorite Holiday: Halloween. Favorite food: Almost anything. I love EXTRA SHARP CHEDDAR. Occupation: Student...unemployed as of the moment. Favorite film: The City of Lost Children. Political view: Slightly left of the middle. Religious view: At the moment I am still searching for the religion that is right for me. Favorite video game: The Sims...I like games where I can create stuff.

  • Best juicer on a budget?

    I've been thinking about trying one of those juice diets/juice fasts. I have never used a juicer before and don't really know much about what makes a good juicer. I would need something I could put either whole or sliced fruits/veggies in, as well as something that would extract juice from leaf vegetables: kale, lettuce, spinach. I also don't want to spend a fortune on the top price point would be $100. I would also need one that is easy to hand clean, as I don't have a dishwasher. So what would be the best juicer for someone in my situation?

    Please only answer if you have actually used the juicer(s) you are recommending.

    Please no links.

    Please no chat speak/text jargon.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • A good cruelty free skin cleanser?

    Recently I decided to start going cruelty free with my beauty regimen. My main problem has been finding a facial cleanser or cleansing system that works for me. I have sensitive skin and my skin does tend to break out and I have large pores. I have tried Murad with no made my skin look rough and bumpy. I am currently using the Good&Clean line from Alba, but that seems to cause massive and random zits. I have heard a little about Skin by Ann Webb, Yes to 10 and Bert's Bees. But would any of those brands/lines work for someone like me and if so, which ones?

    Please no links.

    Please only post if you have actually used the product(s) you are suggesting for over a year.

    Please no chat/text speak.


    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Cruelty free health and beauty products?

    While I am not a vegan, I am looking for health and beauty products which are cruelty free. I do not support PETA, as they still euthanize animals who have been abused, so I will not visit their site.

    Many health/beauty companies try to make themselves sound cruelty free by using phrases like "some ingredients may come from a third party" or they may be owned by a parent company which does test products on animals. Right now I'm looking for everything from cleansers and make up to hair dye. My main issues in finding cruelty free products are price and my skin is very sensitive and my hair is thick/coarse. So would anyone happen to know of any products that they have used successfully and that are $50 or under?

    Please no links or solicitations.

    Please post only if you have used the product(s) you are suggesting.

    Please no chat speak.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Best hair removal product for someone in my situation?

    It's summer and like many women, for me that means shaving. But my hair is really thick and dark and it grows back within a day (sometimes 2) of shaving. I've tried Veet and it tends to leave patchy areas. I've also tried Nair and had a severe allergic reaction to it. I've tried Nads and it bruised the hell out of my legs. I've tried pretty much everything short of going to a professional for waxing or laser hair removal...I'm on a budget and I'm always hearing about germs and salons. YUCK! But is there a product out there that might help someone with ultra sensitive skin (even stuff that's formulated for sensitive skin makes me break out or burns my skin) and Mediterranean hair? My current budget is $100.

    I'd like to be able to remove the hair on my legs once a week or less if at all possible.

    Please no links to sites with reviews/ordering.

    Please only post to recommend a product if you have similar issues and have used that product with successful results.

    No chat speak.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • How much does it cost to obtain a lawyer to look over power of attorney paper work?

    Last month my mom went into the hospital and next week I will be headed to PA. to see her and attempt to get power of attorney...she's got bills piling and I cannot afford them on top of my own bills. I know the basics of what power of attorney entails and that there are sites I can download documents for free. But I might get a lawyer, because I live in TX and I don't need there to be any issues with my mom being in one state and me being in another and I want to make sure that the documents allow me access to her bank account and SSID, so that I can pay her bills. Around how much would it cost to obtain a lawyer to look over the documents and make sure everything is on the up and up?

    Please no links/solicitations.

    Please only post if you have gone through something similar.

    Please no chat speak.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Is it legal for a debt collector to not contact you about a debt and then demand payment?

    In February of this passed year I broke my hip. I've been making payments on my bills, however today I received a letter from a collection agency and the person I spoke with told me I needed to pay the debt in full by Dec. 10th. I contacted the company I had the debt with and they stated that they had sent out 4 statements, which I never received, as someone else handles my incoming mail. However I never even received a phone call from the company attempting to collect. As the company wanted a payment of $200 I went ahead and payed the debt in sense in making payments for 2 months on a $319 debt when the company wants $200 as a payment. So, is it legal that this company did not even call to contact me about this debt?

    Please no links.

    Please answer only if you have similar experience.

    Please no chat speak.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • How do I plan a vacation to Canada?

    I am completely new to the whole concept of a vacation. The only thing I know for sure is where I want to go and when. I’m trying to shoot for a nice one week vacation to Canada just for fun; I hear that Quebec and Montreal are beautiful! Plus it would give me the opportunity to experience a different way of life. Although I can easily look up attractions, events…etc. online based on my own tastes/preferences what I don’t know is whether or not it is better to fly (I live in TX) or drive? And what is the price range on a cheap hotel for 1 person? By cheap I mean no frills…just a clean room, bed and bathroom. I’m planning to spend a week in early October there.

    Please no links...sorry, but I'm not interested in searching travel sites at the moment.

    Please only give information if you have stayed at that particular hotel recently or have planned a similar trip.

    Please no chat speak.

    And thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersOther - Canada9 years ago
  • What would be the best cane type?

    After using a walker for about 5 months after having hip surgery, I will be able to use a cane. I've been looking on Amazon and trying to figure out which option would be best for me, but each type of cane seems to have what I see as glaring flaws: wobbling, falling apart, too heavy...etc.

    It seems that quad canes have a tendancy to be wobbly and folding canes tend to break down too easily and the folding cane/seat type break easily. I'm looking for something light weight, that doesn't wobble, easy to adjust and won't break down after a few uses...I'm 26, so I would prefer something basic in design that doesn't stand out too much (no funky colors/designs.) so, what would be my best option?

    Links are welcome just as long as you have used the product and can provide a constructive review.

    Please no chat speak.

    And thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Any sites with printable coupons?

    I've been disabled since February and tomorrow will be my first time going to the mall since December. I normally only go when/if there are really good sales or out of necessity (needing to buy clothes for a job.) I've been looking at the websites of the stores I normally frequent but can't find printable coupons...all I find are codes for online shopping. Are there any sites that offer valid coupons for stores normally found in malls? Links are helpful, but only if you have used them with success.

    Please no chat speak and thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersYahoo Shopping9 years ago
  • Working w/out a contract?

    Began working at a motel this passed week, however was not given a contract to sign or a statement of policies to agree to. I don’t know what my pay rate is, the attendance policy, the pay schedule is. There is no actual schedule, which I do not agree with at all and I’m expected to work 2 shifts a day…originally did not agree to that either. My dad will be taking over the motel in another month or so, which is how I was told I’d be working there. I don’t mind working at the motel…in this economy it’s tough to find work, so I am thankful to have a job. But I have never worked w/out applying, interviewing and then signing some form of agreement w/an employer. I’ve never worked w/out having an actual schedule and I’ve always known the pay cycle and, rate and attendance policy. So, what are my rights? What can I do to get an actual contract and since there is no contract at the moment can I say “no” when they ask me to take on more work than what was originally agreed upon?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Plane travel regulations for carry on luggage?

    I'm going to be flying from PA to TX this weekend, but I haven't been on a plane in about 7yrs. I know a lot has changed in that time...I know that I'm allowed only 1 carry on, but due to new regulations I'm not sure what to pack.

    The airline is Continental and I've never been on one of their flights before (I used to fly jet Blu and SouthWest, but those don't fly out of the airport near where I live.) So, what are the new guidelines/regulations that I should keep in mind when flying these days?

    Thanks in advance and please no chat speak.

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • Academically dishonest grade or 0, which I didn't earn?

    Today my Psych class got back take home quizzes that we had done over the weekend and handed in on Tuesday. The instructor had informed us that the majority of the class had cheated and there was no way of her to know exactly who cheated and who did not. So, instead of having everyone retake the quiz, or just not counting that quiz she gave everyone perfect scores. My personal view is that I did not earn that perfect score, therefore I should not have the perfect score...I earned about a "C." (The instructor had made corrections to our papers...hence the calculation.) I'm perfectly fine with a "C" that I earned. So, after class I went up to the instructor and asked her if I could have the grade dropped from the unearned and dishonest "A" to my rightful grade. She told me she knew I didn't cheat and to see the grade as a reward for my honesty, but still, I was taught to earn grades and not to be given grades. So, she then told me to take a 0 or take the "A." I told her that because it was academically dishonest to take a grade which I did not earn/deserve and if that was the only choice, then I'd rather take the 0. The thing is though, I am being penalized because I was trying to be honest and stand by my principals/morals. Is there anything I can do to maybe get my rightful grade? I did the assignment, I didn't cheat and I don't want a dishonest grade or to be penalized for not taking the dishonest and unearned grade.

  • A PC primarily for gaming?

    I've been thinking about getting a PC primarily for gaming. I play a few MMORPGs online and there's some gaming software I'd like play. The PC I have now is a Toshiba laptop...just your basic/average laptop off the shelf. I've had it for almost 2yrs. now. My current computer does okay with MMORPGs, but often times it lags when their aren't a lot of people in the game, making some games almost impossible to play. Would it be to my advantage to purchase a PC primarily for my gaming needs and if so, what would I even need to look for in a good gaming PC?

    Please only answer if you have experience with gaming PCs.

    Please no external links to retail sites.

    Please no chat speak and as always, thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPC1 decade ago
  • What will happen w/Govt. shutdown?

    I know there has been a lot of info surrounding the possible Govt. shutdown and what it could mean for tax returns/refunds. I haven't heard/read really anything on what a shutdown could mean for welfare, disability or unemployment. So, what could end up happening w/SSDI, welfare and unemployment? My mom is currently on disability and collects foodstamps and I am on unemployment. I don't like to spend money on unneccesary stuff, so I have enough in my bank account now to cover my bills and expenses for a couple months. But, my main concern is how long this shutdown could last and my account going heavily into the red, not being able to pay my bills...what would I do at that point? I have been looking for work, but as many of you know in this economy it is difficult plus I've got to help my mom out around the house more now that she is disabled.

    Please no snarky, rude comments about who's to blame for the govt. being a mess.

    Please no chat speak.

    Thank you in advance.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Changing a usb device to an MTP device?

    I recently subscribed to Rhapsody and want to put the music from my Rhapsody player onto my IPod Touch. I went into the help topics Rhapsody supplies and it basically said that I need to have my Touch listed as an MTP device. The device is currently listed as a USB device. How do I convert my IPod Touch from a USB device to an MTP device?

    I have Windows Vista if that helps.

    Please no links to Rhapsody or Microsoft(tried them and they didn't help any.)

    Please only answer if you actually know of a solution the my issue.

    Please no chat speak.

    As always thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Non-family oriented cruises?

    In the spring I plan to take a cruise, but it seems like everything I've been looking at is "family oriented." For folks who have kids. I'm taking the cruise to relax and to me, having screaming brats running around just isn't relaxing. I don't have kids and don't want to have to deal with other people's kids.

    The only cruises for adults that I have found are either singles cruises or smut cruises...not relaxing to me either.

    Are there any cruises/cruise lines that do cater to adults who don't have a "family?" and don't want to hook up?

    I know this will probably sound racist, but please no Spanish destination cruises or Spanish speaking cruises...I don't speak the language and I do not wish to learn the language. However, French speaking and English speaking destinations/cruises are fine.

    Please only post links if you have previous experience with the company you are linking to.

    Please no chat speak and thanks in advance.

    11 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade ago
  • Would I be eligible for disibility?

    I am 24 yrs. of age, living in northeastern PA. I currently work a full-time job, but the past couple of years my health has been failing. Just about every other month I have had some type of respiratory infection be it bronchitus or a sinus infection and these infections often make it very difficult to breathe, In late October I was diagnosed with moderate-severe asthma, which I have been struggling to get under control due to the constant infections. I have seen several doctors, gone through several fact, today I have a CAT scan today, I have changed my diet, been taken several medications and vitamins and I keep getting sick. So far there has been no answer as to "why?" I'm fed up and frustrated and fear losing my job to the fact that I have been so unhealthy, but I really can't fault my employer; I know I wouldn't want to keep someone on if they were constantly out sick.

    But, based on my history of infections and how it effects my breathing, would I be eligible to claim temporary disability? If so, how would I go about doing so? How long would it take?

    Please only answer if you have had experience with this, please no links or chat speak.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • About how much do closet organizational systems cost?

    I have two closets. The first is rather small and holds my suitcases, book bags, totes...etc. as well as my accessories such as scarves and hosiery. The second is a walk in closet that holds my clothing. I've been thinking about having someone come in and install an organizational system/help me organize my closets as there never seems to be enough room for all my stuff.

    I'm not really concerned about using eco-friendly main concern is the cost. Would anyone who has had one of these systems installed before give me some information about the cost? I'm basically looking for a general idea of what a project like this would run me.

    Please no links/ads. and no chat speak.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How would I find this music?(Opera.)?

    There are several operas based on my favorite book, but I'm having some trouble finding CDs of the operas. I've checked Borders and Amazon and even Rhapsody and each turned up nothing.

    The ones I've been looking for are:

    La Esmeralda by Louise Bertin

    Esmeralda by Arthur Goring Thomas

    Esmeralda by Dargomyzhsky

    Notre-Dame by Franz Schmidt

    I've been able to find many of the ballets and the music from the ballets based ont the charact6er of Esmeralda and the book, just none of the operas.

    Would anyone with more experience looking for opera music know where/how to find what I'm looking for?

    Links are more than welcome.

    Please no chat speak.

    Please only post links that may lead me to find what I'm looking for and not just

    2 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Where can I find emerald rings?

    My mom gets me a piece of jewelry each year, normally a pendant. This year, because of my job(working as a cashier at Wal*Mart) wearing a lot of jewelry around my neck is gets caught on the bag wheel, or inside bags and customers don't bother to listen when you tell them you're stuck and that they're choking you. I wear only my lanyard around my neck, as it breaks off if it gets pulled too hard. So, this year my mom told me she'd get me an emerald ring for Xmas, as emeralds are my favorite gemstone. I'm not really a yellow gold type tone issues. I prefer silver, or white gold. Most of the rings are too big and gaudy looking and I'm a very petite person. My favorite shapes are round or marquis and I don't really want a lot of diamonds and other stuff on my ring...just a simple emerald in a silver, or white gold setting.

    My mother and I are on a limited budget, so anything over $100 is out of the question, otherwise I wouldn't have this quandry.

    Would anyone have any links that match what I'm looking for or and advice on how to find what I'm looking for in physical jewelry store locations?

    Links are welcome.

    Please no chat speak.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago