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  • controversial or interesting science topic to argue for essay?

    For my class we have to write an essay arguing a point of view that we DON'T agree with. For example that the earth is flat or that vaccines cause autism. any suggestions for topics? It's a class of over 100 students so i feel like it'll be hard to stand out if I choose a topic such as opinions on vaccination or abortion.

    5 AnswersLanguages3 years ago
  • Whats the name of this tv show?

    ok so this tv show was out quite a while ago and i never actually watched it but just remember seeing commercials. basically something happens (maybe a car crash?) and a dad loses his son but his wife survives. every time he goes to sleep though he enters another reality where his wife was the one who died but his son survived. basically both realities are so real that he can't tell which is the dream therefore who really survived.

    1 AnswerMovies3 years ago
  • book suggestions?

    I'm not really a reader, at least I haven't read any novels since high school, and I was thinking of starting it up again. I'm 21 and female. A few books I've read and enjoyed are:

    - the Hunger Games Series

    - the Percy Jackson Series

    - the Art of Dancing in the Rain

    Books I've disliked are:

    - Twilight

    - Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone (I know this is a super unpopular opinion, I likely only hated reading it so much because I had seen the movie already before attempting to read the book. For both the hunger games and lightning thief I had read the book series before they were made into films.)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Gilmore girls last 4 words??

    I have never seen the show Gilmore girls but I have been seeing articles everywhere about people freaking out wondering what the last 4 words are going to be, or articles revealing the last 4 words. I m just wondering what is the significance of this? Does every episode end with 4 words or something and it s only important because it s the last episode? Or is the last 4 words critical to the plot line for example in the same way finding out the mother in how I met your mother is?

    3 AnswersDrama4 years ago
  • REALLY easy guitar songs?

    i have only been playing guitar for 2 weeks and i need to play a song for the class tomorrow. (everyone else in my class is really good because i am the only new player). so far i have not found any songs on the internet that i can play. the only chords that i can switch quickly (sort of quickly :p) between are G Em and D if anybody knows any REALLY easy songs please tell my them.

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul7 years ago

    i forgot my ipod password and now i need to restore it. and i was wondering if after i click the restore button on my itunes account if i will lose all my songs and apps or not??? because i just want the pass-code lock to go away but i still want all of my pictures and apps and music!!!! i know how to restore it because i have watched videos on it but none of them show me the result of restoring it, or tell me if after its restored i can still get my files back! please answer quickly!!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • what is the name of this movie?

    there was a little boy whos family moved into like a creepy house, i think his dad might have been dead. and the actor of the boy had brown hair and freckles. then he found out that there were monsters and troll things that were invisible unless he looked through a special rock with a hole in it. and he put a circle of salt around his house because the monsters couldnt pass the salt.and the movie was kinda creepy but it was like a family movie. and it was not animated.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • explain the evolution of the zeppelin from its original version, to what it is today?

    i need to write a paragraph aprox 200 words, i dont need you to give me the whole paragraph or anything but just some helpful facts and pointers and stuff would be nice.

    1 AnswerHistory9 years ago
  • my dog ate come melted chocolate icecream and i am really scared!!!?

    hes 6months old and weighs 14 pounds. it was like a 1/4 cup of melted icecream and now hes panting a lot!!!!! is he going to be ok??

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • good theme statement for the book "the outsiders"? plz answer cus i need to hand 1 in tomorrow?

    i need a theme statement for the outsiders ASAP plz plz plz

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • i need help with this math problem!!!! PLZ?

    i have to use all the numbers 1, 2 ,3, and 4 and i can only use each number once. i cant use any other numbers. for a problem we can use any opperation to get the answers of all the numbers from 1 - 100. i cant get the answer 100 no matter what i do!!!!! ive tried every thing. plz help me

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • what are some government words that start with the letter I?

    in my class we have to make a government alphabet book and i cant find one for i

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • what should i name my new puppy?

    he is a a new born husky puppy

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago