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  • New vanity light won’t work?

    Power is on, power is running to each socket, I’ve tried several different bulbs and nothing will work. It says to use medium base bulbs, which I’ve tried but with no success. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 year ago
  • What makes a neighborhood look “nice”?

    This is sort of vague and subjective I guess, but I’m wondering what about a nice looking neighborhood makes it look nice. I’ve come up with things like matching mailboxes, similar landscaping, matching style of houses. I’m just curious what other people would say makes an area “nice”. And I’m talking about just the houses and lots themselves, not amenities or location. 

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 year ago
  • Adding on to an old mobile home?

    I’m thinking of buying about a 20 year old single wide trailer house for a camp. If I did, I’d want to add on to it, (extra bedroom, living space, etc.), but I’m curious about how they are built. If I were to add a room off of the side of it, would it shift some over time and just tear the walls apart where the addition is connected? Could I in theory build a platform under the main house and connect any additions to that so it would all be level? I really don’t know how mobile homes are built and how much movement should be expected over time so I’m just curious how working on one would work. Thanks for any advice.

    Also, I realize that getting something newer and bigger is obviously a better option but this is cheap, already has plumbing and electricity, and I can do additions myself.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 years ago
  • Suggestions for work boots?

    I stand and walk on concrete for 9 hours give or take and it’s gotten to where my feet absolutely kill me after only a couple hours each day. Any suggestions for some good boots with some good support/cushion, whatever would help?

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • What is the name of this movie?

    It was a movie we watched a few years ago and I can’t for the life of me remember the name. It was about aliens who were on earth but looked like humans and this group of kids were being trained and whatnot and they had this headgear that would show them if another person was an alien but they ended up being tricked into killing normal humans because the military was taken over by the aliens but again, they looked like humans. And I want to say some girl befriended some alien guy who basically defected to their side. It was a real neat movie but it ended so ubruptley and to my knowledge they never made a sequel. Very vague I know but thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersMovies2 years ago