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Favorite Answers34%
  • How do you say this in spanish?

    Someone is being rude and you say "excuse me!!"

    Is there a translation for this?

    I think perdon is to forgive.

    Would it be disculpate?

    Thanks appreciate the help :)

    2 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • Help search for fog lights online? Thanks?

    Model: Kia Spectra 2001

    I need to replace them, but can't seem to find them online. USA.

    Not just the bulb I need to replace the whole thing.

    Again thanks for helping me.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • I have 4 silkie chickens. My question is does my silkie chicken coop need a light? I live in CO US and it gets cold here. Thanks :)?

    Will they need a heat light at night in the coop? I heard that it can cause fires too, but the silkies are always cold.

    I have them inside with a light and they are still cold. I think it is a 200 or 150 watt infrared light.

    5 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • 2 Gallon Tank Stocking ideas :)?

    I need help deciding what I am going to get.

    I currently have a 2g tank. I have a seeded sponge filter, and will be getting a fluval mini heater.

    What can I put inside this small tank?

    I never have owned such a small tank. My smallest tank before this one is a 5.5g Betta planted tank.

    I am aware that I can't have any kind of fish; I myself would not want to. I know that the tank is way way too small. I need something with a small bio-load.

    I was thinking either shrimp or snails?

    Are there any Dwarf Shrimps?

    If I can get a snail I would like to have one (Nerite), but I think the tank is just too small even for a Nerite snail.

    I think the shrimp would be the best choice, if not I think I will just have a planted tank that is empty and just grow plants in there.

    The tank will be cycled, heated, filtered, and planted before I put anything in; that is if I put anything in.

    I do own liquid test kits and will be monitoring my water parameters. Although this tank is small I am confident that I can keep the water parameters in check and do the necessary water changes accordingly.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Anyone know of a good diet for both parakeets and cocktails?

    They only eat seeds. I have tried numerous fresh vegetable with no success. They just won't eat it. Is there pellets or something else I can try? I feel that they need more in their daily food than just regular seeds.

    Thank you very much!

    4 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • How to tell a if my chick is a rooster?

    Oh Boy!

    Long story stuck with chickens! There goes my dream of getting a pet rabbit!

    Anyway we are currently building the coop. 3 of them were give to us and I think we are going to stick with just having 3 of them.

    Our city permits 6 of them, but no rooster!

    1. How do I tell if any of them are roosters? They are at the point where they are growing their real feathers. One in particular has his butt feathers stick right up in a fan form. Would he be the rooster?

    2. Should I cut their flying wings? I would not like too, but I live in a city; there are dogs and cats. We are building the coop with enough space and making it predator safe so do I need to clip their wings anyways?

    3. What will I do if I have a rooster? Would hate to give it away to someone that has no idea how to take care of it or worse they will make him into chicken rooster soup!

    Thank you for your time in answering my question I appreciate it!


    3 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Baby Chickens Help Please!?

    Hi Guys!

    Well one of my family members was a sucker and got baby chicks. Now we are stuck with 3 of them. I have tried to return them to the original owner and he said he does not want them back.

    So we are stuck with baby chickens.

    1. I have checked and our city permits 6 chickens, but no roosters. How and when can I tell if I have a rooster?

    2. What is the best foods for them now? What is the best food when they grow up?

    3. How to I make a chicken coop? I live in CO so it's cold here.

    4. How big should the coop be?

    5. Just let me know any webpages or information regarding keeping chickens. I would hate for them to die. I no longer have dogs as they passed away so we have a huge yard with already one outside pen for a Russian Tortoise (tortoise is small so we have a lot of the yard left).

    Please help me. I am a beginner at taking care of chickens.

    They are fine for now; dude gave some food and stuff to take care of them. They already have some feathers growing on the wings and some feathers on their butts.

    Thank you so much! I would never have gotten them if it was not for my family member that just took them in. I always research before getting a pet, but as this was suddenly I find myself with many questions.


    1 AnswerBirds7 years ago
  • Russian Tortoise exercise question Please help!?

    Hello :)

    I have a Russian. He is a male and is very healthy. We have him on a very good diet consisting of Mexican cactus, butternut squash, kale, collard greens, envide, and radicchio. On occasion he gets papaya and strawberries.

    He is a happy little dude from what I can see. During the winter (now) he does not get much exercise. We have an outside pen for him in the summer (basically the whole yard which is big). In the winter he has an indoor pen.

    Vets instructions were that he does not need to hibernate if we keep him at 65F at night which we do. I take him out of the pen and he walks, eats, basks, but I am not sure if he is getting enough exercise.

    During the summer he stays out until dusk. Then we bring him in.

    Also what I can do to make him safe during the summer. The neighbor has roaming cats!

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Do Fish "Fart"?

    Saw some weird bubbles come out from my Fishes Anus? lol

    Do they fart? lol Well she is an Oscar so...Excuse the Lady! lol

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Bubbler in Goldfish tank?

    Hi guys!

    So I got my 55g with 3 fancy Goldfish (max stock for that tank). Everything is OK so far.

    Ammonia 0ppm

    Nitrite 0ppm

    Nitrate @10ppm (Pennywort works like a charm in their tank to lower nitrates :)

    PH 7.6

    75%-80% water change weekly

    Fluval canister rated for 100g. Two HOBs rated for 20g, and a Big sponge filter.

    I notice though that one of my fish, goes up for air from the surface. She "gulps air". The reason I am worried is because this can lead to buoyancy issues.

    Would adding a bubbler wall in the back add more "oxygen to the water" that way she won't gulp air from the surface? I have done some research online and some say it does not matter others say that it is not good to have those bubbler things for the fish. I have a big Sponge filter for biological reasons in the tank and that shoots bubbles to the top of the surface?

    I guess my question is why does my fish gulp air from the surface while the other two don't? How can I help my fish get oxygen through the water column instead of her getting it from the surface?

    Hopefully you can help me :)

    Thank you in advance.

    5 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Goldfish Scales missing and having like lesions on skin? :(?

    My big Fat Female Goldfish keeps on having scabbing scales. i have nothing in the tank except white sand as substrate and some plants.

    All water parameters are good. Tank is suitable and I have 3 times filtration needed for the 55g tank. She is just missing scales here and there all the time. It looks white with a red mark in the middle.

    I did a fluke treatment not too long ago.

    I feed them the best diet that I can (working on a new gel food). I wonder why she is constantly loosing some scales; not a lo of them, but some here and there.

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • I accidentally poked my fishes eye; she is a moor Goldfish?

    Hi :)

    Well...I did a really stupid thing. I poked and injured my moors eye. I felt my nail go in her eye. Immediately I took my hand out of the tank. Scared the *&^% out of me.

    I was doing my weekly water change and I was taking out the sponge filter to clean it so it would not clog. Usually my fish go away during a water change. I don't usually ever touch my fish (Only one I hand feed every now and then, however, I never touch her either; the others avoid me and I don't touch them.

    She got scared and Goldfish, it seems that they are not slow at all when they are scared, she rushed out fast. I did not even see her coming and I scratched her eye. I am not sue why she got scared or how she even got near my hand because she was on the opp side of the tank :/

    It felt like touching jelly o_0. So now she has this really bad red mark on her eye. I completed the water change and I am keeping the water as clean as I can. No blood, No broken blood vessels her eye looks somewhat OK; just her scratch mark on her eye. Minimal damage I would say, but still poor thing.

    Now I am bit afraid to take anything out of the tank now. How does a big fat Goldfish move so quickly?

    Anyways anything else I can do to help her recover?

    I have per-filters in all the filters to avoid eye injury and here I go and do that to my fish. It was an accident, but one that I not like to repeat again. Me being careless and stupid...stupid...stupid...I hate injuring my own fish. I suck!!!

    Has this happened to any of you guys? Scared the %^&* out of me. I will continue to monitor her. She is the oldest in the tank and I would hate for any infection to spread in her eye.


    4 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • My Oscar is Stunt. :( Wonder what else I can do?

    Hello :)

    I did a lot of research online and went to experience fish keepers near my home and talked to them about my Oscar.

    Sadly my Oscar is stunt growth. She is about 8-9inches maybe and is a full adult.

    She has not grown any in the few months I had her (got her this summer) so I was a bit worried. She is in a 75g tank, canister, and an HOB filter. Tank is fully cycled. I do a 50% water change once a week at 10ppm of nitrates.

    She was adopted from my LFS. I knew that there were possibilities that she could be stunt. I did not know anything about her past before I got her. All the pet store said was that she had laid eggs and that they were happy to see her go as they were having issues with her because she is an aggressive fish.

    My fish peeps here in CO suggested I get this for her and that she might grow an inch or two for the rest of her life which is not bad at all. I have already ordered online should be here in the next few days:

    My question is why does growth stunt happen?

    I am aware that tank size is the biggest concern, but does water quality have anything to do with it? If the water was not changed can this stunt a fish? If Nitrates were high and no water change was made can this effect the size of the fish?

    When I got her she did not have fin rot or hole in the head or any big injuries so her previous owner was at least doing something right. The pet shop had her over 3 weeks or so in a quarantine tank.

    Regardless I love my Oscar and will keep her until she dies of a natural death. For Christmas I have a Santa boot for her near her tank. I think I will go crayfish Christmas shopping!

    Happy Holidays guys! Thanks.

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Feeding bugs to my fish. Yuck, but hey it's part of the hobby?

    Hello :)

    I wanted some advice as how I can become less squirmish towards bugs. I can see them and stand them, but they do scare me a bit. I know they are harmless, but their eyes and legs just freak me out.

    I feed blood worms, daphnia, and other stuff to both my Betta's. I think about it as red mush not really worms so I can stomach feeding them this. I understand that fish are carnivorous and need this kind of protein.

    I also feed our Family's Oscar Beetles and Crickets, but prefer prawns and crayfish over bugs. I want to like bugs, but don't know how.

    I would be sexist if I say females are more prone to this feeling than men, but why is this so?

    How can I get over my fear of them?

    When I was little we did not have much toys and to boot it my neighbors on both sides were dudes including my older bro so we caught tons and tons of bugs all day; that was our playing time so how can I be scared of them now?

    I remember that I did not like it, but I did not dislike it either. I hope I can get over this as I plan to keep feeding my fish what they need.

    I gave my box turtle, to my current Russian tortoise vet. I could not stomach having to cultivate live foods for her. I found the box turtle on the road and took her in. Then later could not stomach feeding her so I gave her to someone that could. The tortoise does not eat bugs so that is cool with me. lol

    Any suggestions? I have taken care of beetles before so I am no so scared of them. Just the jumpy kind of insects. lol

    Well thanks for taking the time to help me :)

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Feeding bugs to my fish. Yuck, but hey it's part of the hobby!?

    Hello :)

    I wanted some advice as how I can become less squirmish towards bugs. I can see them and stand them, but they do scare me a bit. I know they are harmless, but their eyes and legs just freak me out.

    I feed blood worms, daphnia, and other stuff to both my Betta's. I think about it as red mush not really worms so I can stomach feeding them this. I understand that fish are carnivorous and need this kind of protein.

    I also feed our Family's Oscar Beetles and Crickets, but prefer prawns and crayfish over bugs. I want to like bugs, but don't know how.

    I would be sexist if I say females are more prone to this feeling than men, but why is this so?

    How can I get over my fear of them?

    When I was little we did not have much toys and to boot it my neighbors on both sides were dudes including my older bro so we caught tons and tons of bugs all day; that was our playing time so how can I be scared of them now?

    I remember that I did not like it, but I did not dislike it either. I hope I can get over this as I plan to keep feeding my fish what they need.

    I gave my box turtle, to my current Russian tortoise vet. I could not stomach having to cultivate live foods for her. I found the box turtle on the road and took her in. Then later could not stomach feeding her so I gave her to someone that could. The tortoise does not eat bugs so that is cool with me. lol

    Any suggestions? I have taken care of beetles before so I am no so scared of them. Just the jumpy kind of insects. lol

    Well thanks for taking the time to help me :)

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • What kind of hardy plants can I have with Goldfish?

    Hello :)

    Current set up is a 55g tank with black sand substrate, canister, HOB filter, and lights; nothing fancy just what the fish need. Two fancy Goldfish. One Moor one telescope. Both are doing great in the tank.

    What kind of plants can I have with my Goldfish?

    Ones that are hardy and that Goldfish don't eat. I feed my Goldfish fresh (boiled) veggies so they won't disturb the plants. At least that what I am hopping for.

    Was thinking to get some Frogbit as the floater since the 55g is deep.

    I would like to stay away from Java Ferns if possible. They are pretty, but they are hard to grow; in my tank (the dosing is a pain along with trimming). I want one that is simple to keep. I thought about anubias, but I am not sure if they would work with Goldfish (I have them in the fresh water tanks).

    I also thought about swords, but my black sand is not a rich substrate it is just black sand so would I be able to add root tabs for the swords?

    I want easy low light plants that do not need anything to grow but just standard lighting. Do you guys have any ideas?


    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Heater for a tortoise pen?

    Hello :)

    I wanted to know if I can buy a heater for a tortoises pen. I have a crappy infrared light that emits heat, but also emits red light. I find it annoying at night and so does my Russian tortoise.

    Is there a heater for such things? Which brands are good?

    Also how do you prevent the tortoise from being burned if they burrow near it? My tortoise is always digging and burrowing when sleeping.

    Thanks :)

    Hopefully you guys can help me with this. I want my tortoise to sleep warm with no light so it can sleep calmly and not annoyed at a red light.

    3 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Rescued a dying Betta Fish from my LFS?

    Hello :3

    Today I went to get sand for some tanks and I ended up picking up a half dead Betta fish. He just looks so bad, but I wanted to give him a chance.

    I added Prime so all my readings are 0ppm for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate (will test withing 48hrs). I did not test the water because I wanted him out of the dirty cup water so I did a water change on the tank and added Prime.

    I am not sure what to do.

    He is in a 10g tank with an UGFilter, heater (lights are off) and that is it. The little guy has (I think) swim bladder issues. I gave him a pea, but he only took one bite and I am not even sure if he ate it. He can't swim down and just stays at the surface of the water lopsided. He is breathing which gives me hope.

    His name in Lucky (how unoriginal, but if you saw him then you would agree he is lucky).

    Thanks for all of your valuable help.

    For now he is still alive. He is a male blue/red Crown tail. Although right now his colors look really faded as he is probably extremely stressed.

    The lady who saw me take him said "our specialist will take care of him and he will get better so just pick another one" (I told her I wanted to rescue him) and she hid him from sight. I went over to the counter and picked him up again and just purchased him after the lady left. lol

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Up side down swimming fish at my LFS and not a Cory what is it?

    I saw what looked like swimming upside down catfish or corys. They were small and brown with white spots in my LFS. I have never seen this kind of fish. They were not sick they literary swam upside down and looked like corys, but they weren't corys.

    Do you guys know what kind of fish this is? Why does it swim upside down? and what does it do? (looks like your typical bottom dweller except it was only in the surface).

    Are there fish like that in nature or is this fish "man made"?

    I don't know, but I would be lying if I said those fish are not cool.

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • Purple/Brown air line tubing?

    Hello :3

    Currently in my Goldfishes tank there are two air stones in there. The top tubing (above the water line) look purple in color. Should I get new tubing? Should I replace it? It works, but I am just asking.

    Why is it purple? I looks kinda gross and kinda cool. The filter is gross, but that is what keeps my fish alive and not sick.

    Has any one had this issue? Should I be concerned?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago