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Lv 57,255 points

Righteous James

Favorite Answers15%

Hello to all the very few people who actually read this. I can't believe I'm that interesting! Anyways I currently attend UCSC majoring in literature. I've done crew for about 5 years but my main passion is skateboarding. I volunteer and foster dogs at the Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and own a Doberman pinscher. I believe in common sense for dog training.

  • What is the republican's plan for health reforms?

    So it seems Obama's health care plan is recieving a lot of flack from the conservative media. I know because it's on fox news 24/7.....

    Anyways I'm wondering what kind of plan the republicans have been cooking up if any?

    It's obvious enough that there needs to be health reforms and the bush's (a republican) medicare prescription reform act is obviously one of the worst legislation act in this decade.

    I'm not saying I like Obam's plan, I dont, but i don't see the republicans doing any better....

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • My doberman and excessive shedding?

    I have a doberman and recently she has begin to shed excessively. If you pet her, large amount of hair just falls off. I've had her for 7 years and it's never been like this. I took her to a vet and they took a blood sample which came out pretty normal.

    Nothing has changed. She's about 7 years old, fed a good quality dog food, blue buffalo wilderness for a year and is given omega 3 pills daily. I hardly ever wash her and her coat isn't oily or have a weird stench. She's not lethargic or anything and still runs on my daily 4 mile jog. She's not stressed out either. I'm really clue less and so is my vet!

    Has this happened to anyone and their doberman? She is a black doberman and always had a very thick and unusually long coat for a doberman.

    Could she just be getting old and her coat is thinning already?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What the chances of my dog being insured?

    I need a little help. I'm considering buying health insurance for one of my dogs. In the past 4 years, she has racked up to AT LEAST $10,000 in emergency vet bills. She has broken two of her legs, swallowed foreign objects, eaten snail poisoning, and has had not one but two tumors removed from her.

    Just wondering:

    -what are the chances of my dog being insured?

    -What is the process of making a claim with a pet health insurance?

    -Will I be charged anymore?

    -Any good pet insurance you know that will accept my dog, without an extremely high costing claim?

    It's not a matter of if my dog will get injured again, it's a matter of when.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Large breed dog owners doesn't it bug you when?

    People tell you your dog is small, when in fact it is the proper size for the breed. Don't you hate those remarks:

    "Oh your little dobie is so small!"

    "That's a tiny little pit bull!"

    "My GSD is 100 lb. of pure muscle!" LOL

    My doberman is 75 lb. which is in the standard. Most dogs I see are oversized which just makes them slower and less agile. Eh it doesn't really bother me just makes me laugh. Does this happen to anyone else?

    Legit question: Do you believe in 'vaccinosis'?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Should wolf-hybrids/wolves be banned as pets?

    Please give me one valid reason why these "pets" shouldn't be banned. For some odd reason pitbulls and other bully breeds of dogs get more criticsm then the wolf/hybrid. Why should people be able to breed an endangered species as a pet? For their own entertainment? No other breed of "dog" attacks/kills children than the wolfdog.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • To all the people who feed their dog "high quality" dog food..?

    Now we know that we only want the best for our dogs with a very high quality dog food or raw diet. I'm just curious to know how healthy you are to yourself. Are you just as careful about what you eat? I.E. do you admittingly eat disgusting overly process food like chips, cookies, and fast food.

    27 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think about nutro natural choice high energy dog food?

    I was looking for a dog food a little more in my price range. I usually feed raw but unfortunately my butcher i used to go to is gone.

    So I found this food, "Nutro Natural Choice High Energy". It's in my price range and has 30% protien and 20% fat which is pretty good. My dog I guess is pretty active, i run with her maybe about 20-25 miles a week. I do supplement her diet with fish pills as well.

    So what do you ladies (oh and guys) think? And why is this food so cheap if it has so much protien?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you think it should be illegal to give away dogs for free?

    I know these people might have the right intentions but chances are these dogs will be given to people who will not pay for medical expenses and the proper care. They end up being treated as something that is free. Not to mention people who use them in dog baiting and "collectors".

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is in your opinion a well trained dog? ?

    Just curious to know what you guys think a well trained dog is.

    Some other questions..

    Do you think because a dog listens for a treat, it's obedient?

    What do you do to "proof" your dog? If you don't, then how do you train your dog?

    Would you say your dog/dogs is/are well trained? If so, can you trust them off lead?

    Do you train with all positive methods? All force methods? Or both?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog lovers did you find marley and me...?

    an enjoyable book to read or found grogan to be a cruel, dog abusing owner?

    I have my opinion but im curious to her from my dog friends'.

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you get embarrass correcting your dog in public?

    You know your walking on a busy street and your dog is pulling on the leash as if its try to run away from you as fast as possible.

    Do you

    a) ignore it

    b) laugh when people stare at you

    c) give the dog a proper correction

    IDK i feel like that mother yelling at her kids in the supermarket. But more people stare at me if i actually give the dog a proper correction. What do you do?

    35 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you fast your dogs?

    I guess this is more to the raw diet feeders. But i've read somewhere actually a lot of places where they recommend fasting your dog?

    Just wondering if anyone actually does this? and then does it help?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Letters to troops not being sent?

    Alright I made this really awesome letter as well as this really great drawing for the troops as a project for school. I took a lot of time and effort on this but later found out (on here) that letters aren't being given out to the soldiers. Is this really true?

    I feel embarrassed that I took so much time on this and it's probably just going to be destroyed.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is my mom being lazy or caring?

    Since i've been UCSC my sister has been calling me telling me she is fighting with our mom. Anyways I thought it was unusual so i'm asking for your guys's opinion.

    The story is my sister takes the bus everyday to high school. Since she is grounded, our mom makes her walk to the bus stop. Anyways whenever she misses the bus our mom refuses to driver her to school but still grounds her for missing school. This has happen over 7 times, and now it's affecting her school work. I'm not sure if she is trying to teach a harsh lesson, just doesn't care, or just lazy....

    What do you think i should do?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Wow...Joseph Petcka (brawny paper towel model) charged with murdering cat.?

    Apparently this devil....or joseph petcka actually killed his girlfriend's cat.....IN SELF DEFENSE. If you don't know he's actually a former model for brawny and a former proathlete.

    He's actually pleading self-defense unbelievable!

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • To people who work at shelters, have you noticed black labs?

    Get adopted slower or never compared to their yellow and chocolate brothers and sisters?

    I think it's really sad. When i take in black labs/mixes i have it for MONTHS. But literally i one time had a chocolate lab and it was gone in a matter of days. And the yellow lab golden retriever mixes get picked up real fast....not so much the black lab goldn retriever mixes. I notice this with other breeds as well but labs it's the most significant difference. It's sad they are just as beautiful and wonderful.

    Am i crazy? or does this happen at your shelter?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pack structure with your dog?

    Everyday I see the same questions on here and all of them seems to come from lack of pack structure/grounwork/pack leadership or whatever you like to call it. How do you guys establish pack structure with your dog? What is your definition of a pack leader?

    Also, if you don't believe in pack leadership then please tell me why...I would really like to know.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Sin inside our society?

    How often do you think you sin?

    Do you think you sin more than parents did?

    What do you believe is the four worst sins?

    Is mercy killing a sin? Suicide? Why or why not?

    Has society become more or less sinful? Why?

    Are people inherently good or evil? Selfish or selfless?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on those professional dog breeders?

    I'm not talking about puppymills or bybs. Im talking about those big, fancy estates that breed puppies like crazy. You can see these breeders in the back of those dog magazines. I'm not saying all of them are like that but a lot certainly are.

    The dogs are kept in stellar condition, are health tested, and champion titled dogs. They just breed a ton though! Like over hundreds of puppies every year. Which are all kept exceptionally well and are reputable with good contracts.

    Some lady asked me the other day if they should purchase their dog from this particular kennel, I'm not going to name name's, I already told them my opinion but I would love to know you guys' opinion! I never heard of people talking about more the better!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Strangest craigslist dog ad ever?

    This made me laugh but at the same time made me mad. Enjoy.

    Oh to make this valid: What do you think your dogs do when you're gone?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago